Different Perspectives


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Harry Potter's second year is remembered as "the year The Chamber of Secrets was re-opened", but for Amy Ryan... Еще

Chapter 2: Amy
Chapter 3: Amy
Chapter 4: Draco
Chapter 5: Amy
Chapter 6: Draco
Chapter 7: Draco


44 3 6

Amy wakes up in a almost, completely dorm room, the only other person was a girl named Phoebe Stall. Amy sits up in her bad, yawns, and gets out of bed.

"Merry Christmas!" Phoebe says with jolly, 

Amy chuckles, "Merry Christmas to you, Phoebe." Amy balances on one foot while she pulls on her sock, "How did you sleep?"

Phoebe rubs the sleep out of eyes, "Fine," she yawns, "You?"

Amy didn't get a wink of sleep last night, Draco told her that he has a surprise for her, she's only gets one or two Christmas presents every year, and they are always something used. That's all her parents could/can afford. "Great." She answers.

Amy throws on a yellow sweater her grandmother made her, after she heard she'd gotten into Huffepuff, over the her tank-top she slept in, and turns to Phoebe, "So, what do you think your parents got you?"

Phoebe jumps, turns to Amy, and folds her legs into a lap, "Well, I hinted that I wanted a hawk feather quill, some make-up, I'm trying to impress this boy name Charlie, he is a hunk, and I also want a basket full of my mum's homemade goods." she shrugs, "But that's all I'm going to get until I come home."

"What do you mean?" Amy asks,

"Well, we have another Christmas when I get back. There will way more presents there."

"Oh." Amy says, Two Christmases? I'm not even going to have one this year.

"What do you think you'll get?" Phoebe questions, 

Amy feels her face heat up, "O-Oh," she wants to cry, "I'm- I mean, My-My family isn't going to have o-one this-this  year."

"Why?" she says with disgust in her voice,

"U-Um," she tries to calm down, she breaths slowly, "My, Um, My parents can't, um--" she trails off.

Phoebe looks her up and down, "Oh." she says almost harshly, "You're poor. I forgot, sorry."

The room falls silent. 

The Christmas dinner is huge, the Great Hall is filled with decorations, and every bodies plates full of food. There isn't many people at the Hufflepuff table, maybe a less then quarter of what it  usually is, and the Ravenclaw has the same amount, but the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables have even less than that. 

Hagrid, the gamekeeper, gets drunk within the first few minutes, Professor McGonagall keeps laughing (she's possibly drunk also), and leaning onto Professor Snape's shoulder, but he keeps pushing her away. The Gryffindor's Perfect, is wear a badge that says, 'Pinhead', but by the way his brother snicker, Amy can tell that they had something to do with it. 

After Amy and Phoebe finish they're puddings, they head back to the Hufflepuff common room, but Amy notices Draco give her a look, and nods his head in the direction of Their Hall.

Amy grabs Phoebe's arm, "I'm sorry," she say, "But I forgot that I was supposed to meet with someone. I'll see you later."

Phoebe says her goodbyes, and Amy makes her way towards the hall.

when she gets there, she sets down on the cold marble floor, and waits for Draco. 

After a few minutes, he shows up. He has a small box in his hands, wrapped in a black and yellow striped paper, The colors of Hufflepuff, and a gold bow.

He gives her small smile, "Hello Amy,"

"Hi." she gives him a small wave, and kicks herself right after.

He chuckles, and sits next to her, "How is your Christmas goin'?"

Amy shrugs, "Fine, yours?"

"Better now." 

Amy's heart flutters, "Okay." 

He laughs, "Here." he hand her the small box, "I hope you like it." 

Amy unravels the bow, then unwraps the paper. It shows a dark blue velvet box. Her heart stops, Dis he get me jewelry? 

She opens the box, it's a silver, start shaped, necklace. "Wow." she says, 

"You like it?" he asks,

"Yeah, it's beautiful." Amy has never been able to have jewelry before, let alone, wear it.

"Do you want me to help you put it on?" he asks Amy, while she stares at the shiny star on a chain.

Amy nods, hands the necklace to him, and turn her back to him. Amy lifts up her hair, and he drops his hand around her, and places it around her neck. She presses it against her chest, then, with tears in her eyes, turns and hugs him. 

They break their hug, and he gives her a look, "Is everything okay?"

Amy wipes away her tears,"Yeah," she nods, "It's just," She sniffles, "I'm really glad that we've made up."

He smiles, "Me too."

They both lean against the wall again, and Amy leans into Draco and breaths him in, he smells clean, and sweet. 

After, what feels like forever, Draco says, "I should be going, I told Crabbe and Goyle that I would be back soon." 

Amy lifts her head, and Draco Turns his head, "Okay, I'll see you later." she says.

He smiles, and jumps up, then turns back to Amy and reaches out his hand, but she says, "I think I'm gonna stay her for a while." 

"Well, I could stay for a bit longer if you'd like." He offers,

"No," she shakes her head, "Go. I'm okay, I just want to sit here for a while."

He frown, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay." He smiles, and exits the dark hallway.

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