demon Princes mate | COMPLETE

By alaskabear13

539K 13K 3.7K

"she's here" a boy from behind me said to what i'm guessing are his friends. His voice is so husky, I almost... More

meeting my mother
new demon school
this bitch
meeting parents
the fuck
extra possesive
I wonder...
the start.
the meeting
trust exercise
birthday shopping
finding my way
king and queen

stupid angels

21.8K 530 100
By alaskabear13

Once again sorry for the late update , but thank you for all the reads

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Trojan pov :

I didn't want to leave storm, but I had no choice.

I tried to persuade her to come with me, but well her being the usual sleepy self she is, decided to go to bed.

All me and my demon wanted was for storm to be back in our arms where she belong for eternity but no.

I can't have one fucking nice thing.

These stupid fucking angels want to ruin everything.

Let me tell you why yeah

Basically demons and angels have been at war for hundreds of years, thousands even.

The reason for the war between demons and angels.

3 weird sisters, that's who started it.

They where both angel and demon.

Amethysts, the youngest one, spins the thread of life; she is the very origin, the creation of life itself and her thread is spun upon the birth of a person!

Lachesis, the second sister, is the one that allocates the fate of people during life, even her name means evil.

The last sister of the 3 is Aphrodite, the unturning. Aphrodite is the cutter of the thread of life and with her shears she determines how someone will die.

Because they had 'life and death' in their hands they decided to use it for evil instead of good.

Immedieltly the angels thought it was us demons who where making them kill everyone that they wanted.

The only reason they thought it was us was because, well we're demon, we love killing, being evil, that and the 3 weird sisters where only killing angels.

So of course they would think of us, so they sent thousands of angels down here to the demon relm to kill us all.

That started the war that is still ongoing till this day.

That day we lost hundreds of demon wotrriors, and non demons worriors, children, elders.

Houses where burnt down the sound of screams filled the air as the stench of smoke, and burning flesh filled the air.

The one time in all of demon history, we were scared, scared of dying.

But 2 guys, they stopped the war.

Storms great great great great grandad Amell Aiden Bradley, the name Amell meaning power of an eagle, which he did, he struck fear in the eyes of the angels.

Then there was my great great great great grandad Amory Alexander Asher. His name meaning Leader; divine; brave; powerful and all these things he was.

The 2 of them worked together and got us back up, they built an army out of what worriors and some, that we had left and with that army they fought, they killed.

But sadly they couldn't finish it, the angles and demons where as strong as eachother, there was no end to this on going war.

But an end is what we need.

"What's up" I asked my dad as I stepped into his office and saw him sitting there looking stressed as fuck.

"Stupid fucking angels" he groaned out before sitting back in his chair as he rubbed his temples.

"What've they done this time?" I asked annoyed as I sat in the seat opposite him.

"Not only did they kill the head demon worrior but now they've stolen 2 demons and killed 5" he said with a ticked of look.

I felt myself become angry at this.

"THOSE FUCKING ANGELS NEED TO PAY" I shouted out and my dads eyes darkened even more in anger.

"Don't raise your voice at me boy" he spat out, since I was his son his anger didn't spike fear in me like it would everyone else but that doesn't mean I won't listen to him when he is.

"But don't worry I've got a payback plan" he smirked evilly, I gave him a nod before getting comfy in my chair as my dad started to explain the plan he's made to get payback on those 'angels'

"We're going to slowly work our way up to a war" my dad said, I looked a bit taken back by this.

'mate, will have to fight' this ticked me off, I don't want my storm to go fight.

"1. Will storm have to fight in This war?" I asked as I looked at my dad with slightly dark eyes.

"She's our strongest worrior, but since she's your mate it's up to her to fight or not" my dad explained.

But knowing my mate she'll want to fight, fight for her dad, for her kingdom.

Still doesn't mean I won't try to not persuade her.

"2. What do you mean slowly?" I asked as I looked at him confused.

My dad smirked before he started to speak.

