Crossed Fates

wondering15 द्वारा

537 32 4

Description My name is Manya. "Manya" is Russian origin name, one of its meanings is "wished for ". My mom a... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

30 2 0
wondering15 द्वारा

At the seashore:-

Victor was ready for his quest. He vigilantly examined the beach for human’s presence. When he found none, he quickly stripped out of his clothes and packed them in a waterproof bag along with his gun. He was well aware of the fact that his gun won’t be much effective against those obnoxious witches as some of them could easily change the trajectory of bullets thus he was carrying his personal favorite Grenades. He didn’t know whether three would be enough but there were no more at the safe house so he has to work with that only. He was relying too much on his luck this time. He counted odds against him and sighed. After shaking his head to clear his mind, he gazed toward moon and whispered  “Don’t let me die today.”

He started to concentrate on his inner wolf, his body start shivering. His canines come out first followed by claws, then his bone start to reshuffle briskly and his fur started sprouting. He balanced himself on all four and in a blink, there was a huge brown wolf standing proudly in place of Victor. He picked his bag in mouth and moved toward water. He started swimming toward light house, ducking inside water time to time, to avoid flash of light gyrating around Light house. On reaching light house he moved behind large rocks and shifted back. Shifting dried him quickly and he dressed up right away. He then tug in his gun in the back and covered it with his leather jacket, finally strapped the grenades inside his waist bag.

He cautiously listened to the sound coming out of light house. He was able to make three distinct snoring coming from ground floor, one snoring and a girl’s sobbing coming from window at the top other than sound coming from splashing of waves against rocks. Wind was flowing in opposite direction so he was unable to confirm how many among them were witch by sniffing. Only scent lingering outside was that of witch he followed in the morning. The gate of light house was ajar, a thought crossed his mind that either they were too confident or too stupid, or someone was still out. He screened his surrounding once again but didn’t find sign of anyone there. He then worked on his plan in his mind. He was well acquainted with the fact that it would be easy to knock out the three witches or humans or whatever they were, sleeping in the ground floor by gun, but if by any chance the one left in the top turned out to be a witch also, then gunshots would definitely awoke that witch, he or she would surely won’t like his grand entry and an annoyed witch won’t be good for his health. So he decided to sneak in. He glanced inside through the door and then he entered light house noiselessly like a ghost and hide himself behind large drums of petrol kept there. Once inside he was able to sniff there smell and found that all three down there were humans. “Piece of cake,” he murmured inside his head.

But his happiness was short lived because as soon as he turned his head to examine the rest of room, he caught a whiff of signature decaying smell coming from stairs, different from the one he had smelled in the morning, that implied that one at the top was definitely a witch. He decided to neutralize the risk of witch above first by knocking or killing whatever suited the situation most and then he can easily tackle these feeble humans. So he started moving up stairs cautiously while trying to blend screeching sound of stairs with splashing sound of waves. He sighed in relaxation when he reached the top of stairs. He noticed a small room just few steps ahead. He peek inside through half open gate and found that the door was half blocked with a wooden bed, where the stinking witch was sleeping peacefully and few empty bottles lying on the bed and the floor.

When he looked ahead he spotted a girl sitting on the floor bound to shackles attached to walls. Her eyes were closed but tears were trailing down from them, she was beaten pretty badly. He swiftly moved toward her and closed her mouth before she could even register his presence to prevent her from shouting. He lowered down the glass piece and signed her to be quiet. When she nodded in agreement and he released his mouth.  His eyes caught glimpse fear in her teary eyes and he moved his fingers across her cheeks wiping away the tears. He noticed her hands were badly bruised and even bleeding around shackle on her wrist and in that instant he forgot about the witch sleeping behind and he at once took shackles in his hands and start opening them, his knuckles turned white due to amount of the force he was using. When he removed the first one he silently lowered it on the floor and then moved on to second one. But this time when he removed this one, girl tossed the shackle away. The shackle fell down with a thud sound waking the witch in the process.

“Great,” Victor mumbled under his breath while shaking his head in disbelief of how that girl can be so careless. The witch was still bit in hangover so she was struggling to understand the whole situation.

