His Saving Grace

By writergsofia

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Merely the narration of how a minuscule background character in her own life turns into a hero by barging int... More

Before starting this story...
Main Characters (aesthetics)
Chapter 1- Scowling Aunt & Alastair Manor
Chapter 2- Trip to Diagon Alley & The Notorious Rude Boy
Chapter 3 - Last First Day at Hogwarts & The Eventful Sorting
Chapter 4 - Royalty Status & Pleasantry Letters
Chapter 5 - Confrontations & Predicaments
Chapter 6 - Divination Revelations & Riddles
Chapter 7 - Mishaps & Solutions
Chapter 8 - A New Friend & Tragically Irksome Tutor
Chapter 9 - Horcruxes & Eavesdropping
Chapter 10 - Interesting Tutoring Session & Deadly Curiosity
Chapter 11 - More Curiosity & Observations
Chapter 12 - Invitation to Hogsmeade & More Tutoring
Chapter 13 - Room of Requirement & Hogsmeade
Chapter 14 - Nonverbal Spells & A Duel
Chapter 15 - Strong Tension & The Plan
Chapter 16 - Improvement & New Dynamics
Chapter 17 - Werewolves & The New Alliance
Chapter 18 - Blossoming Chemistry & After Hour Recklessness
Chapter 19 - Suppressed Feelings & Explanations
Chapter 20 - Sleepless Nights & Realizations
Chapter 21 - Restricted Section & Falling
Chapter 22 - The Talk & A Date to the Yule Ball
Chapter 23 - First Fight & Possible Redemption
Chapter 25 - Yule Ball & Confessions
Chapter 26 - Holidays at Hogwarts & Closer to Action
Chapter 27 - Holidays at Hogwarts & Closer to Action Pt. 2
Chapter 28 - Quidditch & Going Steady
Chapter 29 - Insane Boyfriend & Date at Hogsmeade
Chapter 30 - No More Secrets & Less Ambitions
Chapter 31 - Myrtle & A Break
Chapter 32 - Missing Each Other & A New Promise
Chapter 33 - More Family Secrets & Execution
Chapter 34 - Unraveling Truths & Dark Side
Chapter 35 - Imperfect Man & Final Stage
Chapter 36 - Attempted Murder & Possible Redemption
Chapter 37 - The Price & Coma State
Chapter 38 - Waking Up & Mutual Love
Chapter 39 - Power Struggles & Hope Through Truth
Chapter 40 - Inquiries & Declarations of Love
Chapter 41 - Visiting Aunt & Reconciliations
Chapter 42 - Eighteenth & A Disease
Chapter 43 - NEWTs & Inevitable Death
Chapter 44 - Unconventionally Magnificent & Numb
Chapter 45 - Vulnerable Thoughts & Changes of Heart
(EPILOGUE) Chapter 46 - Graduation & Life with a Changed Man
Author's Note

Chapter 24 - Yule Ball Practice & Holiday Plans

280 5 5
By writergsofia

Two days had passed since Tom and I had fought in the Room of Requirement. During those days, everything went back to normal. Tom and I discretely stared at each other in class as a way to have telepathic conversations, sent smiles each other's way in the hallways for symbolic affirmations, and would spend most of our nights quietly reading in the Room of Requirement. I felt at peace with how we were currently doing.

I had not conversed with Abraxas in a few days, simply because I was trying to find a way to tell him I would be going to the Yule Ball with the same boy I had said I despised greatly. I knew he would not judge me, at least not directly, but word would reach the school quickly.

Exiting my Muggles Studies classroom, I saw Abraxas walking towards the garden.

"Psst, Abraxas!", I called out trying to get his attention.

Of course, he did not hear me the first time so I had to call him three more times before he turned around searching for the person who kept hissing his name. He looked over in my direction, smiled and walked towards me.

"Athena hey! I haven't even seen you roaming the halls, I thought my favorite Ravenclaw was avoiding me.", he said in an exaggerated tone.

He goes on to give me a tight friendly hug, which I happily returned. I had terribly missed his spontaneous commentary and care-free behavior he reserved just for me, but I was so concerned with assessing my feelings I had completely neglected him.

"I would never ignore you! I feel like such a terrible friend, but I've just been very busy lately.", I replied while releasing myself from his embrace.

Abraxas had become like the sibling I never had; we would joke around, give each other the best hugs and always had each other's backs. I needed to appreciate him more, he deserved it. I only wished we would have become closer sooner, maybe then I would have not been counting the days we had left before we had to go face the world as fully grown wizards.

Abraxas looks at me as if he were waiting for a better response, but he quickly brushed the look off his face and gave me another bright charming smile.

