The Grey Patch (BWWM)

By vannessadibor

24.5K 4.6K 2.5K

Twenty-nine year old gynaecologist and heir to the REGAL Corp. gold mining conglomerate, Fai Regan, had just... More

Introduction & Dedication
Part 1- Hello Doctor!
Part 2- FERGE
Part 3- Chasing Dreams
Part 4- Closing A Chapter.
Part 5- Family & Friends, Enemies & Allies.
Part 6- The Dawning.
Part 7- Staring At Reality.
Part 8- Attracted or Repulsed?
Part 9- Where Were we?
Part 10- Sand Castles
Part 11- Cycles.
Part 12- What's Cooking?
Part 13- Flicks and Twists.
Part 14- Cold Shoulders.
Part 15- South Africa!
Part 16- Getting Together.
Part 17- Desires.
Part 18- What Really Happened?
Part 19- Regrets.
Part 20- Curbing Shadows.
Part 21- No Filters
Part 22- Steam Blow.
Part 23- Steam Release.
Part 24- Coming to Truth.
Part 26- Meet The Clique.
Part 27- Revelations.
Part 28- In The Face.
Part 29- Meeting Nico.
Part 30- Making Plans.
Part 31- A Happy Crew.
Part 32- The Aid.
Part 33- The Bridge.
Part 34- Hailey.
Part 35- Then and Now.
Part 36- Without You.
Part 37- Tides & Turns.
Part 38- At World's Ends.
Part 39- Blown Candles.
Part 40- Remedy.
Part 41-All Roses Aren't Red.
Part 42- Sieving The Dirt.
Part 43-Pathways.
Part 44- Forward.
Part 45- Regal Regans.
Part 46- Bedroom Talks.
Part 47- Shots & Roses.
Part 48- Mamma Mia!
Part 49- Jollof & Momma.
Part 50- The Milestone.
Part 51- Discussions.
Part 52- Pasts & Future.

Part 25- Life Is Beautiful.

483 105 55
By vannessadibor

Yes yes I know...I did it again! 😩
But guys please understand that with school resumption lurking around, I've been trying to utilize my time between reading for exams, writing and editing this story and other life demands 🙏🏾
But I will try as much as I can to update as fast as possible...
That said and done, I'd like to thank you all so much for coming this far with me, the LOVE is REAL! 💓

This chapter is dedicated to HazellHassan7699 💓

Enjoy guys! 💓

"Here are the files you requested for—done and dusted!" Maldives chimed as she placed the files on Fai's table.

"French or Italian?" he asked instead as he scrolled through his computer.


"French or Italian? Which cuisine do you prefer?" he looked up to her for a response.

"French I guess?—but why the question?"

"I'm trying to find a place" he answered plainly.

"A place? A place for what?" she enquired.

"What do you mean for what? For the date of course" he stated.


"Yes, that, why, is something wrong?"

"No no it's nothing, it's just I didn't realize you were already searching for restaurants" she explained.

"Why not? Is that bad? Do you not want to go out with me anymore?" he queried with curious brows.

"No, I didn't say that...but you know, you never really asked me formally" she stated with her arms crossed around each other.

"Asked you formally???" he stood up with his brows raised in amusement as he approached her in front of his desk.

"Yes, your presumptuous ass never asked me if I'd like to go out with you in the first do it now, ask me formally, there's nothing more beautiful than a formal request" she stated as he watched her with amusement.

"I see...and how exactly am I supposed to 'ask you formally'?" he mouthed as he pulled her close to him.

"You could say...'Mal, will you love to go on a date with me?' she suggested with a sly smile.

"Hmm...I think I have a better way of doing that" he mouthed again before merging lips with her.

The two proceeded to having a hot make-out session which started off with Fai pulling her close to him while he scooted a little on his desk, grinding her onto him as hard as his throbbing cock could manage within the confines of his pants.

