The Final Cycle: A Zodiac Sto...

By cosmic_1221

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In the beginning, there were the Great Gods and their creations throughout the five Realms. But with beautifu... More



777 32 10
By cosmic_1221

"Cancer! Cancer!" Pisces yelled at her sleeping friend, shaking her harder than Cancer would have ever imagined. The white-haired girl growled a bit, but that didn't stop Pisces. "It's the 25th!"

"What..." Cancer lifted her head, her ears flicking. "The 25th...?" She gasped, her sleepiness fading away enough to realize what Pisces was saying.

It was October 25th, 1997. Scorpio's birthday.

"Oh, come on!" Pisces reached out for Cancer's hand, and Cancer grabbed it gently. "We have to be the first ones to tell him!" To Cancer's surprise, Pisces pulled with a lot of force.

The sun had already risen, and mostly everyone was awake. Cancer barely got to say good morning to her friends, for Pisces was steady dragging her up the stairs to the gentlemen's rooms. Cancer was impressed; Pisces didn't even stop to say anything to Taurus.

"Damnit!" Pisces huffed. Cancer's eyes widened at her friend's vulgar remark. It was rare for Pisces to swear. She's hanging out with Aries too much.... "I wanted to tell Scorpio happy birthday first..."

"How do you, know?" Cancer began to ask, be her question was answered as soon as she made it up the stairs.

Aries had Scorpio locked between his arms, hugging him tighter than what was supposed to be possible. Scorpio, who looked beyond sleepy and panicked, was trying - and failing - to claw his way out of Aries' happy death grip. "Let fucking go, Aries!"

"I already told you, not until you give me a birthday hug!" Aries laughed, squeezing Scorpio even harder. "Come on, just one, and it'll all be over!"

Pisces hummed, floating her way to the two violent signs. She sidestepped Aries easily before poking his exposed side. Her finger disappeared into his side. Cancer gasped, and Aries yelped, flinching onto the wall. Scorpio was finally free.

"Your welcome." Pisces pat him on the back. "And happy birthday, dear. Hey, Aries? You okay?"

Aries groaned, but smirked at the two girls. "Couldn't be better, babe..."

"Good." She faintly smiled, a gesture Aries most likely missed. "Go get ready for the day so you can get some breakfast."

"Yes ma'am!" Aries saluted before dashing off to his messy room. It amazed Cancer how Pisces could tell Aries what to do so easily, and for Aries to listen without a complaint. "Make sure Taur is down there making breakfast!"

"He is!" Pisces called, giggling. She floated her way downstairs, meeting up with Aqua and Gem at the bottom.

Cancer made her way to Scorpio's room, a small grin on her face. He was getting dressed, and she caught a glimpse of his permanently bruised back. Cancer knew better than to mention it. Patiently, she waited for him to finish and look at her. She knew not to mention how tired he looked, either.

They shared no conversation. Words weren't necessarily for either of the water Signs. Cancer walked to him, cupping both of cheeks - stroking one with her thumb - and whispered, "Be good today."

He eased in her touch. With a slowly wagging tail, Scorpio nodded, grabbing and holding her hands.

"Taurus is making pancakes," She told him, pulling away. "Hurry downstairs for your birthday breakfast."

Cancer left his room as quietly as she came, trotting down the stairs with her own tail wagging.

Taurus was still in the kitchen with Libra, mixing batter in a bowl. "Ah, morning Cancer." He hummed with his wings abuzz. "I'm making birthday pancakes."

"His favorite!" She gasped.

"How could I forget? Last time I made them for him, he ate six and got sick." Taurus chuckled. "Later, I'll make some brownies for everyone, or whatever he wants."

"Brownies sound good." Libra said, brushing a raven strand out of her face. She sat at the island, looking as pretty as ever. "But Taurus... why do you bake? We have a magic house that makes whatever we think of. I just don't want you to go through the trouble every day."

It was a valid concern. Any of the Signs could have anything they wanted with a single craving, and Taurus still made breakfast, lunch, and dinner almost every night. "I can only imagine it being a lot to cook for the 12 of us every day." Cancer added. "Libra and I can help, if you'd like."

