The Grey Patch (BWWM)

By vannessadibor

24.5K 4.6K 2.5K

Twenty-nine year old gynaecologist and heir to the REGAL Corp. gold mining conglomerate, Fai Regan, had just... More

Introduction & Dedication
Part 1- Hello Doctor!
Part 2- FERGE
Part 3- Chasing Dreams
Part 4- Closing A Chapter.
Part 5- Family & Friends, Enemies & Allies.
Part 6- The Dawning.
Part 7- Staring At Reality.
Part 8- Attracted or Repulsed?
Part 9- Where Were we?
Part 10- Sand Castles
Part 11- Cycles.
Part 12- What's Cooking?
Part 13- Flicks and Twists.
Part 14- Cold Shoulders.
Part 15- South Africa!
Part 16- Getting Together.
Part 17- Desires.
Part 18- What Really Happened?
Part 19- Regrets.
Part 20- Curbing Shadows.
Part 21- No Filters
Part 22- Steam Blow.
Part 23- Steam Release.
Part 24- Coming to Truth.
Part 25- Life Is Beautiful.
Part 26- Meet The Clique.
Part 28- In The Face.
Part 29- Meeting Nico.
Part 30- Making Plans.
Part 31- A Happy Crew.
Part 32- The Aid.
Part 33- The Bridge.
Part 34- Hailey.
Part 35- Then and Now.
Part 36- Without You.
Part 37- Tides & Turns.
Part 38- At World's Ends.
Part 39- Blown Candles.
Part 40- Remedy.
Part 41-All Roses Aren't Red.
Part 42- Sieving The Dirt.
Part 43-Pathways.
Part 44- Forward.
Part 45- Regal Regans.
Part 46- Bedroom Talks.
Part 47- Shots & Roses.
Part 48- Mamma Mia!
Part 49- Jollof & Momma.
Part 50- The Milestone.
Part 51- Discussions.
Part 52- Pasts & Future.

Part 27- Revelations.

446 99 38
By vannessadibor

Even though I don't exactly feel there's need for it (as I already included this in the introductory paragraph), but this chapter will include A LOT of steamy scenes 😊
So please, drive with caution! 😏

This chapter is dedicated to Jacquelinerq maarze bettylone💓💓💓

Enjoy! 😘

"Welcome to Montauk Island Schartz" he whispered.

"No wayyy...this is Montauk Island?! Jesus Christ, how did I not figure that out earlier!" she cursed.

"Err-I don't know if you've noticed, but you're not exactly the most observant person planet earth has housed" he teased and she smacked him playfully.

Fai led them to their table, pulled her chair out for her like a perfect gentleman made sure she was comfortable, before walking over to his side of the table.

"Oh my God Fai, this is so perfect!" she chimed, feeling overly amused over how magical the entire scenery looked.

"Well, I'm glad you like it...I was really hoping it wouldn't come across as 'cheesy' " he stated.

"I mean, it is cheesy...but girls love cheesy" she said and he smiled.

With the band singing classical songs by Adriano Celetano and Eros Ramazzoti in their background, the two began chit chatting about little things, covering menial topics like entertainment, lifestyle and even business.

In their center were two bottles of Italian wine, loaded with ice and Fai helped them both with the fresh and crispy Barolo bottle while they were served an Antipoasto Charcuterie board for their starter.

"So tell me, what does it feel like?" she asked.

"What does what feel like?"

"Being you...this-enigma everyone's so intrigued by, 'Fai Regan', or 'Dr. Fai Regan'-whichever you prefer, how does it feel? Cause I sometimes feel like you must have the weight of the world on your shoulders-or is it not? Do you not sometimes feel pressured?"

"Well...I guess I kind of see my dad, he wasn't always like this-happy, cheerful, jovial, old age has calmed him down a whole lot but he used to be a big workaholic; success driven-addicted even, just being good enough was never enough for him, he strived to be number one and he expected everyone around him to do the same"

"Wow, that must have been so huge...but anyways, I guess it paid off in the end, cause you know, you're here and you've achieved so much. In so many ways, I'd say you're like your father, career-driven, goal-oriented..."

"Yeah, except the difference is I know when to stop"

"What do you mean?" she furrowed.

"My father sometimes, he gets his priorities wrong...when I was 15-16, my parents separated. Their separation lasted almost two years...was mostly my dad's fault cause he was always working, working so hard that when he finally got to the peak of his career, he forgot he had a family...had less time for his wife, sent Faury and I to boarding schools and the only time I ever really got to spend with him during those years were when he dragged me along to his company meetings-he would literally force me to sit in the midst of he and his friends and hear them argue numbers and shit"

"That had to have been really depressing" she sympathized.

