Aurora [H.S AU]

By writhali

1.5M 39.5K 56.1K

[COMPLETED] "And as for owning you, princess" He pauses, hissing between his teeth. "When I decide you're min... More

Characters and Mood Boards
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 64

15.6K 408 554
By writhali

2019, December 25th - Wednesday | 4 pm

Aster's P.O.V:

I used to love Christmas when I was young.

Like, really love it. I would help Mrs. Taylor and the house staff to decorate the whole mansion I lived in with my family. I would wake up extra early on Christmas Eve so I would have all day to enjoy the Christmassy feeling. The scent of apple pie lingering in the air, the beautiful fairy lights all around our home, the snow piling up outside, everything felt magical, as if straight out of a fairy tale.

Ever since I remember, we would spend Christmas with the Styles. Desmond, Anne, and Harry would come to my parent's house to have dinner on Christmas Eve, and I, Dad, Mom, and Maddie would go to their apartment to have lunch on Christmas day. We were never a super religious family, but I'm glad we kept the tradition.

It was so much fun! Harry and I played around, causing a lot of trouble with our pranks, making the whole family laugh with the terrible jokes we invented, most of them not even making sense. Maddie usually built a blanket fort for us in the living room, and we would play house for a while before eventually falling asleep under the warm blankets.

And I would wake up just so sad the day after Christmas, knowing I had to wait a whole year to have those two magical days again. It was my favorite time of the year.

That is, until Maddie died and my mom abandoned us. My father buried himself in work and I would usually end up spending Christmas alone with the Styles family, and even though they would try to cheer me up, especially Harry who always tried to replicate Maddie's blanket tent for me, it was never the same anymore.

But if I knew I would lose those Christmas too, after Anne and Des divorced and Harry moved back to England, I would've enjoyed their company far more than I did at the time.

For years I spent Christmas alone, sometimes going to Calvin's family house in the country, sometimes just staying home with Tate and Brie. What used to be my favorite day in the year became the worst one, when I felt alone, abandoned, and unloved. It was terrible.

But now, after 12 years, I had a reason to be excited about Christmas again - because now I have Harry.

Well, to be honest, I was kinda pissed the week before Christmas because every time I would try to talk about it, Harry would change the subject or try to distract me with his magical dick, which I hate to say that worked a 100% of the time. It made me so angry I was even considering not to give him the presents I planned so carefully, especially when he spent the whole Saturday away doing God-knows-what and leaving me alone in his apartment for hours and hours.

I mean, I wasn't actually alone - Rickie and Abel made me company, and I took the opportunity to give their presents I bought while we were in Iceland. The surprise and happiness on Rickie's face when he saw the multi-colored Gucci suit and the bottle of Reyka Vodka, which is supposed to be the best in the world, at least according to people from Iceland. Abel was also super happy with his present, another bottle of Reyka, and a Versace leather jacket.

Giving them the gifts almost made me forget why I was so angry with Harry. But what really swept any bad feeling about him away from my mind and heart, was seeing the bright smile and happy face when he finally came home, telling me he had just got out of the phone with his mom and that if I wanted to, we could fly to London and spend the Christmas with Anne and her husband, Robin.

Boy, for a moment there I almost forgot about Rickie and Abel, giving them a live-sex performance.

As it always happens with Harry, it was rushed. He gave me less a day to organize and pack my bags and prepare myself to fly again, but I was so happy I didn't even complain about it. We took a normal, commercial plane this time because apparently Des was using their private jet, but it was a good flight - at least as good as it gets when it comes to Aster inside of a plane.

Anne and her new husband, Robin, were waiting for us at the airport and I still can't explain why I burst in tears the moment my eyes found her green ones. She gave me the tightest of hugs, stroking my hair and back while I sobbed into her shoulder without even knowing the reason. Maybe it was because from 8 to 16, she was the closest to a motherly figure I had, and she was always so kind and sweet with me. She was the one who explained me about cramps and periods, who taught me about safe sex and whose arms I used to run to when I was upset with my father or something that happened at school.