Taurus' wings beat faster with his laugh. "No, I got it. I like cooking, especially for you guys. It's not as much of a hassle as you think."

Libra and Cancer shared a pout before Libra shrugged. "Alright." She said, leaning over the counter. "Don't tired yourself out, though."

"I won't." Taurus hummed to the beat of his wings, pouring the pancake batter onto the griddle. The smell made Cancer's tail wag harder, beating against the side of the table. Libra giggled when Taurus asked, "Smell good, Cancie?"

"Sure does!" Leo shouted for Cancer. He jogged into the kitchen and naturally latched onto Libra. They shared a quick kiss before he sniffed himself. "Damn, Taur! What's with the flapjacks?"

Cancer stiffened as she watched Leo realize what day it was. He started to scowl, a low growl leaving his throat. "Tell me Taurus," Leo's sudden condescending tone was unusually cold. "Has that piece of shit ever actually been nice to you?"

Without looking up, Taurus replied, "Sure he has."

"That's a fucking surprise."

"Not really," Maybe Cancer was the only one feeling tense, but Taurus was still oddly calm. He glanced down at her before he said, "He only hates you. Besides, it's his birthday. I wouldn't bother him."

Leo sucked his teeth, clearly not understanding Taurus. Cancer hoped the conversation would drop altogether. Libra, who was probably uncomfortable too, sighed as she rubbed her boyfriend's bare arm. "Babe," she said, getting his attention instantly. "Don't think about it. The pancakes are all that matters. Remember when Taur made pancakes for my birthday?"

Leo hummed, kissing her again. Cancer swooned. "Yeah, they're better every time."

"What's better every time?" Of all people to show up, Cancer hoped Scorpio would stay upstairs forever. Be good, please be good. Unfortunately, he walked into the kitchen like he already owned the place. Ignoring Leo's growls, he said, "Oh, Taur's pancakes? Yeah, they are pretty great. You need some help, Taur?"

"No, thank you." It was subtle - like most of Taurus' gestures - but it was a glare all the same. A glare Cancer knew Scorpio recognized, but refused to show any reaction to. "It's probably best if you head outside, get some extra training to practice learning your element. Pisces told me you were having some trouble with it."

Leo snorted, and, almost like lightning, Libra slapped his arm. When Cancer saw Scorpio's devious smirk, she realized he was going to retaliate, hard. Please, please, be good! "Scorpio-" She started, her tail growing frantic.

"Now, hang on, Cancie." He raised his hands, not even hiding the malice on his face anymore. Slowly, Taurus put down his spatula and straightened his back. "Don't get all scared, okay? Sometimes, people, like Litter Box over there, tend to overcompensate for getting cucked, and that's okay. It's not my business-"

Leo was faster than anyone anticipated. Scorpio was crushed against a wall, his neck being squeezed by Leo's claws. The bloodlust in their eyes made Cancer want to scream. Taurus sighed. "Leo!" Libra shouted. "Let him go."

Surprisingly, Leo didn't reply. Or rather, he didn't reply with words. A low, terrible, rumble left this throat as his eyes flashed. Cancer wanted to push Leo away, or yell at Scorpio, but at what cost? When both of them were this angry, it was practically suicide to intervene.

Not surprisingly, Scorpio didn't look daunted in the slightest. His eyes lost their whites and were those awful, black pits again. Cancer hated those eyes, but apparently Scorpio loved showing them off. "Aw, did I make the damn kitty angry?" He teased, baring his own sharp teeth. Libra and Cancer both desperately glanced at Taurus, who watched the two silently. "Mad that I fucked your bitch in your face? Damn cat, that was three whole years ago."

So why does it feel like yesterday? Cancer found out Scorpio slept with Leo's girlfriend at the same time everyone else did. Everyone was eating lunch. Scorpio got on the table and flaunted off fucking Leo's bitch - over and over with cruel detail - before leaving. Cancer wasn't that close with Leo, but watching his heart crumple and wither that day would make anyone pity him. It didn't help that Scorpio never let him live it down.

