In Too Deep (Rias X Reader)

By CoopTheWeeb

67.5K 896 200

Y/N L/N, fiancee to Serafall Leviathan and overall powerful being. Rias Gremory, heir to the House of Gremory... More

Boss's Daughter
Fading Away
Tears Don't Fall
Death Of Me
All Animal
Best Friend
Love Story
The Gambler
Black Wedding (Finale)

Tears Don't Fall Part 2

3.5K 58 10
By CoopTheWeeb

Today is the first day of me teaching in Kuoh. Admittedly I'm a little nervous, but from what I've been told everything should be fine. They've got me teaching Chemistry, which I won't act like I know a ton about but I've gotten a crash course to the point that I can teach it where we are now and I'll figure it out as it goes.

I get up a little earlier mainly to make a good impression and put on the clothes I wore to the conference. They were a little torn up but I got it taken care of. I walk into the building and it's strange knowing that no one is in here yet. I get to the classroom and prepare for everyone to enter. Looking out the window I see all the students I had been seeing before, but now it's in a different way.

"You still seem nervous," I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Sona and Tsubaki.

"What gave it away?" They giggle to each other and shrug.

"Oh it's nothing. You're just teaching a subject you learned over a weekend and have to teach to people who will have to understand it. I'm not saying you'll do poorly, but just know that this may be harder than you think."

"I'm sure as the day goes I'll be fine," I nonchalantly reply. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

End of Day

(A/N: I only picked Chemistry because that's what the wiki said Azazel taught. I don't know shit about it so there's no reason to go over anything of that.)

The final bell rings and everyone gathers their things. "You all have a good rest of your day and I'll see you all tomorrow," I tell the class. Everyone filters out and I get my things together. I go into the hallway where I'm greeted by Issei, Asia, and Xenovia.

"Oh hey Y/N," Asia says. I told all the students to call me by my first name anyway so I'm not worried about it in the hallways. I walk with the three of them and we exit the school together.

"So how did it go?" Xenovia asks.

"Well, it was odd," I begin. "Everyone was rather kind and understood this was my first time doing something like this. I think I'll be fine, but I gotta say it's hard knowing some people get it better than others. Of course I have no problem helping the people who are struggling, but managing everyone I see throughout the day is a little stressful."

"I'm sure you'll be fine dude," Issei interjects. "You helped Gasper out fine, and that was completely different. You said you didnt know anything about Sacred Gears then but he's gotten it under control really well. I'm sure you'll be great at teaching when you're more comfortable with it."

"Yeah you've got a point," I respond. I've been a little on edge around Issei since Serafall and I split mainly because I'm worried about Rias. My job is done, but if she feels the way she says she does, then she has to tell him. I can't do it for her. The four of us arrive in the club room and I take my seat at the desk. I look over the summon requests, and to my surprise there's one for Rias. I know she does them from time to time but it seems like it isn't commonplace.

"You alright teach?" Akeno asks snapping me out of my trance. I look up and notice everyone is here.

"Yeah I'm good, just looking over everything," I answer.

"How was your first day Y/N? It seems like everyone likes you from what I heard in the halls," Kiba says. I answer him the same way I did the other three and everyone gets their summons. Rias looks at me with hers.

"I bet you're surprised to see this." I nod to her. "I'm going to need some help with this, it is a two person job. Care to join me?" I stand up.

"Of course, let's go." She readies a circle and the two of us teleport. When we arrive I look around and it seems like a rundown house. There's a single person here, a shorter guy with a beanie covering his hair and a hoodie on and jeans with holes all over them.

"You the devils?" He asks.

"That's right," Rias responds. "I'm Rias and this is Y/N. What can we help you with today?"

He starts to shake nervously. I'm a little on edge but I let it be. "It's like this. I've got a package to pick up, kind of a handing off of things. I don't trust the guys I'm getting it from." He points at me. "You seem like you know how to handle yourself, but I'm not sure about you little lady."

"Maybe you're right. If that's the case I'll be taking your payment now and the two of you can go." He looks scared after that and I get a slight grin on my face.

"You drive a hard bargain missy," he says. "I guess I gotta trust you. Let's get going, we have to walk so it will be a ways."

