His Saving Grace

By writergsofia

19K 372 157

Merely the narration of how a minuscule background character in her own life turns into a hero by barging int... More

Before starting this story...
Main Characters (aesthetics)
Chapter 1- Scowling Aunt & Alastair Manor
Chapter 2- Trip to Diagon Alley & The Notorious Rude Boy
Chapter 3 - Last First Day at Hogwarts & The Eventful Sorting
Chapter 4 - Royalty Status & Pleasantry Letters
Chapter 5 - Confrontations & Predicaments
Chapter 6 - Divination Revelations & Riddles
Chapter 7 - Mishaps & Solutions
Chapter 8 - A New Friend & Tragically Irksome Tutor
Chapter 9 - Horcruxes & Eavesdropping
Chapter 10 - Interesting Tutoring Session & Deadly Curiosity
Chapter 11 - More Curiosity & Observations
Chapter 12 - Invitation to Hogsmeade & More Tutoring
Chapter 13 - Room of Requirement & Hogsmeade
Chapter 14 - Nonverbal Spells & A Duel
Chapter 15 - Strong Tension & The Plan
Chapter 16 - Improvement & New Dynamics
Chapter 18 - Blossoming Chemistry & After Hour Recklessness
Chapter 19 - Suppressed Feelings & Explanations
Chapter 20 - Sleepless Nights & Realizations
Chapter 21 - Restricted Section & Falling
Chapter 22 - The Talk & A Date to the Yule Ball
Chapter 23 - First Fight & Possible Redemption
Chapter 24 - Yule Ball Practice & Holiday Plans
Chapter 25 - Yule Ball & Confessions
Chapter 26 - Holidays at Hogwarts & Closer to Action
Chapter 27 - Holidays at Hogwarts & Closer to Action Pt. 2
Chapter 28 - Quidditch & Going Steady
Chapter 29 - Insane Boyfriend & Date at Hogsmeade
Chapter 30 - No More Secrets & Less Ambitions
Chapter 31 - Myrtle & A Break
Chapter 32 - Missing Each Other & A New Promise
Chapter 33 - More Family Secrets & Execution
Chapter 34 - Unraveling Truths & Dark Side
Chapter 35 - Imperfect Man & Final Stage
Chapter 36 - Attempted Murder & Possible Redemption
Chapter 37 - The Price & Coma State
Chapter 38 - Waking Up & Mutual Love
Chapter 39 - Power Struggles & Hope Through Truth
Chapter 40 - Inquiries & Declarations of Love
Chapter 41 - Visiting Aunt & Reconciliations
Chapter 42 - Eighteenth & A Disease
Chapter 43 - NEWTs & Inevitable Death
Chapter 44 - Unconventionally Magnificent & Numb
Chapter 45 - Vulnerable Thoughts & Changes of Heart
(EPILOGUE) Chapter 46 - Graduation & Life with a Changed Man
Author's Note

Chapter 17 - Werewolves & The New Alliance

319 3 0
By writergsofia

The next day, I sat with Abraxas and a few of his friends for breakfast. This was becoming the new norm and I actually enjoyed myself. His friends were only acquaintances, but they treated me nicely and it meant I got to spend more time with Abraxas.

They were angrily discussing Dumbledore's decision to postpone quidditch season. We were supposed to have our first match two weeks ago, but now the season won't start until January. I was not on the team nor did I care for the sport, but Abraxas was heartbroken.

I decided to leave the table and make my way to the library, no one would be crying over quidditch at the library.

I exited the Great Hall and when I arrived at the library someone reached out and opened the door for me. When I turn around, I see Riddle had opened the door and held out his arm granting me permission to exit first. I nodded a thank you and made my way towards my usual spot.

I spent the hour at the library, but it was now time for DADA. I greeted Professor Snape and took my sit next to Riddle. He nods at me and said a quick hello. I cannot escape him, and his newly found "niceness" made me uncomfortable.

Today, we were discussing werewolves. To me, they were one of the most interesting creatures in the wizarding world. It just seemed unfathomable for them to have a transformation so intense that they could not even recognize their own family yet still recalled everything that occurred once turning back to their human form. Obviously, this meant they would kill without mercy while in their wolf form; making them extremely dangerous, but I was still intrigued by their prowess.

I raised my hand and waited for Snape to call on me.

"Yes, Miss Alastair?", Snape's monotone voice questioned.

"Professor, has anyone actually tried to find a cure for lycanthropy? I have only read about the use of the Wolfsbane potion as a remedy, but no cure has been found. Which leads me to believe no one has tried due to the prejudice against such beasts.", I asked.