"Oh trust me it was, I didn't always like numbers as much as I do now-but anyways, fast track to that, my mother moved out, yet he didn't even notice she had been gone until five days after, that's how distant they had know the most annoying thing? When he eventually found out, he didn't even care"


"Really-he went about his life like nothing had happened, like he hadn't just lost his wife, so in an act of rebellion, I turned against him"

"What did you do?"

"I studied medicine" he stated plainly and Maldives looked at him confusedly.

"You studied medicine-I don't understand"

"If there was one thing I knew my dad wanted the most, it was to send me to Business school where I could study and take over his 'empire' when the time came. I knew he wanted it so bad, and I was so mad at him at the time for thinking he could just act the way he wanted and control everyone as he pleased, so I deviated from the path he had created for me, without his permission-I studied medicine even when I knew he didn't like it"

"Are you fucking serious right now??? Fai, you're literally telling me you spent seven years of your life in med school, just to get back at your dad?!"

"Yeah" he shrugged indifferently.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" she laughed.

"Believe it or not, it's true, but you know that was only my initial reason for studying medicine, something else happened"


"My dad got diagnosed with cancer two years after I got admitted into med school"

"Oh my God, but he's okay now right?"

"Yeah, of course, never better...but that was the first time I saw first off, how scary it was to feel helpless when a loved one is hurting, especially from an illness"

"So he motivated you to continue huh"

"Yeah he did, but thankfully, he recovered and was quickly put into remission...I think after the sickness, he reset his priorities right and things got better with the family"

"Wow...that's a lot to take in"

"I know anyways, how about you?"

"Me? What about me?"

"Tell me about you, your family, your up childhood, you told me you moved to the US when you were about fourteen right?" he asked.

"Yeah, I did...but it wasn't exactly a smooth transition" she swallowed and Fai noticed her discomfort. He noticed how she often got that way each time someone asked a question relating to her family, and even though ordinarily, he might have provided her the option of not talking about it if she didn't feel like it, not this time. This night, he wanted to hear it all, he needed to hear it all. If they were ever going to have a chance at improving whatever it was they had between them, he needed the openness.

"How so?" he asked again and Maldives stared at him for a while before responding.

*Sighs* " you know, your aunt already mentioned in the past about how my mom and I-we didn't get in here legally...because my mum, she-she um-had me when she was really young...she was sixteen then and in Africa, parents don't exactly take it likely with you when you do something like that-when you get pregnant whilst unmarried"

"Really? I mean yeah, teenage pregnancy is never a good thing, but exactly how bad does it get in Africa?" he asked and she scoffed.

"I'm talking as bad as your parents kicking you out of your home with the entire society slut-shaming you like you had just committed the worst crime there is in the world"

"Wow, so your mother's parents kicked her out?"

"Yeah, they did" she nodded.

"And how your father? The guy responsible for the pregnancy?"

"My mum moved in with him, she said they rented a house together using the money she had stolen from her parents and the little he had"

"So his family, I'm assuming they sent him out too?"

"Yeah they did, you see with his family, it wasn't just the fact that I got pregnant for their son at such a young age-there was also the fact that they were of different tribes and they never gave their consent to their being together "

" know it still baffles how you Nigerians treat one another differently, all because of what? Some stupid labels of identity you created for yourselves" he pondered out loud.

"Well, they aren't just 'labels', tribes come with differences, lots and lots of differences, like marriage, dressing, languages, food and so many others, so we are actually different"

"I see....and what's the name of your tribe?" he asked, intertwining his fingers together, while his elbows rested on the table.

"My tribe, I'm Igbo'

"Igbo...what language do you guys speak?"

"We speak Igbo-well, Nigerians for the most part speak English as we were colonized by the British, but we have over five hundred indigenous languages in Nigeria"

"Wow, that's major! And are you able to speak any of them?" he asked curiously.

"Err..."she interjected, scratching the back of her neck nervously which made Fai smirk in amusement.

"Do you at least know how to speak yours? Do you speak Igbo?" he chuckled again.

"I mean I understand a little of it-no I understand most of it! But I don't speak it, I'm only able to utter a few phrases here and there" she illustrated and he chuckled even harder"

"You're unbelievable! But anyways, I guess I can cut you some slack knowing you you've spent the last ten+ years here"

"Yeah, and also, the fact that my parents were of different tribes meant that they mostly communicated in English"

"Oh okay...there aren't people that speak languages of other tribes?"