"It's been too long." Anne whispered to my ear as I slowly stopped sobbing, softly breaking from the hug so she could take a look at me. "I can't believe it's been almost 10 years since last time I saw you, Bunny, I'm so sorry for being so distant. I should've called you."

"It's OK. I know you were... Overwhelmed with everything." I shrugged, not being able to contain a large smile. "I understand."

"You grew up into a beautiful woman." She smiled, softly pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "You were always a beautiful girl, but gosh... Harry is lucky."

I felt my cheeks turning red as Harry stepped in, sneaking one arm around my shoulder and squeezing my body lovingly. "The luckiest in the world, Mum."

Then they introduced me to Robin, who is the sweetest man I've ever met in my life, and we went back to their place, such a nice, cozy country house back at the city Harry was born in. Everything was decorated with Christmas lights, a big tree at a corner of the living room, already filled with presents. Harry and I added our gift boxes under it so we could trade then at Christmas day - but I only added one present for Harry. The other one was securely guarded in my suitcase, not being too family friendly to be shared right in front of his mother.

Watching Harry with his mom almost gave me several heart attacks - he is simply too perfect. Sweet, kind, playful and so, so good with her. I don't think I've smiled so much in my entire life as I did in the past few days. It felt so domestic, such a normal couplely thing to do, to spend Christmas with Harry's family, as if we were just a regular couple and not a fucked up one.

We didn't have sex, though. I'm on my period, again, and besides, It felt too... Wrong to fuck right under his mother's roof, with Anne and Robin just a few feet away in their room. And yeah, I know we just had sex in a Church's confessionary the other day, but to us, it felt less disrespectful than doing it so close to his mother.

Go figure.

Instead of having sex, we just cuddled the whole night, Harry hugging me so tight sometines I had to ask him to loose up a little bit because I was losing my breathe. But all in all, the past two days have been the most perfect of my whole life, and I'm absolutely aware that I fell even harder and harder to Harry, to the point it's starting to get scary just how much I love him. It feels like I can't love him anymore than I already do.

Which apparently he is ready to prove me wrong.

It's December 25th, Christmas day, and we just came downstairs after waking up late, the jet lag really messing with our sleeping schedules. Anne made a terrific Christmas lunch, turkey, roasted potatoes, gravy, mashed peas and carrots and Yorkshire pudding. She was even kind enough to make a vegan version of the Yorkshire puddings and an indian recipe of rice with lentils, chickpeas and beans for me, so I could eat along with them.Then, we had dessert and a cup of tea with biscuits.

Fun fact - even though Harry lives off from coffee and whiskey back in New York, ever since he stepped in the UK the only liquid entering his body was tea. And I swear his accent thickened the moment the airplane entered British territory.

It's so weird to watch Harry being so domestic and sweet, wearing knitted Christmassy sweaters, fingers free from rings, nails free from polish, hair messy and wild. He is just so comfortable and relaxed, it's almost impossible to look at him and see the guy who tortured and killed people for information, who always has at least one gun hiding under the layers of his clothes, who leads one of the most dangerous operations back in New York. Being in contact with his soft size almost makes you forget how actually menacing he can be.

Well, I suppose I'm also different here than what Harry is used to. I'm wearing comfortable, colorful clothes, my hair is constantly pulled into a messy bun, my signature red lipstick is at the same spot in my suitcase it left New York in, I'm even wearing my thick reading glasses instead of the usual contacts. I'm relaxed, calm and just so happy to be here. It feels like the kind of Christmas I've been missing for almost 15 years now.

For a moment, I wonder if that's how life is going to be for us in the future, or how it was supposed to be if we weren't who we are. If we were born to normal families, if we didn't have our futures planned from the moment we were born. I was always so proud of being born a De Loutherbergh, but honestly lately I've been seeing it more like a curse than a blessing.

"Are you ready to open the gifts, darlings?" Anne asks softly as we finish having breakfast. Harry is sitting by my side, one arm comfortably resting on the back of my chair while I mindlessly stroke nonsensical patterns on his thigh under the table - and for what's probably the first time, our touches don't have even a tad of sexual intention behind them. They're just... comfy.

