Hate to love you//Rookxx

By 50shadesoffucked

37.6K 574 63

Dani joins MGK and his band on tour, what happens between her and a certain drummer boy? * Certain parts of t... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six

Chapter seventeen

1K 21 2
By 50shadesoffucked

Dani's point of view

"Ready?" Megan asked as we met up in the lobby. "Is it weird that I'm nervous" I laughed as we walked over to the venue. We text Ashleigh that we were outside and waited for her to come get us. "They're just on stage for soundcheck" Ashleigh said as we walked through the backstage area towards the stage. I hid behind the curtain while Megan surprised Kells on stage. "Who missed me?" Megan laughed, walking onto the stage. "What the fuck" Kells said in shock, putting his guitar on the stand. "What are you doing here?" He asked, running over to her and  picking her up. "I came to see you, I missed you too much to wait another month to see you" Megan laughed. I'm so happy you're here" Kells said, hugging her. "I missed you" She laughed, kissing him as he put her back on the ground. I seen Rook sitting at his drum set smiling but I could tell that it was fake.

"Is everything okay Rook?" Megan asked, looking over at him. "Yeah, why'd you ask?" He said. "Because you don't look it" He replied. I made my way around to Rooks side of the stage through the backstage area. "I'm fine, don't worry about me" He smiled. "What's up man?" Aj asked. "What's bothering you" Baze asked. "I just really wish Dani came too" He said. "I honestly miss her so much" He added. "I missed you too loser" I laughed, walking onto the stage. "You're here!" He shouted, running over and picking me up and kissing me. The kiss was amazing, I missed kissing him. "Did you really think I wasn't here?" I laughed as he put me back down. "A little" He said. "When Megan walked out and you weren't with her, I thought you were still back in LA" He added. "I missed you too much to pass up an opportunity to see you" I said, kissing him.

"We'll let you get back to sound check" Megan laughed. "Hey Dani, wanna sing with me tonight?" Kells asked. "You know I always do" I laughed as Kells handed me a mic. Once I got a mic pack and in ears, we rehearsed Bad Things and At My Best. After soundcheck, we sat in Kells dressing room. "How long have you two had this planned?" Kells asked. "Like a month" Megan said. "Who knew?" Rook asked. "Everyone except for you two" I laughed. "So Baze, Slim and Aj knew too?" Kells asked. "Yeah" Aj said. "And none of you told us?" Rook asked. "Well that would've ruined the surprise" Slim laughed. "Where's the new opening act?" I asked. "I wanna meet them" I added. "She should be here soon" Kells said, passing me his blunt. "Her?" I asked. "Who is it" I added, passing him back his blunt as some girl walked in.

"Well, well, well" She said. "Look what the cat dragged in" She added. Noah McKenna. Noah and I used to be friends when I started out in this industry but as my career started to take off, hers didn't and she got really jealous and tried to ruin my career by selling fake stories to the press. "Good to see you again" I smiled. "You two know each other?" Rook asked. "Of course we do Rookie pie" She smiled, sitting beside him and resting her hand on his thigh. "How do you two know each other" Slim asked. "We used to be friends until Dani stole my spotlight" She smiled. "I don't think that's how it went but if that's what you want to believe then go for it" I said. "Noah, you're on stage in five minutes, get ready please" Ashleigh said. "Rook, come watch me please" Noah said, pouting. "It'll help me with my nerves" She added. "Oh, uh, yeah sure" Rook said, standing up and walking to the stage with Noah. "He's dead" I said.

"Is she always like this?" Megan asked. "Unfortunately" Aj said. "And none of you thought to tell her that Rook has a girlfriend? Who is supposed to be one of you guys closest friend?" Megan asked. "Don't worry about it Megan, it's fine" I said. "No, it's not fine Dani. They're supposed to be your closest friends, Rooks supposed to be your boyfriend and yet none of them told Noah that you're his girlfriend or even just mentioned that he's taken" She said. "Honestly Megan, it's okay" I said. "I'm going back to the hotel, I'll see y'all later" I smiled, grabbing my jacket and leaving. "What's going to happen with Bad Things and At My Best?" Kells asked. "Are you serious right now?" Megan shouted.

"You call Dani your family and always talk about how she's your best friend but when she's upset that none of her so called friends didn't even think to mention that her boyfriend is, you know, her fucking boyfriend to some skank that's throwing herself at him, you're only concerned about what's going to happen when she's supposed to sing with you?" Megan said. "Come on babe, let's go somewhere else" She said, taking my hand in hers. "Thanks for that" I said, hugging her once we left Kells dressing room. We walked back to the hotel and sat in the bar. "I seriously can't believe the guys" Megan said as we drank some cocktails. "You didn't have to leave with me, you flew all the way to see Kells. Go back over and spend time with him" I said. "Are you sure?" She asked.

