Wildflower- C.H.

By wildflowercal02

26.6K 714 522

A Calum Hood fanfiction "I hear you callin' out my name I love the sound, I love the taste and I can see it i... More

Intro(updated characters)


1.2K 37 29
By wildflowercal02

I had quickly pulled on my underwear and Calum offered me his taste tester shirt which I gladly accepted, it fell a little below my hips and the arms were baggy on me but it smelled like him. Calum surprised me when climbing back into bed and wrapping his arms around, me pulling me up against him.

Aaron would be gone or fast asleep on the very edge of the bed by now.

While cuddling I shed a few silent tears. Now I knew how the girls were feeling when talking about cuddling their guys that one day we got a late lunch. I backed up into Calum more and snuggled into him, wanting to feel his warmth.


We napped for an hour and I woke up to Harlow licking my face telling me she had to eat or maybe pee. I groaned and went out to the kitchen filling up her bowl, I looked at duke and he also looked hungry so I snooped around his cage and saw a ziplock bag of dogfood labeled 'Duke'. I smiled and reached for a bowl in one of the higher cabinets, I scooped him home food and left him water also, letting the dogs eat while I went back into the room.

We were both awake now, Calum's arms wrapped around me again.

"Can you tell me about your ex?" Calum spoke sounding a bit hesitant.

"uh, sure.. well what do you want to know?" I asked turning my head slightly towards Cal.

"What did he do? I can see he obviously affected you and was a shit boyfriend but I want to know what he did to you," Calum paused tensing his hands in his t-shirt I was wearing.

I sat up from him, sitting cross-legged on the bed facing him, and began speaking,

"He was very emotionally and verbally abusive towards me," I started and paused for a bit reading Calum's reaction

"-Everything was normal for the first 8 months but then he began to complain about Kit and Haley and eventually he forced me to stop hanging out with them, he even convinced me to skip on the holidays with my parents right before I had broken up with him-" I had to calm myself down before continuing

"He would make me think he was going to kill himself if I had ever chosen anyone but him... it wasn't until Haley had gotten in contact with me a few months after he made me cut her out of my life, she and Kit had told my parents and they all gave me an intervention sort of, my parents calling in from a facetime-" I fixed my voice and continued,

"to make a long story short, I left him and changed my number and everything about a year and a half ago." I finally choked out while Calum reached his hand up and stroked down my hair.

"Did he..did he ever hit you?" Calum asked curiously, with a glint of anger in his eyes.

"He did once, he also was very rough just in everyday life, grabbing me and yeah.." I said looking down to start picking at my fingers

"Bo look at me please-" Calum pleaded and I complied, bringing my eyes up to look at him.

"One time is way too many, I'm really sorry you had to go through that" He apologized looking me in the eye and I cleared my throat and nodded.

"Can I ask you a question?"

" 'course" He gladly responded

"What's the scar on your chin from?" I asked gesturing to the small diagonal scar that I had noticed at the club last night.

"It was from a long time ago, someone threw a glass at me and it shattered next to my head, one of the pieces got stuck in my chin." He explained touching the scar a bit.

"Why would someone throw a glass at you?" I asked curiously.

"I don't really know why, I think they were drunk," Calum laughed and shook his head.

We both laughed a bit and moved on the conversation.


"Bo?" He replied and I softly smacked him before continuing

"I'm scared," I admitted


"I know we are 'taking it slow emotionally' but either way I don't really know what a real healthy relationship is with someone and I don't want to mess up,"

"Hey, we will figure everything out as we go, because I don't really know either," He said smiling at me reassuringly.

"Oh and one more thing," Calum said to me before continuing

"I remember something you said a while ago about relationships being exhausting and I just wanted to tell you that they aren't supposed to drain you of everything, so if you start feeling like that tell me please." Calum finished and I leaned over and attacked him with a hug.

"I will," I muttered into his shoulder.