Leo squeezed harder, his growls getting louder. Scorpio winced as black blood trailed down his neck. "Go ahead." He snarled. "Try and kill me, cat piss. You'll just have to say goodbye to your angel. That won't be so hard right?"

That managed to bring Leo to his senses. He lingered, before snatching his hand away. Cancer noticed his cat eyes were glossy. Scorpio snorted, wiping his neck with his hand. "Knew you didn't have the balls to do it." He sneered. I'm going to punch him! "You were always soft. Delilah wanted someone harder. Much harder."

Cancer's stomach turned as she watched Leo sadly smile. There was no fighting, no arguing, just bitter defeat. "She did, didn't she?" Leo asked, making his way out to the Field. Libra didn't waste anytime running after him. She's much better than that bitch.

Cancer, Taurus and Scorpio were left in the kitchen. She took a heavy step towards Scorpio, who was already staring at her. He knows I'm mad, good.

Neither of them even heard Taurus swing.

His fist connected directly with Scorpio's cheek. Cancer winced at the crunch. Scorpio sucked in his cheeks. "Spit on my floor, and I punch again." Taurus snapped, cracking his knuckles.

Cancer had only seen Taurus angry once or twice. He was naturally mellow and calm, and it wasn't easy to get him riled up. Besides, with his size, anyone would have to be an A-grade idiot to fight him physically.

Scorpio was no such idiot, which is why he didn't respond. Cancer took the opportunity to yell at him now. "I can't believe you! You make me sick sometimes, Scorpio! Real sick." She didn't want to see him anymore, not right now at least. "Forget breakfast, Taurus. I'm not hungry."

"Me either." Taurus wiped his hand on his clothes. "When you go outside, tell everyone I made pancakes, yeah? I need to go wash my hands." Taurus stormed out of the kitchen, his wings flaring. Cancer followed him, until they parted ways: Cancer to the Field, and Taurus upstairs. They both felt Scorpio's icy glare, and Cancer was glad Taurus ignored it too.

Outside, Leo was nowhere to be seen. Neither was Libra. She's probably with him. Cancer didn't let herself worry about them, since they had each other. Instead, she went to the miniature party Pisces was having with Aquarius and Gemini. Aqua was jamming with a silver harmonica as the girls danced around him near the lake.

When Cancer came near, Pisces noticed first. "Hey, Cancer... you're irritated." When her small face fell, Aqua stopped playing. "What happened?"

"Reyes happened." Cancer answered, getting into the stance for her water movement. She closed her eyes and, with a deep breath, pushed her spirit out to the water. The water reacted by recoiling, which Cancer expected. Opening her eyes, she sighed. "I can't do this right now."

"There's no rush, Cancie." Gemini said, teleporting to her. Cancer smiled at her, already grateful for her bright energy. "Hecate's not around to vaguely give us orders, so relax. You worry all the time."

Gemini was right. Cancer worried about everyone, everything, always. "I can't help it." Cancer shrugged, plopping herself on the grass. "I'm just... angry, and the water knows that."

"I can see that." Pisces said, floating to Cancer's other side. Her eyes didn't meet Cancer's, but she knew they didn't have to. "What did he do this time?"


"Oh." No explanation was needed. Everyone knew about Delilah. Cancer held a certain bitterness toward her, even before she cheated on Leo. The whore thought it was funny to make fun of blind people. "Why can't he behave for one day?"

"Because he gets a kick out of being cruel to others." Aquarius stated flatly. Pisces frowned without looking at him. "I know you know that, Pisces." It was obvious to anyone that Scorpio enjoyed to hurt others. Especially Leo. However, it was rare for anyone to stand up to Scorpio, let alone understand his source of fury and vengeance. Aquarius was not one of those people. "What I fail to understand is why you continue to even be nice to him."

"We..." Cancer didn't have an answer. At least, not one that would satisfy Aqua. There was no point in explaining - yet again - that Scorpio was family. And family was everything, even if they were damaged and intolerable at times. "He's family. We're all he has, and I'm not nice to him when he doesn't deserve it."

"When he doesn't deserve it..." Aqua mimicked, making air quotes. "He sounds more like a pet than a friend. It's not your job to raise him."

