Hate to love you//Rookxx

By 50shadesoffucked

37.2K 548 63

Dani joins MGK and his band on tour, what happens between her and a certain drummer boy? * Certain parts of t... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six

Chapter eleven

1.7K 22 10
By 50shadesoffucked

Dani's point of view

"Wake up!" I shouted, jumping on Alaïa's bed. "It's time to graduate!" Megan shouted. "The makeup artist should be here in a few minutes" I said as Megan and I sat down at the end of her bed. "Thanks for organising and setting everything up, I'd be lost without you two" Alaïa smiled. "Enjoy your last day of freedom while you can because starting tomorrow, you're my manager" I laughed. Megan and I left to get ready for Alaïa's graduation ceremony. "Hey babe, the boys and I are just gonna stay here and finish with the set up" Rook said, walking into the room as I done my makeup.

"Can you make sure one of you go collect the cake and cupcakes please and some non alcoholic drinks" I said. "Why non alcoholic? You're not pregnant are you?" Rook asked. "I wouldn't mind if you are, I'll help you raise the baby as if they were my own child but" He said. "I'm not pregnant babe" I laughed, cutting him off and kissing him. "Then why get non alcoholic?" He asked. "Because Alaïa is" I said. "But don't say anything, she hasn't told anyone yet" I added. "Your secrets safe with me" He said, kissing me.  "I'll let you finish getting ready, I'll go talk to the boys and tell them what we need to do" He said before leaving. "You're the best" I shouted before going back to getting ready.

Once I was ready I walked into Alaïa's room. "Need anything?" I asked. "I'm all good, thanks Dani" She smiled. "I'll be downstairs, call me if you need anything" I said before walking out of her room and making my way downstairs. "You look amazing like usual baby" Rook said, pulling me in for a kiss as I walked out the back garden. "I think I liked it more when you two hated each other" Kells laughed. "How's everything going?" I asked. "So far so good" Kells said. "Slim and Baze are in charge of cooking the finger food, Ashleigh is going to get the cake and cupcakes on her way over" Rook said. "Aj is going to get the drinks and Kells and I are going to finish getting the place set up" He added.

"Did you make sure to ask him to get some non alcoholic?" I asked. "Why non alcoholic?" Kells asked. "You're not pregnant, are you?" He added. "No Kells, I'm not pregnant" I laughed. "Its for anyone who's a designated driver and the children" Rook said. "That's smart" Kells said. "Is Casie coming over?" I asked. "Yeah, she's coming with Ashleigh and Ashton" Kells said. "Perfect" I replied. "The photographer should be here soon, make sure the backdrop is secure when you set it up" I said. "Stop stressing, the boys, Ashleigh and I have everything under control" Rook laughed. "Anything else we need to know?" Kells asked. "There's a DJ coming over too, and there'll be karaoke later on so make sure there's room for that" I said.

"Oh, and the fire pit will probably be used later so make sure there's nothing flammable near that and the pillows and blankets in the living room have to go up to the spare room" I added before making my way inside. "Ready to go?" Alaïa asked. "Yeah, just let me grab my keys" I said as her, Megan and I made our way towards the front door. "Are you sure you're going to be able to drive in them heels?" Megan asked as we got into my car. "There should be sliders on the back seat" I said as the three of us got into my car. "Yeah, here you go" Megan said, giving me my sliders. "Thank you" I said as I quickly changed my shoes before driving to where the graduation ceremony is. "Here, put whatever song you want on" I said, handing Alaïa my phone.

Once we arrived, Megan and I went to get seats while Alaïa got her cap and gown. Once the ceremony was over, Megan and I made our way to my car to wait for Alaïa. "You done it!" I grinned as Alaïa got into the car. "Where'd you two disappear to?" She asked as I drove back to the house. "We went to wait in the car while you got pictures with your classmates" I said. "Why?" She asked. "Because we didn't want to take away from your day with people asking us for pictures" I explained. I always hated playing the fame card but it was true, I didn't want to ruin Alaïa's day by people stopping Megan and I for pictures. "I appreciate that but I would've liked to have you two there to get a picture with you in my cap and gown" She said. "There'll be plenty of opportunities back in the house" Megan said.

