Hate to love you//Rookxx

By 50shadesoffucked

37.6K 574 63

Dani joins MGK and his band on tour, what happens between her and a certain drummer boy? * Certain parts of t... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six

Chapter one

3.9K 41 0
By 50shadesoffucked

Dani's point of view

"Dani come on, we're going to be late" My manager, Dahlia, shouted. "Just a second, I'm almost ready" I shouted in reply, putting my shoes on. I was going on tour with the one and only, Machine Gun Kelly. I know Kells since I'm a baby, he was best friends with my older brother. I haven't seen him in years due to our careers blowing up and busy schedules so when he asked me if I wanted to join him on tour, I jumped at the opportunity. "Let's go" I shouted, running down the stairs and out the door. "Someone's eager" Dahlia laughed as we got into the car. "I haven't seen Kells in so long, I just miss him" I laughed as we drove to the venue. "I emailed your setlist over to Ashleigh, all your outfits to wear on stage are packed in your plain black suitcase" Dahlia said.

"Your every day outfits are in the black suitcases with the skulls and your going out and event outfits are in your pink suitcase. There's hair and makeup artists coming on tour so you don't need to worry about that" She added. "I know D, I've been on tour before" I laughed. "I do have three albums out" I added. "I still don't know why you're being someone's opening act if you're selling out Maddison Square Garden in seconds" She said. "Because Kells asked me and I haven't seen him in a while" I said. "I know, I know" She said. "I was just saying" She added. "Are you sure you want to do this tour?" She asked after a few minutes. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You're just after finishing your own tour and now you're off on another one, you need to rest" She said.

"I'll be okay D, don't worry about me" I laughed. "Dani, you're working yourself too hard. You're going from one tour straight to another. You need to rest" She said. "There she is!" Kells shouted as Dahlia and I walked in. "Kells!" I shouted, running over and hugging him. "How was your tour?" He asked. "Amazing, I can't wait to get back out there and experience it all again" I said. "I'll catch you later, I've to go do soundcheck now" He said, hugging me before making his way to the stage. "Break a leg" I shouted before making my way to my dressing room. "Dani?" I heard someone say as they knocked on the door of my dressing room. "Come in" I said. "It's so good to see you again" Ashleigh grinned, walking in. "It's good to see you too" I smiled, hugging her. "I just wanted to check a couple of things before tour kicks off tonight" She said as we sat down. "Go for it" I said.

"Are you going to be with us for the whole tour or just the American leg of the tour?" She asked. "Kells never said, he just asked me if I wanted to join him on tour" I said. "Okay. What do you want to do?" She asked. "I don't mind, I'm easy going" I said. "I'll just say you're joining us for the whole tour for now and as tour goes on, we'll see how it plays out. Sound good?" She said. "Perfect" I said, drinking some water. "And you have your setlist, right?" She asked. "I do, Dahlia said she emailed it over to you" I said. "Yeah, she did. I was just making sure there was no changes or anything" She said. "No, no changes were made" I smiled. "Perfect. Do you have any specific requests?" She asked. "Nah, everything's perfect" I said. "Perfect. I'll let you go for soundcheck now" She smiled.

"Oh, it's you" Rook said as I walked passed him. From the day we met, Rook just hated me and I had no idea why. "Oh, it's you" I mocked him. "Suck my ass" I shouted as I made my way onto the stage. "Can we start with Dead first?" I asked, looking at the sound techs. After rehearsals, I made my way to my dressing room to get ready for the show. "Surprise!" I heard my best friend, Alaïa say. "Al!" I shouted, jumping up and hugging her. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to support my bestie" She grinned. "Well hello there sexy" Rook said, walking into my dressing room and kissing Alaïa hand, making her giggle. "What do you want" I said.

"Kells sent me over. He wants to know if you want to chill with us before the show" He replied. "If you're going to be there I'll pass" I smiled sarcastically. "What about you gorgeous" He said, winking at Alaïa. "I would but I'm here to see Dani" She said. "Ditch this loser and come with me, I'll give you a better time" He said. "Oh my god" I cringed. "I think I just got sick in my mouth" I added. "Whatever" He said before turning his attention back to Alaïa. "If you change your mind, come find me" He winked before leaving. "I hate him" I shouted, sitting back in the chair and waited to get my hair and makeup done. "How could you hate him? Have you seen him, he's fucking sex on legs" Alaïa replied. "Yeah and he'll bang anything with a pulse" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Why do you two hate each other so much anyways?" She asked. "I honestly can't remember. I just know we've hated each other from day one" I said as I got my hair done. "I think it's because you two secretly have feelings for each other and you don't want to, that's why you two 'hate' each other" Alaïa said. "That my friend, is highly unlikely" I laughed. "I'm just saying" She said before going into a rant about something about your subconscious mind and other psychological shit. "Al, I love you and I would never lie but I zoned out and have no idea what the fuck you're talking about" I laughed.

"I hate you" She laughed, throwing a pillow at me as I stood up. "Did you hear that Braxton got engaged?" she asked as I got dressed. "He's my older brother, of course I heard" I laughed. My older brother Braxton had a dream similar to mine and Kells but when he met his fiancée, Amanda, his dreams changed. Amanda thought our dreams were unrealistic and that we were stupid for even trying to follow them so she made Braxton go to uni for accounting now he's stuck in a 9 to 5 job while Kells and I get to travel the world and live out our dream. "What's up loser" Kells said, passing me his blunt as Alaïa and I walked into his dressing room. "Did you get the invite for Brax and Amanda's wedding?" I asked, passing Kells back his blunt. "Yeah, he asked me to be his best man" Kells said.

