Mystery Spot

By disaster_human

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164 11 2
By disaster_human

If you are not in the scene with Sam and Dean, Gabriel is referred to as 'the trickster' because they don't know that he's an archangel.

The trickster's supposed location was where that case had started: the Mystery Spot. Sam had no room to think over as to why it was that way. All that mattered was that the pagan god could be there.

Bobby was sitting at the edge of a circle, finishing the last bit of a ritual when Sam arrived.

He turned around then stood up with a relieved sigh, hugging the giant. "It's good to see you, boy." Sam didn't hug back, only stared at what Bobby had been doing.

"What're we doing here, Bobby," Sam asked tonelessly.

The hunter let go of Sam, patting his upper arms a bit. "This is the last place, for sure, the trickster worked his magic."


Bobby raised his eyebrows. "So, if you want this thing, I found a summoning ritual." He gestured to what he had been doing. "Bring the trickster here."

Sam eyed the ritual. "What do we need?"


"How much blood?" His dull multi-colored eyes bore on Bobby's.

Bobby sighed and gestured to the ritual with his head. "Ritual says near a gallon. It's gotta be fresh, too."

Sam took a moment to process the words, his eyebrows lowering while doing so. "Meaning we have to bleed a person dry."

"And it's got to be tonight," Bobby finished with a nod. "Or not for another 50 years."

Sam's adam's apple bobbed up and down as he nodded. "Then let's go get some." He walked towards the exit, stopping when Bobby didn't follow, confused as to why the other hunter wasn't going.

"You break my heart, kid," Bobby whispered, shaking his head with closed eyes.

The Winchester cocked his head to the side. "What?" His tone was mixed with confusion and the smallest bit of anger, but the negative emotion wasn't clear enough to be heard.

"I'm not gonna let you murder an innocent man," Bobby replied, still shaking his head.

"Then why'd you bring me here?"

Bobby looked taken aback. "Why? 'Cause it was the only way you'd see me! 'Cause I'm trying to knock some sense into you!" He started to move forward, his face inches from Sam's. "Because I thought you'd back down from killing a man!" His voice had risen to a shout. "If your siblings were here, they'd be saying the same thing!"

"Well, you guys thought wrong," Sam replied lowly. "Leave the stuff. I'll do it myself."

The other hunter shook his head, not moving. "I told you, I'm not gonna let you kill anyone."

"IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS WHAT I DO!" Sam shouted back, finally reaching the point of pure anger. "NOT YOURS AND NOT (Y/N)'S!"

Bobby licked his lips and nodded, reaching down into a leather duffel bag he had brought, pulling out a knife. "You want your brother back so bad," he pointed the knife at Sam, "fine."

Sam looked between the knife and Bobby, his anger switching back to confusion. "What are you talking about?

"Better me than a civilian." He answered, giving Sam the knife.

The Winchester blinked then looked at the knife. "You're crazy, Bobby. I'm not killing you."

"Oh. Now I'm the crazy one," Bobby snapped back sarcastically.

"Look, Sam... I'm old, I'm coming near the end of my trail. But you can keep fighting, saving folk... but you need your brother and your sister. So let me give him back to you, then you three can get back together."

"Bobby..." Sam started, his voice beginning to break. He didn't want his friend to go... not now, and not like this.

"You, (Y/n), and Dean..." Bobby interrupted, wanting to continue. "You guys are the closest thing I have to family. I want to do this." He pushed the knife further out, still waiting for Sam to take it.

Finally, Sam nodded and took the knife in his hand. "Okay."

"Good." Bobby nodded back, gulped, then turned around and got on his knees. "Just make it quick." He waited for a moment, not feeling the pain. "Do it, son."

Sam nodded, pulling a bloodied wooden stake out of his jacket. "Okay, Bobby. But you want to know why?" He knelt and grabbed his friend's body, making sure he didn't move while the stake went into his heart. "Because you're not Bobby."

He let go of his 'friend's' body, watching him grow limp as he face-planted onto the cold floor. Sam frowned when the body didn't fade. "Bobby?" His voice started to crack as he stared. "Bobby." His breathing grew harsh. "Bobby!"


"BOBBY!" (Y/n) raced down the steps, a backpack over her shoulders, and a worried expression on her face. Her voice was hoarse from not yelling or talking in general, but the other hunter caught it as soon as it came out.

Bobby dropped the book he was reading and stood up. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" He watched her open and close drawers in the kitchen at an inhuman speed. "Kid, what're you looking for?"

(Y/n) whipped her head around, holding up a key chain that had motorcycle keys attached at the bottom. "Got 'em." Rushing to do the door, she stopped before turning the handle. "Do you know where Sam is? Or w-where he last was? Oh- and is the tracker on his phone on?"

"Vampire nest in Austin was his last hunt that I heard about. The tracker is on," Bobby replied, very confused. "Why do you-" But she was gone before he could finish her sentence.

There was no telling (Y/n) would find her twin brother before he did something stupid. Hell, she would have to drive for an insane amount of hours straight to get close to his location.

But there was no time for that, Sam could be doing something stupid, and she wouldn't even know.

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