"I have something to tell you, but I have to tell you in private. Promise you won't judge or overreact.", I further said.

He nodded in understanding and led me towards a large bush inside of the garden.

We hid from the few students roaming the grounds and I whispered my small confession, "Don't kill me... but... Riddle and I are going to the Yule Ball together."

His jaw hit the floor faster than I could say 'Lumos'; his face was priceless. I needed to get that small Gryffindor boy with the camera to take a picture, but then I remembered we were currently hiding from the student body.

"Close your mouth Malfoy", I said rolling my eyes at him.

"How, when, what? Are you being forced to go?", Abraxas shockingly questioned.

I snorted and lightly pushed him with my doll-like hands.

"Abraxas, no. I was not forced to go to the ball. Riddle asked, I said yes. I will not be elaborating any further on this.", I replied.

He huffed and looked at me hoping for more details, but I was not going to be telling him about all of the events that led to Riddle asking me to attend the ball with him. He thrived on gossip, it gave him power outside of the Malfoy manor. So, even though I loved him dearly, I did not find him trustworthy enough to provide any further stories on my life during the past few days.

I gave him a quick side hug and said, "Okay, glad we had this talk! See you later Malfoy." and skipped away from the bush we had found ourselves in.

Leaving the garden, I remembered that Professor McGonagall had told us that practices for the Yule Ball would commence today. This meant that, at least temporarily, Tom and I would not be escaping to the Room of Requirement. We would be spending our evenings practicing etiquette, dancing and listening to McGonagall make long speeches about the importance of the Yule Ball and other Hogwarts traditions. Of course, any distraction from Tom's course of plan was welcomed, I still did not look forward to evenings with everyone from fourth to seventh year.

After eating supper with Abraxas and a few of his mates, I walked towards the ball room that had not been used in quite a while. I hoped that McGonagall would not make us partner up because I knew that if I partnered up with Malfoy or Riddle, people would be talking about it for days. Not because of me, but because my friend and whatever Riddle was were the two most fancied guys at Hogwarts. It was a tad pathetic, but I understood why the girls were in love with their appearances. They had nothing in common, they were different types of handsome, but still fit blokes.

Once I arrived to the ball room, I noticed I had made it just in time. Professor McGonagall was wrapping up her long introductory speech, one I had heard before. She valued tradition greatly, wanted everyone to dance gracefully and hoped for the Yule Ball to be another success. It was always a success because it was just a dance, but she was stubborn and obsessed with the ball. Standing in a corner, waiting for Abraxas or someone from my house to approach me, I looked at McGonagall intently waiting for her next words.

"I will pair you up with your dates for the ball, if you do not have a date then I shall pair you with someone that is left over as well".

Blimey, now more than half the school was going to find out about Riddle and I overcoming our petty rivalry. Unless... unless Abraxas had already opened his mouth. I did not doubt it, but I had not heard anything yet.

Scanning my eyes across the room, I locked eyes with Riddle. We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds until my view was blocked by McGonagall's tall frame. I greeted her kindly and whispered the name of my date to her. She looked behind her and gestured at Riddle to walk towards us. Abraxas noticed this and tauntingly laughed at me, but I sent him a glare that shut him up real quick. In the span of a few seconds, Riddle was standing in front of me waiting for me to grab his arm.

McGonagall looked at us with a knowing look painted on her face and she said, "Oh young love... truly beautiful!"

Sadly, she said that a little too loud for my liking. Everyone was looking in our direction. Blimey Professor, she did not have to be so excited over two people tolerating each other! Now, people started whispering, signaling at us and gasping among themselves while girls were sending me dirty looks. Of course, I would scowl at them or make a 'I'll cut your neck' gesture at them and they would go back to gawking at Riddle. I ignored the Professor's remark and I grabbed a hold of Riddle's arm as he led me to the dance floor.

Standing extremely close to each other, we waited for McGonagall to start playing the music. For the first time ever, I felt awkward and minuscule in his presence, but I would like to believe it was because of the judging looks people were still giving us. Before I could process what was happening, the music started, Riddle placed one of his hands on my waist and we were dancing.

Uncontrollable feelings of electricity surged throughout my body as we let the rhythm take over us. He drew me closer to his chest and we got completely lost in the music. Never missing a step, we let the music guide us effortlessly. We laid our eyes on each other, never losing eye contact, and it felt as if we were the only ones in the room. Without realizing, we were leaning in closer and closer, but before anything could happen in front of anyone McGonagall stopped the music and clapped with joy. Her claps alerted me and I quickly jumped away from Riddle.

She was making her way to us with a look of approbation and said, "This is the epitome of dancing! The passion, the glamour, the perfect synchronization, everything about the both of you... so beautiful! Everyone please, do take notes from the lovely couple."