"Of course there are! Almost every Nigerian is bilingual or even trilingual, just-my parents didn't fall in that category" she clarified.

"I see, so what tribe did he belong to?"

"He was Yoruba"

"Your-what?" he inquired with a face that made Maldives chuckle.

"Yo-ru-ba, Yoruba" she corrected.

"Oh-right, I will try rehearsing that in my closet. But what happened to him afterwards?"

"He um-died four years after I was born" she sighed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" he consoled with a sad smile.

"Yeah it's okay...I was pretty small then, so I don't think I really understood the severity of death then, but I know my mother suffered a lot. It was hard enough being a teen mom with a partner that could only offer so much to their toddler, and then he died, she felt so alone. You already know how Nigeria doesn't exactly have the best economy so it wasn't easy for her to secure a job good enough to take care of a child, especially since she wasn't a degree holder, that was why she um...did other stuff" she revealed.

" 'Other stuff?'-you mean she..." he suggested and she nodded.

"Yes, my mother went into prostitution" she nodded responsively.

"Oh..." he mouthed.

"Mmhm...and yeah I know y'all probably see her actions as 'indecent' but she's my mum you know, and she did what she had to do provide for the both of us, when she saw her chance, she took it, and brought us here to the States, where she gave me a better life...and it paid off, didnt it? Cause now I'm here, and she's alive, and she's got her papers now so...I don't care what the world thinks about my mom, she's my mother and she's the greatest super hero I know...if anyone has a problem with that, they can go to-" she stuttered till Fai stopped her.

"Hey hey, no one's looking down on you and your mum, okay? Not me, not my aunt, not anyone-not as long as I'm here" he assured, taking her hand inside his from across the table as he spoke, "No one, and I mean NO ONE has the right to judge her for her fight-your mum, she should be proud of herself, she took her own destiny in her hands and it paid off, so if anyone has a problem with that, they can go mop the ocean" he shrugged jokingly, and she chuckled at his remarks. "You're so silly, you know that?" she smiled as he wiped off the beads of tears that had formed in her eyes, before returning to his food.

"Well, correct me if I'm wrong but, I don't believe you hate the silliness-in fact, if Im not mistaken, you love it" he winked and she scoffed at him. "Aaannd there you go again, always so full of yourself!"

"Oh baby, I'm sure you'd rather I fill you up instead..." he smirked with his arms folded against each other and she faltered under his intimidating gaze. Well, fuck you Dr. Regan...

They had just finished having tomato basil bruschetta for their appetizer and It was now time for the main course of the night, and as expected, Fabio didn't fail to impress them with his delectable cooking of Spaghetti Bolognese.

As they were served their plates, the aroma filled the entire atmosphere and Maldives who wasn't sure she had had anything prior all day, couldn't hesitate to delve right into the sumptuous-looking classic pasta with meat sauce.

Fai, who had just been on his way to pop open the full-bodied red Chianti, watched in amusement how his woman, feasted passionately from her plate. "Okay I'm guessing the next time we decide to go out on a date I should be spending more money on the meals for the day, rather than the specifics of the decorations" he joked and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Don't blame me, I hadn't eaten all day you know " she conceded as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?"

"I don't even know if I should be telling you this but, we literally spent the whole day in the mall shopping for what to wear" she disclosed.

"What to wear? What to wear for what?" he furrowed.

"What do you mean 'for what'? For this date of course!" she professed.

"Oh..." he mouthed as bent his head to the side to scan her from head to toe. It felt like he had only just noticed her dress, an action that didn't sit too well with Maldives.

"Oh come on! Don't look at me that way!" she critiqued.

"What way?" he asked confusedly.

"You know, like you're only just noticing the dress when I literally spent the whole day rummaging through stores to find it! "

"No, of course not, that's not why I'm staring at you the way I am" he explained.

"Right, why are you then?" she interrogated.

"Do you really wanna know?" he smirked.

"Yeah, I do!"

"Alright then..."he smirked again, retreating back to the rest of his seat with his glass of wine in his hand, "...the reason I looked at you, was because I was thinking about how you shouldn't have gone through all that stress for a dress" he muttered.

"And why is that?" she pushed further.

"Because the end of the know I'm gonna be ripping it off of your body" he hinted, before gulping down the remaining contents of his drink. Maldives was left with an inaudible 'Oh' forming at the base of her lips as she felt her thighs press together reflexively upon hearing his words.

She had no words to explain what he had done, or how he had done what he had done, but all she knew, was that she wanted him.