My conscious could not let the thought that people were purposefully leaving werewolves without a cure pass by without affirmation that this was not the case.

"As usual, Miss Alastair has asked an excellent question, everyone should take a note or two. To answer in a concise manner, Wolfsbane is already complicated enough and there are simply too many myths about this species that does not permit the wizarding to advance towards a cure.", Snape answered.

I nodded, thanked him for answering the question, and went back to my notes.

A part of me knew most did not care for werewolves, or any beast for that matter, but there was nothing I could do about it. It was still extremely captivating to learn about these creatures and I knew my curiosity would not let me end the discussion here.

Later that day, I arrived at the library and found Riddle searching for a book in the H to L section. I hid behind a wooden ladder in the next corridor observing and waiting for him to grab his book.

Still staring at the books he says, "Alastair, you can come out from behind that ladder. I think the entire library can see you lurking."

"Well I'll be damned, guess my hideout spot wasn't nearly as wicked as I thought!", I said in a joking manner as a way to recover and cope with being embarrassingly exposed.

Riddle held no expression on his face, took a large old book titled 'Lycanthropy: A Wicked Illness of the Mind and Body' and handed it to me.

He said, "I have already read this and based on your notes, question to Snape, and attitude throughout DADA, I can presume you will find answers to most of your inquiries inside this book."

"Oh... wow... thanks Riddle, I'll be sure to read it.", I answered him as genuine shock brewed within me.

He was paying attention and decided to help me for absolutely no reason, it was suspiciously worrisome for someone like him. I grabbed the book and headed to my usual seat when I noticed Riddle was following me.

He sat down next to me and I questioned him, "Do you need anything Riddle?".

To which he responded with, "No, nothing at all."

I nodded my head, tried my best to ignore his presence and started doing my assignments.

As I continued with my tasks, flashes of memories appeared quickly within my mind that was trying to fill itself with ridiculous wizarding facts for the sake of a good score on the NEWTs. These memories only aided in reminding me how intense Riddle and I's now dying feud had been at its prime. Stealing each other's homework, insulting each other merely because the other breathed in the same room, pushing each other to see who would trip on the stairs and die during first and second year, spreading rumours about each other in third year, trying to outsmart each other constantly for the sake of two minutes of glory, and many other petty actions and commentary that fueled hatred within our hearts. Why has he forgotten all of this for the sake of civility?

After a while, noticing I did not get much work done, I snapped out of the thoughts that were consuming me. Making noise as he pulled the chair back, Riddle stood up and headed back to the same section where I had initially found him.

I took my nose out of the book and tried to see which book he would choose, but a frustrated look painted itself on his face. Perhaps he had not found what he was looking for, maybe he was searching in the wrong section. I basically lived here, I could help him if I wanted to, but seeing him struggle was slightly satisfying to my soul. Five minutes had passed and my kindness got the best of me, I quickly walked in his direction and asked him if he was looking for something specific.

He disregarded my presence, but I started ranting about my love for books, how I knew where more than half the books in the library were, how I made it my goal to read every single book before graduating and much more. Lost in my own trance, I had not noticed Riddle was staring at me with the same look he had given me a while ago. I had almost forgotten it, but it was the same, a look of confusion, disgust and admiration all in one. I abruptly brought my rant to a stop and apologized for my excessive talking.

"Alastair, I have been your biggest rival for seven years and this is the most I have ever heard you say in one minute.", he pointed out.

Instead of smiling or nodding, I embarrassingly snorted loudly.

Riddle shook his head and said, "Although I have decided it is best for us to act in a civilized manner, it does not mean I will not relish greatly in your intellectual demise. Now that I have made this clear, I do want your help with something. Something that must remain solely between us."

I stood there and processed his words, this was definitely major progress in how we associated with each other, but a part of me thought his new honorable ways were too good to be true.

"Now now... I must know this. You know I can keep a secret, Riddle.", I confidently replied.

In that moment I simply wanted to run away, but I had to give in to whatever plans he had with me because it was the means necessary to achieve my own plans.

"Tomorrow, after our tutoring session.", he whispered.

Then, he gave me a reassuring look and left me alone with my thoughts. I would find out everything that consumed Riddle's mind and heart, and turn it into my own pot of gold. I would steal his spotlight or bring him down with me.

Regardless of my ambitions, the thoughts in the back of my mind were in the heat of battle. I was not revolted by the idea of purposefully spending more time with him nor did I actually mind forming the new alliance with the Slytherin poster child, despite whatever I was telling myself, but I would not yet bring myself to this realization.

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