"Yeah, definitely." Harry smiles, already moving to stand from the table and going to grab our dirty plates. "Just let us help with the dishes..."

"No, don't worry about it." Robin touches Harry's hand, making him stop his movements. "I'll do them later. Let's go to the living room."

I part my lips to insist on us helping, but the look on Anne's eyes makes me close them. Ever since we arrived, Anne and Robin haven't accepted any help from us, scolding us even when we tried to simply wash dishes. I asked Harry what's up with that, thinking they might be some kind of control freaks, but Harry just shrugged, saying they probably just want us to be comfortable and rest during our days here, cause they know very well how messy are the things back in New York.

We haven't touched my father's, Desmond's or S&L's names, and honestly it feels so good not having to talk or worry about it. It really feels like we're on vacation.

"So, who's gonna go first?" Harry asks playfully as we all gather around the tree, sitting on the carpeted floor just like we used to do when Harry and I were little and Maddie was still alive.

"I want you guys to open the gifts we bought for you!" Anne says excitedly, pointing to two beautifully wrapped gift boxes, one with my name and the other with Harry's.

Suddenly feeling like I'm 5 again, my heart starts beating faster as Harry and I unwrap our presents - me, taking all the care in the world not to damage it, Harry tearing the beautiful wrapping paper with no care whatsoever. "Wait for me!" I whisper yell at him and he just chuckles, but actually stops his madness and watches patiently as I finally get to the lid of the box.

"Ready?" He asks, his eyes shining bright towards me - he's clearly enjoying as much as I am.

"Ready!" I nod and we both open our boxes at the same time and dig our hands inside to pull out what seems to be two knitted sweaters, mine being red and Harry's a bright tone of yellow.

I unfold the fabric on my hands - it's a really big sweater, which is perfect because I love cozy, oversized jumpers. Mine has a "H" knitted in blue right over my heart, a little rabbit knitted on one sleeve and what seems to be a drawing of a strand of curly, chestnut colored hair. I understand it immediately, feeling my cheeks getting red as I snap my eyes to Harry and noticing his sleeves have the same details as mine, but with a blue "A" over his chest.

This is so cheesy and yet so fucking cute, my cheeks are starting to hurt for how much I'm smiling.

"Mum..." Harry groans, obviously trying to pretend he didn't like it as much as I know he did - I can see it on his eyes. "Come on, you're embarrassing me."

"Oh, right, as you could ever feel embarrassed." Anne rolls her eyes playfully. "You have always been my cheeky little booger."She adds, making me snort and nod in agreement, already pulling my pink sweater over my head so I can put the one she gave me instead.

Harry raises his eyebrows as he watches me getting dressed, and smirks, his cheeks getting surprisingly red-tinted as he does the same and puts on his sweater.

"I love it, Anne. Thank you so much, it's very kind of you." I tell Anne honestly, touching her hand with mine to show my gratitude.

"I'm glad you liked it, sweetie." She smiles. "I'm just so happy to see you guys together. Ever since you were little, I've always known you would fall in love when the time comes. You two have a beautiful history and a privilege not everyone has."

"She really is...' Harry says hauntingly, getting closer to me. "She literally squealed on the phone when I told her we were together. My ear was buzzing for a week after that."

"Oh..." I part my lips, not knowing what to say but completely unable to bite back a wide smile. I don't know what makes me happier - what Anne said or the fact Harry actually called her to tell us about it. "I'm glad we are together too, I love this cheeky booger." I add with my cheeks turning even redder. "Come on, it's your turn to open your presents!"

Anne and Robin smile, grabbing two boxes each, one from me and one from Harry. Seeming absentmindedly, Harry pulls the back of my hand to his lips, pressing a sweet kiss that heats my skin before intertwining our fingers and resting them over his lap. We watch his mother and step-father unwrapping the boxes, one by one, their smiles and gratitude clearly evident as they pull the gifts we bought them.

