The Grey Patch (BWWM)

By vannessadibor

24.5K 4.6K 2.5K

Twenty-nine year old gynaecologist and heir to the REGAL Corp. gold mining conglomerate, Fai Regan, had just... More

Introduction & Dedication
Part 1- Hello Doctor!
Part 2- FERGE
Part 3- Chasing Dreams
Part 4- Closing A Chapter.
Part 5- Family & Friends, Enemies & Allies.
Part 6- The Dawning.
Part 7- Staring At Reality.
Part 8- Attracted or Repulsed?
Part 9- Where Were we?
Part 10- Sand Castles
Part 11- Cycles.
Part 12- What's Cooking?
Part 13- Flicks and Twists.
Part 14- Cold Shoulders.
Part 15- South Africa!
Part 16- Getting Together.
Part 17- Desires.
Part 18- What Really Happened?
Part 19- Regrets.
Part 20- Curbing Shadows.
Part 21- No Filters
Part 22- Steam Blow.
Part 23- Steam Release.
Part 24- Coming to Truth.
Part 25- Life Is Beautiful.
Part 27- Revelations.
Part 28- In The Face.
Part 29- Meeting Nico.
Part 30- Making Plans.
Part 31- A Happy Crew.
Part 32- The Aid.
Part 33- The Bridge.
Part 34- Hailey.
Part 35- Then and Now.
Part 36- Without You.
Part 37- Tides & Turns.
Part 38- At World's Ends.
Part 39- Blown Candles.
Part 40- Remedy.
Part 41-All Roses Aren't Red.
Part 42- Sieving The Dirt.
Part 43-Pathways.
Part 44- Forward.
Part 45- Regal Regans.
Part 46- Bedroom Talks.
Part 47- Shots & Roses.
Part 48- Mamma Mia!
Part 49- Jollof & Momma.
Part 50- The Milestone.
Part 51- Discussions.
Part 52- Pasts & Future.

Part 26- Meet The Clique.

463 100 24
By vannessadibor

Okay okay guys! Seriously!
I am trying my best to keep up with you all 😂 💔
I know updates haven't been as regular as I used to at first, but please be patient with me till I gather enough rhythm 🙏🏾
Thanks for sticking it out with me up until now 😊🙏🏾

This chapter is dedicated to evajayz and dalivre1 you guys rock!

Okay, let's get back to it, enjoy!

"...he's here..." Maldives said and immediately felt her knees go weak as she was sure her poor rug was probably already soaked from the intense wetness her nervous feet were already having.

Why am I feeling this way? For fuck's sake Maldives, get your shit together! This isn't primary school with Ola David asking you out with fucking OK Sweets! This is now! Now you're 25! You've fucking been on different dates before, so get your Black ass together and stop acting like you're about to be kissed by fucking Idris Elba! But hell...this one might be even hotter...just saying...

Jesus, what the fuck is this German hunk doing to me?! Can't be..NO! I have not finally lost all my senses! There is no way that I'm—

" to Maldives!" Christian snapped at her.

"H—huh? What???" she said when she was finally pulled out if her reverie.

"What do you mean what? Were you even listening to any of the things I said?" Brenda asked.

"What? No—I'm sorry, it's just—I have a little headache" she explained and they scoffed.

"Right, now we're doing the headache thingy" Christian mumbled to himself as he stepped out of the room to go get the door.

"What, I do have a headache!" she shouted while he walked away and shot her the middle finger from behind him.

"Pig!" she hissed when he was out of sight, leaving Maldives alone with Brenda.

"Alright-alright, I look good right? Do I look good? Expensive enough? D-do you think my ass looks smaller in this dress?" she kept panicking as she almost emptied the contents of the Dolce and Gabbana fragrance on her body.

"Girl, you are currently putting on a deep-neck mid-thigh body-hugging red fancy dress with half the contents of a designer perfume on you, backed by a sleek Naomi Campbell- inspired makeup look to go with it, if this doesn't scream 'I'm-so-hot-I-need-to-be-fucked-by-you-tonight', I don't know what does" she stated and Maldives smiled.

"Thank you Bree, that is exactly the sort of motivation I need to survive this night, thanks so much" she said, hugging her briefly before taking a deep breath and making her way to the living room.

Meanwhile, outside Maldives' door, stood a growing impatient Fai, who had been standing out there for nothing less than ten minutes and the delay was already driving him insane.

Pfft...Relax Fai, take a deep breath and calm down...remember she's a woman! Just like with mother during formal parties and festivities, YOU NEED TO BE PATIENT!

