The Healing Journey

By Rabbit804

11.3K 202 46

Mostro Lounge was in need of a new drink maker, and Crowley just had the right person for the job. But Azul a... More

The OC
First Prep and Staff Meal
Lunch Shift
Sig's hobby
Dinner Shift
Sig's past
Harvesting and Flower Crafts in Heartslabyul
Magift Training in Savanaclaw
Cooking Lesson at Scarabia
Salon Day at Pomefiore
VR in Ignihyde
Spanish Lesson with Diasomnia
Restaurant Visit with Ramshackle
Shocking Revelation
Unexpected Guests
Heartwarming Chat
The Epilogue

Beverage Chef needed

1.2K 21 2
By Rabbit804

Although it was only eight-thirty, Azul decided to close Mostro Lounge early and call it a day. Along with Floyd and several Octavinelle students, they cleaned the restaurant and kitchen up.

"Phew! What a long day!" said Floyd, wiping off the sweat off his head.

"Even though the number of customers is no different than usual, it seemed busier..." said Azul, looking at the clock.

"Maybe because we have one member down, so those who normally serve had to make the drinks as well," said Floyd, scratching his head.

"Speaking of which, I wonder how's Jade doing?" wondered Azul.


As usual, Mostro Lounge was flooded with people. Even though they were indoors, and the air conditioning was turned on, it was a hot June evening, and the number of orders for cold drinks just went up like a volcanic eruption.

"Raspberry Lemonade, please!"

"Three Coconut Limeades please!"

"An order of Blue Raspberry Special for Table 4  please!"

"One Green Grape Juice and one Pink Grapefruit juice for Table 7 please!"

The orders for drinks echoed throughout the restaurant. Jade and Ruggie, who were in charge of the drinks, worked efficiently as much as they could.

"Here! One Cookie Dough Milkshake! You, take the Orange Vanilla Twist to Table 8! And here are two Unicorn Shakes!" Jade and Ruggie called out to the waiters as he finished the drinks.

Things can get confusing when there were only two people working on multiple orders. It didn't took long for them to make mistakes and make the customers unhappy.

"Where's my Cherry Vanilla?"

"I order Iced Matcha Latte! Not Iced Latte!"

"I've waited for 15 minutes for my Mystery Drink!"

The complaints of customers started to make Jade panic. He tried to keep his cool but then he started sweating, panting heavily and shaking.

"Hey, bud. Are you alright?" asked Ruggie upon seeing Jade.

Jade tried to answer that he was fine, but no words could come out of his mouth.

"Do you hear me? Are you ok?" asked Ruggie in a louder voice.

Jade was still breathing heavily and unable to speak.

"Should I call the other for help?" asked Ruggie.

"I...I...I'm fin..." was all Jade managed to say before he collapsed onto the floor.

(Back to present)

"Poor Jade. He's never been like this before," said Floyd.

"That's why we need more people in charge of the drinks," said Azul. "I shall discuss this with the headmaster after tomorrow's dorm head meeting."

The next day, Azul discussed the matter with Crowley after everyone was dismissed from the meeting.

"I see I see. Poor thing, having to work like that during such a busy hour," said Crowley, holding his hand under his chin.
"But! I actually have the right person for you!"

"Really?" Azul's eyes lit up.

"Yes, of course! I met and took him with me two months ago. His four years older than you and used to work as a bartender at a restaurant located the Land of Pyroxene. People said he's an expert in making all kinds of drinks."

"That's perfect!"

"What's more, he is also from the Sea of Corals, just like you, but he grew up in the south,"

"Brilliant! Can I meet him?"

"Sure you can!" Crowley clapped his hands and looked towards the entrance of the meeting room.

"Sigmund, my dear! Someone's here to see you!"

"Yes, Sir Crowley," a deep voice replied. A slender figure entered the room.

Azul turned around and saw a young man with neck-length red hair, with a portion covering his left eye, light tan skin, and a blank expression on his face.

"Ashengrotto-san, meet Sigmund. Sigmund Brachyura."

"Hello Mr Brachyura. My name is Azul. Azul Ashengrotto. Just Azul is fine."

"I'm...I'm Sigmund," said the man, reaching out his hand. "But you can call me Sig!"

"Nice to meet you, Sig. I heard you used to work as a bartender," Azul shook Dog's hand.

"I...I did! I make all kinds of drinks. I made both cocktails and mocktails!"

"Then perfect! Would you like to work at Mostro Lounge? It's a restaurant located in Octavinelle."

"Sure...sure!" Even though his eye lit up, his expression remained unchanged.

"Good. You'll start working tomorrow night then! Well show you how everything works"


"Gracias? What's that?" asked both Crowley and Azul.

"Oh! My apologies! It's called Spanish. It's the mother tongue of my former boss. He's from a place called Mexico, you see. Gracias is Spanish for thank you."

"I see. Mexico, huh? Yuu told me about it several times, and showed me pictures of his trip to there," said Azul.

"It is a wonderful place. Every day's a festival, and the food is delicious," said Sig.

"Well, I can't wait to learn more about it! Come on! Allow me to introduce you to my two BFFs!" Azul as he held Dog's hand and rushed towards the mirror that lead to Octavinelle.

"Woah! Slow down please!"

The duo arrived at Octavinelle and went to Jade's room, where Jade was on his bed having his porridge while Floyd sat beside the bed.

"Hello guys~we got a new beverage chef~" said Azul, with Sig behind him.

"Ah~a new friend! Did you see that Jade?" said Floyd.

"I do, Floyd. How nice...ah...ah...achoo!" Said Jade, sneezing. "Cough...cough...pardon me."

"Are you...feeling ok?" Asked Sig.

"I am, thank you," replied Jade as he blew his nose on a handkerchief. "I just had a fever from panic and exhaustion. And you are..."

"Sigmund Brachyura. Call me Sig."

"Floyd Leech here. And this is my brother, Jade."

"Are you two...twins?"

"We are indeed" smiled Floyd.

"Nice to meet you, Floyd," Sig reached out his hand to Jade.

"Nah nah, I'm Jade."

"Ready for a squeeze as punishment for mixing us up?" Floyd said with a large grin, showing all his teeth.

"Eeeek! I'm so sorry!" shrieked Sig.

"Now now, Floyd. Stop scaring our new friend. It's his first time meeting you," said Azul, patting Floyd's shoulder.

"Eh~you are no fun~" Floyd frowned.

"I shall go back to my lesson. Have a nice rest Jade, and Sig, feel free to explore around Octavinelle," Azul turned around the exited Jade's room.

"I think I should get some sleep now. You two chat amongst yourselves," said Jade as he laid down and drifted off to sleep.

"I'll take you around the dorm and Mostro Lounge!" said Floyd.

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