Lost girls hidden

By Bluethewolf

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The Pierce sisters escape New York where the most powerful vampires rule over the streets. When they move to... More

Lost girls hidden
Chapter 1- Subway Getaway
Chapter 2- Saviors
Chapter 3- Death Becomes Us All
Chapter 4- The Journey to the Northwest
Chapter 5- What Once Was
Chapter 6- The Enchanted Lovers
Chapter 7- Who They Are Now?
Chapter 8- Living the Life
Chapter 9- Private Academy Interview
Chapter 10- The Mountains' Blessings
Chapter 11- First Day of School
Chapter 12- First Day of School Pt. 2
Chapter 13- The Four Leaders
Chapter 14- Haunted
Chapter 15- The Coming Arrival
Chapter 16- Academy Life
Chapter 17- The Trouble-Some Welcoming
Chapter 18- The Alpha's Graditude
Chapter 19-Destructive Mongrels
Chapter 20- The Aftermath
Chapter 21- Covens, Clans, and Conflict, Oh My!
Chapter 22- Harnessing Power
Chapter 23- The Harvest of Samhain
Chapter 24- Devil's Night
Chapter 25- Devil's Night pt. 2
Chapter 26- Crisis at Hand
Chapter 27- The Veil Between Worlds
Chapter 28- Dia De Los Muertos
Chapter 29- All Saints Day
Chapter 30-Dreams, Nightmares, Memories
Chapter 31- Family Rumble
Chapter 32-Family Rumble pt. 2
Chapter 33- Empty Graves
Chapter 34- Looking Back
Chapter 36- Past Dictates Future
Chapter 37- Winter Games pt.1
Chapter 38- Winter Games pt. 2
Chapter 39-The Forgotten Miracle
Chapter 40-Broken Refuge
Chapter 41-The New Year's Ball
Chapter 42-New Year's Ball pt 2
Chapter 43- Conquering Enemies
Chapter 44- The Fallen Comrade
Chapter 45- Divination
Chapter 46-Comrade in Arms
Chapter 47- Duties & Responsibilities
Chapter 48- Power of Attorney
Chapter 49-Balancing the Scale
Chapter 50-Recuperation
Chapter 51-Old Blood Against New Blood
Chapter 52- Onward
Chapter 53-Here After pt. 1
Chapter 54- Here After pt. 2
Chapter 55- Return of Farrell Pack
Chapter 56- Bloodline Of the Farrell Pack

Chapter 35- Pachakuti

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By Bluethewolf

Lydia's pov

"Los pollitos dicen pio, pio, pio!" I sang to Reagan, who was in the back in her baby seat. Henry smiles brightly over at me as I sang for our baby. He tried singing along with the few words he knew so far.

We were heading back to my parents' house after they informed us that they fired Maya and suspend Ace and Kat from school for a few weeks. Mom and Grandma thought it best that I came to show them the basics of magic to get better control over their power and gain confidence with them.

I sighed, looking over at Reagan teething at the iron pacifier.

"You okay, Ly?"

"Yea, it's just this whole thing with primas, and their power awakening has everyone on edge. The only hybrid I've known to perform magic is Tia Lyra, the only known hybrid to do so. I'm afraid now because if my primas can have magic, that means Reagan can too." I admitted that my daughter has power, and her father's traits don't scare me; it's what others might do to her to achieve that power.

"Lydia, remember the first time have you ever lost control of your magic?" Henry asks, driving through the neighbors towards the end of the valley where our family house stands.

"Yes, I was four. I got upset when my Dad was working overtime and couldn't play with me," I remembered living back in New York was unpleasant, and the fact she and her brother weren't allowed to visit her Aunt or Uncle for a reason unknown to her to this day.

"And since then, have you ever lost control again?" Henry asks me as I held onto his hand as he drove on; I tighten her hold on his hand how strong and dependable he is to our child and me.

"No, Abuela taught me how to understand my magic better and gain control," I explained to him. He looks at me and at Reagan giggling in her seat, seeing where we were heading. She can adequately sense our family.

"Exactly, your cousins didn't have the support they needed when back in New York, it was just them and their Mom. Now you, your Mom, and grandma will help them gain control over their magic." Henry advised her Lydia smiled and kissed his lips.