But dammit, can't the woman hurry up already! I mean I know Africans are not exactly best friends with keeping to time, but come on, isn't this a bit too much?!
I'd like to believe the reason she's talking this long to open this fucking door is because she's taking her time to look all good for tonight, else, I really can't understand why—

"..we're coming, give us a sec!" he heard a voice call shout from inside, but it wasn't just any voice, it was a male's voice, and that seemed to push his senses even further.

'We'? Who the fuck is 'we'?! As far as I know, she doesn't have a brother, so unless my ears are failing me now, there better be a good explanation as to why there's some dude lurking around in her apartment! No-no, I'm not jealous, I just don't—I don't like surprises!

I wonder if—

"Oh hello there! Mi nombre es Christian, y mi dioseres bienvenido a nuestra humilde morada" (My name is Christian—and my are most definitely welcome to our humble abode)
Christian said when he opened the door to reveal a sleekly dressed Fai.

Not missing a spot, he scanned him right through his jet-black gelled hair, down to his Greek-god looking chiseled chin—and boy is he the complete package...Christian thought to himself.

All lad in what he was sure was very exensive fabric, he screened how his silky looking botton-up sleeve shirt fit perfectly against his body, that's definitely custom-made!

From there, his eyes wandered through the fine planes of his thighs whose firmness and tone shone through the constraints of his black chinos pants, matched with solid solid leather shoes he was sure could put diamonds and mirrors to shame.

Not sure how he had gone from seething upon hearing his voice, to becoming insanely uncomfortable with how he was currently staring at him, Fai cleared his throat to pull him out of the awkward situation he had him in.

"Um I think we've met before if I'm not mistaken..." Fai suggested.

"H—huh? Oh, Lo siento, no lo hice—right, speaking my mother tongue again, shit! What I mean to say is—"

"No-no, continua por te sientes mas comodo en tu lengua materna, entonces podemos harcelo" (No-no, please continue ... if you feel more comfortable in your mother tongue, then we can do just that) Fai encouraged in a Spanish that was almost too perfect, and Christian gasped in amusement.

"You speak Spanish?!"

"Bueno, no esta a cien, pero si, lo hago" (Well it's not a hundred, but yeah I do) Fai nodded.

"No way..." Christian mumbled as his stares on him intensified, spiking Fai even more. What in heaven's name is wrong with this dude? Do I have make-up on or something?! He pondered before a voice pulled him back.

"Christian are you— "she was saying.

Her voice—the one he had craved to hear all day, and especially all evening as it had seemed like forever since he had been standing there—and God his limbs were already hurting so badly!

Not only was he sure that he was probably going to get swollen feet at the end of the night, he also felt the roses in his hands withering, and for a night he intended to be perfect, it really wasn't aiding the situation known ground, but now she was here—and heaven, is she breathtaking!

She was all beautiful, red and boldwell, somewhat, as he smiled when he noticed how hard she tried to hide away the blush she felt creeping up on her face.

He also was not left out of the spell that transcended in the atmosphere, as his once light-blue orbs shone in a manner that made one think he was staring at the stars themselves. Scanning her from head to toe, his brain registered every curve and detail her red dress held, and as much as he wanted nothing more than to rip the helpless fabric off of her body, he knew he had to wait.

Not sure I'd want 'Mr. Weird Eyes' over there taking a peek at what should be for my sight and mine alone...but if I could just—

"Ahem! Are those for me?" Maldives asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"H-huh? Oh yes—I'm sorry, they started kept me here for quite some time, remember?" he smiled as he handed them over to her.

"Yeah—but you're used to that right? I'm sure by now you know how I'm never exactly the earliest—"

"It's an African thing, can you handle it?" Brenda chipped in, and it was only then, that Fai noticed her.

"I'm sorry—what?" he furrowed.

"Her lateness—she's African, can you handle her being African?" she interrogated with her arms folded.

"I don't understand, why would I have a problem with her being African?" he queried, not liking where the conversation was headed.

"I don't know, I'm just saying, it is a problem for some people—"

"Well it's not for me" he said rather abruptly. What the hell???

"I was just—"

"Brenda! Thank you for helping me out with my dress! And thank you too Christian, for everything...Fai you've met them before right? My friends—but as I know you have selective memory, here—this is Christian, and this is Brenda, they are my best friends" she introduced and he scoffed at her sarcastic remark.