I gave a golden necklace with an oval shaped locket, two pictures of Harry inside - one of him as a baby, the other one really fresh, as I took it before leaving New York, still at the store. Harry, on the other hand, went full extravagant by giving her and Robin an all-included trip to Thailand and paired it with a new professional camera for Robin and a beautiful Versace one-piece for Anne.

I had no idea what I could give Robin, so I played it safe by buying him a wine set with his initials engraved and two bottles of the best wine I could find back in New York, and honestly for a moment I think he actually liked my gift more than Harry's.

"Your turn, Curly." I whisper to Harry's ear as Anne and Robin put aside their presents and look at us with expectation on their eyes. Pressing my lips softly on Harry's cheek, I let go of his hand, reaching for the big box I wrapped carefully and had to dispatch here separately because it was too heavy and too big to come with my regular bags.

"What is it?" Harry throws me a puzzled look as he lifts the box and notices it's heavy. "Honeybunny... What are you up to?"

"You'll have to open it and see, I suppose." I smile, my heart starting to race with nerves, my innate anxiety making me second-guess every little one of my life decisions that lead to this exact moment.

What if he doesn't like it? What if it's too cheesy and he makes fun of me? What if he doesn't even remember why I bought it in the first place? Maybe the memories are way more valuable for me than for him...

I bite down my bottom lip, almost letting the nervous thoughts take over me, but as soon as Harry opens the lid and pulls what's inside, I sigh in relief - the look on his eyes is more than enough to calm me down. He looks amazed and so, so happy, it fills my heart with love.

"You didn't!" He chuckles softly, looking down to the two DVDs on his hands and the big white tent I thought would be the perfect adult version of the blanket forts he would build for us when we were little.

It was a big tradition for us - at least once a week Harry would sleepover at my place or I would go to his and we would build a big blanket fort, fill it with all the pillows, extra blankets, sleeping bags we could find, right in front the TV in the living room, and watch our favorite movies on repeat till we were too tired and fell asleep. I wanted to reproduce those memories, cause they were so sweet and warm, so I bought the DVDs of the two movies we loved the most - The Neverending Story, Harry's favorite, and Anastasia, mine.

"I thought we could have a movie night just like we did when we were younger." I shrug with a coy smile playing on my lips and Harry rolls his eyes, a wide smile on his lips as he pulls me to a tight hug, whispering a low I love you in my ear before pulling away, but keeping his eyes on me as if we are the only ones here.

"Can't wait for our movie night, Bunny." He smiles. 

"Ugh, you two are so freaking cute." Robin's voice bursts our little bubble and we snap our faces towards him and Anne, shrugging innocently.

"We really are, it must be hard to stand us, we just set the bars so high." Harry says smugly and I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

"Don't make me regret it, Harry." I tease him and he pretends to be shocked, placing his open palm over his chest as if I just said something absurd.

"As if you could." He teases, winking at me and stretching his arm to reach for the last box under the tree - his gift for me.

The atmosphere changes as he handles the box for me, expectation written all over his face and a certain kind of tension emanating from his body, as if he is suddenly nervous. Unlike my present for him, the box he just gave me is very light and not at all big. Maybe it's another jewelry like the ones he bought for my birthday? I don't think it would make much sense to leave a piece to give me on Christmas considering he not only gave me three pieces but also bought one for himself at the time, but on the other hand, I can't even imagine what could be so light.

My hands are slightly shaky as I finally tear the last shred of wrapping paper, undoing the bow on top and opening the lid, not being able to control my anxiety as I look inside the little box.

There's a little white sack and a light pink envelope.

"I would recommend reading what's in the envelope first." Harry mumbles, his voice clearly hoarse with nerves as well.

I can feel Anne's and Robin's eyes glued to me, but for the second time today it feels like Harry and I entered a bubble with just the two of us. Grabbing the delicate envelope, I turn it on my fingers, recognizing Harry's handwriting on the single letter printed there - B.

B, short for Bunny.

The envelope is closed and held together by a little rabbit sticker, which I try to unglue as carefully as I can, managing to open it without shredding anything and pulling the white square paper from the inside, Harry's handwriting all over it again.