He was hard, as hard as she'd wanted him to be, and she had showed him that by how firm her grip on his neck had been, even as he explored the magical planes of her lips, but as much as she wanted it, as much as she wanted nothing more than to rip his crisp-ironed shirt off and let him have his way with her, right there on that desk, she knew she had to wait for it, they both had to, as there weren't in the right environment for such escapades.

She pulled back, and he groaned in frustration, "What is it again this time?" he asked before pulling her face in for another round of lips-waltz, this time, grabbing her ass in a way he knew was sure to render her knees weak—and weak they went, as she soon found herself tugging on the collar of his pristine-pressed shirt.

"You do realize you're ruining hours of intense laundry work with the things your curious fingers are currently doing to my shirt..." he whispered while he sucked and nibbled hungrily on her neck, earning a horny-like chuckle from her.

"Well, you should have thought about that before you grabbed my ass Mr. Regan" she replied with a smirk.

"Mhm, I'm guessing by your reactions time each time I do it, that's your weak spot Miss Coleman" he said in between the love bites he nestled on her neck. His breath while he spoke sent ripples down her skin, especially each time he flicked his ever flexible tongue on each spot he had bitten and she wondered how skillful it would be if he had been using it elsewhere.

" of many others..."she answered before returning back to his lips. He accepted her willingly, hungrily even, as his hands began fondling with the ends of her knee-length skirt, aching to free her off of the confinements of the fabric and have her bare rear in his palms.

Her nipples puckered in response to his touches, hard as a nutshell, and he hadn't even had his hands on them yet. Oh God...this guy will be the end of me...she thought to herself and was going to direct his hands to the little peas which ached for his touch, but before she could say a word, he ever-wandering hands were already sliding her skirt up as swift as they could manage.

She let out a soft moan by the time his soft yet firm fingers came in contact with her bare skin and before she knew it, she already had his tie hanging down on one end of his neck while the first three buttons came undone by her skillful fingers.

He grabbed her ass even harder, while he nestled his face in between her cleavage, sucking on the exposed area that had come undone by whatever force, he knew not, but he had been thankful for the favour and he granted her favour in return when he somehow managed to flick his tongue across her nipple through her lace bra, and she sighed in satisfaction.
"Mmhmm...I know you like that baby..." he whispered while he nibbled on the other bud he knew had already been aching with jealousy upon the pleasure his wet tongue had granted the other one.

He tugged on it, painfully yet pleasantly, and was going to pull down her mercilessly-soaked G-strings to grant pleasure to her jealous-feeling honey pot, when she caught his hands mid-way and stopped him.

"Seriously,'ve got to stop now..." she said in between their heavy breaths.

"Why...why do I have to?" he insisted as he went back to kissing her. "...fuck it, you taste so good Schortz..."

"Yeah...yeah I make me taste so good...but you—you've got glass doors everywhere...what if someone walks in on us?" she stuttered his hands kept fondling her butt cheeks.

"Hun, no one's going to walk into my office without Amy notifying me first through the intercom.." he explained.

"Not even your aunt?"

"Not even my aunt—besides..." he argued as he pointed to a small, almost unnoticeable button that was fixed to his table. When he pressed it, it raised gold tints out of nowhere, which blocked every transparency the glass doors previously had held. "...there you go, problem solved..."he stated, pulling her back with the obvious intentions of picking up right where they stopped, but Maldives wasn't having it.

"Still Fai, I don't think we should be doing this..."

"For fuck's sake why?!" he cursed, clearly frustrated by the unnecessary breaks she was taking in between those session. If you weren't so stubborn Schortz, I'd rather have something else talking in your mouth right now!

"Why? Because we're in your office, your workplace—our work place, and I'm still your employee you know..."

"Okay, you'd rather I fired you?" he suggested and Maldives looked at him like he had suddenly grown two heads. "What?—no! Of course not! It's just—I'm worried this is going to affect our working relationship...what if you start treating me differently and people notice?"

"So what? If they can't deal with it, they're always free to hand in their resignation" he shrugged his shoulders and Maldives stared at him unbelievably.

"Come on! Don't do that! You know I don't want that, I don't want any preferential treatment"

"So you just—want us to pretend?" he asked with a raised brow.

