The Final Cycle: A Zodiac Sto...

By cosmic_1221

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In the beginning, there were the Great Gods and their creations throughout the five Realms. But with beautifu... More



895 28 11
By cosmic_1221

The walk to the house was long. At first, Scorpio could tell where their destination was, but Hecate took more twists and turns into the forest, confusing him completely.

Hecate let his friends talk among themselves, everyone mostly occupied with Pisces's new "sight." Scorpio had kept to himself, smiling at Pisces's contagious enthusiasm. Questions were thrown at her left and right, and she did her best to explain in her own vague way, leaving everyone more confused than before. Scorpio kept his inquiry to himself. Pisces was happy, and that was all he needed to understand.

By the time Scorpio and the others arrived, his feet somewhat hurt. "Welcome to your new home, Zodiac."

The house was huge. Rounded steps led up to the grand oak doors. Aries whistled. "Shit, Hecate." He said. "We gotta pay rent for this?"

"Not at all." Hecate replied are the front of the group. "Everything you have here will be accommodated by me. Don't worry about bills or rent or food."

"No more rent?" Aries exclaimed, whooping and shooting himself into the air with his wings. "Hell yeah, baby!"

Scorpio smiled at his eccentric friend, before the terrible realization hit him with the force of a train.

I have to live with these people.

Not wanting to ask a question, or voice his disgust, he went inside the secluded manor with Hecate.

The house was an open concept. There was a large TV, consoles galore with a couch big enough for all 12 of them. Behind the couch was the kitchen, spacious with white cabinets and a dark fridge for contrast. A long table sat in the center, and there was still plenty of room for movement.

Hecate gestured to her left. "Ladies," She said. "Your rooms are right down that hall. And gentlemen," She gestured to the staircase on the right. "Your rooms will be on the first hall upstairs."

Scorpio had expected to be separated this way, but it still disappointed him. He didn't want to be far away from Cancer and Pisces. And Virgo. Still, if Hecate thought this was going to stop the Signs from being handsy with one another, then she had another thing coming.

"Today will be a day of rest for the 12 of you." Hecate continued. "Tomorrow, we rise and begin your training. I will see you then, Zodiac."

She bowed to them. Scorpio felt her violet eyes bore into him until she smiled at her daughter and disappeared.

With a squeal, Gemini floated her way out of the crowd to the left. The girls smiled and went about their ways to their rooms, too. "Oh, I hope my room is pretty!"

"I wanna see!" Pisces floated after her, her bright laughter filling the house.

Aries was already flying up the stairs on the right, and Scorpio didn't think it could hurt to follow him. "This is sick as fuck!" He shouted once Scorpio was up there. Scorpio noticed that each of the six doors had their personal zodiac symbols painted in gold. "A little boring, but nothing a little paint can't fix, right, Scorpi?" Scorpio gave into his energy and nodded. He knew Aries's room would be a pig sty within the week.

Scorpio moved on to his own room, in between Taurus's and Capricorn's. Aqua was in his own room - across from Scorpio's - with Capricorn. They were just standing there, not saying anything, and yet, their expressions were changing. The sickening realization that Aqua could read minds almost made Scorpio throw up. Anyone but him...

At the same time, they both exchanged a glance. Then, Aquarius raised his animated voice. "What do you think, Capricorn?" He asked, his different eyes lingering on Scorpio for a bit too long. "Midnight blue, or glow in the dark paint? Or maybe an azure, I don't want anything too teal to match my hair."

"Why can't you just leave the walls as they are?" Cap asked. His black tattoo stood out on his ivory arm. "I like white."

"Exactly." Aqua snapped his fingers. "You like white, and you are easily the most plain out of the six of us. I want to make this room my own sanctuary, considering we won't be leaving here anytime soon."

"Yeah..." Cap had finally looked at his friend, a small smile complimenting his silver eyes. "Hey, Scorpi, you're gonna paint your room?"

Scorpio didn't take his eyes off Aqua. "Maybe." He replied stiffly. "I don't know yet."

"Hopefully, you'll figure it out." Aqua's voice was dead and dry. "Why don't you go take a look at your room? It's secluded, just the way you like it." The faintest scowl tugged at his lips. It was all Scorpio needed to see. He knows he can't read me.

He didn't say another word as he left across the hall, back to his own room. Scorpio hadn't seen Taurus or Leo, but he didn't care much. The further away he was from Leo, the better.

This isn't so bad. Scorpio thought to himself as he took in his room. It was much bigger than his apartment bedroom, and his old room from his father's house.