"I know, Aquarius." Pisces looked at him as her voice hardened. Cancer swallowed. "We choose to deal with him. I would have walked away if I wanted to."

"Oh really? I find that hard to believe."

"I know." Pisces' gaze traveled to the water, it rippled in response. "That's why I won't explain myself."

"Fair enough."

"Hey!" Their conversation was interrupted by Aries, crashing in front of them on his bare feet. His glare and scowl wasn't missed by Cancer. "Where the fuck is Scorpio?"

"Coming outside right now." Pisces answered. Her only reaction to his aggressive tone was a small flinch. "What happened?"



"Since he wants to be a birthday bitch, I'll just kick his ass." Aries cracked his knuckles, his scowl growing into a smirk. Aqua looked at his closest friend lazily, while the girls shrunk, clearly intimidated.

Right on time, Scorpio took care in stepping onto the Field. His tail hung low behind him, swaying in time with his chest rising and falling. He passed everyone without saying a word, his smirk telling all. Asshole...

Aries had his eyes pinned on Scorpio the whole time. "I've got a bone to pick with you, Reyes." He said as he clenched his fists. His eyes blazed with suppressed rage.

Scorpio gave him a single look - one that could freeze over Hell - before completely ignoring him by walking past him toward the lake. Aqua sighed. Pisces shrank back.

Cancer should have expected Aries to retaliate. It was Aries Ramirez, he always fought back. Even when there was nothing to fight.

So, Cancer instinctively moved away from the lake when Aries grabbed Scorpio by his collar, almost dragging him off of the ground. With a roar, Aries threw his friend (who was 6'2 and 185 pounds) straight into the lake. Water burst up from the impact, then it grew eerily still. No Sign moved.

"Don't fucking ignore me, asshole!" Aries snarled, cracking his knuckles. If fighting Taurus was stupidity, then fighting Aries was insanity. "I don't give a shit if it's your birthday or not, you answer me when I'm talking to you!"

Aqua stiffened as Gemini dropped to the ground. She looked at Aqua desperately, probably telepathically begging him to intervene. If any of the Signs could, it would be him. He understood Aries and refused to fear Scorpio. But, when he glanced at Cancer, she understood completely. He didn't want to.

Pisces was kneeling by the lake, poking it and creating the only ripples. She had an intent stare, one that was oddly intimidating. "The water is scared..." She mumbled, pouting.

She was right. It was strange, the water was never that stiff. Scorpio was still underwater, so why were there no bubbles? He could swim - very well - so why wasn't he coming up? Can he breath underwater? Did he teleport? Can he teleport? I don't even know what he's capable of...

"None of us do..." Aqua sighed, running a hand through his hair. Cancer's tail swished, not really liking her mind invaded. "Sorry, it's not exactly something I can help."

"It's-" Cancer started to say, before Pisces' gasp interrupted her. Everyone's attention was at the lake. The freezing lake. "Oh, no."

Aries was the first to react. It was obvious he wasn't done laying into Scorpio, nor was he intimidated by the sudden freezing. He took deliberate steps toward the lake, playing with his fingers before dousing them in bright flames. "If you think I'm afraid of some damn ice, you'd better think again-"

The ice broke like glass, making the grass around it shimmer. Scorpio, a dark, menacing blur whipped passed Aries. He left behind a large icicle lodged in Aries' stomach. "No!!" Pisces screamed.

Scorpio kept moving, not even turning to look at what he'd done. Cancer noticed that some water from the lake was around him, frozen clouds of ice that clouded the air. Ice...? How did he make ice?

"Aries?" Gemini called, watching the ice melt. It shouldn't have been melting as fast as it was. "You-"

Aries - with his hands still ablaze - ripped the icicle out and melted the rest. Blood seeped through is battle shirt where he was punctured. "I told you I'm not afraid of some damn ice." He said and spit on the ground. Cancer wanted to desperately stop them, but as she moved, Aqua shook his head. He's right... getting between them when they're that angry is crazy...

Cancer knew this was worse than before, much worse. Pisces had scooted closer to her, latching onto her arm and squeezing it tightly. She had never seen her friend so afraid.

