Injustice Book 1: A Journeys...

By Carrots234

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His life was never simple, always struggling to survive from one day to the next. In a city such as Gotham, h... More

Chapter I - Naruto and Barbara
Chapter II - Gotham Thugs
Chapter IV - Recovery
Chapter V - Disagreement
Chapter VI - Black Hood
Chapter VII - Consequences of Arrogance
Chapter VIII - Timely Intervention
Chapter IX - Meeting a Robin
Chapter X - Not Going Down Without A Fight
Chapter XI - Reconciliation
Chapter XII - End of Black Mask Part 1
Chapter XIII - End of Black Mask Part 2
Chapter XIV - End of Black Mask Part 3
Chapter XV - The Fearless
Chapter XVI - Teaming Up
Chapter XVII - Closing In
Chapter XVIII - Scarecrow
Chapter XIX - To Know Fear
Chapter XX - Suspicion
Chapter XXI - Talon
Chapter XXII - Ouctlassed
Chapter XXIII - Argument
Chapter XXIV - Bigger Than You Know
Chapter XXV - Temptation
Chapter XXVI - Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter XXVII - Making A Choice
Chapter XXVIII - Grandmaster
Chapter XXIX - Announcement to Gotham
Chapter XXX - The Bat and the Talon
Chapter XXXI - Dealing with the Undead
Chapter XXXII - Batman Defeated
Chapter XXXIII - An Unexpected Arrival
Chapter XXXIV - A Gift
Chapter XXXV - Deathstroke
Chapter XXXVI - Killer Croc
Chapter XXXVII - Jason
Chapter XXXVIII - Rebound
Chapter XXXIX - Crocodile Hunting
Chapter XL - End of Killer Croc
Chapter XLI - No Rest for the Wicked
Chapter XLII - Mister Zsasz
Chapter XLIII - Ambushed
Chapter XLIV - Suicide Squad
Chapter XLV - Killer Frost (R-18)
Chapter XLVI - Infiltration
Chapter XLVII - Low Profile
Chapter XLVIII - Meeting the Riddler
Chapter XLIX - The Offer
Chapter L - Time Gone By
Chapter LI - Rose Wilson
Chapter LII - Marauder
Chapter LIII - Defeat
Chapter LIV - Kryptonite
Chapter LV - Duel of the Heirs
Chapter LVI - The Worthy and Unworthy
Chapter LVII - Unlikely Allies
Chapter LVIII - Ragtag Team
Chapter LIX - Beast Unleashed
Chapter LX - Growing Rage
Chapter LXI - Freedom

Chapter III - Black Mask

859 34 1
By Carrots234

"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Tuesday 13th, January, 22:16

New Jersey

Gotham City

Location Unknown

His breathing was heavy. His heartbeat pounding in his ears. His blood pumping throughout his body as adrenaline-filled every cell of his body. Sweat and blood fell from his body as he moved on pure instinct. This was who he was; this was what he lived for. The rush one gained as they fought against a strong opponent.

Naruto ducked underneath a wild hook and parried numerous jabs and crosses from his opponent with practised ease. His blonde hair displaced by the air produced by the force of each punch of his opponent, his blonde eyes alight with childlike excitement and a confident smirk on his face as he easily responded with a palm strike to his opponent's solar plexus.

Hopping backwards to put some space between him and his opponent, Naruto calmly bounced on his toes. Never once stopping to catch his breath as he allowed the adrenaline to keep him standing.

His opponent on the other hand – a large bulky man with some measure of skill and fighting experience from his boxing background – stumbled backs, almost dry heaving as a result of Naruto's devastating strike. While the fight had lasted no longer than ten minutes, it had mostly consisted of Naruto on the defensive, allowing his opponent to exhaust himself and occasionally responding with devastating counter-attacks.

And it showed.

Naruto besides the sweat and blood – his opponents, not his own – was completely unharmed. His opponent on the other hand was equally sweaty with a busted lip, broken nose, swollen left eye and bruises forming around his stomach.