"Well, it's nice to meet you both—sort of" he said, waving a little at Christian before offering a his signature 'Dr. Stiff Face' smile to Brenda who did nothing but shrug indifferently.

"Okay! Now that that's—all cleared out, amigo, I hope you take good care of my friend Fai....oh and by the way Mal, you're lucky he prefers pussies" he said, whispering the last part into Maldives' ears as she stepped forward to go join Fai.

Chuckling at his antics, she smacked him a little on the belly before hooking arms with Fai. " smell always of course"

"You look beautiful" he whispered,  pullinto her closely by her waist with his arm.

"And these are beautiful, thanks so much, I love them" she smiled, referring to the flowers she held in her hand. He stared at her, and in that instant, Maldives could have sworn he was going to kiss her, and maybe he was, as his head seemed to be scooting closer, until...

"Okay, you guys, seriously, get a room! Which reminds me...should we expect you back home tonight Mal?" Christian asked with a smirk.

"Err I don't think—" Fai was saying when Maldives interrupted.

"Guys I'll call you if there's need okay? Good, bye!" she stated, grabbing Fai by the hand and pulling him along with her.

"That's right, you get a lot of him sis! Get the heart beating Doctor!" Christian chimed from behind.

"Shit... I hate you Chris!" she cursed as they made their way to the silver- colored Ferrari parked in front of her apartment.

"Now, him I like!" Fai chuckled while Maldives scoffed at him.

"Of course you do" she rolled her eyes.

"See, I'm not that hateable after all" he boasted as he went to his side of the car and unlocked their doors with the button on his keys.

"Don't get ahead of yourself now Hun, you still go down in their books as 'Dr. Stiff Face', Christian is just like that now cause he likes you"

"Christian, well I like him too" he shrugged.

"No, I mean he really really likes you" she emphasized and he furrowed at her confusedly.

"Wait—I don't understand..."

"He's gay, dammit! Jesus, didn't you already figure that out, Doctor?"

"W—what? How was I supposed to know?!"

"Err—the dude's got his brows all carved, wears lip gloss and tight pants that literally show the shape of his butt, how do you not notice that?"

"I don't know, maybe because I'm too busy noticing more important people like—uh for instance?" he stated and even though she tried so hard not to, she couldn't resist the urge to blush.

"Oh come off it Fai! Besides, I already told you about him before, and you already met him, remember? The Red Cherry?"

"I know I know, I remembered him—both of them—I just didn't remember their names, nor the fact that he's gay, but anyways, you tell him that I'm straighter than a goddamn ruler" he announced as they made their way inside the car.

"Oh believe me, I know that..."she mumbled to herself when she was settled in the comfort of the plush leather seats of the car. ", did you just get this one?" she asked as she scannedo the surroundings of the car. Damn! Every corner here sure screams money!

"What? The car?"


"No, I've always had it—this, the Audi and the Black Mercedes are the only ones I have here with me in NYC" he stated as he put the car into ignition.

"The 'only ones' ?" she questioned, staring at him like he had suddenly grown two heads.

"Yeah, there are six others"

"Six others?!"

"What?! Nine cars are not too much number of cars to be owned by someone" he shrugged.

"Err—okay, and I assume that these cars aren't just everyday Toyotas or Hondas..."

"No, they're sports cars

"Right..." she said, nodding her head and staring at him with disbelief at how unfazed he felt about the fact that he owned what she could only describe as a 'Car Pub'.

"You make it seem as if I'm weird, you should check out Faury's collection—Now that's weird!"

"Right, so it's a family thing?" she asked and he shrugged, before matching the pedals and putting the car into motion.

The drive to their destination was a smooth one, with Maldives feeeling most of her nervousness drown away with the cool air that brushed past them as they made their way through the streets.

Curious as they drove across  the various curves and turns there was to make, Maldives found herself constantly asking him if they had arrived their destination each time they drove past a nice restaurant, especially the fancy ones—cause that's where people of his caliber go to, right?

" know you got me wondering when we're finally going to arrive at our destination" she said to him when she checked the time on her phone and realized that he had been on the wheels for over forty minutes.

"So not only are you bad at keeping up with time, you're also bad at waiting for it" he responded and she scoffed.

"Hahaha very funny—but seriously, where are we going? We've been on the road for hours!"

"Relax Schatzi, we'll get there soon"

"That's what you said fifteen minutes ago!"

"I know, but this time, I'm serious...and trust me, the wait will be worth it" he said, placing his right hand on her bare thighs before winking her.