The gust of wind from Aries' wings made everyone flinch. He took of straight ahead, roaring with fury, as if he wasn't just stabbed.

Scorpio was ready for him. Aries' fist crashed into the ice clouds as Scorpio turned to face his opponent. Shards exploded from the impact, puncturing Aries' wings. Cancer didn't see him falter, even as burning blood dripped onto the grass below.

It didn't stop Aries from punching - as if anything would. He crashed through the makeshift ice barrier with ease. Had Scorpio not dodged at the last second, his jaw would have been shattered.

Scorpio, much more faster and agile, was already retaliating. With his newfound, terrifying power, he thrusted an ice-knee into Aries' wound. Wincing, he had to push his wings open to move back enough to dodge it.

Cancer was astonished that they could anticipate each other so easily. Blow after blow, dodge after dodge, nothing was exchanged. Sure there was one small hit or two, but nothing crippled either of them. Cancer had realized that the only reason Scorpio managed to hurt Aries in the first place was because he caught the bigger Sign by surprise.

When Pisces eased on Cancer's arm, Cancer knew there was nothing much to worry about anymore. "Aries isn't angry anymore," She whispered. "He's having fun... of course he would be."

"How can you tell?" Cancer asked her. Gemini and Aqua listened in too, probably eager to learn more about her.

"I can see it." Pisces simply answered. She didn't elaborate, even when Aqua was instantly interested, bombarding her with questions. It didn't appear that Pisces seemed bothered as she vaguely answered him. "Somehow, they made up through fighting. How unconventional."

Cancer looked back at the fight closer. Each punch and knee and scratch was getting less intense. Aries wasn't growling, but laughing. Scorpio was fighting a smile as he feinted an ice punch. Unconventional, alright... She chose not to dwell on it, preferring to just be glad that her friends didn't want to kill each other.

Eventually, the two were tired enough to stop. Even as Scorpio panted and rested his hands on his knees, the ice still clouded around him. Aries stood tall over him, pushing back his hair and saying, "Don't make me actually hurt you, alright? Leave Leo alone."

Scorpio didn't reply. Cancer couldn't tell if it was out of defiance or exasperation. Obviously, Aries didn't care for the reason, only the result. Aries grabbed a fistful of his curls and pulled Scorpio up to meet the firs Sign's eyes brutal eyes. They were so close, Cancer could see the ice clouds prick Aries' skin. "Answer me." Aries kept his voice low, not even blinking.

"Alright, fine!" Scorpio shoved him away, Aries letting him go without resistance. "Just stay the hell away from me."

"Alright," Aries agreed, raising his hands in defense. "I just don't want you to make the same mistake twice."

Scorpio didn't answer again, only sucking his teeth and stalking back to the lake. The ice cloud moved with him.  He kept his distance with everyone, which was fine with Cancer. She didn't want to be bothered with him, and when Pisces didn't gravitate toward him, Cancer knew her smaller friend didn't want to be bothered either.

Aries chuckled, snapping his fingers back on fire. "Hey, Gem! Wanna practice?"

"Sure!" Gem squealed, teleporting to his side in an instant. "But... are you okay?"

"Babe," Aries rolled his thick shoulder, smirking at the petite girl. "I've been through worse. A little ice doesn't hurt anybody. Now come on! Show me what your little mind powers can do!"

"Sir, yes sir!" Gem saluted, putting up her tiny fists against the man almost twice her size.

Before she threw a punch, the Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft appeared in the crowd of Signs. "Good morning, Zodiac." She stated flatly, her eyes on Scorpio.

"Morning Hecate!" Cancer and Aries said at the same time. "We learning anything new today?" Aries asked, not noticing his friends grew eerily silent.

"It seems as though you already have." Hecate glowered at the umber-skinned man, stalking toward him. "Scorpio, is that ice around you?"

He answered without looking up, or speaking. With a rise of his hand, a spike of ice rose out of the lake.

Hecate set her jaw and raised her voice. "When did you learn to reach a higher octave?"

"Just now." The entire time, Scorpio was kneeling in front of the water, staring at it. Cancer couldn't ignore the way the water shifted and bent under his gaze. He rose to his full height, towering over the Goddess. "Aries helped."