We decided to order dinner in, Calum not being ready to leave and me secretly wanting him to stay the night but sadly, I had to work in a few hours.

We post-mated some pizza and stood at the counter talking while eating when the door unlocked and Haley walked in, probably exhausted from her shoot all day.

"That was a long time, what did they have you do?" I asked leaning up a bit. She walked past Calum and I right to the freezer to dig out the ice cream she had hid from herself. 

"They didn't even have me do anything for the first 4 hours! I was just sitting there! and after my shoot I just hung out at a friend's house," She said looking down at her ice cream, scooping a spoonful into her mouth. I don't think she has noticed Calum yet.

Haley paused for a second and looked up at us, she glanced at what I was wearing, and then I remembered.

I was still in Calum's shirt and underwear and he was still in sweats and shirtless, both of us still having sex hair. I blushed as she connected the dots, looking from me to him and switching back and forth. She gave me a look that I knew meant that I'd have to explain later. Calum stayed stoic but I turned into a hot mess blushing, clearing my throat and shoving pizza in my mouth.

"Hi Calum," Haley said giving a small wave to Cal

"Hi Haley," Calum said suddenly sounding extremely Australian, sometimes I forget that he has an accent because it only shows up noticeably in certain words or phrases.

"So, uhm what friend were you hanging out with," I asked, honestly curious but also trying to keep the conversation going.

She looked over to me then to Calum again but with a worried look on her face, she walked across the kitchen and whispered in my ear,

"Niall," I nodded quickly and whispered back,

"You do know Cal is friends with him right?" I asked

She pulled back looking shocked, Calum also looking confused now.

"Well, I was hanging out with Niall then," Haley finished her ice cream, throwing it away while trying to gauge Calum's reaction.

"Oh Niall's an old friend, real nice guy," Calum said smiling to Haley.


"Thank you for today Calum I really appreciate everything," I spoke leaning on the door leading out of my apartment as he put his sneakers on. I let him have his shirt back, it looked better on him anyway.

"It was my fault anyway, and I promise all the social media stuff will get better with time," Calum spoke leaning down to peck my lips.

"Bye Bo, don't forget to follow Ash on his private account or he'll curse me out for not reminding you," He said picking up Duke's crate.

"He has my number why can't he just text me to remind me?" Calum looked at me with a weird look.

"He and KayKay are in a weird space right now, yesterday everything was okay but this morning-" He ended looking at the ground.

I should text KayKay, see if there's anything I could do.

"-they are just both too stubborn for their own good," Calum finished before grabbing his keys.

"Tell Ashton I hope they can work things out,"

"I will, bye Bo,"

"Bye Cal," I finished, softly closing the door.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Haley did what she does best.

"you guys FUCKED,"

"You totally banged look at your hair!"

"Please tell me you didn't do it in my room,"

"Is he kinky? He looks like he'd be kinky,"

The stream of words come flying out of her mouth before I have time to answer any of them

"OH! Are you guys dating???? that is so cute oh my god,"

"Haley, calm down and let me explain," I started and when Haley stayed quiet and nodded her head I continued,

"No we aren't dating, we are 'taking it slow emotionally'"

"and yes we did sleep together but please don't make a big deal about it"

She squealed and jumped up and down,

"YAY Bo, this is so exciting I could throw up!" She said with a cheerful face as she launched herself onto the other side of the couch which made me turn my head in a questioning stance. I got up from where I was sitting and sat next to her on the other side. I really wanted to tell her about my revelation last night and this was the time to do it.

"Haley, I realized something last night while you were drunk," I stated and she eagerly nodded her head.

"I'm not pushing him away and he hasn't left on his own yet, I even told him about Aaron and he didn't act all weird," I revealed and she looked happy yet sad at the same time. 

"I hate that fucker so much, you wouldn't even have to worry about this if it wasn't for him," She said beginning to look angry. Every so often Haley gets angry about the Aaron situation and it makes me hate him more knowing that he has that effect on the people I love.