"The great sun god blessed me with you and Reagan. Blessed my family to be together again," Lydia teared up thinking about all the trails her family has faced together and separately, but we made it past the horrible times where we knew we'd survive.

Pulling up to the house, we can see my brothers helping build a bonfire and setting up the grill and stick to roast up our meat, and from the driveway, we can smell the rest of the food cooked up in the house.

"Lydia!" They shouted, running over to the car, embracing me and Henry and Reagan alike. The girls were getting chairs from the inside when they saw me. They came not wanting to make any movements. I instantly took them in my arms.

They tensed up. I can feel primas' magic come up from their bodies meeting with my magical presence. I gently flowed my magical aura towards them to ensure that our kinship, our magic, can be recognized by our family members who share our blood.

"Hey, it's okay _ I'll help you now," I told them. Kat smiles faintly, Maya shook in fear for Ace took my hands. She looked into my eyes, and for the first time since she came, I can see the small spark of light in her eyes. They were still a bit dark.

"Thank you, Lydia," She spoke. I gasped. I looked at Santino and Manuel, and they nodded their head with grandpa and Dad smiling at her. I hugged her close, so happy to hear her voice; it sounded almost exactly like her sisters, but hers.

"Reagan," She called out to my baby. Reagan giggled and laughed too upon hearing her name called now. Manuel and Santino kissed her cheeks as she laughs out loud. Dad took her away from my brothers doing the same thing to her smiling brightly.

"Ah, la Primera bisnieta y todos la miman. Jaja, los hombres temblarán cuando ella crezca." (Ah, the first great-granddaughter and everyone spoils her. Haha, men will tremble when she grows up.) Grandma teases coming out of the house with Mom and Tia. They hugged me, and they brought out the same things they've shown me when I first manifested my powers.

"Gather ere' to me," Abuela motions all of us to gather around her as she held a giant leather book. The record that she kept when the Spanish conquistador invaded our homelands long ago. She and her three younger siblings were the last of their family that survived and escaped the Spanish's invasion in the mountains, jungles, and lands of our ancestral land.

"Here is our history mi hijas of our family," Tia explained, Abuela opens the book it reacts to them and the rest of us, the pages became alive with memories, songs, and dances of our ancient bloodlines.

"I can hear them. See and feel our loved ones with us," They expressed tears run down their faces. It's how I reacted, knowing the all our loved ones have watched over us. Their power is our power within us all. It connects us to unlimited power.

"Todo esto es lo que hicimos con nuestras manos mis niñas las joyas, la comida y las cosas que hicimos desde cero nos conecta a todos con ellas." (This is what we made with our hands, my girls the jewelry, the food and the things we made from by hand connects us all to them.) Abuela explained to them; they can see the outline of their colors of magic procedure over their skins on their entire bodies.

"Ancestral magic? I never heard about it before guess that's where I'm a no brainer there," Kat expressed jokingly. Ace sat by Abuela, looking into the book with Maya.

"It's alright. I had no idea how this worked either," I told Maya, Abuela and Tia took the book and closed it, disappearing from thin air.

"Nuestro libro de familia solo puede ser invocado y retenido por personas como nuestra familia, nunca se revelará a los forasteros." (Our family book can only be summoned and held by the likes of our family. It will never reveal itself to outsiders.) Abuela explains to them. They nodded, then Tia got up.

"Do you three know what makes our magic different than the other witches you've seen?" She asks. I smirked a bit, knowing what was coming. It brings back old memories.

"That the pilgrim witches use it to make a profit?" Kat noted, "That bitches use it for their gain," Grandma stated. I started laughing, so did Mom and Grandma Tia tried not to smile but broke down laughing; Ace stayed around the fire.

"Those guesses are correct but more importantly. It's because the witches of this land and Europe take from Mama Pacha( Mother Earth), using the flowers, herbs, and other things used in their potions and spells make them dependable on the things that the earth provided. Therefore over breeding themselves in taking more and more of what nature has to offer." Tia explained to them they took her words into their hearts as I did. I always made sure that I never involve myself with the other witches from school, knowing they wanted the secrets to our families' power.

"Recuerda mi familia, somos los hijos del sol, la montaña, el cielo y la luna y la tierra. Somos la encarnación de nuestros poderes." (Remember my family, we are the children of the sun, mountain, sky, moon, and earth. We are the embodiment of our powers.) Abuela announced to us all, reminding us who we are and the power given to us by our forgotten Gods.