I was packing the other day and found these bead bracelets I made for you when we were like... 8 and 10. Thought you might like to have it. Mine is with me and I promise I'll wear it every day. It has your name on it.

I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly, for leaving you behind.
I didn't want to, if I had a choice I would be by your side until the rest of my days.
I've always loved you, but now I think I'm in love with you.
Can't wait to see you again so I can ask you to be my girlfriend. I hope you'll say yes.

Forever yours,

Dec. 13th, 2010.

I read it again. Again, and again, my heart beating so fast I think it's going to break my rib cages and tear my chest in half, tears pooling under my eyes as I try to keep my breath steady, not wanting to cause a scene in front of everyone.

He wrote this letter to me 9 years ago. And he kept it, for all those years, not even knowing if we would ever see each other again. He wrote it and he kept it.

I can't believe this!

After reading it so many times I think I've just memorized the words written on the square paper, I turn my attention back to the little sack that was also inside the box, untying the little lace and fishing the two bead bracelets he mentioned in his letter.

"How did you even...?" I start asking, my eyes glued to the tiny bracelets. One of them is made out of blue round beads with white daisies stamped on them, and right in the middle there are a different set of beads, white with multi-colored letters, forming the word Bunny. The other one is made out of fake pears, with the same lettered beads in the middle, forming the word Curly. It's the sweetest thing ever.

"I wrote this the day before your birthday party, while we were in the plane. Mum and I. I wanted to send it to you by mail, but obviously didn't have the guts to do it." Harry explains, his cheeks reddened. "I know it's not like a real gift, but..."

"Are you kidding?! This is the best gift I've ever... This and what you gave me for my birthday, Harry, this is... This is--" My voice falters as emotion takes over me, a single tear rolling down my cheek as I simply throw my arms around Harry's shoulders, shoving my face to the crook of his neck and taking a deep breath, the sweet scent of his skin being the only thing able to calm me down right now.

He hugs me back, tightly, and I hear Anne whispering that she and Robin are going to get ready - apparently they have this tradition of going to Robin's parents for tea on Christmas afternoon. They invited us to tag along, but Harry didn't want to, telling them we would both be too tired for a social gathering and that he would prefer to stay home and relax, considering we're going to fly back to NY in a few days.

"I love you, so much." I mumble against Harry's skin once we're alone, tightening the hug. "So, so, so fucking much. I've always loved you."

"And I'll love you forever." He whispers back, kissing the top of my head. "Always and forever, Bunny."

"Always and forever." I smile, pulling away from the hug just enough so I can look down to the bead bracelets.

"They don't fit anymore, obviously." Harry comments. "But I thought it was a nice... Souvenir. But maybe you can fit yours, your wrist is still pretty tiny."

"What? Are you kidding? No way I'm using it!" I shake my head, grabbing my bracelet protectively and putting it inside of the bag it came in. "I would never risk losing or ruining it. It's going to my jewelry box, after all it's my most valuable one."

Harry smiles, smugly, and touches the Tiffany bracelet that hasn't left my wrist ever since he gave it to me almost 10 years ago, the one with the rabbit pendant. "I thought you might want to use it with this one."

"No, I'm keeping it safe. It's way more delicate... And it was made by you."

"When did we became so fucking cheesy?" Harry chuckles, rolling his eyes and then looking around to make sure we're still alone before he adds "Maybe I should take you upstairs and spank you raw to remind us who we are."

I snort, shaking my head to his obnoxious sense of humor that I love so much, and then it hits me - I still have the other gift waiting from him upstairs, in my bag.

The family unfriendly one.

Well, what can I say? Harry and I are made for each other, we're both as dirty as it can get.

"I have another present for you. Upstairs." I tell him with a wiggle of my eyebrows, and the slow smirk that breaks from his lips makes my stomach clench.

"Really?" He chuckles, eyes smug. "Well, they're leaving soon so..." His voice gets deeper and raspier, and my heart literally skips a beat by the sound of it.