Despite, the man's experience and background in boxing, Naruto had taken numerous moves he had seen from videos on YouTube and the instincts he had honed from his many fights to create a unique style. It was wild and unpredictable, with no set pattern making it very difficult to defend and counter against. That, plus Naruto's greater speed and stamina compared to his opponent's strength gave Naruto the ultimate fighting edge.

The fight had ended before it even began, just like every fight Naruto took part in. He had been fighting his entire life and knew his limitations and constantly strove to surpass them. His opponent on the other hand was looking for some quick cash.

He had never come across an opponent that was like him. Someone who fought for a living and it almost made him desperate to test himself against the likes of Batman, Batgirl and Robin to see how he stacked and how far he had to go. But he wouldn't, it was stupid as neither of the three would spare the time to fight a fan and the only way to get them to fight him would be to commit a crime big enough to warrant their attention.

His opponent charged forward, and Naruto would give him props for his self-control, it was obvious he was getting annoyed by the blonde's smirk and nonchalant defence, yet he never let his anger cloud his judgement.

"And Tony charges in once more!" The crowd cheered loudly, but Naruto paid them nor the commentator any mind. "What will our champion do against this never-ending onslaught by the newcomer?"

Naruto's smirk widened as he reached his opponent and this time, instead of repeating his defensive stance, he instead leapt into the air. Caught off guard by this sudden change in the pattern by the blonde, his opponent only managed to raise a hasty guard that broke easily under the powerful roundhouse kick that slammed into it.

The force behind it not only broke the guard but sent Tony to the floor. However, he masterfully rolled to his feet, mitigating the damage he took. This was for nought as Naruto was upon him in an instant with a fast and dangerous onslaught of punches and kicks. There were no fancy flips, just straight-up powerful punches and kicks that tore down every defence Tony could put up and deal ever-increasing amounts of damage to the burly boxer's body before he eventually was sent careening to the ground unconscious.

"And there we have it!" The commentator screamed into his microphone. "While the newcomer put up a good fight, it was not enough to overcome our undefeated champion, Naruto!" He could hear the cheers of those who had no doubt bet on him to win and even see a few grumblings as they had no doubt bet against him. But Naruto cared very little, he was getting paid either way.

-X- Line Break -X-

Tuesday 13th, January, 22:45

New Jersey

Gotham City

Location Unknown

Rolling his shoulder, Naruto walked out of his changing rooms in a pair of jogging pants and a plain, white t-shirt, with a bag slung over his shoulder. His blonde hair was still wet and not as wild as it usually was, it was still drying from the shower he had just taken.

He passed a few of the female servers, scantily clad as part of tonight's additional entertainment. He ignored the way their eyes roamed over his figure as even though some of them were old enough to be his mother and he was only sixteen, it was nothing more than a number to them. He could argue back that jail was only a room, especially in Gotham. But Naruto liked to think that he was strong in the face of temptation.

Especially with women like Batgirl, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Catwoman and the list went on.

"Naruto!" The young boy in question, looked up to see the owner/commentator for Gotham's Underground Fighting Arena. "How are you, my boy?" He was a sleazy looking man in his forty with his black hair already greying in places.

"I'm doing good, John," Naruto replied shortly, never really liking the man for the way he had a habit of picking young and helpless girls off the streets and forcing them into prostitution. The thought made him remember the threat the two thugs had made towards Barbara earlier and it made him clench his fists in anger.

Going even further he remembers that a lot of his money troubles were because of him. John may not be the reason for his debt, but he hadn't made it easier to resolve it easier. All because of the simple fact that John oils to let him place a bet on himself winning, his reason for doing so unknown to him. But Naruto doubted it was good, nor did he think he would like it either.

"Good, good." He pulled out an envelope and held it out for Naruto to take. "Five thousand, for your most impressive showing tonight." Just as Naruto went to take the envelope, John pulled it away. "You know, I would be willing to double, no triple this amount every time you fought if you would work for me. It'd be far more profitable for both of us and far more stable."