We arrived at the house a couple of minutes later and made our way out to the back garden where everyone was. Alaïa made her way around, saying hello to everyone. "You scrub up well" I laughed, hugging Rook. "Someone has to be the good looking one in this relationship" He smirked. "You're on the couch tonight" I laughed, playfully slapping his chest. "You know I think you're beautiful" He laughed, kissing me as Kells and Megan made their way over. "Alaïa looks like she's enjoying herself" Kells said as the four of us looked over at Alaïa who was playing with Casie and Ashton. "I'm happy she's having a good time. She deserves it, she's worked hard for her degree" I smiled.

"I'm going to get a refill, want me to get you anything?" Rook asked, looking at me. "Yeah please" I smiled, kissing him. "I'll go with you, want anything?" Kells asked, looking at Megan. "The usual" She smiled, kissing him. "I know it's been like a month or something since you and Rook got together but I still can't believe that you two are together" She laughed. "I know, it's absolutely crazy how one day we were constantly going at each other and fighting and the next he's my boyfriend" I laughed. "I'm happier than ever though" I said. "I love this suit by the way. You look fucking amazing" Megan said. "Where'd you get it?" She asked.

"Thank you" I smiled, doing a little spin. "I honestly can't remember, I think I got it made for some red carpet" I said as the boys made their way back to Megan and I. "Thanks babe" I said as Rook handed me a glass of white wine. "Thank you" Megan smiled. "Thanks so much for organising all this Dani, it's amazing" Alaïa said, hugging me. "I'm happy you're enjoying yourself. You deserve it" I smiled. "I love you" She grinned. "I love you too Leï" I laughed. We all sat around talking and laughing for a while before Rook and Kells decided it was time for karaoke. "This is for our lovely girlfriends" Rook said. "And my beautiful daughter" Kells said as they began singing Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder.

Usually they're both really good singers, tonight however, was a completely different story. "That was something else" I laughed. "I honestly have no words" Megan laughed. We all took turns singing on the karaoke machine, laughing and joking around for a while before the music resumed. Ashleigh had left with Ashton because he was getting tired and Casie went upstairs to lie down in the spare room. "Sorry I'm late, my flight was delayed" I heard someone say. "Dom!" I shouted, running over and jumping on him. "Someone missed me" He laughed. Dom and I have always been close since the day we first met.

"It's good to see you again" Alaïa smiled, hugging Dom. "Congratulations on graduating" He said, handing Alaïa a gift bag. "Thanks Dom" She said. "It's great to see you again man" Kells said, hugging Dom. "Can I have everyone's attention please" Alaïa said as the music stopped. "I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone for all the amazing gifts and all the congratulations. There's no better people who I'd want to celebrate my graduation with than you guys" She smiled as we all cheered. "Rook, Baze, Slim, Aj, Kells, thank you all for working hard earlier today to make sure everything was set up and running smoothly" She said.

"Megan and Dani, thank you for coming with me to my graduation ceremony, it meant a lot to have you two there" She added. "We love you" Megan shouted. "But there's one person in particular that I'd like to thank, and that's Dani" Alaïa said. "She's the mastermind behind this party, she organised everything from the decorations, to the food, to the DJ and karaoke while she was in the middle of touring with Kells and the boys. Dani, you're not only my best friend, but you're also my sister and I'm beyond thankful to have you in my life. Come up here and give me a hug you loser" She laughed.