Abuela told us the story of how she's blessed with this great power long ago, just as the Spanish came upon our shores to invade our land and wealth. Only chose girls with unspeakable beauty under the ages of fourteen or eighteen were selected by the Inca Shamans. They were dressed, fed, and worship as Gods themselves before drinking a toxic elixir that ended their human lives. Their souls were gifted to the Gods to keep their empire and people alive.

Only when it happens to Abuela she heard the voices of the Gods telling her she'd live on with the power of the Gods forever she will remain of what lost in the sands of time. She is the last survivor of the Inca empire; the magic was granted to her by her sacrifice; she lived on forever to wander the earth. This great power has passed on to Dad, Tia Lyla's blood, and Tia Lyra's line. That's how Tia Lyra can withstand the undead curse she was born.

"Todo lo que te rodea, mis amores, es parte de ti, el fuego que arde ante ti. El aire que te rodea y la tierra sobre la que caminas es el aliento que tomas, el paso y la luz de las quemaduras internas." (All that surrounds you, my loves are a part of you, the fire that burns before you. The air that surrounds you and the earth that you walk upon it is the breath you take, the step and light the burns within.) Abuela burst her sayings to them; they kept quiet Tia and Mom decide it was best to demonstrate to them.

I presented myself towards them before the bond fire and sky. I took a deep breath letting loose of my gravity to my body. Slowly as my body embarked on the soil, grass, and roots of the earth, I became part of it, and it was becoming me.

I opened my eyes, looking at them as the earth my sight became wider as I stared at my family, my primas watched in awe as I changed back to my physical form. I breathed out, smiling.

"See," I told them. Primas gasped and came over, poking me, "Ah, don't do that tickles," I laughed at them; Abuela gets up too and shows off her power becoming the wind. It much more challenging, for you have to remind focus before letting yourself fly away with the wind. Some elements are impossible to stay in for so long.

"Why don't you three try it out? We're all free together, so anything goes wrong, we'll be able to step in okay," Tia Lyra asks the sister Kat didn't want to try it out. Still, Maya quickly got up and then she stepped into the bonfire, her body became the fire, she was able to fly upwards to the sky a bit.

"Ah, I feel much warmer like this than standing next to the fire," Maya expressed smiling, Ace looks up at her sister than back to Kat, who was visibly shaking. Ace pats her head. Maya floats down carefully, and her flames shifted back to the bonfire.

"Yes, I didn't burn off my clothes!" Maya squeals jumping up and down. Tia Lyra was happy and praised Maya for controlling her power this time, Ace and Kat looked annoyed by it.

"You try the first Ace," Kat suggested. Ace frowns but got up too, she takes up in her hands focusing her energy into her hands forming a black form of clouds, lightening that resembled the inter space of the night sky. Her hair floated upwards, she struggled to maintain it.

She then falls backward, eyes rolling to the back of her head, Grandpa caught her before falling back, but she quickly recovered, the black clouds disappeared.

"Ow," She expressed, rubbing her head, and her red-eye was glowing, the blue eye was shine too ad it was turned into a different shape again like a wolf's. Her fangs were more visible strange.

"Here, drink this," Lyra said, smiling at Ace, impressed by her control over her magic. Ace drinks the mug whole. I can smell the tea was mixed with blood to help her sustain her strength. It seemed the magic exhaust too much of her physical energy. Maya seems to be able to maintain herself when using magic.

"Kat? Are you okay now?" I asked her she shook her head, both Maya and Ace sat beside her carefully, taking her hands. They cuddle up together.

"Breathe in and out, Kat," Maya told her as Ace copied them together. They took a deep breath in and out, slowly but surely Kat shoves them away, kicking the dirt.

"Kathryn, calm down, sweetie," Tia Lyra tried to calm her, but she ignored her and went back inside. Abuela sighs heavily.

"She's spiritual inbalance no good," Abuela concluded. Her sisters looked at her, and Tia sighs. Her eyes got teary, her sisters' face turned grim when Abuela mentioned that they knew what she meant by that.

"I understand, Ma, I called an old friend to help us," Tia Lyra mention both her daughter heads perked up when she said, friend.

"Friend? What friend Ma?" Maya asks quickly, worried Ace minded her business, and started making smores with my brothers and Henry and not caring about the whole magic homeschooling.