A bed, a dresser, a desk, a mirror, no bathroom. Scorpio grimaced, realizing he'd have to share a bathroom with the other guys. Still, with his touches, this room could be the safe haven he'd dreamed of. No one would go out of their way to bother him, not unless they were stupid.

He knew everyone else would start hanging out downstairs, exploring more of the huge house. Scorpio didn't care. He found his room, he knew where the kitchen and bathroom were, he didn't need anything else.

For Scorpio, it wasn't amazing. He had lived with Taurus and Capricorn before, and didn't mind them. But the rest of the guys... Scorpio knew it was only a matter of time before someone's throat would get snapped. Aqua was too much of a smartass, now coupled with psychic abilities. Aries was fun, but easily the messiest of the guys. And Leo... no explanation was needed for him.

Focus on the positive, Scorp. One bonus was that he had a room, all to himself. Another upside was Cancer and Pisces being so close all the time. And the best reason, he has an excuse to see Virgo every day. The thought of the pretty girl made Scorpio smile like an idiot.

Finally, after a morning a stress and tears, Scorpio let himself relax. He kicked off his shoes and flopped onto his surprisingly soft bed. Sighing, he wrapped himself in the covers, almost comfortable enough to sleep. Before he could stop himself, he drifted off.


Scorpio opened his eyes to see that he was surrounded by darkness. "Finally, you're asleep." A feminine voice said.

Turning around, Scorpio locked eyes with a pale woman. She had dark, wispy hair, and no pupils, or even color were in her eyes. Black, endless pits that matched the new world around them.

Before he could utter a question, she raised a hand, stopping him. "I'm not here to hurt you, only guide you in ways that Goddess won't."

"And why the fuck should I trust you?" Scorpio challenged, raising his tail around him.

"You shouldn't." Her response was clearer than water. Scorpio's tail dropped lower as he faltered. "It is up to you to decide to heed my words."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you will be used under the corrupted hands of the Divine."

He let the words sit in the dark air. Scorpio had known not to trust Hecate completely, but what about this woman? Why contact him? Did she tell anyone else this? He couldn't tell, and she didn't elaborate.

Scorpio decided to gamble. He bit his tongue and said, "What is it you want to show me?"

"I cannot tell you, not like this. Come to me, Vengeful Eighth, and I will help you."

The name she gave him rang a bell of familiarity. "How will I find you?"

"Search for the energy that matches your own. There, I will wait for you."



The door clicking woke him up. Scorpio shot up quickly, out of bed and his switchblade out. With his mind and body on the defensive, his tail curled defensively around him, ready to kill at a moment's notice.

The door swung open to reveal Capricorn with his hands in his pockets, and Sag, beaming as if she didn't think Pisces had died just hours ago. "Told you he'd freak out." Cap said casually.

"Ah, he'll be fine." Sag waved him off and let herself inside. Scorpio visibly glared at her, and she either didn't notice or ignore him. He realized it was the latter when she said, "Nice room, Scorpi! You gonna decorate it? I sure hope so..." She paused, before finally looking at him. "Don't you wanna look around the rest of the house?"

"No." Sag's mouth fell open. Cap leaned against the door frame. Scorpio rolled his eyes at her reaction. "I want to sleep."

"But the house-"

Scorpio plastered a fake smile and waves his hands. "It's so neat!" Dropping the act instantly, he asked her, "That what you wanted to hear?"

"No." Sag answered, putting her hands on her hips. Her long left ear flicked, and Scorpio didn't even try to take her scowl seriously. "I wanted to hang out with you."

The reply made Scorpio falter, his tail waving again. He could never understand why she was so adamant towards being around him. Nor could he understand why he didn't push her away like everyone else.

Sag started to pace, her steps much more quick and fluid than normal. Her ears bounced as she moved. "Cap was going to leave you here all by yourself!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "And you call him a best friend?"

Scorpio refused to resist the lazy smile that pulled at his lips. Playing with her, he agreed with, "Yeah, he's the worst, isn't he?"

It was Capricorn's turn to roll his eyes. Sag laughed, the noise pitched like a bell. Scorpio felt his smile growing.

He was giddy now, Sag's positive attitude being more contagious than normal. Putting his switchblade on his desk, he took a good look at his door. "You didn't break the lock?" He asked Cap.

"Nope." Cap responded confidently. "I used telekinesis to unlock it from the inside." His smug look unnerved Scorpio. Without a doubt in his mind, he knew Capricorn was already doing what he could to hone in on his Psychic abilities. He was just grateful Cap couldn't get into his head like everyone else.