Naruto stared at the man who was trying his best to convince him for what must be the hundredth time and poorly. "I'm honoured and thank you for the offer, but I'm gonna have to decline." While John frowned, he nonetheless handed him the envelope again and this time when Naruto went to take it, John didn't pull it away.

After a quick check of the envelope's contents, Naruto smiled at John. "Pleasure doing business with ya', John." He said before walking out of the building.

"As long as you keep winning me money, kid!" John called back and Naruto raised his hand in a short wave, never looking over his shoulder.

The walk to his apartment was short and not many people were out. No doubt due to the Joker and Harley Quinn currently on the loose with Batman hot on their tail. Everyone was waiting for something to happen, even the criminals and gangs kept their heads bowed down when the Joker was on the loose. There was a reason he was called the Clown Prince of Crime because everyone, even the hardest and most terrifying criminals were scared of the unpredictable element that was the Joker.

Quickly making it to his apartment, Naruto pulled out his key and as he tried to slot it into the keyhole, only for the door to open on its own.

Looking up and down the corridor, Naruto turned back to the door and pushed it open. It was dark, no surprise the sun hardly ever got into his room. "Barb, you in there?" Naruto called out, cautiously stepping into his apartment. "Barbara if this is a joke it ain't funny." He put his bag down on where he knew his kitchen counter would be and clenched his fists. "Seriously Barbara, I swear to god if you're gonna jump out at me, I'm gonna pissed."

"I can assure you, I'm not your little girlfriend." A deep, masculine voice calmly responded.

Naruto reached out to his light switch and flicked it on, his eyes squinting at the sudden light, but it did not stop him from seeing the figure sitting in his chair like he owned the place. He was a tall man, with a slightly busy figure wearing a well-tailored suit designed to fit him snugly and make him look bigger. But the more surprising thing about him was that where his head should be, was a black skull.

"Black Mask," Naruto whispered, fear evident in his voice as he took a step back. Naruto feared very few things, but Black Mask was one such thing. Ever since his father died when he was seven, leaving just him and his mother, Black Mask would constantly come round. The things he said and what Naruto learned of Black Mask from Jim, had left a deep-rooted fear in the child Naruto and while it had lessened over time. Naruto couldn't deny that Black Mask would always be someone he was scared of.

"Hello, Naruto." Black Mask said calmly, never once moving from his seated position. "Why don't we have a little chat like old times?" Before Naruto could do anything, he felt a bat collide with the backs of his knees sending him to the ground before something else hit his head.

For a second, he saw stars as he collapsed to the ground, his head spinning, barely registering the kicks that collided with his ribs. Meanwhile, Black Mask watched the beating unfold before his eyes with calm indifference.

"That's enough boys, we don't want to kill him." Instantly the beating stopped as Naruto moaned pitifully on the ground, slowly rolling onto his side as he clutched his ribs in pain.

"Now." Getting out of his chair, Black Mask walked towards Naruto and with his foot, rolled the blonde onto his back. "You've disobeyed me, Naruto. I'm usually quite lenient with you because I've known you ever since you were a little kid, but you've forgotten the fact that I own you."

Naruto groaned in pain as he felt his ribs protest under the pressure Black Mask foot applied to them.

"But you see, I'm getting quite annoyed with you constantly being late on your payment. At first, you were always on time, but recently it's been a constant thing with you, and I can't understand why?" Black Mask looked to his thugs. "Can you tell me why?"

"No, boss." One of them replied.

"See." Black Mask leaned down. "I own you Naruto and it's all because your parents incurred quite a lot of debt from me. Now I was quite happy to pay off the debt when your dear mummy was alive if she did me a few...favours." The drawl he used when saying 'favours' left no doubt in anyone's mind in what he meant. "But she didn't, she stayed loyal to her dead, useless of a husband's memory and as a result died, leaving you to pay off their debt."