I ran up to Alaïa and gave her a hug. "I also have one more announcement to make" Alaïa said as everyone looked extremely confused. "Who thinks pregnancy suits me?" She laughed, turning to the side and showing off her little bump. "I love you Leï" I grinned, hugging her as the music began. "I love you too" She said, hugging me back. "Congratulations on the pregnancy babe!" Megan grinned, hugging Alaïa as the two of us made our way back over to the group. "Thanks" She smiled. "I'm super happy for you" Kells said. "The newest little addition to the est family" Alaïa grinned. "We're going to be here with you through it all" I smiled, hugging her. "Are you going to find out what you're having?" Rook asked.

"I haven't really thought about it" Alaïa said. We all sat around talking for a while before cleaning up and heading up to bed. "You looked so handsome today babe" I said as I took my heels off. "I bet you thought Dom looked 'so handsome' today too" Rook said. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, taking off my jacket. "You know what I mean" He said, getting undressed. "No Rook, I don't know what you mean" I said, taking off my makeup and putting one of Rooks tops on. "You were all over Dom when he arrived" He said. "Are you jealous?" I asked, getting into bed beside him. "Of course I am, my girlfriend was all over another guy!" He said. "Rook" I laughed.

"I haven't seen Dom in ages, I'm sorry if I upset you but you should've just told me instead of keeping it to yourself and getting more and more worked up about it" I said. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that, I should've just told you that it was upsetting me" He said, pulling me into him and kissing my forehead. "I'm just not really used to being in relationships so I'm going to fuck up a lot" He said. "I know baby, don't worry I'm not going anywhere either" I smiled, kissing him. "You're stuck with me now" I laughed. "I wouldn't have it any other way beautiful" He said. "Why did you hate me when we first met?" I asked. "Honestly, I didn't hate you" Rook said.

"I honestly really liked you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen but you had a boyfriend so I thought by pretending to hate you, it'd make the feelings I had for you go away" He added. "You could've just been honest with me from the start" I said. "I thought you were extremely attractive the first day I met you" I added. "Really?" Rook asked. "Yeah but then you were mean to me for no reason and I thought you hated me so that changed my opinion of you completely and I didn't think you were attractive anymore because of your personality and how you treated me" I said.

"Then why'd you help me at your brothers rehearsal dinner?" He asked. "Because as much as I hated you, I still had feelings for you" I said. "And I really didn't want to have to put up with Tiffany touring with us" I laughed. "Well I'm glad you helped me because it made me realise how stupid I was for being a dick to you all those year" He said. "It's in the past now babe, let's not dwell on it" I said, resting my head on his chest and tracing his tattoos. "I'm happy you're mine beautiful" He said, kissing my forehead. "I'm happy you're mine too" I smiled, reaching up and pulling him in for a kiss.

"I love you" I mumbled through the kiss. "I love you too" He replied, deepening the kiss. We rolled over so that Rook was on top. "Are you sure you want this?" He asked. "Positive" I smiled, pulling him down and kissing him. "You're so fucking sexy" He said, taking off my thong before leaning down and kissing me again. "Rook" I moaned quietly as he kissed my neck. "Do you have and condoms babe?" He asked, sitting up. "Check the top drawer where the lamp is, there should be a box in there" I said, propping myself up on my elbows. "Found one" He said, taking his boxers off and putting the condom on. "Are you one hundred percent sure?" He asked. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life" I smiled, pulling him in for a kiss.

"That was amazing" I said as Rook rolled over and lay beside me. "You're amazing" He replied, pulling me in for a kiss. "I'm going to throw this in the bin, I'll be two seconds" He said, getting up and throwing the used condom and wrapped in the bin. "Fucking you while you're wearing my top was probably one of the sexiest sights ever" He winked as he got back into bed beside me. "You're so gross" I laughed. "Maybe I am, but you love me so I don't care" He replied, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into him. "That I do babe, that I do" I smiled, cuddling into him and tracing his tattoos. "I love you too" He said, gently running his fingers up and down my back. I fell asleep soon after, listening to the steady beating of Rooks heart.

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