"Before we go," I speak up, "mind telling us your name pal?"

"Just call me T," he answers. "In my business we don't give real names. Fortunately I don't think we'll have to worry about that if everything goes smooth." The three of us take off and start walking down some side streets of Kuoh.

"So what's this package got in it that has you worried T," Rias asks making small talk.

"It's complicated. I can't rightfully tell you until we have it." I take it that's why there are two of us. I'm assuming drugs so I get my guard up. After a few minutes the three of us enter an alleyway. "They should be here soon," T says.

After about ten minutes a car pulls up, and out of it comes three guys. Two of them put me on edge even more, like I recognize them from somewhere. As they get closer I understand my thoughts. Those two are the guys who attacked me. The odd man out steps up.

"Alright, let's get this over with. The wifey wants me home for dinner as quick as possible." Him and T step closer and start to exchange what they have. I keep my eyes on the two behind him and they look at me. I think they recognize me but I try to brush it off. T and the guy he's talking to finish up and walk away from each other. Once they're a few steps away from each other the three of them pull out guns.

"T," I yell, "get out of here." I look to Rias and signal her to go with him. The two of them take off and I jump in between everyone in case they start firing.

"I knew you looked familiar," one of the men says. "You're that crazy motherfucker I shot. How the hell are you okay?" I ready myself for a fight.

"Maybe I'm just lucky," I answer. They prepare to shoot but I jump towards them. One of them shoots but I'm able to track it and dodge it. I look at the end of the alleyway and see T and Rias are gone. That just means I gotta get going. I jump off of a nearby wall and put my foot up towards them. They all shoot and I ready myself to take the hits. Unlike last time I cover myself with my power and I don't feel any pain.

"What the fuck is this guy?!"

I reach the trio and my foot hits one of them in the jaw sending him dropping like a sack of bricks. The other two start to shake as I ready a fireball in my hand. "If you care about your lives I would leave now." I usually try not to use my power against other humans, but I don't really have a choice. They shoot more but I dodge them with ease, moving fluidly like I'm dancing around the bullets. I dash towards them still holding the fireball and knock the guns out of their hands.

"Not so tough now huh? You guys caught me on a bad day the first time. You two are going to leave, or it's over for all three of you." They try to grab their guns but I throw the flames over them, burning them.

"Fuck this, I'm outta here." They take off, leaving the one who talked to T by himself. I walk over to him and kick him.

"Get up," I tell him. He starts to rise and spits blood at me. I pin him against the wall and ready another fireball, holding it close to him. "So you guys were going to kill him and get your stuff back is that correct?" He shakes in fear so I decide to drop him. He takes off and I head back down the alleyway and towards T's house. Once I arrive I get through the door, not spotting Rias.

"Hey, your girl left already," T tells me. "You're a crazy guy, but you saved my life."

"Let me call her then. She's my way out." I go to reach for my phone but T stands up, and out from his back pop out wings of a fallen angel. I realize the situation, Rias is in trouble and I wasn't there to help her.

"Too bad you're not leaving," he says.  "Light is a son of a bitch to your kind. Surprised the heiress to the house of Gremory went down so easy. Maybe when I'm done with you I'll have my,"

Before he can finish his sentence I dash forward and he crashes into the wall. "Where is she you motherfucker?! Tell me!" He gets up and I go at him again. He stumbles and I jump on top of him, laying into him with all the strength I have.

"Y/N!" I hear the scream and know it's Rias. T tries to stand but I ready a fireball and hold it to him, burning him harshly. As he burns I drop him and run towards the direction I heard the scream. I bust through the door and run down the stairs to see two more fallen angels, and Rias on the ground. They look at me surprised that I'm here.

"I can't believe that fool went down so easily to a devil." I dash to both of them quickly and rip their heads off out of instinct, blood and feathers the only thing surrounding me. I run over to Rias and hold her.

"You'll be okay Rias, I promise." I fumble in my pocket and pull out my phone. I dial Akeno and she picks up.

"Y/N, what a pleasant surprise."

"Not the time Akeno, is everyone back yet?"

"Yeah, we were waiting on you two. Is everything okay?" She senses the worry in my voice.

