The X in Skye

By MeganTaylor24

220K 4.7K 768

Skye Red was born into her family's mafia which just so happens to be the most powerful mafia. She is not a... More

Not my type of job
Power over Chinos
Care to explain?
The invitation
Girls night out!
Girls night out II
Not a movie
Pat me down
Midnight Skye
It's complicated
Boot camp
A win to a lose
Five Bs
Hidden information
That's why I'm called X
The Lions den!
Strobes to strike
Gossip and gowns
The Red men
Waltz of rescue
You feel it too!
Say your goodbyes!
Smoking rage!
There is no WE!
Good to be back
Taste of normality
So it begins...
He's the fix to her addiction
The walk in aftermath
Not a sweetheart
Splash of romance
You want in?
The Theatre
A Red Christmas
Slashes for Slashes
Bloody fury
Twisted psychology
The chase
Bright lights
Too soon?
Betrayal of the highest degree
His return
Make up
His letter
Black out
Tips and Tricks
The phone call
Gasoline to fire
Valuable lessons
Forever X
Thank you

You'll find out

6.5K 116 9
By MeganTaylor24

Grayson's POV

Arriving at school an hour early isn't exactly what I wanted going into a new school year but that's what I get being the new kid.

"We're excited to have you, I'm sure you will do just great" The principal tells me.

He looks and sounds like a push over. His cheap suit looks like it's wearing him rather the other way around.

"But of course we do expect you to uphold our rules, there will be no issues with that will there?"

I had to stop a laugh escaping my mouth, I felt a smirk rather than I smile but I simply replied "Of course not" Rules aren't my thing except when it comes to the Wolves and they hardly corollate.

His desk phone rings, it startles his causing him to knock his coffee mug which I caught before it smashed on the floor. He looked impressed with my reflexes.

"Skye is outside for you"

I thank him and swing my bag over my shoulder. This should be fun!

She wasn't delighted but I didn't expect different. Her eyes could have turned me into ice but it made her eyes stand out. She looks even better than yesterday, blue really is her colour.


It was a rocky start but she soon helped me to an extent. I wasn't stranded but she did make a point of being right all the time, through math.

I hear the familiar noise of her boots coming closer "Hey..."

But before I could say her name her lips were on mine. The good side of me is telling me to pull away but my other side told me to kiss back. So, I do.

I pull her closer by her waist, I feel the skin of her back rise against my touch, I knew I had an effect on her.

I savour the taste of her lips, this might be the best kiss I've had, and it's Skye.

"Real classy, X" A voice says causing her to stir and pull away. She runs leaving the bubble she created, she took the heat with her. I collected my senses and chased after her.


Of course, she chooses to ignore me. "Woah" I jump in front of her giving her no choice but to stop

"What just happened?"

She's like a completely different person, 2 seconds ago we were closer than ever and now she's running away "Don't worry about it" I block her again, ignoring what she said about cutting my hand off earlier

"You just kissed me, I think I have the right to know"

She battles with herself but replies "Fine, it was the best way of keeping a situation non- violent"

"Why did he call you X? is he your ex?"

"It has a double meaning" she says pushing past me

She starts to take off "Skye, where the hell are you going?"

"To find out why that just happened" I also want to find out

"You'll get there a lot quicker by a car"


Shit, she just fully kicked the doors open. She really was angry, she certainly made her presence known.

"When the fuck were you going to tell me Tyler was back in town?"

"Watch your tone Skye" Her Dad's warning didn't faze her at all.

"Sis, calm down"

"You do not want to push me Brother" Axel stood tall but didn't strike out

"First, you stick the new guy on me and now you expect me to act normal with Tyler walking around" she had her back turned to me. I really don't appreciate being treated as a burden.

"So, what the fuck is going on?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything about it" So Axel claims not to know but based on her Dad's reaction I'm guessing he's got some knowledge.

"His Dad asked to transfer back, I allowed it on the condition that Tyler is no longer involved"

"And you didn't think to mention it to me?"

"What did I miss?" Blake enters, I met Blake last week and right now I'm glad he's broken some of the tension

"Ohh, this doesn't look someone's given Skye a thunder storm" I forgot he was funny too

I was now on the receiving end of her murderous eyes "Read the room"

For someone she hated so much she didn't sound overly satisfied when her Dad gave her permission to handle him. The question was who is Tyler? And why did she kiss me?


"I'm sorry" Her voice closes the awkward silence that was being upheld.

"For which part?"

I see her head turn "Lack of explanation and making you walk out of school"

She stole my attention "You didn't make me walk out, I choose to walk after you I couldn't let you go like that" I don't know why she would think I'd do it out of force. "But an explanation would be nice"

"It's complicated"

"I think I can handle it. Plus, we have a long drive"

She shuffles but soon says "A few months ago I was screwed over by someone who I trusted. It broke me in a way, but it just made me stronger. Axel and Blake weren't happy and took matters into their own hands"

"Is that who Tyler is?"

It's like getting blood out of a stone but the pieces are slowly coming together "Yes"

"What did he do?" he asked as if he knew he shouldn't

"I'm not going into it"

I can't push her too far.  "I'm sure he deserved what he got"

I don't even know the guy but I have some urge to punch him, better yet shoot him. I have a feeling he's responsible for Skye being so guarded. This is the first conversation that was real, no sarcastic comments and no threats.

I catch a few glances at her through the reflection of the window. She looks relaxed for the first time, my eyes trail to her lips, those kissable lips that I had actually kissed.


After she mocked my past school life we made it through the front door. We definitely aren't welcomed with both arms. I'd been here for about a year and I always stood out. Now I have Skye with me I know it's not personal, not to say I didn't enjoy the attention. Posh girls love a bit of bad.

Skye deserted me for another guy. I had a feeling he knew who I was but we never spoke about it.

A slight pang of jealousy arose when they were close not to mention their flirty conversation. I remind myself she isn't mine but the kiss just keeps making its way through my mind.

She served the royal douche bag Johnny's ass on a plate, we all shared the same hatred towards chinos and smart mouths.

I start clearing my locker still with Brody's company when Skye left.

"She's really something huh" He laughs next to me.

"Are you guys a thing?"

He shook his head immediately, dismissing any of my assumptions "I love Skye but not like that. Are you guys a thing?"

I chuckle echoing it in my locker "Oh please, she pretty much hates me"

"Trust me, if she hated you, you wouldn't be alive"

Somehow that brings me comfort "but she did kiss me earlier"

He choked on air "She what?"

"I'm just as confused. She came up to me kissed me, some guy called her X and then she stormed into Wolfie's office with murder on her mind"

"Was this at school?"

I nod and concern rose in his face, he rubbed his hand over his forehead "Please tell me it wasn't Tyler"

"Actually, there was word about Tyler. Who the hell is he?"

I know the Mafia world is complicated but why have I never heard about this if it's something so secretive?

"Tyler and Skye have a past and not a pretty one. He's a grade A ass"

"Were they partners?"

His nods was heavy. "So that's why she hates partners" I whisper

"I can't tell you any more, Skye will literally kill me, friend or not"

"One more thing" I shout as he walks away, he nods for me to continue "Why is she called X?"

He laughs backing away "You'll find out"

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