Heck, she needed him! Desperately needed him, like her life depended on it, even if it was the last thing she did before she died, she had to.

Even now, when he was staring at her, with the same intensity his eyes often held-right across the table, she didn't think she'd mind trashing away all the fancy utensils and food items they currently had on their table, if it meant she got to have him, right there and then.

Fucking Bastard...she cursed inwardly, as she watched him munch and swallow every bite. His Adam's apple, looking efficiently at work, as he gulped down the contents of his refilled wine glass.

Shit! It didn't even help that the weather was so called, with the ocean waves spiraling circles of cool breeze which sent ripples down her spine.

Fai smirked at her-he knew what he was doing, knew the effect his words and stares had caused her entire being-evident in her 'lady buds' which currently seem to have more points than The Washington Football Team...he sighed.

She was his, whether the world liked it or not, it didn't matter to him. All he knew and cared about, was the fact that never, never had a woman, not even Hailey, in his entire existence, had been able to give him the sort of 'hard-on' she did, by just looking at him.

Her smile, her feistiness, her mannerisms, everything! He was dead-on mesmerized by everything she did, which probably explained why no matter how hard he had tried to stay away from her, to distance his being from her presence, he failed-woefully failed.

She had become a part of him, when and how, he knew not, but all he knew was the fact that she was his. She was his Schatz, his treasure, and he planned on keeping it that way-starting with tonight, when she was currently shifting away her plate of empty pasta, and settling in for her dessert.

Maldives stared at him with a sly smile that had him watching her suspiciously, scooped a spoon of her Espresso martini tiramisu and licked it off in the most seductive way imagineable. Fai writhed, What the fuck is she trying to do now??? he thought to himself, even as he watched her intentionally spill some of the cream down her lips, and touch them with her fingers.

"Stop that Schatz..." he growled from across the table.

"Stop what?" she shrugged, feigning innocence.

"Don't ask me that, you know what..." he grumbled as he watched her give a long lick to the floating cream off her spoon seductively, causing him to clench harder onto his glass.

"I really don't know...I mean, two can play the game right?" she smirked and Fai closed his eyes as he seethed in anguish.

" Dieses Mädchen Weiß nicht, dass sie mit dem Feuer spielt..." (this girl doesn't know she's playing with fire) he mumbled to himself in his native language.

'Fuck don't know how much it turns me on when you do that.."she mumbled before biting her lip which seemed to break the camel's back for Fai, "You know what...fuck this!" he cursed, standing up with all urgency as he threw his napkin on the floor before bolting over to where she sat to grab her hand and pull her with him.

"Um the band's still playi-"

"Fuck the band!" he cut her mid-sentence as they made their way back to his car.

Putting his car into ignition, his wheels screeched out of the parking space as they found their route back to the busy streets, thankfully, the traffic was all cleared out which was exactly what he needed-what they both needed, as the sexual tension was already building up and the car, even with the air-con on was beginning to feel quite hot.

No words were said, no sounds were made, just the cooling sound of the air conditioner and the silent movement of the car wheels against the roads.

The world seemed on pause, like they were in their own little bubble, with Fai stepping on his pedals as fast as he could.

For some reason, the drive to what looked to be Fai's apartment, seemed both long and short at the same time. Short because it was so much faster than the drive to the date, but slow because they both couldn't seem to contain themselves, so much so that Maldives already found herself secretly pulling off her shoes in the car by the time he had pulled over at what looked like his parking lot.

"Is this-your house?" she said, marveled by the enormous oval shaped pad that stood before her. Although it was pretty dark, the thousand and one light-bulbs provided her with more than enough chrome to see that the house was painted with white paints and probably furnished with glass all round as the glass windows dazzled from where she sat.

Still in awe over the magnificent building, she was pulled back to reality when her passenger's door pushed open, revealing Fai who stood above her with an offered hand.

When she took it, he pulled her closely to him and mouthed her with the hunger and passion she had stirred up inside him.

"Mhmm..." she moaned, when his lips grazed through her chin, down to her neck, where he nestled little bites and sucked on the sore spots before proceeding to her ears.

Giving it one long lick across her lobe, he whispered, "by the time we're done tonight Angel, you'll be needing my assistance to walk across the room..." he revealed, then lifted her up onto his waist as they kissed and made out all through their way to his elevators, his hands, cupping her bum.

When they got to the elevators, Fai pushed her against the walls while their hot steamy kiss went on. With moans and sighs feeling the steel-walled lift, he grinded so hard into her she could feel his hard on press on her hole and Fai cursed when his teeth magically tugged away one side of her deep V-neck, revealing one hard nipple he didn't hesitate to grant pleasure to.