"Now I like you, kid. You got some serious fucking balls on you." Black Mask chuckled. "Hard as fucking nails as well, I don't know many people who can take a beating like you just did and still stay conscious."

Naruto said nothing, just glaring into Black Mask's eyes, the hatred he felt for the crime lord even thinking about touching his mother far outweighing his fear.

"But my patience has run out." His foot lashed out and kicked Naruto in the face sending it wiping to the side, blood splattering across the ground. "You have not only been late on your payments for the last six months but then you have the fucking balls to kill one of my men." Black Mask snarled out, his hand pulling out a Bowie knife. "Now, mind you they were out of line threatening our dear old Commissioners 'daughter' and I can understand that you felt the need to protect your girlfriend." His voice was almost gentle and understanding, Black Mask's thugs looked at one another in confusion about where their boss was going with this.

That changed when Black Mask drove the Bowie knife through one of Naruto's hands, pinning him to the ground. A scream of pain tore from Naruto's lips, tears piling at the corners of his eyes, but it did not stop him from lashing out at his attacker.

Black Mask stumbled back into two of his thugs, who caught their boss as a result of a punch that collided against his face.

Rubbing his face, Black Mask chuckled as he watched his three other thugs kicking the downed Naruto, occasionally swinging their bats down onto him. "That's enough." He ordered sternly.

"I tell you what, kid. You've got one mean right hook." He chuckled once more. "But you won't do that again or I'll kill you," Naruto said nothing, just curling back into a ball to try and protect himself once more.

"You gotta earn my forgiveness, triple the monthly rate by next month." Black Mask did a show of doing internal math. "That's forty-five thousand the next exact month after you get out of the hospital. You fail, my thugs come back here beat you up and then we rape your little girlfriend in front of you, Commissioners daughter or not. You don't fuck." He kicked Naruto in the stomach once more. "With Black Mask."

Stepping back, and readjusting his blazer, Black Mask looked down at Naruto. "Boys, teach him a lesson." Walking towards the kitchen counter, Black Mask opened Naruto's bag and pulled out the cash inside, handing it to one of the thugs who followed him. Then the two left the apartment, not even paying attention to the sounds of the beating going on behind them.

-X- Line Break -X-

Tuesday 13th January, 23:30.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

Gotham City Hospital.

Commissioner James Gordon entered the hospital room with a weary heart. The wrinkles he had developed over his long and stressful life became all the more pronounced as he took in the state of the two occupants.

The first and worst was Naruto Uzumaki, the child of his friend Minato Namikaze and his wife Kushina Uzumaki. He had watched the boy grow up into the young man he was and had on numerous occasions tried to take custody of the boy, but for someone to always put a stop to it for reasons unknown to him.

'Minato, Kushina.' He thought sorrowfully of his two deceased friends as he watched their son cling to life in a hospital bed with the repetitive beeping of the heart monitor filling the room. 'If only I had thought harder for custody of your son, this could have been avoided, I could have done something.' Now usually, James was a man who was in great control of his emotions, he had to be due to his job and his unorthodox ally, Batman. But seeing a young man he viewed as a son in this state filled him with an all-consuming rage.

This rage was only fanned by the memory of what Barbara had been like when she had seen and heard of Naruto's state. She had been inconsolable, crying until she had no tears to spend and eventually falling asleep clutching his hand. He had stood to one side, unable to do anything to help ease his nieces, a girl that he viewed as not only his foster daughter but truly his daughter and the boy he saw as a son suffering.

Pulling out his phone he dialled a number, waiting for the person on the other end to pick up. "Bullock," James said shortly. "I need you to run a background check on Naruto Uzumaki, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. I want to know everyone they had contact and dealings with. Use your underground contacts if need be, but I want to know everything." He didn't wait for confirmation or the questions that would surely be asked and hung up.

Sighing, James rubbed his eyes tiredly and moved towards his sleeping daughter who was fast asleep. Taking off his jacket, he wrapped it around Barbara's shoulders who mumbled in her sleep.

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