A Not So Perfect Love Story (...

By extreme_simmy

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The story is about a typical average girl, Y/n, living in the United States with her best friend, Ryujin. She... More

"Perfect Life"
No Means No
What is happening?
In Shock
Who are you?
Save me
Photo Shoot
I love you
Concert Practice
Amusement Park
Truth or Dare
Traveling to Japan
Tokyo Disneyland
Eiffel Tower
Photo Gallery
Two sides
Disneyland California
A mess
I am here for you
It's over
Make me smile
Happy birthday love!
Take care of me
Trip pt. 1
Cherry blossom pt. 2
Restart of a friendship
I'm sorry
Goodbye forever (End)
Special Chapter

Times Square

244 22 15
By extreme_simmy

The day after Twice's New York concert~


We have all gathered around in the same hotel room after eating breakfast. We are just enjoying the hotel room before touring around New York.

Thankfully Twice's concert was a success and they performed well! I even got to take some photos of them after their concert and let me tell you, they all looked so pretty!

The last time I called Ryujin was when I left Europe. I hope things are okay between us or if things are okay with her life. I decided to give her a call since maybe she isn't as busy today.

I stood up and excused myself and then I walked outside to the balcony and took out my phone to call Ryujin.

Y/N: Hey baby

Ryujin: Why did you call I'm busy

Y/N: I see... but why do you never text me anymore?

Ryujin: Do I need to? You don't even text me first.

Y/N: Tell me is something wrong?

Ryujin: Nothing is wrong...

Y/N: Then what happened to us?

Ryujin: Look I don't have the time to call right now. I have to go.

Y/N: Please answer me right now

Ryujin: I will when you come back

Y/N: But Ryu...

She ended the call on me again before I could get an explanation out of her. I gripped onto my phone and clenched my jaw while looking out on the view. I thought to myself, "Is our relationship over? What is going on? Did she fall in love with someone else? Am I not calling her enough? Am I not good enough for her?"

Before I started crying I went back inside to head out of the hotel room. I tried my best to not cry as I said something to the members before walking out, "I-I'm going to my hotel room."

When I reached near the elevator I felt someone's hand on my wrist. I bit my tongue to hold in my tears. I turned around and saw Dahyun. Honestly, she is the first and last person I wanted to see because my feelings towards her are still confusing to me.

"Y/N what's wrong? Why did you leave all of a sudden?" She said to me.

"I-I can't explain right now... I have to go. I'll meet up with you all later." I removed her hand from my wrist and walked away.

When I reached the hotel room I started sobbing on my bed and hid under the blankets. Then suddenly I heard the door open and it startled me.

"Don't worry it's me Dahyun." I heard her voice as I tried my best to wipe my tears and regain my voice.

"D-Dahyun?" I couldn't hold in my tears as it kept pouring.

"Are you okay? I know you told me not to come but I am concerned for you" I clenched my jaw as tears kept flowing.

"B-But" Suddenly Dahyun removed the blanket and she saw that I was crying. Shoot I am screwed...

"Y/N... What in the world happened to you?" She said in a concerned voice and hugged me tightly.

"Feel free to cry on my shoulder, I am here and I won't leave you." She said to me which made me feel comfortable. I leaned on her shoulder and cried.

After some time I pulled away to explain what happened.

"I called Ryujin this morning and we had an argument..." I looked down since I didn't want to face Dahyun.

"What were you guys arguing about?" She looked at me concerned.

"I got frustrated that she was acting so oddly to me and not reaching out to me anymore" I sighed as I tried to control my tears.

"I think my relationship is over with her... I don't know what went wrong... what if she is with someone else." I clenched my jaw in frustration.

"Hey Y/N... it'll be okay.. I know it must be hard and I will be here for you but try to take your mind off of her today and enjoy touring New York with all of us."

"I'll try..." I smiled at her as she continued to hold me.

After sometime Mina walked in, "Hey are you guys alright?"

Dahyun looked at me as I nodded at Mina.

"Okay, then we should get ready to walk around New York now." Dahyun and I nodded at her as we both stood up to get our clothes.

When we got ready we walked to the lobby and met up with the rest of the members. We started walking but I sighed while walking behind everyone. I have to admit being in New York is absolutely breathtaking. I just wish I could enjoy it without being upset over Ryujin.

We were walking for 30 minutes but I was still unsure of where we were going first so I walked up to Jeongyeon.