"It's okay. An old friend of mine, someone the family knows," Tia Lyra said, and I looked at Mom and Dad. They looked more worried now, and I knew what was about to happen, and thank God I'm only staying here for two weeks. Poor Dad, he's going to have to be in the middle of both of his sisters fighting.

"Sí, ya sabía que hiciste eso. Por eso también invité a alguien más en quien podamos confiar con el proceso de chicas." (Yes I already knew you did that. That is why I also invited someone more we can trust with the girls process.)

"No, te dije que no la quería aquí" (No, I told you that I didn't,.want her here,) Tia Lyra argued then all of us had a massive wave of wind come from up above us, everyone stood their ground sadly the smores blown away. Ace was mad, and Maya was bust staring up at the lady above us.

"Aw, after all this time, you still can't let go of something I did centuries ago?" My tia Lyla, younger sister to my Tia Lyra and Dad born shortly before Tia Lyra ended up in Ireland. From what Dad told me long ago when Tia Lyra married Tio Axel, they had to insure themselves in his community that already disliked the fact he married my Tia Lyra. After my family came to Ireland discovery, my Tia was alive and well, making a life for herself and was expecting my first cousin Aaron.

Many cursed his birth and that the marriage between my Tia and Tio was unholy that she used her magic to seduce him. Of course, all lies, and let's say Tia Lyla was young burned the down the castle of their enemy, thinking it would better help their image it made things worse.

"Shut up, you dumbass!" Tia Lyra yells Tia Lyla is smirking at her, but suddenly, Ace appeared between them quickly, which made Tia Lyla jump backward.

"Oh shit," Tia Lyla screamed in fright, Ace protected her Mom from her. "Back up," Ace warned her. Her eyes were glaring back at her; Maya came beside her Mom too.

"Whoa holy balls! Are those the girls wait where the other one?" She laughed, flying back up in the sky to stay away from Ace, knowing her she was probably so scared when she popped up.

"Here behind you, who are you?" Kat appeared behind Tia Lyla flying too; Kat held the hem of her shirt with ease, unsure whether to toss her or scare her. Tia Lyla falls out of the sky, hitting the ground.

"Jesus Christ, these girls are gonna give me a heart attack," She gasped; Tia Lyra growled but cleared her throat quickly. Kat lets go and drops to the ground and stands by her sisters. Tia Lyla gets up. Abuela comes over, opening her arms to her hugging her as did Abuelo.

"Mami, Papi," Tia Lyla expressed happily, hugging them close; she lets them go and saw the rest of our family hugging Mom and Dad then my brothers.

"Damn, you guys got big too, Manny still sticking to the games, huh. Lydia! Henry, you look good, is this your baby!" She hollers. I looked over to where Tia Lyra was arguing with my cousins about who her friend was and that this was the first they've heard about it.

"Mijas, this is for your good. Now that you three are home, for the time being, we can all teach you to control your powers better," She explained to them. Kat snaps at her, though.

"Did you ever asked us what we wanted! Huh?! I thought after we left, we will have to make our own decisions! You are making us do something that you didn't discuss with us! Mom, we aren't afraid of anything, but if you keep pushing us to do this, it's over!" Kat snaps Ace, hugs her, and takes her back inside; Maya sighs and looks at her Mom.

"She has a point, Mom," She noted and left with Maya and Ace back to their rooms. Tia Lyra stays frozen when Dad came up behind her tapping her shoulder. 

"Nana?" He calls out to her; she turns away and walks off. "I'll be back. I'm going to see Axel. Watch the girls," She added, walking off into the woods by herself. I knew Kat's words hurt her, but she did have a point leaving them in the dark of what's happening with them is frightening. I can't imagine what's going on in their heads their bodies. How do they even begin to question everything that has happened to them?

"Honey, let's go inside. It's Reagan naptime." Henry told me I nodded and went inside with everyone asking Tia Lyla where she was and where she's been these past years since she left several years after Manny's birth. She has always been more free-spirited, less confined by our traditional outlook on magic.

We all heard some loud noises and shouting upstairs, but that didn't alarm anyone.

"Um, should we uh go check on them?" I asked Dad and Mom; they shook their heads. I heard walking on the ceiling now. Abuelo and Abuela tapped my nose and tried not to worry about what's going on upstairs.