"I am quite tired of your unorthodox methods of learning powers beyond your control." A flick of her wrist made a silver scepter appear in her hand. She drew a circle with it, an identical circle appearing around Scorpio. Lines crossed it, creating an intricate decagram. "You are here to learn and obey, not jeopardize the Cycle."

For once, Scorpio expressed surprise at the light circle underneath him. The lines brightened as Hecate's eyes narrowed. "Face Divine Judgement, demon!"

Demon...? The light flashed up at her word, and the moment it touched Scorpio's bare skin, he screamed in pan. Cancer covered her mouth, gasping into her hands. Scorpio dropped to his knees as another blast of light seared his skin. Cancer could hardly see the smoke rising from his skin, her eyes were too blurry.

It was only a matter of time before Scorpio was too weak to hold himself up. He looked so small to Cancer, all curled up, black blood pooling around him. His eyes lost their whites, replaced with tears streaming down his cheeks.

After the fourth light blast, Cancer noticed that more Signs had gathered around the scene, probably because they heard Scorpio scream. Still, no one dared to stop the Goddess as she blasted and blasted the demon.

Scorpio gasped, coughing out more black blood onto the grass. There was a futile attempt to crawl out of the circle, but the light penetrated him before he could even try. Not once did he ever beg Hecate to stop.

Cancer couldn't take it anymore. Scorpio Reyes was, in fact, an awful person. He was aggressive, violent, and an all around asshole. But Cancer knew he didn't deserve this. "Hecate, please!" She stood and screamed. "Please, he's had enough!"

Hecate looked as though she considered Cancer's words as an afterthought before she lowered her scepter. The light circle faded away, leaving Scorpio blistered and shaking. Dark burns covered his cheeks and bare arms.

She wasted no time sprinting to her little brother. Cancer held his head, refusing to hold back the sobs falling from her lips. "It's okay, Scorpi... it's okay..." She whispered, before crying too much to continue.

One of the Signs had to ask a question - Cancer wasn't really paying much attention - for Hecate to respond with. "Force was needed. Scorpio is a demon, the enemy. Their sole purpose is to destroy the Zodiac and end the Cycle. Even though he is a Sign, he can never be trusted. Understood?"

Again, the Zodiac said nothing. Cancer was grateful that even Leo didn't immediately agree. There was a sigh before Hecate said, "Fine. Have it your way, Zodiac." Turning her back to the Signs, she didn't speak again as she strode into the house.

For a long time, the only one who moved was Scorpio, attempting - and failing - to use what little energy he had to sit up. Even if he was able-bodied, Cancer wasn't stupid enough to let him move too much. Every time her fingers brushed over a bloody burn, it seared her, forcing her to hold in winces.

He can't be the enemy... She thought to herself as someone else got closer. Cancer sniffed, recognizing Virgo's scent immediately. "Let's bandage him up," She mumbled. Cancer didn't look up to see her friend's face, but watched her delicate hands wrap around one of Scorpio's burns.

Cancer grew numb as she watched. Aries came over and asked if Scorpio was going to be alright. Virgo answered, but Cancer didn't hear it. There wasn't much she could hear, her senses fading fast.

Someone gently grabbed her arm, pulled her from Scorpio. Cancer didn't know who, but she was too empty to fight them. Whoever it was was being kind enough to tell her everything was going to be alright. Cancer wasn't dumb. She knew it would only get worse. Scorpio would get worse.

Inside the house, she was directed to her room. They sat down together, the Sign patting her shoulder, still rambling on about who knew what. Her peripheral caught dark marks on their hand. Capricorn...

It warmed her heart, if only a little. But even he couldn't pull Cancer out of her numbness.

Cap said something about eating, and she agreed. Cancer didn't notice anyone at the table, but that didn't matter. No Sign said anything.

Nothing needed to be said. Even without being psychic, Cancer knew what everyone was thinking.

An enemy... is one of our own.


Oh no! Scorpio is a demon! What could that possibly mean for the Zodiac and the Cycle?

Thank you all for being patient for this story! Trust me, now that I have a break from university, updates will not be this slow again.

Stay Starry! 💫

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