"No," I reply quickly. "We'll be there soon. Make sure Asia doesn't leave." I hang up and pick up Rias. I run out of the house carrying her and look towards the school, not too far away but still a run.

"Y/N," Rias says weakly.

"Save your breath Rias, wait until we're back." My heart is racing a mile a minute and I'm running as fast as I can. After a minute or so I reach the old school building and kick through the door, running to the club room as quick as I can. I set her down on the couch. "Asia! Please help Rias!" She does as I ask and starts healing her.

"Fuck this is all my fault! If I was more careful she wouldn't have gotten hurt. Luci is gonna fucking kill me." I'm pacing around the room holding my head in my hands panicking. Everyone can feel the worry coming off of me. "Who the fuck am I that I can't protect someone? All I did for years is kill people but now that I have to protect someone I can't. This was a mistake."

"Y/N!" I look back at the couch and see Rias sitting up completely healed. I jump over the adjacent couch and the table and sit next to her.

"Rias I'm so sorry. Two of the guys there were the ones who jumped me the other night. I should have known something was wrong. I should have said something, anything to get us out of it. They knew I would step in. I think those fallen angels set us up to try to get us apart."

She puts her arms around me and whispers in my ear. "Calm down Y/N, you're scaring everyone." I look around the room and notice everyone's expressions. "This was just as much on me as it was on you. Don't blame yourself please. I should have been able to handle myself, and I don't know why I couldn't."

"Y/N," Issei says. "The prez is right. You couldn't have known what was going to happen. You can't blame yourself for this." Everyone nods in agreement and I start to slump on the couch.

"You all can tell me that all you want, but that's not how I feel about it. I was told to protect you guys, and I can't even do that. Soon enough you all will be stronger than me and there will be no reason for me to be here. I'm here to help you all along the way but eventually you won't need me. I was told if I didn't take this place then it would be Azazel. I should have let him." I feel a hand smack across my face, and I see it connected to Rias' arm.

"If you keep saying that I'll do worse," she says quietly. "We all would rather have you than anyone else that could have helped us. You're stressed Y/N, that's what it is. Think about it, you're starting a new job, living in a new place, and you just split with your fiancee. You have a lot on your plate but you still want the best for all of us. It may take time for you to ease into everything, but once you do you'll be the best."

"She's right you know," Akeno adds. "Besides, you're much better to look at than Azazel. Seeing you run in here like that made me so hot." I snicker at her words as Rias rolls her eyes.

"We're all here for you," says Kiba.

"Totally," adds Koneko. I look around the room at everyone and realize they're all right.

"Thanks everyone. I'm sorry you had to see me like that. That's all for today, you can go. I probably need to lay down and get my mind right." Everyone leaves except for Rias.

"You didn't let me tell you what I wanted when we were on the trip over here," she whispers. She sits on my lap and starts grinding against me, causing a rise downstairs. "I love you Y/N." She moves in to kiss me but I don't let her and move her off of me.

"I love you too Rias, but I still feel off. I don't want to do this behind his back. I broke up with Serafall to be with you. If you want this to work you'll have to do the same." Her expression drops and I kiss her on the cheek. "I know it'll be hard, but it's only right."

"Okay Y/N, I will. Then I'm coming back and you're letting me kiss you." I laugh and she teleports off, and I lean back on the couch. Rias Gremory is quite the woman. I go to stand and Gasper comes back in.

"Did Rias leave?" I nod and he stands in front of me nervous. "You said yesterday you would play more today." I smile at him and pat his head and the two of us head downstairs.

Rias POV

"Hey prez," I hear Issei say upon my arrival. "Is Y/N going to be alright?" I get a smile on my face at the mention of Y/N.

"He should be." I sit down at the edge of Issei's bed. "Listen Issei, there's something I need to talk to you about." He sits down next to me.

"What's wrong prez? Are you doing okay?" I feel tears enter my eyes, partially because I know what I have to do and partially because I don't want to. We haven't been together long and he's worked so hard just for me. I hold back for a moment biting my tongue.

"No I'm not," I croak. Issei hugs me.

"Don't cry President, please." I push his arm off of me and he looks at me upset.

"I need space Issei. All you desire is women and you haven't made me feel important at all recently. We haven't had time for the two of us since we got together, and you don't even call me by my name anymore." I ready a circle and prepare to go back to Y/N, the one who stole my heart from Issei.