"Nah, they've been arguing more, and more lately, it's best we give them the little privacy they have since they have been confined to the house more," Santino noted he earns two slaps behind his head by both our parents Tia Lyla laughed eating her second plate of food that Ace made earlier.

"Confined?" Tia Lyla asked the whole table; this was the first I heard about it too.

"Yeah, their mother lately has restricted them from going out so much. Like the stores, movie theaters, and malls. Since they don't have friends with them, she rather has them accompany each other at all hours anywhere besides home." Dad explained I was sad to hear that Tia Lyra has gotten more paranoid about primas' awakening. Tia Lyla finished her plate and cleared her throat to get our attention.

"So they've been fighting?" Lyla questions they nodded that surprised me. "That's the first," I blurted out, not realizing it. I shut up quickly, but Manuel came from his laptop to get a drink from the fridge, overhearing what we were discussing.

"I know it seems something almost anything can trigger them from going on a rampage," Manny added. Tia Lyla took his drink and told him to buzz off. The grownups were talking. He groans and goes back to the kitchen with his headphones playing music.

"Sounds exactly like their Dad, and when Aaron was a kid, he was the same way. Why aren't they here helping them with their training?" Lyla added Abuela, slams her hands on the table, making all of us jump from our seats. Dad sighs, rubbing his forehead, and looks at Tia Lyla.

"Lyla, Mama already told you, so don't play games with something this crucial!" Dad yells. I looked at Santino and Manny, who grabbed his laptop and quickly went upstairs.

"Aw nano, I just think keeping them from the dark isn't the right idea. I mean, they must be questioning everything now and that Lyra is keeping them from knowing what happens to them? You think that's right for them?" Tia Lyla noted, and I agreed with her, and from what I can tell, Mom agreed too, Dad also did, but he had to stick by Tia Lyra's side.

"Lyla, I know, but they're her girls, not yours or mine, "Dad told me. Hearing this now, I couldn't voice my option on it, considering it's Tia Lyra's right as their mother.

"Nano, they're not little girls anymore where locking them up in their own house was an option. Vampires stole them from our family, their family brother. And as their family, we have to stop lying to them. Otherwise, we'll lose them quicker than before," She added. She made her point, was tried from all the traveling she would instead not make problems right now.

Then we heard Manuel rushing down the downstairs.

"TH-they jumped out the window, they told me to tell you they'll be back soon," Manuel blurted out scared, Dad growls, but Tia Lyla poured salt over his wound.

"See what'd I tell ya," She said, taking her bag upstairs to the bedroom next to Ace's room.

Somewhere in the woods

"Hey, so what's the plan here?" Maya asks, flying over the tree line low enough to keep sight of the public; Kat was on her back, holding she still wasn't confident in passing, and Ace was jumping over from branch to branch, but now she able to jump further and longer than before.

"See what the hell she's been hiding from us. It's a simple watch and retreat," Kat added. Ace stops on a light pole, Maya turns her head, holding on Kat.

"Ace?" Maya calls out Ace jumps over. They were across from each other.

"This wrong _Mom, not enemy," She noted, frowning, " Ace, we know that Mom isn't the enemy, but she's also isn't telling us something that involves us, we have a right to know it's okay," Kat responded Ace grunts and continues with her sisters.

Ace was leading the way since she is the better tracker, she slips down the forest Maya and Kat goes under following her; it was hard to keep up with her since she runs faster on the ground.

Then Ace stops her sister before going over the clearing. She motions them to be quiet and that they were not alone. Maya and Kat nodded to her. She points to the trees; they only briefly caught the whiff of wolves smells over the area they were standing in.

They hid in the tallest tree branch that held Ace and Kat; Maya can uphold herself in her magic. They spotted their mother from afar. She was meeting with Axel Ace's homeroom teacher.

"My sister's in town, Mama called her. I know she thinks I can't handle them now! Everyone is thinking that way now!" Their mother hollers at him. They watched as Axel held their mother. In Kat's eyes, she felt anger in seeing him have her as she was letting out their personal affairs to him is like leaving your neck out in the open to be cut.

"Lyra calm down here, sit with me, I don't have to say anything, and you can just sit and listen to my heart together we'll figure out what to do," Axel told her. He sat down, crossing his legs. They watched as he placed their mother between him, holding her close to his chest; they can hear his heartbeat changed. They're used to hearing the heart beating rapidly, or the heart stops beating entirely.