In this precise moment, I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I let my hair hide my face similar to a curtain hiding whatever a crystal window exposed to the stranger's eye. Professor McGonagall's name is Minerva, which is the Roman version of Athena; the goddess of wisdom and whom I share a name with, but McGonagall is not showing any wisdom in this precise moment. I made sure not to stand too close to Riddle, but I still thanked McGonagall for her praise because it was the proper thing to do while telling her that I was a 'single lady'. She expressed that it did not seem that way to Riddle.

This statement made a home for itself in the corner of my mind. I was still mortified, but what she said just now appalled me greatly. Then, after praising us and criticizing everyone else to the point of scrutiny, she dismissed us to our dorms. By the large exit, Riddle was waiting for me and we walked together.

When we entered the common room, I noticed Blair flying in from the large window. I extended my arm for her to land on and I grabbed the letter she held tight in her small beak. I petted her as a form of gratitude and when I noticed Riddle was still standing there, I called him over.

Until now, Abraxas was the only person who had formally met Blair. Despite my ever-changing feelings for the Head Boy, Riddle was deserving of making Blair's acquaintance. I gave him the small recapitulation, told him that Blair was practically extended family and invited him to pet the intelligent bird of the night. He looked at me waiting to confirm if I was sure, I simply nodded and granted him full permission. He placed his hand on Blair's head and soflty petted her snow white feathered body. In return, Blair hooted in delight and moved closer to him.

Usually, if Blair did not like someone she would fly away. She would not attack, she would not flap her wings to shoo them away or anything of the sort. This meant that Riddle had gained Blair's approval. I was truly happy in this moment, simply filled with euphoria. Nothing could replace this small unspoken act of devotion that had taken place. Speaking of killing animals and making them his servant, yet here he was making friends with an old owl that belonged to his ex-rival.

He smiled at Blair and I, sharing the same look of utter joy I had when I noticed Blair had approved of him. I gave Blair a small whistle and she flied away to my chamber.

"She liked you, you're the only person besides Abraxas that she's ever liked. Between us, I think you're her new favorite.", I said.

He laughed and said, "Of course, anyone that's smart would choose me over that git Malfoy."

"Tom, 'that git Malfoy' is a dear friend of mine. Don't push it.", I replied.

He rolled his eyes and told me he still hated the 'git'. It was my turn to roll my eyes; I needed to get them to make amends but I did not even know why they disliked each other. I walked away from Riddle, sat on a small chair and opened my letter. The letter was from my aunt and it said the following,

Dear Niece,

Everything is more than well at the office and at the manor. Hopefully, by the time you're reading this you have a date for the Yule Ball and buying your dress won't be a complete waste of my precious time. I regrettably inform you that you nor I will be returning to the manor for the holidays. I have some important business to attend to and I cannot permit you to reside over the manor alone this year. We will see each other in the summer.


Aunt Eleanor

I finished reading the letter and let out a frustrated groan. I did not like staying at Hogwarts nor being alone at the manor, but I wanted to hope that she would care enough to spend time with me. Of course, any hope that had to do with my aunt was always in vain. I threw the small letter in the fire and closed my eyes in a meditating manner, as a way to remain calm.

Abraxas was going home and everyone from my house always left Hogwarts for the holiday season, I was going to be completely alone.

Before I could return to my chamber, I noticed Riddle was quietly waiting for me to finish reading the letter.

He had a look of slight concern on his eyes and asked, "What's the matter Athena?"

"It's nothing Tom, I just have to spend the holidays alone at Hogwarts... yet again.". Before Riddle could reply, I asked him a follow up question, "What do you do for the holidays?"

"I am forced to go back to the orphanage, unless I express any disdain in which case they let me stay at Hogwarts until the summer.", he said.

"Tom... if I may ask... how is life at an orphanage?"

He looked shocked, I do not think anyone cared to know about his life outside of his ambitions. I was very curious as to what he would answer because something in his childhood must've definitely played a role in his current self and its manifestations.

"Alastair, always one for the deep questions... I will be brief, it is not good. Muggles are more cruel than any dark wizard you will ever meet and those rotten children have made my life a living hell. In addition to that, Muggle adults are extremely out of touch and thrive on being authoritarian figures.", he expressed with disdain.

I was truly saddened, maybe if the Muggles he had encountered were not so cruel maybe he would not be this way. I have encountered a few Muggles in my life time and I studied everything about them, I knew they were not all like Riddle had depicted. I looked at him with pitiful yet loving eyes and placed my hand over his.

Before I could think about what I was saying I asked, "Tom, do you want to stay with me at Hogwarts for the holidays?"

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