"No! That's not what I mean...I just—I'd rather the less people know about this...besides, all my life I've always had pride in working my assignment out for everything that I own, if people find out about this, they might think all that I've achieved have been handed down to me"

"No thanks to feminism, fuck it!"he cursed and mumbled to himself.

"What did you say?" she questioned with a raised brow.

"Nothing" he said abruptly, then stared at her suspiciously, "...wait a this about my aunt? Are you scared of Regina?"

"No-no I'm not, never...I just don't wanna lose my job, that's what I'm scared of" she shook her head.

"Listen to me carefully, you're NEVER going to lose your job, not as long as I'm alive" he said assuringly, caressing her cheeks when he saw how worried she was.

"Yeah well, I appreciate that, but I'd rather stick to the, we still have the date you know, let's survive that, then we'll see how things go from there" she said as she readjusted her clothings, assisting him with some of his buttons before pecking him on the cheeks.

He pouted cheekily at her when she did the last of his buttons and knotted his tie back and she chuckled at his childishness.

"So, is that a yes?" he asked.

"Huh? Yes to what?"she asked confusedly.

"Yes to you going on a date with me"

"Oh—that, well, when you ask the way you did some minutes ago, it is kind of hard to say no Doctor" she said flirtatiously.

"That's the idea isn't it?" he smiled and pulled her in for a kiss, one she was cautious to end shortly.

"Nuh-uh, we're not gonna go through that again Mister!" she warned, poking him with her index.

"So you're just going to leave me like this?" he asked, pointing south in the direction of his already-bulged pants.

"Err—I don't know, do yourself maybe" she shrugged and chuckled, an action Fai didn't find very funny.

"Help myself? Like you said, this is not exactly the 'right environment' for that!" he scoffed as he adjusted his zipper and returned to his seat.

"Hey, you're the one who started all of this, not me—but anyways, what do you think about it?" she asked.

"About what?"

"The files—the ones you requested for, are they okay? I was sure to carefully go through them and balance the books for you, there should be no errors I think"

"Oh..."he said as he scanned his fingers across the stack of papers.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"Um-no, it's nothing...I just didn't realize you had already completed those" he responded, as he went back to typing on his computer.

"Yeah, cause you asked me to submit them before the week was over"

"Yeah—about that..."he rubbed his chin in a sly manner as he avoided eye contact with her, it was then Maldives realized, " Wait a minute... you didn't mean it, did you? Oh my God Fai! No you did not!" she gasped.

"What? Don't blame me! You were over there flirting with Jim the coffee boy, how else did you expect me to react?" he shrugged with a smug on his face.

"Okay, first of all, for the eighteenth time, his name is Gerald, not Jim the coffee boy! He works in the editing department! And second of all, we-were-not-flirting!"

"Not what it looked like to me"he mumbled and Maldives shot him her eyes of murder.

"We were not! But come on Fai, do you know how many episodes of Woman of Steel I had to miss for those? I literally had to bust my ass to complete them for you!" she pointed furiously at the files.

" 'Woman of Steel', what is that, some reality tv show?" he joked, infuriating Maldives even more.

"No, it's a telenovela—and that's besides the point you know! The point is, YOU should not have given me such huge amount of workload if you knew you weren't going to be needing them anytime soon!" she stated with her arms crossed against each other.

"Why not? I mean...I am your 'boss' after all, ain't I?" he smirked, pissing Maldives even further.

"You know what, screw you!" she blurted as she turned to walk out.

"Oh baby, you know I wanna screw you so bad" he teased as he watched her stride out of his office. "...especially since you keep whining that ass like that!" he continued, earning a blush and a middle finger from Maldives.


"Damn it girl, you look hot!" Christian said when he stepped back to scan her overall look for the night.

The week had been Maldives' favorite in a long while, and now, she finally felt as though, her dinner date with Fai for the night was simply icing on top of the cake. Seemed like the saying 'after the rain comes sunshine is really true after all' she thought to herself as it seemed to her like life was finally flashing them glimpses of sunshine after such a tumultuous start to their friendship/relationship—whatever it was that they currently had going between them.