“Is she awake?” He asked the girl as he had his back toward witch, she nodded in response. He aided the girl in getting up and sneaked a quick look outside window to assess the height and formulated their escape plan.

“You are helping her,” witch accused him.

He carefully took out one grenade, plugged out its pin and then turned back while hiding it in right hand behind the girl and with left hand he grabbed her and started moving backward very slowly.

“Me! No-I am just here to say- hello.” He mocked but kept on moving both of them toward window. Witch frowned and grabbed the intercom lying on the bed.

“You morons, why are we paying you, if you can’t keep intruders out,” she barked over the intercom.

“What! Intruders,” person from other end responded in shock. “We are coming,” he added.

“Like I need your help,” she shouted over the intercom again.

“Can you swim?” Taking advantage of witch distraction Victor whispered in girl ear.

 She turned her head “What?”

“Can you? Answer fast.” Victor whispered in his ears.

 “Yeah I can. Why do you ask?” She was confused.

 “You will find out soon,” he winked.

“I would really regret messing with your handsome face,” witch said to Victor with pity when she redirected her attention on him.

“We will see,” Victor replied with a smirk on the face.

Witch smirked back to him. She raised her hands and starts circling his fingers. Her fingers starts sparking with electric current and at the same time Victor heard footsteps coming up. “That’s not good,” Girl murmured to Victor.

“Yeah I know. Hold me tight,” Victor replied


Victor grabbed her tightly by one hand.

“Time to go,” Victor murmured and throw the grenade toward witch and the same instance jumped out of window into the sea dragging the girl with him, before grenade explode. The grenade exploded with earsplitting blast, wiping out the light house. Both of them stay deep in water till explosion heat subsided.

When they came out, the girl was panting heavily. Victor tried to ease her down by patting on her back. And a familiar foul scent hit him.

“Oh shit. We have company,” Victor whispered to the girl.

“Well done wolf boy,” the same witch, whom he had followed in the morning was standing in front of him in a blue swim suit.

“There should be “were” front of wolf,” Victor replied while rubbing his chin. The girl beside Victor instantly flinched in shock.

“Huh, Well I apologize for my mistake,” witch replied with grin plastered on her face.

“Apology accepted. If you don’t mind can I ask one question,” Victor was trying to keep her busy in his chattering while he was slowly opening zip of his waist bag containing grenades.

“That will be my pleasure wolf boy,” Witch replied. She was also playing with same strategy, concentrating her energy while keeping Victor busy in chatting.

“Don’t take it as offense but according to my history 105, witches are-more like zombies, but here I am in front of a sexy witch. So I am confused, how’s this possible?” Victor asked with a serious face. In the meantime he had successfully grabbed his second grenade.

Witch frowned at the last statement breaking her concentration. “Oh, this,” She snapped her fingers in front of her face and in a blink that beautiful witch turned in to decaying corpse looking like a zombie. Flesh had decayed completely from many places on her face and body revealing her skeleton.

“Yeah, I was talking about this only but I would prefer your other version,” Victor replied with a shrug. “By the way nice trick,” he added when she turned back into normal girl.

“I have more in my bag,” witch replied with the smirk. “You will love them too,” she intensified her gaze to work on spell while trying to keep him occupied with conversation.

“She is stalling you,” girl said in worry as she was oblivious to the game going on between witch and victor.

“Oh, Really” Victor tried to sound surprised. Witch grinned in happiness as if she had won a poker game. She just raised her right hand when Victor interrupted her again “Catch.”

Because of reflex action she caught the thing thrown at her in fist, “What the hell,” and dropped it in shock when she found that it was grenade. The small fraction of time between throw and blast was enough for victor to jump back in water with the girl.

This time when they roll up back to shore, the girl was struggling to breathe. Victor picked her up and carried away from explosion side. He set her on sand and performed CPR. She slowly gained her conscious. Victor helped her to stand and gave her smile to assure her that they are safe now.

“Well that was fun,” Victor mocked.