Rook's point of view

"Where's Dani?" I asked as Noah and I walked back into the dressing room. "She left" Megan said. The vibe in the room had completely changed. "Is she okay?" I asked, sitting down. "Like you care" Megan replied. "I was just asking, no need to take my head off" I said. "Not the time Rook" Kells said. "Can someone please tell me what the fuck is happening and where my girlfriend is?" I said. "Don't pretend you don't know what's happening" Megan said. "I don't, that's why I'm asking" I said. "Dani got upset and she went back to the hotel" Baze said. "Why is she upset? What happened?" I asked. "You're supposed to be her boyfriend but you're entertaining other girls in front of her" Megan said. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You and Noah! She was flirting with you, resting her hand on your thigh and you done nothing about it while your girlfriend was sitting across from you" Megan said. "The whole 'Rookie pie' thing and how she can't go on stage unless you're watching her" She added. "Noah was flirting with me?" I asked. "Don't pretend like you didn't notice, you've such a reputation with girls. How can you not know she was flirting with you?" Megan said. "I didn't notice" I said. "I haven't paid any attention to any girl since I asked Dani to be my girlfriend, maybe even before that" I added. "Really?" Megan said. "I only ever got with them girls to make Dani jealous, she's the only girl I've ever wanted" I said.

After the show, I ran straight to the hotel and made my way up to my room as quick as I can. "I love you" I said, walking into the room. "I love you and only you" I added, walking over to the bed and sitting on it as Dani sat up. "What?" She asked, looking at me. "You're upset with me because of Noah and I'm sorry that I didn't shoot it down when it started but I didn't notice that she was flirting with me" I said. "You're the only girl that's ever on my mind. Dani, I love you so fucking much and I never want to lose you" I said. "I love you too Rook" She said, kissing me. "I'm sorry, I just got really upset at the thought of some girl coming between us and felt like I was losing you" She said.

"I'm sorry I made you feel like that" I said, pulling her into me. "I love you" She smiled, kissing me. "Have you been crying?" I asked, looking at her. "A little but don't worry" She smiled. "Did I make you that upset?" I asked. "Yeah" She said. "Why didn't you just come and tell me?" I asked. "I don't know, I just didn't want to start anything and ruin the show on Kells" She said. "You wouldn't have ruined the show baby" I said, pulling her into me. "If I upset you, I want you to tell me" I said. "From now on, if we're upset with one another then we tell each other instead of keeping it from each other, sound good?" I asked. "Sounds good" She smiled, pulling me in for a kiss. "I love you" I said.

"I love you too" She said as there was a knock on the door. "Oh Rookie pie" Noah shouted, continuing to knock on the door. "I know you're in there. You weren't in my room for predrinks like always" She added. "Please tell me she's lying" I said. "It's not just me that drinks in her room, we all do or we drink in Kells room" I said. "She's just trying to cause another fight" I said. "Rook seriously, open the door" Noah said. "What do you want?" I asked, opening the door. "Hurry up and get changed, come on" She said, walking into the room. "We're leaving soon" She added. "I'm not going out tonight, I'm having a chill night with Dani" I said. "Don't be boring" Noah said. "You can spend time with Dani when you get back. Come on Rook, it won't be any fun without you" She whined.

"Then have a shit night" I said. "I'm spending time with my girlfriend, I haven't seen her in months" I added. "Then bring her too I guess, just come on" Noah whined. "No, now get out" I said, pushing her out of the room and closing the door. "You want to go to the club don't you?" Dani laughed as I stripped down to my boxers and got into bed beside her. "A little but spending time with you is more important to me" I smiled. "Thank you for my gifts" She smiled. "I'm glad you like them baby" I said, kissing her. "I got you a little something" She smiled. "You didn't have to" I said as Dani got out of the bed and made her way over to her suitcase. "I know and you didn't have to either" She said.

"But I wanted to" She added, getting back into bed and handing me a gift bag. "I love it babe, thank you" I said kissing her. "It's just something small" She said. "The teddy bear smells exactly like you" I laughed. "It's just something for you to keep with you whenever you go touring" She smiled. "I really hit the jackpot with you" She added, pulling me into her and kissing me. "You're such a cringe" I laughed. "You love me" She grinned. "Thank you for surprising me" I said. "As much as I love all the gifts you got me, you bring here is my favourite gift of all" I said kissing her. "It was so hard to keeping it from you" She laughed. "I wish you told me you were coming, I would've picked you up from the airport" I said. "But that would've ruined the surprise" She said.

"You should've seen the look on your face when I walked into the stage" She laughed. "I thought you weren't here" I said. "Megan walked on stage by herself, I just thought you were still in LA so when you walked out I was shocked" I added. "I'm so happy I came though, I missed you" She smiled. "I'm happy you came too" I said, kissing her. "I wish you were staying for the rest of the tour" I said. "Me too but I've to finish my album" She said. "I know but at least it's only three weeks until I get home after you get back" I said. "I'll still miss you" She said. "I know, I'm great" I laughed. "I'll miss you too beautiful" I said, kissing her.

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