Skulduggery Pleasant gets Fac...

By nowblackarc

106K 4.4K 2.1K

This is just a funny story about what would happen if the Skulduggery Pleasant characters got facebook. All t... More

Welcome to Facebook Skul
Ghanith and Bonechina
Alice (& more Ghanith and BoneChina)
Cool Hair
Fletcher's new gf
Triple dates
Ghanith Oneshot
Training and the Competition
Fletcherie VS BoneChina
Fletcherie VS Ghanith
Author's Note
Ghanith VS BoneChina
Valduggery Oneshot
Tanguine Oneshot
Fletcher's Loyalty
Dead Men Stories
BoneChina Forgiveness
Scapegrace X Thrasher
Dead Men Stories Part 2
A naked skeleton- Valduggery
Boyfriends 2 (Sweet Revenge)
Overprotective Boyfriend (Bonechina)
Breakup 1 (Bonechina)
Break up 2 (Fletcherie)
Break Up 3 (Valduggery)
Break Up 4 (Ghanith)
I always waited for you (Ghanith)
Valduggery VS BoneChina
Fletcherie VS Valduggery
Drunk bae
Remnant Memories
Truth or Dare?
Secrets Part 1
Secrets Part 2
Fletcher X Tanith
YOLO unless you're Skulduggery
Missing Gordon
Drunken Nights
Relationship status
Shopping Days
Merry Christmas!
Books 2 (after reading Skulduggery Pleasant)
The Marriage
The Next Generation
Leather VS Suit
Wear a dress!
Camping!! 2 (Fletcher's Revenge)
Monster Hunters
Alice the Twelvie
TV series
Sexter is On 2
Overseas Holiday & Important Notice

Sexter is on

1K 48 31
By nowblackarc

*Private Chat between Dexter and Saracen
Dexter: Hey

Saracen: Hi Dexter

Dexter: So uh how you been?

Saracen: Good you? I heard you killed a couple vampires the other day

Dexter: You heard right

Saracen: Are you busy tonight?

Dexter: Yeah sorry man, I've got this thing

Saracen: This thing?

Dexter: Family stuff

Saracen: Um you're single, not married and you don't have any kids unless you've adopted. But that's out too because then there would be rumors about it

Dexter: Fine, I admit it, I don't have family stuff

Saracen: Then what it is?

Dexter: Private Stuff

Saracen: C'mon

Dexter: I thought you were meant to know things

Saracen: I do. And I also know that you're free tonight

Dexter: Then why did you ask me?

Saracen: Just cuz...

Dexter: What do you want Saracen?

Saracen: Do you wanna have dinner tonight. Together? It's on me.

Dexter: Sure. Is it like a Dead Men get-together? (A/N: Cough date cough)

Saracen: I guess...

Dexter: Can Skul make it?

Saracen: I haven't asked

Dexter: I'll ask if you want

Saracen: Actually Dex...

Dexter: Yeah?

Saracen: I was actually kinda hoping that it'd just be the two of us.... you know....

Dexter: Oh... uh ok then. I feel really stupid now...

Saracen: So are we still on for tonight?

Dexter: Definitely. Actually I was sorta hoping it was us two as well. But I didn't really think you were into me like that

Saracen: Why wouldn't I be into you?

Dexter: I don't know. You tell me. What's not to like? I've got the abs, the amazingly good looks, the reputation and the awesomeness. It's kinda like a combo.

Saracen: I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself.

Dexter: What are you wearing tonight?

Saracen: It's a secret. What are you wearing?

Dexter: It's a secret

Saracen: Surprise me.

Dexter: I will

Saracen: Kidding. I already know you are wearing that black suit with that purple tie.

Dexter: How the heck do you know?

Saracen: Are you really asking me that?

Dexter: Oh right... you KNOW things

Saracen: Mhm. And now you just changed your purple tie for the blue one

Dexter: Damn

Saracen: And now you're looking out the window to see if I'm spying on you

Dexter: Are you?

Saracen: No, I just know things

Dexter: Do you know EVERTHING about me?

Saracen: Nope.

Dexter: Then what do you know

Saracen: I just know that I am very much in love with you.

A/N: I don't know why, but I loved writing this chapter. Sexter all the way!

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