Wildflower- C.H.

By wildflowercal02

26.6K 714 522

A Calum Hood fanfiction "I hear you callin' out my name I love the sound, I love the taste and I can see it i... More

Intro(updated characters)


865 28 11
By wildflowercal02

-August 3rd, 2018-

"How was performing in Japan?"

"It was so surreal and the culture there and ugh just everything was amazing, I am still a bit shocked-"

"That's awesome! I wish I could've gone with you guys, I've always wanted to go to Japan, especially Tokyo,"

"Well you'll be the first person I'll invite if we ever come again," He said while yawning at the same time making it difficult to hear what he said but I put it together after a few seconds.

"I will keep you to that statement," I finished laughing a bit, Calum was still quiet on the other end,


"huh? oh sorry, I just faceplanted on my bed in the hotel and was caught off guard by how comfy it is," He said, his voice thick with tiredness.

"I'm gonna let you sleep especially because you'll be traveling so I'll leave you be,"

"I'll see you in a few days, Bo"

"Yes you will, sleep tight Cal," I said before ending the call and walking over to Harlow to give her some snuggles.

-August 7th, 2018-

"I'm panicking Haley," I said looking down at my luggage and having a mini panic attack,

"No, no no don't panic Bo everything will go smoothly, look we already went through your list twice and everything was there, and I even bought you extra chargers so you don't have to pack yours here-" Haley said smoothly walking up to me and placing her hands on my shoulders.

"You're right, you're right everything will be fine, I'll meet the crew in Australia everything will be okay....right?" I once again asked Haley, I wondered how she wasn't annoyed with me yet because I for sure would be.

-August 8th, 2018-

(A/N: Bare with me I have never flown on a plane before or been in an airport😭 Idk how anything works I'm just piecing it together from movies I've seen)

"Boarding pass?"

"huh? Oh yes, here you go," I said handing the lady my ticket to get on the plane. He told me my seat number and I started to walk through the tunnel to get inside the plane.

Haley drove me to the airport and helped me up until the point where she couldn't go any further and I was on my own. I guess I looked pretty stressed out because everyone I had dealt with seemed to be really nice and patient with me beside the scanner guy, he did not seem to be having a good day.

I quickly found my seat and put my carry on in the space above my seat. I sat down and finally relaxed, I was on the plane, my bags were being loaded, I just texted Calum saying I was boarding. Everything will be fine.

This plane ride would only be 3 hours, I have been on much longer flights but I think the anticipation of the tour and seeing the guys again was making me extra worrisome.

After we were finally up in the air I decided to watch a movie. I ended up choosing Train to Busan.


It's safe to say that that movie did jack squat to ease some of my anxiety. I almost screamed from how anxiety-ridden the whole movie was, not once was I given a break.

The last hour I shut my eyes and listened to music, zoning out until the plane landed.

1 Message from Calum
1 Message from (Maybe: management)

Looking down at my phone I opened up the message from Calum first.

Cal: text when you land:)
Cal: I gave the tour manager your number, he will send you the hotel address
Cal: He also just said that whoever gets their first will check us in, if you have to just show your badge and check in all the 5SOS rooms :)

landed! how do taxi's work in Australia?

the same way that they work in the states ;)

Ah, that Makes sense.


Eventually, I made it to the hotel. The taxi parked out in front of the main doors and I saw a group of girls standing at the entrance, how did they find their Hotel?

I got out of the Taxi and unloaded all my bags and started to head to the main revolving doors. While walking things got quiet and the girls started whispering.

Were the guys walking up to the hotel also? I just ignored it and continued to walk to the doors semi-struggling with my bags.

"Um excuse me?" I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to see who it was.

"Are you Bo?" One of the girls from the group asked as she clutched her hands together.

"Uh, yes! That's me, hah," I finished awkwardly not knowing how to act in front of these teens. I hadn't been on social media much but from how these girls looked and acted they didn't seem to hate me so I was relieved.

"You are so cute aww, can we get a picture?" Another girl asked as the rest of them walked up to me

"You? want a picture.. with me?" They all nodded their heads and I confusedly agreed.

After taking a few selfies they turned around to look at me again.

"So are you and Calum dating?" One of the quiet ones asked out of the blue, my eyes shot open as two of the other girls elbowed the quiet one.

"You don't have to answer that if you don't want," The leader of the group smiled and said.

"I'm just touring with them as an assistant photographer," I decided to tell them.

"Cool! We are going to the shows so hopefully, we see you taking some amazing pictures, please share them with us!!" 

"Will do! I've got to go check in now but it was nice meeting all of you!"

