Our Phantasy

By 24601Phantasy

18.1K 1.2K 331

Christine doesn't know where to turn. She loves Erik, but he sent her away. She can't stand being with Raoul... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 16

575 33 4
By 24601Phantasy


It has been a few hours since the doctor told us the horrible news. I have been sitting by my angels hospital bed watching over her. Christine has just been staring at nothing, a blank expression on her face ever since the doctor left. I knew she was still in shock, and I planned to be right by her side as soon as she snapped back into reality. I leaned back in my chair and briefly closed my eyes. The second we get back home I swear I'm going to kill that damned boy in the worst possible way I can imagine. He deserves to rot in hell for what he's done to my Christine. She has always wanted to be a mother and he tore that away from her. I never gave kids any thought, considering I never expected to find love, but after knowing that I would have had one of my own, I started to really like the idea. I could just imagine my Christine singing to our child while I play piano. Once the child was old enough I would teach it how to play, and they would be a musical genius. The only problem was me. What if they had my face? The poor child would grow through hell like I did. But I would love it anyway, and so would Christine. She is the most loving woman I have ever met. Tears threatened to escape my eyes as I dreamed of what it would be like to have a child. I quickly composed myself. I promised I was going to stay strong for my angel. I couldn't let us both fall apart. I Couldn't even imagine her pain. She lost a childhood friend, and her only tie to her father, and her ability to be a mother all in one day. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a weak voice.

"I'm sorry." I quickly turned all of my attention to Christine who was still staring off into space. A single yet was cascading down her beautiful face.

"Shh, angel you should not be apologizing if you did nothing wrong." I say while gently picking up her hand.

"I put our baby in danger." She whispers and a few more tears fall.

"Christine, no. The only one to blame is him. You had no idea you were pregnant, and all you did was walk outside. You can't blame yourself, it will get you no where." She finally turned to look at me and her pained eyes began to soften.

"Your right." she says as I gently lay a kiss on her forehead. "Are you ok?"

I smile at her. She's the one going through all the pain, and she's concerned about me. "I'm just concerned about you." She gives me a weak smile.

"We'll get through this." I see her hope in her eyes. "I just want to go home." She says well pulling her blanket closer to her.

"I'll see what I can do about that." I say while standing. "I'll be right back." I kiss her forehead gently and go to find a doctor. A few minutes I return to find my angel asleep. The doctor said we could leave and I carefully lifted my Christine out of the bed, careful not wake her. I walk outside to see Nadir with my carriage. I gently lay Christine inside and put my cloak on her so she'll be warm.

What I didn't tell Christine was that we weren't in Paris right now. I was wanted in Paris so I quickly took her to a hospital in one of the towns on the outskirts of France. This way I could tell them who I was and that we were married. If I hadn't then I wouldn't have been able to see her, and I know she needed me there. The journey was a day and a half by carriage. Due to my desperation and quick thinking however, I was able to mount a horse with Christine in my arms and using shortcuts a carriage couldn't, I made it here in a matter of hours. The doctors assured me that all the damage had occurred during the impact so The journey did not harm my Christine. I also didn't tell her that she was unconscious for almost two days. I didn't want to add stress on top of everything she was going through.

"How'd she take the news?" Nadir asked when I sat next to him in the drivers seat. I had sent Nadir a letter as soon as we arrived, asking him to bring the carriage.

"She's still in shock. We are staying strong though. I know she'll have a breakdown soon, and I'll be there for her when she does." I reply.

"And how are you taking it." He asks softly.

"I've honestly been better. I never gave kids any thought, but it would be nice to have them. This, however, doesn't change my feelings for her. Not in a million years." I whisper the last part. Nadir just smiles.

"I'm glad you are staying strong, Christine will need that." I nod and we ride on in a comfortable silence. Nadir new I hated small talk.

We had been riding a few hours when we reached another small town and decided that we should stop. I needed to get some food into Christine, and Nadir seemed hungry as well. I go and wake my tired angel and she looks up at me sleepily.

"Come angel, you need to eat." I say looking down at her. She snuggles into my cloak then looks up at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

"I'd rather sleep." She says before shutting her eyes.

"Christine, you have to eat. it's been three days angel." My heart breaks looking at the depressed look on her face.