Twenty minutes later, we're closing the front door after Anne and Robin left for his parent's house, telling us they'll be back for dinner but that we don't need to wait up for them if we're too tired, which honestly is probably what's going to happen. It's Christmas Day so everything is closed, and it's so rainy and cold today, the idea of spending the rest of the day in bed sounds amazing.

"Upstairs?" Harry asks with a smug look on his eyes and I just nod, trying to bite back a smile.

"You know we can't fuck, right? I'm still on my period." I roll my eyes, actually hating that we can't have sex. I'm always up to it.

"I have another gift for you too, Bunny." He says, shrugging innocently and not fooling me. "Besides... We can always fuck in the shower."

He grabs my hand, almost carrying me up the stairs and to the room that used to be his during the period he lived in the UK. There's a king sized bed right in the middle, nightstands and tall, black wardrobe, that matches perfectly with the grey walls and black carpet and curtains. It's very sober and a bit sad, which I think it's suited to the way he probably felt when they first moved here.

"You go first." He demands as soon as we're in the room, closing the door and locking it behind him.

"Hm... Okay, daddy." I give him a little teaser of what's coming, but I don't know if he got it - he is just looking at me smugly with the naughtiest of smiles playing on his lips.

I go to the suitcase on the floor right at the foot of the bed, opening it and searching for the other gift. This one is smaller than what I gave him downstairs, and not at all innocent. The packaging is pink and filled with glitter and cute stuff like little panda's stickers and a silk bow on the top. I hand it for Harry, silently, going to sit on the soft mattress so I can, watch him unfold it.

He throws me a puzzled look, clearly not understanding what's up with the wrapping paper this time, but curiosity gets the best out of him as I shrug and he understands I'm not saying a thing, so he just dives in, tearing the wrapping paper and the silk bow as well.

It's a pink, leather business suitcase, with a code password keeping it locked. "It's the same code of your elevator back home." I inform him as he looks at me in doubt, and he quickly turns his attention down, quickly inserting the passcode to open the suitcase.

Once it's open, he takes a look inside before snapping his face back at me, surprise widening his eyes, and I try to keep my expression as neutral and innocent as possible. "Did you like it, daddy?" I meow, puckering my lips to a soft pout.

"Oh, fuck me!." He groans, pulling the first item from the suitcase, a smirk curling his lips up. "You're awesome, babe."

It's a pink leather collar, with the words "daddy's girl" engraved with tiny little rhinestones. Connected to the collar there's a long, also pink leash. Harry darts his tongue out to wet his bottom lip, sucking it inside of his mouth as he pulls the second item - a pink whip, rhinestones engraved on the support and a few scattered on the strips of leather, not much but just enough to cause a tad more pain than just the leather itself.

Then, the third item - stainless-steel handcuffs, also engraved with rhinestones. And last, but not least, pink blindfolds.

"Oh, my love, we're in for a ride, aren't we?" Harry rasps under his breath, adjusting himself inside of his pants. "You're so lucky you're on your period right now..."

"Maybe you're the lucky one, bub." I wink at him, biting my bottom lip. "Who said these items are for me to wear?"

His eyes darken immediately at what I'm implying, and for a moment we just stare at each other, a world of dirty thoughts running through our minds, always in such perfect syntony. I know he loved to be dominated like I did that night, and even though he usually prefers to be the one in control, handing it to me made him feel in a way he never did before, and I know he would like to do it again.

Of course it was only a bluff, I actually bought this kit for him to use it on me, because I simply love it when he is rough with me, the mix of pain and pleasure is never too much, never enough for me.

But a girl can dream and I love to tease him.

"When we're back to New York... You're gonna pay for it." He says darkly, slowly putting the pink, leather items back to the suitcase and closing it with the passcode. "Maybe I'll even add a few things myself."

"Like what?"

"Oh, you would like to know, wouldn't you?" He smiles smugly. "It will be a surprise, my dear... Just like the one I have for you now."

My interest is suddenly picked as Harry puts the suitcase over the mattress and stands next to me, his crotch right in front of my face due to our positions and height differences. I look up at him, trying to gather all my self-control to tell him we can't, but he shakes his head as our eyes meet, silently telling me he knows.