"Yeah." Scorpio decided to threaten him, to gauge just how confident his friend was. "I wouldn't do that again if I were you."

"Or what?" Cap shot back, getting off of the door frame. He wasn't Cancer-sized anymore, with broad shoulders and a few extra inches to his height. A punch or two could probably hurt Scorpio now.

Cap's smirk grew when Sag started to egg then on with, "Fight, fight, fight!" Scorpio noticed that Cap had sharper teeth, too.

"I'm not gonna fight him." Scorpio and Capricorn said at the same time. Their scowls turned to smiles, and they shared a small fist bump in solidarity. "So are we looking around this place, or what?" Scorpio asked the two.

"Hell yeah!" Sag exclaimed, grabbing Scorpio and pulling him out of his room rather forcefully. "There's so much shit you gotta see!"

Scorpio nearly fell down the steps with Sag's dragging. Cap floated his way down, laughing at his friend's misery the whole way. The three of them were back in the huge living room. With vaulted ceilings and no walls, it was an open space connected to the kitchen.

Taurus lounged on the couch, Pisces right by his side. Aquarius was crossed on a soft stool, talking wildly about who knew what. Floating in between them was Gemini, listening intently to the conversation.

"Fascinating!" Aquarius swooned. His neutral brown eye was just as sporadic as his violet eye. "You're reawakening is by far the most intriguing. I'm sure you wouldn't mind me experimenting with your sight to understand it better, would you?"

"Not at all." Pisces replied. Scorpio watched, fighting himself to keep from intervening. Anytime Aquarius even mentions one of his experiments, someone gets hurt. Scorpio didn't want Pisces to take that chance. "We all need to learn about what we're capable of."

"Hey Aqua!" Sag made herself comfortable on the couch next to Pisces. Scorpio cautiously went to the crowd, not exactly wanting to be there. He mentally cursed Cap for suddenly abandoning him with these people. "You've gotta do some experiments on me too!"

"Of course!" Aqua agreed, nodding. Gemini was nodding with him, and their eyes met, probably sharing some mental conversation. That makes three... "Yes, yes, you're right Gem! Everyone should be observed." His eyes met Scorpio's with a wry smile. "That includes you, Scorpio."

Scorpio refused to let Aquarius stir him. He always liked to start controversial conversations, especially with Scorpio. "No fucking way." He retorted coolly. "I'm no getting involved with your bullshit experiments. Pick someone to be your lab rat."

"I'd love to," Aqua agreed. Scorpio stiffened. His tail stopped waving. "But, your little display of power at Nona's house was very interesting. Why not just tell us about it? Unless..." Aqua had disappeared before suddenly reappearing right next to Scorpio. His violet eye was ablaze with mischief. "You have something to hide."

The strange woman in his dreams came to his mind. Scorpio tried to distract himself, before he remembered the had a perfect advantage. He flashed his teeth before giving his rebuttal. "And if I do? How will you get it out of me?"

It was Aquarius's turn to stiffen. "I'll find a way." He said, his wry smile not faltering for a second. "I always do. You may have an advantage now, Scorpio, but we are all the same." With those words lingering in the air, Aquarius teleported out of sight.

Scorpio swallowed, now that he was sure Aqua wasn't watching him. If Capricorn having telepathic powers bothered him, then Aquarius having the same abilities made his heart twist. No doubt, Aqua meant every word he said.

"Scorpio..." Pisces called. He shot his gaze down to his small friend, who looked even smaller next to Taurus. Her voice was distant, but pleasant as ever. He still couldn't get used to her looking at him when she spoke. "Don't fret. Aquarius is just hungry for more information about everything. A few answers from Hecate and he'll be fine."

"And he just wanted to spook you." Sag added with a quick snap of her fingers.

"That, too."

Taurus had fallen asleep, but Scorpio didn't need his input. He would have agreed with anything Pisces had said anyway.

Meeting eyes with Gemini, Scorpio understood the truth. She was smiling at him, but her worried expression said it all.

He will find a way.

"I don't care anyway." Scorpio shrugged his nerves off, sucking his teeth. "Aqua can threaten me all he wants, but I won't break."

"But," Pisces said. Scorpio watched her carefully, her expression giving away nothing. "That begs the question: do you have something to hide?"

Scorpio's response was immediate. "If I did, why would I tell you?" They watched each other silently, neither of them even blinking. Sag looked between them eagerly, probably wondering who would break first.