"Oh? well I suppose I could try to eat something." I sigh in relief then help my angel out of the carriage. I tightly wrap my cloak around her to keep her warm. She gives me a weak smile. She sees Nadir and she gives him a quick hug and her smile brightens. I smile seeing her feeling better. I offer her my arm and she takes it as escort her to the cafe.

Lunch consisted of Nadir and I begging Christine to eat after she took a few bites of a biscuit. It took us an hour of coaxing before she finally caved and ate some pasta and rehydrated. Satisfied with that, I helped her back into the carriage and she went back to sleep. I then climbed back up to the drivers seat with Nadir.

"Just give her time" he says as I get situated. It's scary that he can read my mind sometimes. I sigh

"I know. Knowing Christine she's holding in her feelings, but she'll break when we get home. She's a strong woman and I know she will be ok. I'm going to be there for her, I'm prepared to be strong for the both us."

"You're a good husband."

"A good husband would have protected his wife better." I grumbled. Nadir halted the carriage suddenly then turned to me angrily.

"Erik Destler don't you dare blame yourself. This is in no way your fault!" He whisper shouts at me.

"Then who's fault is it?!"

"Oh I don't know... Perhaps the man that pushed her!" He said sarcastically. I really didn't need him to say that. My anger towards that damned Vicomte was already at an all time high. I was about to yell at him but what was the point? He was right. I just sighed and motioned for Nadir to continue with the ride.

When we finally get to the opera house Nadir swings around back and I gently lift my sleeping angel out of the carriage. Nadir follows as I guide us through the dark tunnels and finally reach the lair. Something is off though. I have a bad feeling when I enter the den to get to our room, and I was right. Sitting there in the couch is that damned Vicomte. He stands as soon as he sees us and his eyes go right to Christine. I tighten my grip protectively and I can feel my eyes changing to a cold icy blue. Nadir quickly motions for Raoul to be quiet as I go to put Christine on the bed. Despite our differences all of us care for Christine. Nadir sees her as his daughter-in-law considering he likes to think he is a father to me. I choose to see him as a friend, however. When I come out of the room every possible way I could kill him runs through my mind. But once I really look at him I see he's been... Crying?

"What are you doing here?" I ask harshly. "You're lucky I want an explanation as to why you would ever lay a hand on Christine, otherwise you would be dead already." He flinched at my menacing tone and looks down.

"I deserve to die." he croaks out. Now I'm confused. Nadir notices and decides to take things into his own hands.

"Are you armed?" He asks. Raoul shakes his head no. "Sit." he commands pointing to the couch, and he obeys. Nadir and I sit in arm chairs that face the couch. "Why?" Nadir asks coldly. "Why would you ever want to hurt her?" I had to hold tightly to the arm rests to stop myself from lunging at him. To my surprise he lets out a pained sob.

"I was drunk. I know it's no excuse but I just wasn't thinking straight." He looks up to me. "You aren't the only one who can't live without her, you know. when she left me I wanted to die. I need her. And knowing I hurt her..... oh god.... I deserve to rot in hell." Well at least we are on the same page. "H-how bad is it?"

"Well she was a month pregnant and the impact killed the baby immediately. She may not ever conceive a child again." I say coldly with a mix of rage and sadness in my voice.

"No..." he whispers. "She's always wanted to be a mother. I-I took that from her.... Oh god..." he looks down then finally mutters "kill me." Nadir quickly steps in before I can do anything.

"So you actually care for her?" He asks rather curiously.

"More than anything! I need her in my life, even if she doesn't love me romantically, I need to be near her." He again looks at me. "I swear if I get a second chance I know I don't deserve I will leave the two of you alone, and Christine and I can be friends, like old times."

As much as I hated this man, I understood what he was saying. I too need her in my life and would surly die if she ever left. I'm debating wether or not I should kill him or talk things through. I let out a frustrated growl. "It's not up to us." I tell him. "Tomorrow you may have five minutes to speak with her. If she forgives you then perhaps we can work things out, if not then you better leave our lives for good before I change my mind on not killing you." He nods vigorously.

"Thank you." he says

"Now get out." I spit. he nods and rushes out.

"I'm proud of you, Erik." Nadir says while looking to me. I'm staring at the floor trying to figure out what to do next.

"I would have rather killed him." I grumble, then stand to be with my Christine.

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