"Rias," Issei says stunned. "Don't go, please. We can talk about this." He tries to join me but I push him away. I could hear the sadness in his voice, like he was pleading for me to stay.

"Enough Issei!" I teleport back into the clubroom but to my surprise I don't see Y/N. I dry my eyes and go to Gasper's room to see if he's in there.

"Gaspy?" I open the door but can't find him either. I look outside of his window but don't see him or Y/N. "That's strange." I go to walk around but before I can leave the club I hear a piano. I know there's one in here but I've never used it or heard anyone else use it. I walk towards the music and I hear a voice singing, and diagnose it as Y/N's. It sounds like the song had just begun.

I get closer and see Y/N's fingers dancing across the keys so fluidly. I had never heard that he could play the piano, from my brother or anyone else. I didn't even know he had any musical talent. His voice sounds angelic, and I feel like I'm getting drawn in. I see Gasper's eyes completely lit up sitting next to Y/N as he plays.

"And the wind began to hoooooooooowl," he sang beautifully.

"That was awesome Y/N," Gasper squeals. "Play another one."

"I would like to hear that too," I say announcing my presence. The two look over to me. "I'm happy the two of you get along so well."

"Rias, Rias," Gasper says running up to me like a child. "Isn't Y/N amazing? He's played for me everyday since he moved in and I still love it. He's so awesome." Y/N's face gets a little bit red and I smile at his embarrassment.

"I learned when I was visiting your family one time Rias," Y/N says. "Believe it or not your mom taught me the basics and I figured it out from there. I thought that I could do something a little more methodical in contrast to what I was doing."

(A/N: Creative liberty taken here.)

"Is that right," I ask him. "I'm sure Mother loved teaching you. If she knew this is what you've been doing with the talent you've gained I bet she would be happy."

He laughs. "I bet. I can play something else if you two want."

"Yes that would be cool!" He laughs at Gasper's attitude and the two sit on the bench.

"Any requests?" I walk over to Y/N and whisper it into his ear.

"I love that song," he replies happily and starts playing.

Once complete he closes the piano, much to the sadness of Gasper.

"Sorry buddy, but I need to talk to Rias about something. I'll play more for you tomorrow." Gasper heads for his room happily and Y/N and I enter the club. "So how did it go?" I feel the waterworks starting again but Y/N wrapped me in his arms and it went away. That's why I fell for him, he makes me feel better.

"I think I was too hard on him," I answer. "What's done is done though. Now we can be happy together." Y/N smiles at me and we kiss.

"That was the best one so far. It's nice knowing we aren't going to hurt anyone now. We'll have to keep this secret though. The students at school can't know of course and if Issei finds out you left him for me he'd be pissed." I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I don't want to worry about that right now. Let's go lay down together. I love you Y/N L/N. I wasn't able to handle myself against the fallen angels because I was thinking of you. I didn't want you to get hurt again." I feel him pick me up and we go to the bedroom. It hasn't been long since I've stayed in here but I can tell someone else has been in here. Y/N removes his shirt and lays down, and I take my clothes off and take my place next to him. He holds me and I've never felt more secure. My face heats up enjoying the feeling of his chest against me.

"I could get used to this," he says as the two of us drift off to sleep. "I love you too Rias Gremory, and I can't wait for the day that we can announce our love to the world." We may have to keep us a secret, but Y/N and I are together now, and I couldn't be happier.


Isn't it nice how that worked out with the part titles? I didn't intend them to be back to back initially but it fit considering the material here. It may seem a little strange how I broke up Issei and Rias but as the story progresses you'll see the reason I did it the way I did.

Next part will be the start of Season 3, though I'm going to be following the light novel events opposed to how the anime went. That means the rating game between Sona and Rias will happen. I'm doing it for a reason. I would recommend reading Volumes 5-7 of the light novel if you haven't because it is what was actually supposed to happen in Season 3. That's why the art style is different in Season 4 if you didn't know. I won't be going super into detail but I still recommend it to anyone who hasn't.

Other than that everything should be fun. The story will really pick up in the next couple of parts so look forward to that. If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know, and until next time, have a good one.


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