"But you helped me Hal, I would probably still be with him and brainwashed if you didn't force me to hang out with you that one day," She looked up at me, tears now in her eyes.

"But I didn't do it soon enough Bo-" She cried out putting her head into her hands and letting out heartbreaking sobs before continuing. Her voice sounded strained and her nose had started to run because of the tears so she sounded a bit nasally too.

"I was mad at you Bo, I thought you just pushed us out for no reason so I ignored you, Kit was the one who convinced me to talk to you again," She continued to sob as I rubbed her back and pulled her blonde hair back out of her face.

"That's okay I'd be mad at me too, you didn't know how controlling he was until later,"

"but he HIT you, Bo!" I flinched away from how harsh she said it.

"I-I was too late and he hit you," She sat back up and looked at me suddenly wrapping her arms tightly around my torso.

"It's all my fault, Bo, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-" She choked into my shoulder, I pulled her back and cupped her cheeks.

"Haley Brooke Walker, the only person to blame is Aaron okay?"

"You did nothing wrong, you weren't too late-" She looked away for a few seconds before I wiped some of her tears with my thumbs and turned her face back towards me.

"-you got me out, I was so clouded in blind love I couldn't see the truth about him but you showed me, Haley" I finished heavily breathing looking her in the eyes, her blue eyes turning red around the white part from her crying. Her lip wobbled and I pulled her close to me and hugged her as she continued to cry into my shoulder.

Fuck Aaron

Fuck Aaron

Fuck Aaron


I feel like the onset emotion from Haley was from a long day at work and just exhaustion in general,

Had she been holding these thoughts in for this long?

She gets furious at Aaron every so often just thinking about him but not once has she cried because of him and that gives me once more reason to wish he'd just disappear forever. 

We ended up in Haley's room watching Jane the Virgin, Haley's comfort show. She had curled up next to me and smelled my hair.

"you smell like sex still," she added laughing a bit

"Well It's only been a few hours," I replied 

"I hope you don't think you're gonna be spending less time with me now that you have bass boy," I softly rolled my eyes and chuckled, Kit got Haley saying bass boy too.

"Of course not,"

"And I'm still the best cuddler right?" She asked looking up at me,

"Well I don't know, Calu-" She stopped my sentence by covering my mouth with her hand.

"Nope, I'm still the best." She answered for herself.

After an hour of watching tv, Haley had fallen asleep on the other side of the bed. I slowly and quietly got up, I still had to get ready for work.

I waltzed into the bathroom and started to brush my teeth and while looking in the mirror, I noticed a few small hickeys left by Calum on my collarbone.

I'd have to wear a higher shirt tonight, not that anyone would care but if people recognized me the media would have a field day.

I decided on a higher-neck black tank top and pink midi skirt, I was still deciding between my docs or vans

(lol just pretend the shirt covers her collarbones)

I picked the docs and started to gather all of the equipment that I needed for tonight.

My boss said this was a more relaxed event, a nighttime garden party of sorts to promote an influencers skincare line, she explained it as. My job was at the photo booth for the first half, then taking pictures around the garden for the rest of the night.


C: I start rehearsals for the tour mon and I want you to come whenever you feel like it, i think you make my bass playing better ;) and im sure the rest of the guys would enjoy your presence :)))

I totally forgot about the tour! when does it start again?

C: August 2nd and our first performance is in JAPAN!!

!! exciting!! I have to go to work but ill text you after :(


Thanks for reading! Vote and comment if you want :))

ALSO, I'm getting into BTS at the moment, my biases are V and Suga so if you also like BTS comment some of your favorite songs so I can check them out.

I didn't think I'd like kpop because I wouldn't be able to understand the lyrics but I have been proven wrong so far and my favorite song is Stigma!

And I can't get Jungkook's bridge part from ON out of my head help

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