His hands felt warm—soft and warm against her cold skin, and for a moment, she wished she could direct it further in, to the location she knew her body desired it the most. If only minds could speak to palms...she thought, and tensed more when she felt his thumbs glaze reflexively against her skin.

Motherfucking German boy! If you're not ready to park this damn Ferrari at the nearest pit stop and have your way with me, stop teasing me!

Fuck these lacey G-strings! Cause I sure hope I don't drip all the way out by the time we're out of this car!

"Are you okay?" he asked with furrowed brows.


"You seem a bit—flushed...are you having a head crisis again?" he queried. Um—yes! I have a crisis, and I want your head in it...



"No, I just can't wait to get there, that's all I think"she cleared her throat and heaved a huge sigh of relief when he finally took his hand off her thighs.

"Well, good thing we're here now" he said as he pulled over a dark, almost non-existent driveway.

"Really? This is the place?" she said, the disappointment obvious in her voice.

"Ouch, could have done better to conceal the disappointment you know" he joked with his palms on his chest, feigning hurt.

"No-no, of course not! I was just asking" she shrugged.

"Yeah—right..." he smirked before making his way out of the car to go assist her with her door.

"Who knew you could be such a gentleman!" she teased as she took his offered hand.

"Yeah, don't get used to Missy" he shot back at her before smiling. "...have I told you how exceptionally beautiful you look tonight?" he asked, pecking her on the cheeks.

"I believe you have...but I don't believe I've told you how inviting you smell tonight, so invigorating..."she whispered back to him, pulling him in for a kiss, and as if on cue, he immediately encircled her in his arms.

Holding her by the waist while she had him hooked by the neck, she felt him deepen the kiss when he tugged at her lower lip, seeking entrance into the warmth of her mouth and just as she felt his tongue about to explore the hidden fantasies her lips could serve him, they heard a cough.

"Ahem! Signore, Signora, not to seem rude but, buonasera e benvenuto!" a dark-haired man of average height intruded, ending their steamy make-out session. Maldives felt as flushed as she had ever been, and she wondered how much of their 'exploration' the poor man had managed to see.

"I-uh—I don't really speak Italian...cause that was Italian, right?" she stuttered nervously, unsure of what her response shoud have been.

"He's just extending his greetings and welcoming us" Fai whispered to her and she nodded in accordment.

"Fabio, is everything alright and ready to go?"

"Yes Boss, we don't expect that you'd have any problems tonight...tutto e sotto controllo e ho provveduto personalmente a far di che tutte le tue richieste vengano esaudite come richiesto" (everything is under control and I personally made sure that all your requests were fulfilled as required)

"E I parametri sono stati adeguatamente protetti ovunque?" (And the parameters, have they been adequately checked everywhere?)

"Si capo, tutto risolto" (Yes boss, all solved) he nodded as he led them through a narrow pathway.

"Okay, Fabio this is Maldives, Maldives, meet Fabio, the best Italian chef LA has to offer" he said smiling as he introduced them to one another.

"It's nice to meet you Fabio"

"Oh please, the pleasure is all mine Signora, I hope you enjoy the menu for tonight, I bring to you the best Italian cuisine has to offer"

"Why—thank you Fabio, I have no doubts you'll have me licking my fingers by the time we're done tonight, especially since you're from LA—"

"No, I'm not LA, I from Italy, but boss fly me from LA here to come cook for you" the man responded in his incredibly thick Italian accent that made Maldives question why she hadn't initially figured out his Italian ancestry. It's even written in his name 'Fabio', think next time Adaora, think!Pfft!

" seriously flew him all the way from LA?" she asked Fai and he shrugged indifferently. "...
seriously??? No offence to him, but aren't there other chefs here in NYC?"

"Well, you already know how I feel about road side foods"

"It doesn't have to be road side foods Fai, there are good restaurants around town, five star ones too!"

"Yeaaahh—still doesn't cut it for me...besides, what better person to organize an Italian-themed dinner date than an Italian himself"

"Italian themed—Oh My God..." she gasped with her hands on her mouth when they finally arrived at a scene that held one of those heavenly romantic sights one only saw in those cheesy romantic movies.

With rose petals that set a trail leading up to the candle-lit table set before them, the entire set-up was nothing less of magical. There were flowers everywhere, waiters and waitresses waiting on them as well as a standby band that began playing on Fai's cue.

"Are we—are we even in New York Fai?" she said in awe of the scene before her.

"Welcome to Montauk Island Schatzi" he whispered to her.

Guyssss, thanks So much for your support thus far 💓☺
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