"Hey Jeongyeon do you know where we are headed to first?" I walked next to her as she faced me.

"Yeah we are going to Times Square first to get some pictures." She said to me as I squealed in excitement.

"Really? I am so excited!" I started walking faster since I was excited.

I was super exhausted this morning after crying but I became more energized when we arrived to Times Square. I saw the Times Square Ball and surprisingly it was smaller than I thought. Although regardless it was much more nicer to see it in person instead of only being able to see it through my TV.

We decided to go shopping and I saw the line store. I went up to Jihyo and tugged on her shirt so that she will look at me.

"Hey Jihyo do you think we are able to check out the Line store?" I asked her hoping she would say yes.

"Okay sure let's go there" I squealed in excitement.

"Okay guys we are all going to go to the Line store!" She said out loud to the rest of the members.

When we arrived I quickly walked inside and saw how clean and neat the store was. There was this pillow I wanted and it was one of my favorite stuffed animal.

I walked up to the stuffed animal and pulled out the medium sized one. When I checked the price tag my face dropped and I quickly tried to put away the stuffed animal.

Before I could put it away Dahyun pulled it away from my hands.

"Hey what are you doing? I was about to put that back" I looked at her confused as I saw her looking at the price tag.

"I am going to buy this for you." She turned around and walked away as I stood there confused. Then I walked after her and held onto her shoulder.

"Why are you buying it for me? It is really expensive. You know you don't have to." She smiled at me as she turned around to face me.

"It's alright, lets say it is an early birthday present." She said to me.

"But my birthday is next year still." I felt bad that she wanted to spend money to buy the pillow for me.

"Don't worry about it!" I felt my heart racing, she is so kind and considerate. When she walked away I couldn't stop smiling.

I followed behind her in the line and saw her pay for the item. She then walked up to me and handed me the bag with the pillow.

"Happy early birthday Y/N!" She smiled with her eyes as she waited for me to grab the bag.

"Thank you so much I really appreciate it." I took the bag from her hands and pulled her in for a tight hug.

After some time I let go of her and after all of the members finished shopping we walked back outside to take pictures.


Momo's POV

All of us decided to walk around and the first place that one of us wanted to go to was the line store and it was by Y/N. I still have this mini hatred towards her because she is so close to Dahyun.

I know I don't have the right to feel angry because Y/N has a girlfriend but I don't like seeing Dahyun around her regardless. Dahyun should be with me instead but she is always with her. I feel like she is more happier around her.

I frowned and continued to follow behind everyone. I talked to Sana on the way there. She is so understanding and I am glad we are close.

When we went inside the store I saw a cute stuffed animal that I wanted to buy Dahyun. I grabbed the stuffed animal and looked for Dahyun. When I walked by, I stopped as my heart sank. I saw Dahyun trying to take the stuffed animal from Y/N to pay for it.

I looked down and walked away. I thought to myself, "Why does she even care about her? I wanted to be the one to buy her a stuffed animal but why is she buying her one instead. Am I not worthy to be her girlfriend? I hate this relationship so much, its so unfair."

I accidentally ran into Sana as I was looking down and she stopped me before I fell.

"Are you okay Momo? Why do you look so upset? I don't think you should be upset if you have such a cute stuffed animal in your hand." Sana looked at me concerned.

"It's just... I am so tired of seeing Y/N and Dahyun together. Dahyun is never around me anymore, it's making me feel like I am such a useless girlfriend or maybe she likes Y/N." I sighed as Sana pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey... it'll be okay. I am sure that is not the case and that they are just close friends. But hey don't worry about it. Honestly I had feelings for Y/N, so I sometimes feel upset when she isn't talking to me or around someone else so I understand how you feel." Sana said to me.

"Thanks for helping me out Sana." I told her as I walked to put back the stuffed animal.

"No problem. I am always going to be here for you." She smiled at me and I smiled back at her. Deep down inside I wish I could've been with someone like Sana instead.

When all of us finished shopping I continued to talk to Sana as I felt that we are getting closer and closer... as friends.


A/N: I feel like it has been forever since I have last posted a chapter, sorry for the delay I was very occupied with school but I will try to go back to my regular posting schedule. Thank you all for waiting! I hope you guys are enjoying the story. I will be posting an extra chapter to make up for the lack of posting last week. The next chapter is a part 2 to the NYC tour. Hopefully you are ready!

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