“Fun! You almost killed us twice,” she replied with glare.

“And I was expecting thank you,” Victor retorted.

“May be some other time but right now we should leave coz more will be coming soon until you want to have more fun,” she was staring at the burning fire house.

“Nah, I have enough for today,” he replied with shrug, “but before that I would like to hear your story,” he added.

“You don’t know me,” she murmured. She turned pale. Victor noticed her changed behavior and elevated heartbeats.

“Why did you help me then?” she asked in panic.

“What can I say I am very charitable person,” he joked when sensed the panic on her face. “Well I am still waiting for that thank you,” he reminded with smile and earned a chuckle from her.

“Thanks,” she said.

“Relax you don’t have to tell me your long story right away, your name will be enough for now,” Victor change the course of their talk.

“My name is Eve,” she lowered her eyelids. “We should search for boat or something,” she asked.

“No you won’t find any. I had searched this place before entering light house I had not found anything,”

 “Then how are we going to cross this?” she asked while pointing toward beach.

“You already know the answer,” Victor replied with smirk. “We are swimming,” he added when he saw questioning look on her face.

“What! You are crazy. We can’t cross this sea by swimming,” she said in disbelief.

“I think you were not listening to witch lecture. No problem I will repeat it for you,” he paused. “I am werewolf,” he said proudly.

“So?” she asked.

“I can easily swim around 5 miles in my wolf form. This is half of it,” he explained.

“And what about me,” she inquired with cocked eyebrows.

“Just hold me tightly,” he winked.

“Are you flirting?” she asked.

“I was offering my help but a little flirting won’t hurt,” Victor wriggled his eye brows.

Eve chuckle at his reply and playfully punch him on his shoulder and said “Pervert.”

“We should leave before the rest Witch and company arrives,” he suggested and she nodded in agreement.

“So I will shift and then you can ride my back. Just hold me tightly,” he smirked and earned another smack from her.

“I am going to strip now so you can turn unless you want to enjoy the show,” he smiled.

“You are unbelievable,” she frowned and turned her back toward him.

Victor stripped off his clothes and packed them back in his waist bag. After shifting in his brown wolf he picked his bag in mouth and move toward Eve. Eve turned back when Victor’s wolf shoved her.

“Oh my god. You are- big,” she blurted out in shock. Victor tilted his head toward his back, indicating her to ride him. She compliantly followed his instruction. When Eve settled down on his back safely Victor dived in water. After a long journey in water they reached back on the shore. Eve crawled down from his back. Victor quickly shift back behind her and got dressed up.

“Are you ok?” he noticed that she was shivering. “Take this,” he offered his jacket. She wore his jacket.

“Thanks for everything,” she said while shivering. “I will go-” and she fainted. Victor caught her safely before she fell. He picked her up and marched toward safe house. “That was hell of a long night,” he muttered to himself when he saw dawn stars.

After reaching safe house Victor placed her on bed in his room and called for nurse. By the time he finished showering nurse had arrived. She was checking Eve.

“How’s she?” he inquired.

“Her temperature is little high and she is still unconscious but I think she will wake up soon. A cup of coffee and food along with medicine I have given her will do wonder on her,” nurse replied. “I will now prepare breakfast for both of you.”

“Thank you Martha,” Victor acknowledged.

“It was my pleasure beta,” she bowed her head and left for kitchen.

Victor searched for his phone and walked out to balcony. He called Achilles and update him about last night encounter. When he returned Eve was wide awake and Martha was checking her again.

“How are you feeling now?” he was standing beside her.

“Better,” Eve replied. She pulled herself up in sitting position. Martha offered her coffee, she accepted it with gratitude.

“Beta your coffee,” Martha handed out coffee to Victor. Eve turned pale when she heard those words. Victor didn’t miss her reaction this time. Eve further tensed when she noticed him staring at her in inquisitiveness.

“Breakfast is ready,” Martha was the one to break the silence of room.

“Thank you. You can go now,” Victor relieved her.

