ADDICTED(ft Aidan Gallagher)

By NadeneTheunissen3

90.8K 2.2K 1K

One week later after y/n got suspended she finds out that 17 year old celebrity,Aidan Gallagher transferred t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
new story

Chapter 1

7.5K 140 83
By NadeneTheunissen3


Ugh!!! I hate school,i thought to myself while getting ready for the first day of school after winter break. Its just whole lot of work,the same annoying teachers,same fake friends,same unneccessary drama and just the same childish,horny people in one building!!! I said to myself while shoving books in my bag.

Y/n!!!!! Come on you're going to be late for school!!
Mom,there's still a whole half and hour left!!! Im almost done!

So i put on this...

and ran downstairs with my bag and grabbed an apple and walked out the door,as i was walking out the door my mom ask,"Are you not going to greet before you go??" I didn't answer her and just slammed the door. We used to be close but when my dad died 3 years ago due to a shooting incident we kinda drifted apart. We drifted even more when she found out that i smoke and drink,which obviously caused more arguments seeing that in only 16.(just pretend that you're 16 in this story,if youre not😁) She found out a few times already about the substance by the neighbors that saw me smoke and drink,nosey ass people!! I told her that i would stop but obviously i didn't. Plus she has another 8 year old daughter(my sister) to also look out for,so shes not that much on my case.

On my way to school i got my best friend,Josie. We walk together to school and back everyday. At first i didn't really want to become friends with her,i usually prefer to walk alone to school with my cigarette,but im glad i met her. Btw...she smokes too,so shes not a complete angel

We went to school and got to our classes,my first class was maths. Ugh!! I hate maths,so i just sat in my corner and put my head on the desk,a few minutes later the sir, Mr.James noticed and called out my name. I looked up and he asked me why im not paying attention? I apologized and sit up. I dont know why you're even here,you're just going to end up like you're dead,gangster dad anyway,he told me and chuckled a little bit and turned around. The whole class looked at me and giggled and some faces looked shocked. Suddenly i started boiling from inside,my face turned as red as a fire truck and my hands turned into fists,causing my nails to dig into my hand. I shouted at the sir,"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??? YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!!!"
The sir turned around and walked towards me and grabbed my arm and said,"Come on. Im taking you to the principal's office!!!" I tryed to get my arm loose but his grip was too tight,i then punched him in the face with my other free hand,he let me go and fell on the floor,i saw his lip was bleeding. The whole class started cheering me on and stood on the tables to watch the fight. The sir got up and before he could do anything another teacher came in the class because of all the noise and ran to us and stopped the fight. She took me alone to the principal's office.

(In the principal's office)

Principal:y/n i cant believe that you go into a fight! And not even with a student but with a teacher!?!?

Y/n:Im sorry,but what Mr.James told me was completely unacceptable,he knows nothing about me and my family but he wants make his own accusations!! It's not right i....

Principal:y/n!!!! You know we DO NOT tolerate fighting in our school,you should of actually been expelled from school!!

My eyes widened and i started tearing up.

Principal:But you never really got into any trouble before so this is you're last chance.Im suspending you for a week,and i hope during this week you will learn to get you're anger under control.

Y/n: Of course sir. I will do everything i can to get my anger under control.

I then walked out of his office,grabbed the rest of my things out my locker and went home.

When my mother got home from work she was obviously pissed at me and started shouting at me. I just watched her,i didnt have the energy to talk back. She took off my phone for that week as punishment and said im not allowed to have anyone(meaning Josie) visit me for the rest of the week. I just went upstairs,made me a blunt,smoked it and went to sleep.

HEYYY PEOPLE!!! I know Aidan wasn't in this chapter but he will definitely be in the next one. If you enjoyed this story please vote for me so i cant publish another chapter. Even if its just one person its also fine with me.

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