『𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵』 [𝐣𝐮𝐧...

By karen-took-the-kids

552K 32K 11K

"Nerds can be sexy too, I mean look at you." "Jungkook, I will punch you in the dick." -Jungkook left the cha... More

(Pt.1 ) 0.0 (info)
nOt aN uPdAtE
6.4 (end of pt. 1)
(Pt 2) Gaming Girl
2: 0.1
2: 0.2
2: 0.3
2: 0.4
2: 0.5
2: 0.6
2: 0.7
2: 0.8
2: 0.9
2: 1.0
2: 1.1
2: 1.2
2: 1.3
2: 1.4
2: 1.5
2: 1.6
2: 1.7
2: 1.8
2: 1.9
2: 2.0
2: 2.1
2: 2.2
2: 2.3
2: 2.4
2: 2.6
2: 2.7
2: 2.8
2: 2.9
2: 3.0
2: 3.1
2: 3.2
2: 3.3
2: 3.4
2: 3.5
2: 3.6
2: 3.7
2: 3.8 - SMUT ;)
2: 3.9
2: 4.0 pt.1 (the final)

2: 2.5

1.3K 100 37
By karen-took-the-kids

These where the best ones (no offence this is just an opinion based on how went with the story and it's plot):

Like srly all of these where so close to getting picked but I went with karma bc that's their whole point of existence. They are here for justice and well, thats what karma does.... @MelloMilie great idea :)

Thanks for all the support too... WE HIT 250K WOOOOOOOOOOOOO - i still cant believe how MANY people still read this when i started it because i lost a bet to a fellow past wattpad writer. i hadnt wrote in over a year and yet ppl from the beginning are still here... im gonna get emOtionAl

anyways~ your all fucking NERDS and i love you ¬ heres a big chap :)

"So, everyone... Welcome to team Karma!" Mi stood before seven smiling faces, all of them at their own desk they had already started personalising. The whole building had finally been decorated, no more of the white and orange theme that ran from room to room. It seemed every other male team had white with some other colour as their theme. But no, Team karma wasn't messing around, they need to be taken seriously, so now all walls where a coal grey with a single colour of clean white running through.

They didn't need any shitty colour, it wasn't the team that would stand out, but the colourful players.

"Right, so let me introduce everyone and their roles," She smiled and walked to Jackson first. "Here is our only man, Jackson who came with me from the previous team.. sadly my only other friend didn't stay aswell..."

Jackson sighed also, thinking back to the old days. They hadn't heard a word from Dae since the change in ownership was announced, she didn't even get to tell him she was dating Jungkook, the media got their first and he was gone. No calls, he even blocked her on all social media... as Mi-suns first work friend and the only one who stood with her at the rocky start of her job, it was really upsetting to see him drop her so easily.

"...Anyway, Jackson will be a second, or assistant. He follows everything I do, and watches the backs of people like snipers. Next, we have Marceline-"

"Marcy, please." Her head was hung low, a mumble of speach was only heard, "I'm here to fuck up my ex boyfriend for the years of pain he put me through, and to support this fucker." A smile creeped out, and the blue haired leader couldn't help but melt for her friend.

"yes, so Marcy is a Brute, she's the strongest but slowest, and she will be up front all game. Our third member is, Candy."

A few girls tried to say hi, but she just nodded. "Yeah... she doesn't talk much, but she's the assassin so she doesn't really need to. Candy will mainly work on her own or take orders from the sniper who can see her at all times."

Mi picked up her feet and shuffled to the other side of the room. "Now for the newbies- Here is Kuomi, our courteous medic who stays at the back and looks after us all. There's Nahee our sniper, shes gonna watch everyone from up top and tell us where we need to be. Everyone, including me, needs to listen to her. Matchaaa, our traps girl is just going to cause havoc, and finally-"

Everyone's eyes looked over to the girl laying back in her chair, her legs crossed tightly and a mean grin of her face. "Sup sluts, I'm Amber, the real person up front."

Marcy jumped to her feet, Mi already predicted there would be a clash of member roles and personality. "Mi, what the fuck? I thought I was upfront!"

"Yes you are... but its my new strategy... Amber will be next to you and watch your back, Marcy you have the least health but your the strongest-"

"Sit down weak bitch, I'm baby sitting you." Amber couldn't help but smirk.

"I'm sorry, what did this fucking bitch just call me?"


"I said, your flat chested-ass self needs helping, fucker."


"guys sto-"

"STOP FIGHTING!" Kuomi slammed her water bottle on the table, her eyes welling up with tears. "This is our new start, not only are we getting payed but we are doing something that will inspire people, who like us were looked down on. Please... get along..." She soft cheeks wobbled as she ran to Mi, hiding her face in a tight hug.

A suddenly everyone felt bad as small sniffles filled the room. The two hot header's sat back down and shut their mouths.

"I guess I could use someone watching my back..."

"And I'm fine with being second running in, I guess..."

Mi tapped the smaller girls shoulder, "See, its all good. Why don't you sit where Marcy does and Marcy moves one over? So your in the middle of the room? You can keep everyone in line for me!" It was like talking to a small child, with a big snuff, Kuomi was once again happy and lazily skipping to greet her new desk mates.