"You too! Bye!!" I waved and turned around flustered. Still confused about what really happened I finally got inside the hotel and texted Calum.

Is anyone here yet or should I check all of you in?

Cal: We are super close but are going in through the back

There were some really calm fans out front if you wanted to say hi, they were nice to me

Cal: well if they were nice to you then maybe we will go through the front, Michael also says hi

tell him I say hi back

I locked my phone and went up to the reception desk and asked to check in all of the rooms, I struggled once again to get out my badge but eventually, I got all the envelopes with keys and sat in the lobby waiting.

I heard louder talking out in front and saw a few black SUV's pull up, the same girls from earlier jumped up excitedly and patiently waited on the side. The boys got out one by one and took pictures with the giddy fans.

They wheeled their bags in and met me in the lobby. 

"Bo!" I heard a high-pitched voice so I turned around to meet Crystal.


"Long time no see huh?"

"Yeah but it feels weird to be away from home,"

"Don't worry we will have so much fun and you get to take pictures so it's a win-win," She happily said, I was confused about how she was so jumpy and excited I was exhausted from my flight still and it was 9 o'clock at night.

I gave the envelopes to their tour manager and they passed out all of the room keys

The crew arrived shortly after the band and were given their keys.

The band had their own rooms and I was rooming with their sound tech, Kelsey. She was in her later 20's and seemed really quiet and kept to herself. We had met maybe once before at their tour practices.

"I have no fucking want to sleep right now," Ashton started,

"Same here," Luke added and crystal nodded.

"Come up to Crys's and I's room, we can talk and drink so we don't have to sleep," Michael suggested looking at all of us.

Calum had been standing next to me the whole time but we didn't really acknowledge each other. I was in his element now and out of my comfort zone so I just closed myself off a bit without meaning to.

Crystal swung her arm over my shoulder and followed the boys into the elevator, I guess this was her way of saying 'hang out with us' because if she hadn't done that I'd probably be heading up to my room now.


As we walked to Mike's room I yawned a few times, with the place ride and anxiety making me sleepy.

Drinks and snacks were ordered and everyone seemed to just chill out and chat for a bit.

I felt bad for accidentally closing myself off earlier so I sat on the edge of the bed with Calum and the others sat on the couches near the bed.

After a drink I relaxed a bit and scooted towards Calum a bit, glancing at him while he laughed at a joke Luke made.

I then felt a warmth cover my shoulders and realized Calum had put his arm around me. 

"Have you talked to kay' at all?" Crystal asked Ashton after the talking died down a bit. He looked down at the water he chose to drink instead of the alcohol in front of him.

"Yeah, I have." He left it pretty short but I was relieved that he was at least trying to communicate with her.

"Do you know if she's coming to any of the shows this leg?" I asked 

"Nah, she's got work and all that and is super busy but hopefully she'll come to the L.A. ones," he finished with a hopeful smile on his face.

As they talked on and on my eyes drooped more and more. Every couple of minutes I jerked my head up to stay awake but kept quiet.

The warm lighting in the room and Calums arm were a recipe for sleeping but I tried to fight it.

"you tired Bo?" Mike asked as I kept my head upright but my eyes closed.

"Huh? nooo I'm just closing my eyes for a bit," I felt Cal chuckle under his breath and forced my droopy eyes open and smiled at everyone before closing them again.


"Bo c'mon your gonna be late,"


"Your interview c'mon get up"

oh shit my interview

this can not be happening right now I can't be late 

"Bo c'mon"

I can't get up I'm trying!

"Bo get up"



"I can't be late!"

"Huh? Late for what?"

I sat up off of Calum's shoulder and looked around

I must be stressed if I'm starting to dream about being late, it's either always a dream about being late to something or having the wrong combination for my highschool locker.

That dream always gives me the chills.

"Oh sorry, how long was I asleep," I asked looking at Calum and trying to calmly wipe away the drool I left on his shoulder.

A/N: Heyyyyy.... how y'all doing?

I wanted to give you something since I haven't updated in forever :(

Since 5sos as a whole hasn't really been active I sort of lost motivation for writing this book and my other 5sos book, I can't promise regular chapters but I will try every so often to write and maybe try to break out of this funk that I am in with writing at the moment.

Hopefully, this chapter wasn't too boring 

I have been thinking of writing a bts story just to get the writing juices flowing again since I have a lot of ideas for them so we will see in the future about that but for now, there won't be super frequent updates so I apologize.

and I don't think I'll be posting anymore on my TikTok just cz I don't really go on it that much either

thanks for reading and thank you for 12k!!! 😭

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