But how could he know, if he is undoing his belt right now? His eyes are trained on mine, his bottom lip firmly tucked under his white teeth, the naughtiest of expressions making my insides clench and my stomach melt into a puddle. If I wasn't having my period right now, I'm sure as hell I would already be wet for him, and for a moment I even consider having messy, period sex with him just so we could release a bit of the pressure, especially when he loose his pants and let the fabric pool on the floor around his feet, his white boxers not doing a very good job at hiding how hard he is.

"Fuck, Harry..." I mumble, biting down my bottom lip, so hard I almost draw blood. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like, dear? I've told you - I gotta surprise for you." He says tauntingly, his fingers now fumbling with the waistband of his boxers.

"Babe, I love you but seeing your dick is not a surprise for me anymore." I sneer, not resisting the urge to be bratty with him.

"Not like this you haven't." He groans, his voice raspier as he pulls the elastic waistband down, little by little, in such a teasing manner you could think he is actually making a strip-tease.

"Oh my God!" I squeal as an idea flashes in my mind. "Please, don't tell me you pierced your dick!"

He stops his movements, looking down at me. "What's the problem with it? Don't you like piercings?" He frowns.

"No, I do like them. Your nipple ones makes my mouth water, but a dick piercing... I don't know..." I try not to be a party pooper right now, but if Harry really pierced his dick, I don't know what I would do... I mean, it's his dick and he can do whatever he wants, but I'll be the one playing with it and it's just... Awkward.

"It's not a dick piercing, relax." Harry chuckles, resuming the most slowly, teasing strip of underwear I've always seen in my life.

I hold my breath as he finally sets his cock free, the pink masterpiece that always gets my mouth watering standing still like a fucking lighthouse, and for a moment I get too distracted with the thick veins that are clearly pulsating , to notice anything else.

But then, I see it.

And my heart almost stops... I can't believe he did it.

"Harry... Is this..." I stutter, for once in my life so surprised with what I'm seeing, I actually forget about the beautiful dick right in front of me. "When did you even get this?"

"Monday morning, before our flight. Did you like it?"

Did I like it?

I look back to the little design tattoos right over his pubic bone, perfectly centralized and on full display because of his recently trimmed hair.

It's a very simple tattoo. A fineliner, for that matter, the lines are so fine it's quite a delicate design, so different from the other ones scattered all over his body. But that's not what baffled me away.

What baffled me what the lines form.

The perfect outline of a little rabbit.

"A bunny." Harry confirms my thoughts, as if he just read my mind. "A bunny, for my Honeybunny, on a place only she will ever see."

A smile cracks up my lips and suddenly, I'm tearing up again. Something is fundamentally wrong with me for finding it so damn romantic, I'm well aware of this, but can't help myself.

Standing from the bed again, I throw my arms around Harry's neck, smashing my lips against his and kissing him with all I have - every shred of love, care, lust, respect, admiration, passion, even anger. Everything I've ever felt for him is boiling on the pit of my stomach and I need to show it to him, somehow make him understand the depth of my feelings for him, because right now I don't think words would do the trick.

"I fucking love you." I mumble into his lips and he sighs, happily. "I fucking love you so fucking much."

"I love you too, Bunny. More than anything." He speaks between our lips. "But I think maybe kissing you without my underpants on is a bit... too much. How do you expect me to behave?" He chuckles, lightening the mood a little, but as soon as I feel the tip of his cock brushing on my belly, I make the decision.

"Come on, Harry." I purr at him, biting down his bottom lip and sucking it before I take a little step back, looking down to his dick and taking a deep breath. "Time for some period sex, huh?"


A/N: I know, I robbed you.

But I swear to god the next two chapters are going to be worth it... Just like Harry, I also have a surprise for you ;)

On a lighter note, there's no way hear the words "period sex" without thinking about this masterpiece:  

"If you're grossed out, let's just pretend it's cherry lube"

If you never watched Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, I strongly recommend you do. 

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