Only Axel's heart changed his soul's beating in sync with their mother's heart; they watched in silence while their mother held onto Axel close. A moment passed, Lyra took a breath of relief.

"You always knew how to calm me down," She expressed. Axel chuckles, "Yep; ye always let anger win before thinking straight," He teased her. Their mother sighs her head against his.

"I did this to them, Axel, my daughters, and I did this to them," Lyra expressed. Kat gasped, but quickly Ace grabbed both her sisters by their shoulder blades, dragging them to the ground and dragging them away from the area where their mother and Axel where.

"Ace, what the hell?!" Kat yelled at her, but she refused to let them go, not that they can force her to let her go. Kat wanted to know what their mother meant about them what exactly did she do to them. Kat needed answers. Maya didn't know what to think.

For what seemed like miles, Ace finally stopped lets both of her sisters go.

"God damnit, we have to run!" Kat blurted out, Maya looks at her. "What the fuck are you saying we can't just leave. Look, we don't know what's Mom deal is, but we can't just start questioning every choice that Mom has made," Maya argued at her Ace sat down, not paying attention to why her sisters were fighting.

"Look, Mom has been keeping us in the dark about what's been going on with us! Why?! Don't you get that!" Kat yells, Maya scoffs at her action, Kat glares at her.

"Kat, you're getting paranoid every time you get like this, you start to question everything!" Maya screams back at her. Then Kat started laughing at Maya shaking her head.

"I have to Maya! Because unlike you! Ace and I had to always watch our backs for every second someone could have killed us! Not all of us ended up on some undead fuck's lap," Kat snaps at her; Ace ears picked up on something she calmly listens and senses who and how far they are from them. She thinks back on what her Abuela taught her earlier. Focusing on the earth, the trees within the tress can feel the roots where they are connected too.

"Oh God, there you go again blaming me for something that I didn't have a choice in either. None of us chose where we were going to end up, Kat, can't you get that through your head?!" Maya yells; when Ace found the prick she sensed, she images the roots taking hold of his ankle, and the moment felt it tighten and pulled him straight towards her.

"AHH!" The man yells, Kat and Maya stopped shouting at each other as Ace pulls the man further upwards, looking to see an older pale skinny man hanging from trees' roots. All three of them gathered, looking up at the man, who struggled against the germs.

"Ah, fuck!" He cursed. His voice sounded with an accent kind of like Axel's but softer. Maya gets his gun out and points it at him. Ace and Kat growled at the man glaring at him.

"Okay, twink, who the hell are you?" Maya asks him he looks upside down at them, holding his hands up in defeat.

"I wouldn't have expected anything less of Lyra's daughters. I must admit you three are processing well in your magic, but-," The roots he blasted it away with his magic, only Ace trips him causing him to fall back on his back, she slams her foot on his chest, pinning him to the ground to keep him from escaping.

"Magic or no magic, we'll kill you easily," Kat added. Maya pointed her gun at his head, magical or not; they all die the same, more comfortable. They laughed as they watched him struggled against Ace's foot. Kat slams her foot on his left arm, and Maya hits her foot on his right.

"Mijas!" They froze when their mother jumped out in front of them. The man looks to their mother. Kat couldn't understand why their mother isn't telling them anything as she used too. They did remove their feet from the man.

"Oh, Lyra, thank God saving my life from the likes of wolves again," The man said. Kat was beyond anger, slammed her foot, further breaking the man's arm.

"Wolves? You think we look like mutts to you?!" She shouted Lyra pushes her away from him quickly, Ace and Maya saw that. They stepped back from her and took Kat's hand.

"Kat, I wouldn't have to expect this from you! He's Kazaf, my friend!" Their mother yelled at them all; they held onto one another. Kat looks back in her dreams. The girls locked in a room where their mother always yelled at them for stepping out of bounds.

"Rules! Rules! Fucking rules! Stepping out of line!" Kat growled, yanking at her head in frustration. Her shouting echoed through the forest, she growls and kicks the grass.

"I know you're out there. You stay away from our business!" She yells out to the forest, knowing he isn't that far from where they were, their mother help the man name Kazaf up to his feet.

"It's been too long; I'm sorry for my daughters' behavior toward you. I'll fix your arm," Lyra said Kazaf didn't mind and hugged Lyra causally. Ace grabbed his collar, pulling him away from her mother.