To Scorpio's surprise, Pisces withdrew with a eerie smile and said. "We all have secrets, dear. And yet, all will be revealed in due time."

Had she said those same words yesterday, Scorpio would have absolutely brushed them off. Now, everything Pisces had said since she woke up had a weight to them, as if it were a prophecy. Who could know, maybe it was.

He excused himself, leaving Sag behind with Pisces and Gemini. Now, he really wanted to be alone. Hopefully, outside had some luck.

The backyard was miles and miles of open field. An average-sized pond ripples off to the right. Beyond the plain were countless maple trees. From the roof, he saw a pair of dangling feet.

"Hey, Scorpio!" Aries yelled down. Scorpio could barely make out his expression, but he knew his chaotic friend was probably smiling. "Get your ass up here, man!"

Scorpio had no idea how Aries expected him to get up there without flying. Rolling his eyes, he took a few steps back before scaling the fifty foot wall with relative ease.

Making it to the roof, Aries was stretched out on the roof with Cancer and Virgo. Scorpio stiffened, swallowing when Virgo smiled at him. "Hey Scorpio." Cancer said, snapping Scorpio out of his trance. "Do you feel better?"

"Yeah." He lied. "Yeah, I just took a nap..."

"Oh good," When she noticed his eyes darting across the roof, she cautiously asked him, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," He lied again, this time with a smile. To distract her from his nervousness, he asked her, "How did you get up here?"

"Aries carried me!" She beamed as one of her fluffy ears flicked. "It was really fun, after I got over myself. I promised him a ride and he gave me a fly. Virgo was already up here when we came."

Scorpio caught the wording before anyone else, and he sent a hard glare at Aries, who burst into hardy laughter. When Virgo whispered to Cancer, her confused face quickly flushed red and she hid her face in her hands. "I was just playing, Cancie." Aries said between laughs. "You aren't my type, anyway."

"She isn't?" Virgo asked him.

"Don't get me wrong, Cancie is an absolute babe," Aries explained. Cancer whimpered and curled into a ball at the comment. "But she's sweeter than my Tia's rice pudding! I need a girl with a little spice to her. Un fuego en su corazón. Like Sag..." His voice grew soft and distant as he played with his sharp fingers.

Scorpio had taken many risks today in the span of a couple of hours. To him, one more couldn't hurt. He looked at Aries, and wondered what response he'd get when he asked, "You like her?"

"Yeah." As Scorpio expected, Aries stiffened and set his hard, blazing gaze at him. It was an obvious challenge, one that Scorpio wouldn't dare take up, even if he wanted to. He'd bully and humiliate Leo any day of the week, but he knew Aries was just as brutal as himself. "I do. That's not a problem, is it."

It wasn't a question, but a warning. Scorpio casually answered anyway. "Not at all. She isn't seeing anyone."

"Good." His demeanor changed instantly when he suddenly asked Virgo, "Hey, you think your mom will let us have some booze?"

"Absolutely not." Virgo deadpanned. Cancer giggled behind her hands. "None of us are of age, Aries. And even if you were, I wouldn't put a beer bottle within ten feet of you."

Scorpio failed to hide his snort, and Aries playfully shoved him. "I'm responsible!" He argued, puffing out his bare chest. "And, as one of the older ones, I've gotta look out for you babies."

Virgo rolled her eyes. "Didn't you get your license suspended last month?"

"Well, that's not fair! Hijueputa... He cut me off, so I set him straight."

"By almost making him crash?!"

"He shouldn't have cut me off."

Scorpio let himself settle on the roof. He didn't get to close to Virgo, so he wouldn't seem too creepy. She continued to try and explain to Aries that vehicular manslaughter is never a good thing, and Aries continued to not understand her logic. "I wonder what'll happen to us..." He mumbled to himself, letting his thoughts drift back to his dream.

"Who knows." He didn't expect Aries to reply, or shrug. "I hope we get to be superheroes! That'd be cool as fuck, don't you think, Scorpi?"

Virgo mumbled a, "So crude..." under her breath. Scorpio smiled and looked up at the sky. He closed his eyes, and felt himself fall into a trance. Somewhere, in the distance, he felt himself.

Search for the energy that matches my own. She's waiting for me. But I won't meet her today. Too many people are watching me, and I have no idea what she wants. Pisces's words made him suddenly shiver.

All will be revealed in due time.


Hey all! Who do you think Scorpio saw in his dream/vision? Do you trust her? Like Pisces said, everything will be revealed in due time.

In the mean time,

Stay Starry! 💫

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