"Amanda asked her best friend to be the maid of honour and her sisters are the bridesmaids" I said. "So you're not on the bridal party at all? Does Braxton know?" Kells said. "Nope and I guess not" I replied as I was called to the stage. "I'll see you losers later" I said, hugging everyone. "Except you Rook, you can go fuck yourself" I smiled sarcastically, blowing him a kiss before making my way to the stage. "New York!" I shouted as I finished performing my first song. "How y'all feeling tonight?" I grinned as the crowd cheered. "Are y'all excited to see Machine Gun Kelly?" I asked as the crowd screamed. "I know y'all can be louder than that" I laughed.

"I said, are y'all excited for Machine Gun Kelly" I said and the crowd screamed louder. "That's more like it" I laughed. "This next song is one of my all time favourites, if you know it sing along" I said as the music for Dangerous Woman began. "You killed it out there" Alaïa grinned, hugging me as I walked off stage. "Thanks babe" I said, hugging her. "Dani, come here for a second" Kells shouted as Alaïa and I made our way towards my dressing room. "What's up?" I asked, walking towards him. "You know the words to Bad Things and At My Best, right?" Kells asked. "I do, why?" I asked. "Do you want to perform them with me?" He asked.

"I'd love to" I smiled, hugging him. "I'm just going to get changed. I'll be back over once I'm ready" I added before jogging over to my dressing room. "What's the plan for the rest of the night?" Alaïa asked as I looked for a new outfit. "Watch Kells performance then probably go out afterwards" I said. "Sounds good" Alaïa replied. Once I was dressed, Alaïa and I made our way over to Kells dressing room. After the show, we all made our way to the nearest club. "I'm going to go get us a drink, wait here for me" Alaïa shouted over the music. I sat in the booth in the VIP area, looking through Instagram while I waited for Alaïa to get back with our drinks.

"Enjoying your night?" Aj asked as he sat beside me. "Yeah, I'm happy to be touring again" I smiled. "Didn't you just finish your own tour?" He asked. "Yeah but Kells asked me and he's practically family, I've known him since I was 5 so I couldn't really say no to him" I laughed. "One vodka and coke for you" Alaïa said, handing me my drink. "I'll catch you later" Aj said, hugging me. "Let's go dance!" Alaïa said, dragging me towards the dance floor. Around 2am, we left the club. "I'll see you later" Alaïa said, hugging me. "Enjoy" I winked, hugging her. Alaïa and I met these two guys in the club, she was bringing the guy she met back to her hotel room.

Me on the other hand, I couldn't bring anyone back because I'm currently living out of a tour bus. "Ready to go?" Kells asked. We all piled into separate taxis and made our way back to the tour bus. "You are disgusting" I said as we walked onto the tour bus and seen Rook mid make out with some random groupie. "Don't be jealous" He smirked. "Never in a million years" I said, walking towards the bunks. I quickly ran into the bathroom to change into my pyjamas before heading to the lounge area. "How did you find your first night?" Baze asked as I sat beside Kells. "It's a lot different from my tours" I laughed. "I usually just go back to the bus and drive to the next city or if we're playing more than one show, I'll just go back to the hotel, I wouldn't be smoking blunts or going partying" I added.

"Your shows are more child friendly" Slim said. "Yeah, that's my brand because of the stupid label" I sighed. "Why don't you just record the music that you like?" Aj asked. "You're one of the hottest artists out there right now, if your label drop you I'm sure there's like multiple other ones that'll be more than happy to sign you" He added. "I think I might record a few songs that are more my style rather than what the label want next time I'm in the studio" I said. "Almost every artist changes their sound as they grow and evolve" Baze said. We sat around talking for a while before heading to our bunks. I sat up for a while, writing down song ideas and random lyrics while texting Alaïa.

Unable to sleep, I decided to get up and get myself a drink. "Oh great. Just what I needed to see when I was having trouble sleeping" Rook said. "Oh fuck off Rook, I'm really not in the mood for your shit right now" I said, grabbing a drink from the fridge and closing the door before making my way back to my bunk. Climbing back into my bunk, I buried my head in my pillow and screamed in frustration before lying down. "Are you okay?" Kells asked, moving the curtain to my bunk. "Never been better" I smiled. "You don't seem it" He said. "It's nothing Kells, don't worry about me" I said.

"You're my little sister. I'm going to worry about you" Kells said. We made our way to the back of the bus. "So what's bothering you?" He asked. "Rook's just annoying me" I sighed. "I get that we're not exactly friends, and we don't get along but it's like he goes out of his way to make sly comments about me or just put me down" I said. "I just want to know why he hates me. I didn't do anything to him to make him hate me" I added. "I'll talk to him tomorrow" Kells said. "No don't, it's okay" I said. "I'll be fine" I added. "Are you sure?" Kells asked. "Yeah" I smiled, hugging him. "Thanks for asking" I said. "You're my family, I've got your back always" He said. "I love you Kells" I said. "I love you too Dani" I said, pulling me in for a hug.

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