"Are you sure? I kind of feel like I need my accessories...or lipstick—where's my red Mac—"

"Mal, seriously, get a hold of yourself! It's just a dinner, and it's not even with the Obamas"Brenda interrupted.

"Yeah, exactly what I mean! It's not like it's the wedding yet" Christian added.

"Woo-woo-woo! Wedding? Where did the wedding talk come from? One step at a time amigo, one step at a time, right Mal?" Brenda intruded as she looked to Maldives for a response.

Maldives stared at both of them for a while, directing her gaze mainly on Brenda, as she weighed her thoughts. "—you know what, you guys just do your thing! I'll have you all know that it's like I'm against anything, you know I'm not" she said defensively.

"Yeah, not like you have the right to anyways...considering the fact that you— "Christian mumbled as he returned his attention back to zipping Maldives dress.

"I know I know, thanks for reminding me for the thirty-second time Chris, thank you mucho gusto!" she said sarcastically and Christian returned her gesture with sarcastic smirk.

"Err—guys, y'all know that doesn't help solve anything here...Bree, to answer your question, no we are not, we are definitely not talking about the 'M' word yet..." she scoffed at the thought of being married to him, and it was weird to imagine the possibility, especially since she was still having a tough time coming to terms with the mere reality that they were both going on a date—an official date! Life really is unpredictable!

"See? She understands what I'm talking about" Bree snapped in Christian's face as he shot her a disapproving look.

"Obviously I was just kidding with the statement, but hypothetically speaking okay? Say this date went well between you both, like really well, and you guys had a couple more—many more dates afterwards, then you guys got a good place, and he suddenly pops out the 24-carat, what would your response be?" he asked and Maldives took what seemed like forever before she could come up with an answer.

"Honestly, I don't know...I mean we barely even know each other that well, so talking about marriage now seems highly unlikely. Besides, interracial relationships—they have their challenges, and I'm still not sure I'm willing to go down that road with him..." she stated and Christian raised a brow in disbelief, "...I mean of course I wanna be with him—obviously—but I wonder if we'll be able to deal with the problems that could arise from us being of different races" she said.

"I know, but don't you think that all relationships, interracial or not, have their own challenges?" he reasoned.

Sighs "I know...but I'm scared it could get really ugly"

"Yeah, and don't forget it's not just the races, you're from different countries and continents too!" Brenda added and Christian looked at her with eyes that held invisible laser vision.

"Girl, why do you seem hell bent on making the situation seem worse?!" he asked and she shrugged innocently. "What? I'm just saying you know!" she shrygged defensively.

"You know she's right Chris, me being from Africa and him being European could pose further challenges, remember how his family questioned me on my family background and roots that day at The Red Cherry?" Maldives explained.

"Yeah, I remember that..." he sighed.

"See? That's why. You can't imagine how broken I was when his aunt told me about how she had had me investigated"

"What—She had you investigated?"he questioned and when Maldives nodded in response, he gasped in shock..

"Say what??? That bitch ass Maleficent had you investigated?!" Brenda enquired, clearly pissed at the idea of someone messing with her best friend.

"Yeah, she claimed she did it because apparently it was the professional thing to do, but I know she was lying and she only did it because she knew I was know, despite my qualifications, it's like she has to do a triple check on me whenever I carry out a particular assignment because she, for some crazy reason, has this crazy notion that every Nigerian is a fraudster, you think life is hard being Black? Try being a Black African from the shores of Nigeria, that's hard!" she heaved.

"I can't—I just can't! I can't believe this Mal! All this while we'd been asking you if there was someone that needed some serious shoving in the ass at your workplace, you kept saying no! We finna teach that White ass bitch some lesson on Monday! I bet you with me!" Brenda seethed and fisted.

"Woo woo woo! You are teaching no one any lessons on any day Bree, that's my boss you're talking about there, the one who pays my bills!"