"Well if that's sorted, can we go? "Jacksons eyes where glued to his phone, "My date is waiting for me."

Everyone gleamed at the thought of an early day off. "Sure, you can leave..." The whole room cheered, "But only Jackson. He knows how to play and follow orders, as for the rest of you- we have training to do and only two weeks to do it. I hope you've said goodbye to your beds, because days are going to get longer and harder."

"Oh how lovely! I cant wait." Nahee scrunched her nose while shoving her head set on.

"Now, lets see how good you all are... One at a time you'll fight me as the characters I've given you.." Mi couldn't help but smile, this was her favourite part. In Team army, she spent hours watching old game play and ranking the members, seeing who was good at what. But now, the research was first hand and she could easily rank each player.

Candy was better than everyone thought, she was the quietest assassin Mi had seen, but she sucked at actually attacking. Marcy knew a lot and spoke out loud as she thought about the angle she stood at and the trajectory of her attack, but once again she sucked at actually carrying it out. Matcha was also better than Mi thought, but she only used one type of attack and became extremely predictable. Nahee also didn't know much, like the difference of a head shot and shooting someone in the finger, but surprisingly she never missed a shot and was constantly hitting Mi as she moved. And finally Amber, though she was probably the best out of the seven, she got cocky early on and it made her sloppy, also making her the worst on the team too.

As everyone finished, Mi grabbed a quick game with Kuomi too. Medics didn't fight anyone, but they needed to not die and well, that meant she need to be the best at dodging attacks. She was the biggest target of the whole team, so Mi shot from a distance as Kuomi tried her best to not die. In the end she did, but there was potential, a lot to learn but Mi knew she could improve.

The day came to an end at 9pm, and the team packed up to go. "Mi-sun, can I ask you something?" Marcy spoke up. "We all have characters we play, but I've never seen yours before... its not even on the menu- who exactly are you?"

A smile grew, as everyone listened on them curiously. "Good questions. When you first make an account, you get asked whether you want to choose a fighter or not. Of course, every chooses a fighter because if you don't you just become a person, a mere human. Jungkook was smart, and chose a knight as it was the weakest, but I did more research back in the day, and well..."

She turned her desk screen around and showed everyone her stats. "Humans are not only the quickest to level up, they quickly become the most powerful and can use any weapon or power of any other character if they complete enough quests in that area." She tried her best to sum it up.

"So, your saying you can play as anyone?"

"No, I'm still a plain human, but I can change how strong I am or how much health I have at the click of a button, or how fast I am or even how large I am. Luckily, I fought hundreds of each possible character to get their special abilities, but its the hardest solo player thing to do in the game. Jungkook can slightly do this with some abilities such as being faster, as has is a knight- a human with a sword, but the fact I have no special ability already means I can use the all. So to answer you question, I'm basically any character I want to be, I just look like a regular person."

All the girls gasped, their brains completely blown. She'd played the system, picking to be human was only done by gamers who didn't want to fight and just collect and sell thing to earn money. There was only a few hundred people who played as humans in the world, and all of them where collectors who sold upgrades to fighters. No one had figured this out yet but Mi-sun. Only because she practically lived and breathed this game for so many years meant she had found this out.

One simple mis-click at the start of her gaming career, and years of fighting giant monsters or amazing snipers as a level 1 human meant she was most likely the most powerful person in the game right now.

"But there is a downfall, you cant let any of this information leave the room... Only Jungkook knows about this." Amber was the first to lean in, followed by the others all nodding vigorously. "To do all this however, I have to keep this item on me at all times."

The screen showed a brown, slightly glowing, stick. It was just a stick, the one everyone was given at the start of the game to fight with until they bought swords or guns or so on...

"This is the thing that holds all the other powers and abilities; I used it to kill all those thousands of players to obtain there characters playstyle." She hovered over it slowly, before quickly logging off her account and shutting down the computer. "If my account ever gets hacked and it gets sold, or I drop it somehow and someone else picks it up, I'm a level 1 human again."

"Aha that would be the worst possible thing to go wrong in a game." Marcy laughed, "Is that why your keyboarded has the letter 'Q' missing... in case you press it and it falls out your hand?"

"Yup, you can be never be too careful, but don't worry it will never happen... Make sure you all get some rest, we have a lot to get through tomorrow!" One by one, everyone made there way out the building and soon Mi was stood alone in the large room, in front of the various monitors.

She scanned each desk before grabbing her bag and heading to the main doors where Jungkook was waiting for her. He hugged her cutely before taking her bag for her. "You okay? You look dazed..."

Mi's eyes shot back to the reception that was now in the dark, the doors locked behind her. "Yeah yeah... just thinking... I guess I'm just a little worried."

"Pfff, its all gonna work out. HE held her hand tight. "Don't worry, I'm here as your biggest fan and your adviser. Its still half my company, ill make sure you guys do well. Nothing can go wrong!"

Her eyes looked down the furthest hall way, which leads to the gaming room. It was empty. "Your right, nothing can go wrong... nothing at all..."

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