The elevator doors clicked, signaling that they had arrived their destination, but that didn't seem to faze them as Fai had no had no problems leading them up to his room with Maldives still on his waist.

When they got in, he put her down gently, then stared at her, "...have I told you how insanely beautiful you are?" he asked and Maldives literally felt her heart melt. Lord knows at the end of the day, I'm gon' die by the hands of a German boy cause this one will be the death of me! Maldives thought while she stared at him intently with a feeling she never knew could exist.

"No...but I know you make me feel that I'm the most beautiful woman in the world...which is why, tonight..." she began saying, as she swiftly unbuttoned his shirt, with her fingers tracing the planes and contours his hard rigid chest held, "...tonight, I want you to devour me...I want you to fuck me like we only have tonight Doctor..." she mouthed and he smiled devishly.

"This dress...remember the promise I made to you about it?" he whispered, as his fingers played along the deep neck of the fabric.

His fingers sent shivers down her spine, in a way that made her toes curl in fear and excitement, "Yeah?" she responded.

"Well Miss case you didn't know...I'm not one to break my promises..."he trailed off before ripping the fabric into two.

The sound of it thrilled her, even as he pulled the dress off her shoulders, revealing what he could only describe as a 'caramel-looking perfection' in nothing but thongs, and like a beast who had just marked its prey, Fai pulled her back up while he walked them to his bed.

Kissing and tasting, the two kept exploring each other's bodies, each magically fascinated by the other, and Fai groaned in pleasure when he felt Maldives' hands unbuckle his belt to touch stroke the length of him. "You know if you keep doing that Schatz I might have to take you now..."he whispered and moaned in her ears and Maldives smiled, feeling increasingly satisfied by the fact that she was able to elicit such reaction from him.

"What are you waiting for it...take me now...I want you inside me Fai Regan, I want you now.."she whispered back to him and that was the final push he needed.

Sliding off the black lace off her breasts, he sucked each nipple diligently, flicking and biting gently, enjoying the sweet sounds of pleasures that escaped her lips. "You taste so good baby..." he whispered against her sensitive skin, causing oceans to flow beneath her.

She ran her fingers through the waves of his hair, crossing her legs across his waist as she felt the tension build up inside her. He proceeded to her 'ladyhood' which had already been dripping mercilessly and he smiled when he saw the mess she was beneath.
"You know...the view is beautiful down here Schatz..."he said from between her legs and she chuckled at his choice of words. "Oh yeah? Well, it's all yours babe" she urged and with that, he tongued her till he was satisfied.

Moving back up to head level, he kissed her passionately as his hands went to the side of his bed stand, where he pulled a packet of condom from his drawers and tore it open with his teeth. "Let me help you with that..."she offered, taking the latex from his fingers and sliding it up smoothly along his length, "You know I'm beginning to think you can't resist any opportunity to feel 'junior' down there" he smirked.

"Well, what can I say, I guess I love my meat" she joked back, before pulling him back for a long kiss which saw him riding them both to their satisfaction.


The following morning, the two woke up feeling famished, with Maldives being the last to do so, as she opened her eyes to his pair of blue orbs staring at her. "Hey..."she mumbled.

"Hey...did you sleep well?" he asked, smiling down at her.

"Yes I did, did you? Cause if you didn't, it'd be such a shame..." she smiled back at him, tracing the cleft of his chin.

"Yeah? And why's that?" he inquired curiously.

"Because...I was kind of hoping you'd be down for another round..." she said flirtatiously and Fai looked at her amusingly, "Really? I thought that after the three we had last night you'd be waking up with zero glucose in your system..." he said, tugging on the sheets which concealed her breasts, "...but since it appears I've gotten myself a beast for a lady, I might just take you up on that offer..."he finished, and they chuckled while he pulled the sheets above them.

Kissing and teasing her, he felt his body grow with his excitement as her hands ran through his body and was about whispering something dirty into her ears when he heard voices from outside his room.

"...Lisa you're seriously telling me he's inside there with a-Jesus Christ!" the voice said when they opened he door.

"Faury?" Fai called.

"Mal???" Faury gasped.

"Faury???" Maldives echoed with the sheets held to her chest.

"You're-you're fucking my brother?!" he gasped in shock.

Pheeeewwww...this was quite a long one! Think the longest I've written 😂

Guys what do you think would be Faury's reaction?

Predictions? Suggestions? Complaints?

Please do not forget to hit my favorite button 😉😁

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