"Don't touch Mami," Ace said coldly; Lyra grabbed her wrist gently to let him go.

"My apologies, milady," He told her. Ace turned away and started walking away, holding Kat's hand. Ignoring the man's presence and leaving their mother and sister behind. Maya didn't bother to go after her sisters.

"I'm sorry, my sisters are not good with strangers—too many enemies we made here. I didn't know who you were, but I'm Maya Franklin. Sorry I pointed my gun at you." Maya apologized, offering her hand.

"Oh, neither like her parents or sisters." Kasvef groaned as Lyra clasps her nails on his arm. He shuts up, and Lyra offers him to take her to her brother's home to meet with her mother and sister.

Maya didn't say anything to her mother trusted her and her actions, even the man she considers her mother's friend. With the kind of dangers they faced now, he must know as well.

Later on, the St. Johns Bridge, the tallest bridge in Portland.

Ace used her 'jump' as she calls it, to appear on top of the bridge holding onto Kat's hand. It's a weird feeling stepping into the light. Shadows have no stability, form, or structure to where Ace was able to enter. Kat's feet barely touched the steel bridge's surface.

"Blah!" Kat vomited over, falling over to the edge. Ace was fast to hold on to the spike steel frame. Luckily, it was getting dark, and no one can spot them from that height.

"Not that tall," Ace mention and concluded, seeing how easily she came, thereby merely remembering the name and place, how she imagined the top of the bridge where she ended up. She's been testing where she can go and how far she's been there or knows the specific place. She's been able to navigate better than ending up in walls, ceilings, and underneath floorboards. It was hard to get out of there.

"AH! what?!" Kat expressed holding onto the spike too. She looks to Ace. Ace was sitting down, looking out at the view like she always did, admiring it, or what set beyond it.

"When? Where? Why here?!" Kat yelled over the loud winds blowing through them. They can take them upwards to the skies.

"Plan B," Ace spoke out, kicking her legs back and forth. Kat sat next to her and grabbed ahold of her since she was still new to flying.

"What the after pill or actual backup plan?" Kat teased, Ace, didn't care for the joke, "Okay, so here's my plan if shit goes sideways with ma's friend," Kat sticks out her two fingers on each hand, bending them twice.

"See my air quotes there; we need to relocate with the fam where we can gain access to print out new documents for each of us. At a reasonable price and provide a safe house and perhaps work if necessary," Kat conducted the plan as Ace listened carefully to her words; they able to provide more help to one another.

"Got one," Ace answers looking out, not looking in Kat's direction.

"Where?" Kat asks Ace answers, "San Francisco," Kat stays silent for a moment.

"How many contractors?" She questions Ace remind unfazed by her reaction.

"Two, they're married," Ace noted. It made Kat at ease since the two men will not compromise one another for the job, and considering Ace is recommending them, they can perform and finish the job well.

"Crew or singled?" Kat persisted to her sister, "Crew, the same one I'm from," She answers. Kat stops and looks at Ace. She takes her hands.

"Are they with your master?" She questions letting go of her; her hands turned into fists.

"Otōsan, Father," Ace recorrected her sister translating from Japanese to English, "What?" Kat questioned her stunned at the words she said; Ace stayed silent, looking down her hair, hid her face from Kat. Kat got up on her two feet.

"The man that had you tattooed at fourteen?! Who cut your hair so close that left scars on your scalp! Who broke your bones, and kept you in the dark hole for days as punishment! How can you call him your father!" Kat yelled at her, but Ace turns to her sister the wind blew her hair away from her face.

Ace's expression was dead serious; her eyes stayed focus and didn't wander from Kat's eyes.

"Otōsan taught survival, I'm here now," She stated. Kat couldn't believe her words. Ace looks at her, "Trust me, Kat," She told her. Kat thought for a moment and knew out of everyone in her life. She knew that Ace never gave her any doubt of loyalty to her and their mother and sister.

That fact reminds, she only has her to rely on, as does Ace. They've always gotten along better her than she and Maya did ever since they were kids.

"Stronger, Together." Kat phrased, offering her hand. Ace takes it, gripping firm.

"Together, Forever." Ace finished the phrase looking out to the sun setting over the city, the thousands of lights shined in the darkness like the sky filled with stars, the moon shining down on both her and her sister.

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