Victor dragged a chair from dining room and settled it beside bed. Eve eyes were fixed on her palms, as if trying to solve some puzzle. Victor cleared her throat to draw her attention toward him. She somehow mustered strength to face him. He was about to ask her something when she spoke.

“They have kidnapped me 3 years ago, on my 18 birthday from my house. They killed everyone in my cov- I mean my family,” she closed her eyes and tears start falling from her eyes.

“They killed everyone- everyone, in front of me. They beheaded them - all of them - even my one year old nephew,” she said between her sobbing. She was tightly holding her hands on her chest above heart, as if it will prevent her heart from exploding.

“Bloody Witches,” he frowned.

“Why?” Victor further asked her with sympathy in his eyes.

“They needed me for some spell,” she wiped her tears and placed her entwined hands on her thighs. Victor placed his right hand above her entwined hands to console her. She moved her hands away at once. Victor found that strange.

“You know I can feel your fear. I didn’t know how much you know about us, but I can assure you we won’t harm you. Not until you pose any threat to us. We live peacefully among humans like humans,” he explained.

“Why do you salvage me?” she asked.

“I was following the second witch regarding some trespassing in my pack then I heard her talking about transporting you to somewhere else for something. So I came for your rescue,” he explained.

“You risked your life for an unknown girl,” she was stunned.

“Yeah. I know it’s strange. But at that time thought of saving an innocent girl was making more sense than sitting and doing nothing.”

“You killed them all.” She asked when she recalled the events of last nights.

“They deserve it,” He spat.

“You don’t have any remorse.”

“For what?” he asked.

“For killing them,” she retorted.

“No,” Victor replied impassively. “In fact I enjoyed it.”

“You are stone hearted killer like them.” She stared him in disbelief.

“I will take that as complement.” He get up from chair and walked back to the wall. He turned back and said “Honey only reason you are alive is because I am STONE HEARTED KILLER. Who don’t feel any remorse for killing those witches who were about to kill you. So instead of blaming me you should be thankful.”

“Don’t forget you killed few humans too.”

“That was collateral damage,” he replied. “it happens sometime.”

“So you don’t kill human usually,” she asked.

“No, We only target witches group or coven whatever you say their family,” he explained.

“You mean to say those covens who are indulge in malevolent practice,” she queried. “I mean the Bad witches.”

“Now that’s your mistake. There is nothing like good and bad witches, every single witch is evil. In fact they are the definition of evil. They bleed evil, they smell like evil. Oh god I can’t explain it to you but believe me they are bad news. They are cruel, wicked, ruthless, ruinous and this list goes on.”

“You hate them?” she was in shock.

“Tell me who loves them?” he retorted.

“They are all not bad,” she tried reasoning with him.

“Do you have Stockholm syndrome,” he was staggered.

“I don’t have Stockholm syndrome. I am not defending my captors. I am just trying to say that not all witches are bad. There are some good too.”

“Are you even listening to yourself? You were being held by witches, they killed your family and you are still defending them. I don’t understand why are we even having this discussion.” Eve was getting on his nerve.

“Do all werewolf hate witches, or you have something personal against them,” she asked.

“Yes we all hate them. And yes I have something personal against them.  If I have in my hands then I will kill them all with my bare hands,” Victor growled. His eyes turned pitch black filled with hatred. He turned back toward wall, placed his both hands on wall and started to deep breathing to control his temper. His past was flashing before his eyes.

“Believe me they all are not evil,” she murmured more to herself. But this set off Victor temper off.

“They are and They deserve to die,” he growled loudly shaking the windows of the room, his claws and canine came out and he start punching wall to channel his anger. After few punches wall crumbled down from the spot Victor was punching it with a big thud sound which bring him back from his trance.

“You shouldn’t have started this argument,” he hissed back to eve with pitch black eye.

“If you hate witches that much then you shouldn’t have saved me,” she lowered her eyes and took a deep breath.

“What?” Victor was puzzled.

Eve slowly raised her eyes, “I am a witch too,” and formed a shield of light around her. Victor was thrown backward when shield appeared.

“What the hell.” 

Plz vote and comment. Tell me what do you think about my story.

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