Hate to love you//Rookxx

By 50shadesoffucked

37.6K 574 63

Dani joins MGK and his band on tour, what happens between her and a certain drummer boy? * Certain parts of t... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six

Chapter thirteen

1.4K 22 1
By 50shadesoffucked

Dani's point of of view

"Have everything you need?" Alaïa asked. Tonight was the VMAs. "I think so" I said, grabbing my phone and car keys. "Dom, are you ready?" I shouted. "Ready" He said, running down the stairs. We were driving over to Kells house and getting a limo from there. "I can't wait to see Rook again" I said as the three of us got into the car. "It's been like a week Dani, chill" Alaïa laughed as I connected my phone to the radio before driving to Kells house. "Didn't you two, like, hate each other?" Dom asked. "It's a long story" Alaïa said. "Long story short, Ashleigh made Rook and I share a room anytime we stayed at a hotel because she was sick of Rook and I always fighting, we ended up getting along" I said.

"Now he's my boyfriend" I laughed. "Once you're happy, that's all that matters" Dom said. "Exactly" I replied. We arrived at Kells house a couple of minutes later. "I missed you" Rook shouted, running out of the house and picking me up and spinning me around once I got out of the car. "I missed you too" I laughed, kissing him as he put me back on the ground. "You look amazing by the way" He said as we walked into the house. We made our way up to Rooks room and I sat down on the bed while Rook got dressed. "Are you coming back here tonight?" He asked, putting his jeans on. "I might" I said, scrolling through Instagram. "Please" He begged, lying on me. "I miss waking up to your beautiful face" He pouted. "I miss waking up to your handsome face too babe" I laughed, kissing him.

"So you'll come back with me?" He asked. "I'll see" I laughed. "Please baby" He pouted, giving me the puppy dog eyes. "I have no pyjamas or clothes here" I said. "You can borrow one of my tops" He said. "And when I'm going home tomorrow?" I asked. "I'll give you a pair of my sweats" He said, kissing me. "You're so lucky I love you" I said. "So is that a yes?" He asked. "Yes" I laughed. Once Rook was finally ready, we made our way downstairs and waited for the limo to bring us to the VMAs. Once we got to the VMAs, we done our interviews and walked the carpet and met up inside. "Good luck tonight by the way" I said, hugging Kells. "Good luck to you too" He said as we made our way to our seats. Thankfully, we were all sitting together.

After a while and a few performances, it was time for me to present the award for viewers choice. "This next award is for viewers choice video and you lot have been voting for your favourite artist to win this award" I said. "And the nominees are" I said. "And the winner for viewers choice is" I said, opening the envelope. "Machine Gun Kelly!" I shouted. Kells made his way to the stage and I handed him the moonman. "I'm so happy for you" I grinned hugging him and giving him his award. "Wow" He said. "This is such an honour" He added, looking at his award. "I just want to thank everyone, my friends and family, my fans, my management, my girlfriend, my daughter. Everyone who supported me and voted for me, you all fucking rule" He said. We walked off stage and went back to our seats.

"This next award is artist of the year. This award is one of the biggest awards you can receive" Joe Jonas said. "And you guys have been blowing the voting for your favourite artist to win" Kevin Jonas said. "The nominees for artist of the year are" Nick Jonas said as the nominees were announced. "And the winner for artist of the year is" Joe said, opening the envelope. "Dani Diaz!" The three of them said. I made my way up to the stage and hugged Kevin, Nick and Joe as they handed me the moonman. "I honestly don't know what to say. Wow" I said. "Thanks to everyone who voted for me, I love every one of you. My fans, thank you all for your support over the last couple of years, it honestly means the world to me" I added.

"This award is yours. Thanks to my friends, Kells, Megan, Baze, Slim, Aj, Ashleigh, Dom, Alaïa and Megan, for having my back and supporting me through this journey. My brother, Braxton, for being my number one supporter from the get go. My boyfriend Rook for keeping me on my toes the last few years because we hated each other, I love you now though so it's all good" I laughed. "I couldn't have done this without any of you, you're so amazing and I love you all so much" I said. I made my way back to my seat once I finished my speech. "I'm so proud of you baby" Rook said, kissing my cheek as I sat back down. "I love you" I smiled, kissing him. After the award show was over, we made our way outside and waited for cabs.

Once we were finally in cabs, we made our way back to Kells house. "Congratulations on your first ever VMA" I said, hugging Kells. "Thanks Dani" He grinned. "It means a lot more to me that it was you who presented it to me" He added. Alaïa and Ashleigh made their way around, passing out glasses of champagne. "To Kells and his win tonight" Alaïa said, holding her champagne flute of sparking cider in the air. "And Dani, don't forget about her winning artist of the year" Kells said. "Don't worry about me, tonight is your night" I smiled. "It's your night too" He said, pulling me in for a hug. "Don't be silly Kells. It's your night, own it" I laughed. "To Kells" I shouted, holding my champagne flute up. "To Kells" Everyone shouted.