"Thought Dr. Stiff Face was the one paying your bills now?" Christian asked with scrunched brows.

"Fai, his aunt, same difference, but seriously, guys, I'm doing fine, okay? I don't want any problems—no drama!" she warned, pointing specifically to her female best friend who she knew was capable of doing the most unimaginable.

Brenda had always been a possessed and somewhat passionate friend, who would go through any lengths just to protect the people she cared about—and there weren't a lot of them, which was the main reason why she was the over-protective freak she was. She was perhaps, even too overprotective sometimes, but that was also one of the many reasons why Maldives and Christian loved her and had her as their best friend.

It was no argument that there were times when Brenda had failed them as a best frend, like times when she had kept important things from her and Christian. Important things like her entanglement with Gerald—an event that had almost brought about a rift between she and Maldives, and other things like the 'important personal matters'she had traveled to Portland to attend to after their graduation, but at the end of the day, they had learned that Brenda was who she was—Brenda, she was weird, passionate, wild, secretive and maybe a tad bit ignorant in her way of reasoning some times, but she was who she was—their best friend, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

"Alright, fine! But you tell me when her White ass cross a line again, okay?!" she insisted and Maldives chuckled before nodding.

"Err—Bree, I think it's racist when you refer to her as 'White ass'" Christian dramatically whispered in her ears.

"Boy, are you White?" she questioned him.

"No, but I—"

"Then why the fuck do you always bite my Black ass each time I talk White people?!"

"Because I'm human and I don't think it's right that you're being racist to White people"

"Well I don't see no White folks around here, do you? No, besides, I don't feel shit about being racist to a White ass woman who don' do my home girl bad, there you go—WHITE ASS WOMAN, I said it, and I don't regret it!" she spat in his face.

"Okay-okay Geez, don't bite me!" he scoffed.

"I won't—not unless you're doing pussies now" she smirked and he waved her off in irritation.

"Eww guys, eww! Bree stop it! You're already hitting Gerald, please don't add Christian to that list else, the world would literally be the weirdest place to live in!" Maldives joked.

"Of course not, never! Besides, there is no list...I think I might be settling for that one for a while..." Bree revealed in a tone that was so faint, they thought their ears had misheard what  she had said.

"Wha—what?" Maldives gasped.

"What???" Christian echoed.

"What—nothing!" Bree corrected.

"No...did you just say—did I hear her correctly, Mal? Cause if not, then I've honestly got to meet my ear doctor ASAP!" Christian enquired.

"Bree...did we just hear you say you're thinking of 'settling for him'?" Maldives asked in amusement while she watched her friend hide the color that was currently making its way to her cheeks.

"No—um—I don't know" she dodged.

"Oh my God Bree...are you in love?!" Christian gasped in shock.

"Me? Love?! No—never! I am definitely not in love! Haha—Gerald? Come on, Never!" she said in her most convincing voice, but alas, the growing color on her cheeks kept betraying her words and Christian and Maldives gasped at the realization, "Dios mio! Brenda! You are in love!" he gasped again and Maldives found herself unable to do nothing but stare at her best friend in amusement.

"Listen, y'all dont know what the fuck you're blabbing about, okay? I am not in love with that Black dude" she stated.

"Mmhmm, say it till you believe it sista!"  Maldives laughed as she adjusted her lipstick in the mirror.

"You don't know—forget it! Shit! I was just—"Brenda was saying before Christian cut her short, " the 'big well' is finally full..." he stated jokingly and earned himself a smack on the back from Brenda.

"Boy, you did not just refer to my pussy as a fuckingwell!" she warned.

"What? I didn't say your name!" he shrugged, feigning ignorance.

"Oh fuck my Black ass you did! You are so—" *knocks on the door*  and they all stared at each other.  Maldives tensed up immediately, "Guys...I think he's here..."

Pheeeewww...took me three days to complete this part, mostly cause my lazy ass was too slow...
But anywaayyyyyssss, please tap on that star button for your home girl 🙏🏾💘
And don't forget to comment and share with friends! 💓 Again... The star button! 😏

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