"To me" Kells laughed. We sat around celebrating Kells win for a while before Alaïa and Dom left and the rest of us went to bed. "Congratulations on your win tonight baby" Rook said, kissing me as we walked into his room. "Thank you" I smiled, sitting on his bed while I waited for him to get me a top to change into to. "Do you have any shorts I could borrow?" I asked as he threw a top at me. "I've no underwear on" I laughed. "Even better" He winked, kissing me. "Gross" I said. "I think I have some clean boxers? Is that okay?" He said, looking through his drawers as I put his top on.

"Anything will do, I just don't want Kells or someone to come in and my bare ass is just out for everyone to see" I said, folding my clothes and leaving them at the end of the bed with my shoes. "I'm so happy to have you here tonight" He said, lying beside me and pulling me into him. "I'm happy to be here" I smiled. "I missed you when you weren't here, waking up to seeing your beautiful face" He said. "I missed waiting up to you snoring" I laughed. "Fuck you" He laughed. "I love you" I smiled, kissing him. "I love you too gorgeous" He said. "I'm really craving pizza" He said. "You fat shit" I laughed. "But if I offered you some, you would gladly take it" He said. "That is also very true" I said.

"So, should we order food and watch Netflix?" He asked. "As long as it's with you then it's a plan" I smiled, kissing him. "You cutie" He smiled. We ordered food and made our way downstairs to wait for it to arrived. "Are you wearing Rooks underwear?" Megan asked as we sat down. "I had no underwear on because of the bodysuit I was wearing and I didn't bring any spare clothes because I didn't think I was going to be staying here tonight" I laughed. "You could've asked me for pyjamas" Megan laughed. "What pyjamas? You wear my clothes" Kells laughed, handing her a drink and sitting down. "But I still have pyjamas" Megan said. "Thanks for the offer Megan but Rooks clothes are really comfy and smell like him" I laughed.

"What's the plan for the evening anyways?" Kells asked. "We just ordered some pizza" Rook said. "So we're just gonna watch Netflix, chill out and be fat" He added. "Sounds cute" Kells said. "I think we should order some food" Megan said. "Sounds good, I'm a bit hungry" Kells said. Once our food arrived, Rook paid and we made our way up to his room. "How much do I owe you for the food?" I asked as we sat on his bed. "Don't be silly babe, I got it" He laughed, looking for something for us to watch on Netflix. "Then it's my turn next time" I said, leaning over and kissing him. "I'm so lucky to call you mine" Rook said after a few minutes of silence. "That was random" I said, eating some pizza.

"It's true though, I couldn't think of anyone I'd love to annoy more for the rest of my life" He said, leaning over and kissing my cheek. "You're the best Rook, I'm so happy I get to call you my boyfriend" I said. We chilled out and ate our food before getting into bed and cuddling. "I had a meeting with management today" I said, looking up at him. "What did they say?" He asked, looking at me. "They don't want me to join Kells for his European leg of the Hotel Diablo tour" I said. "But we'll be gone for three months, maybe more" He said. "How will we see each other?" He asked, propping himself up on his elbows and looking at me. "I don't know babe, I tried to reason with them but they were adamant on me not going because they want me to focus on my new album" I said.

"We'll sort something though, I'll come visit and we can FaceTime" I said. "It won't be the same though, how am I supposed to go three months without you?" He said. " I don't know babe, I really don't" I said, sitting up. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else I can do" I said, tearing up. "No baby, don't cry" Rook said, hugging me. "I'll talk to Kells, Ashleigh and Alaïa tomorrow and we'll go and talk to management" He said. "I know Kells won't let this go without a fight" He added. "But what if they still say no? What are we going to do then?" I asked. "I don't want this to be the reason we break up" I added. "I'm not going anywhere you loser, don't worry" He laughed, kissing me. "You're stuck with me forever" He added.

"I love you" I said, kissing him. "I love you too baby" He said. "Nothings going to come between us, I promise" He said, lying down and pulling me with him. "I really hope so" I said, lying my head on his chest and tracing his tattoos. As cliché as it sounds, Rook made me extremely happy. Just being in his arms made me feel safe and whenever he was around, I felt a sense of calmness. Losing him would be the worst thing ever. "Are you tired babe?" He asked, gently running arm up and down my back. "A little" I said, yawning. "Would you not try to get some sleep?" He asked. "I would but I haven't seen you in ages, I want to spend time with you" I pouted, looking up at him. "I'll be here when you wake up" He laughed, leaning down and kissing me.

"I know that but" I said. "But nothing, go to sleep and tomorrow, we're spending the whole day together. Sound good?" He asked. "Sounds amazing" I smiled. "Good, now get some sleep" He smiled. "Or we can do something else" I smirked, climbing on top of him. "I like where this is going" He smirked, pulling me down and kissing me. "Oh really?" I asked, rolling over so that he was on top. "Why wouldn't I?" He smirked, kissing my neck. "Hey Dani, can you - oh, woah. I'm so sorry" Kells said. "I'll come back later. Enjoy" He laughed, winking as he left. "Well that ruined the mood" Rook laughed. "I highly doubt that's gonna stop you" I laughed. "And you are correct" He laughed, kissing me.

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