"Well, we'll start of little, killing a few of angels every week or so, maybe kidnap a few, then in around 7 months we'll go to war..." He trailed of then looked at me.

"And in 2 months time you'll become king, storm will become queen, and head worrior" so do I even get a choice in this.

"Why in 2 months?" Me and storm will have to be fully mated in 2 months if she's ment to become queen.

"Well, am getting older, but wiser, that and I told you once you met your mate you'll become king" he said and I just gave him a nod in understanding.

"Well if your done hefe, I want to go to my mate " I said as I stood up feeling the need to go to storm.

I could feel her emotions slightly, and this one is kinda confusing.

What the fuck is she doing, she said she was sleeping.

"Ah yes, I'll see you later son" my dad said as he gave me a nod, I have him one back before stepping out his office and walking to my room.

Once I made it to my room I went to my closet to grab some clothes for tomorrow as I am defiently staying at storms house.

Anyways, I stripped of before changing into a pair of grey joggers with some Nike white socks.

After I changed I grabbed a bag before putting in some jeans, a random t-shirt and then socks and pants.

After I was ready I slipped on my usual combat boots before grabbing my phone and leather jacket which I also put on.

Suddenly I felt a bit of pain go through the mate bond.

'mates hurt, Go to mate' my demon growled out in a hurry.

With that I teleported not only to her house but to her bedroom.

You see us demons can only teleport to places we've been, or have seen with our own eyes.

Once I made it to storms room I looked at her in both shock and worry.

Shock because she was dancing around her room blasting music and the first words I hear when I walk in were....


Anyways what worried me was her leg.

She had a long slice going down her leg, which was pretty much healed but you could still see the faint line of how long it was.

But to add to that there was a pile of blood on the floor aswell as drops of blood and then her leg had blood all over it.


Holy fuck shes bleeding, and she doesn't even care what a suprise.

I rolled my eyes before rushing over to my overly energetic mate who was apparently sleeping but is now dancing and singing at 3 in the morning.

"Storm" I whispered in her ear before wrapping my arms round her waist then picking her up.

I heard her squeel in suprise making me chuckle at her.

But then remembered her leg and grew serious.

"What the fuck happend to your leg?" I growled out making her laugh before turning in my arms.

"I'll tell ya, that was fucking funny" she said laughing, the scentence hardly made sense but What'd I expect from her.

"Well tell me then" I said as I moved her to sit on her bed whilst I cleaned up the blood on her leg and floor.

"Right okay, so basically I went downstairs to go get a peanut butter and cheese sandwich but the peanut butter was like right up there, way way up there......" She said as she made a gesture on how high out was, I just shook my head at her.

"As I was getting down I have no clue what happend after that to be honest, cause next thing I know is I am lying on the floor with blood spilling out my leg..." She said gesturing to the now pretty much fully healed slice on her leg.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Anywho I came back to my room and carried on my dance sesh with my peanut butter and cheese sandwich" she shrugged before looking around the room then her eyes widened.

Next thing I know is i'm on the ground with a eating storm straidaling my lap, but right ontop of my dick.

I felt her wiggle slightly on my dick making me groan before looking up at her teasing form.

"As much a si love this position, I will fuck you if you don't get of my dick and don't stop wiggling on it" I said with a smirk as my eyes darkened in lust at the thought of fucking her tight, wet pussy.

The way it'd clench around my cock as I fucked her hard and made her cum to many times she wouldn't be able to think nor walk.

"Whoops" she said before getting of me and heading into her bathroom.

Rolling my eyes I stood up and slid my jacket and shoes off before getting into her bed and laying on top of the covers and went on my phone as I waited for her to be finished with whatever business she had.

All a sudden I heard a gasp, confused I looked past my phone and saw a drooling storm standing and stairing at my abs.

"Like what you see" I smirked as I dropped my phone next to me and sat up.

"Yes" she said before wiping the drool from her mouth and walking over to me with a sway in her hips.

I felt my dick harden slightly as I watched the seat of her hips.

"Bed time" she squeled before jumping star fish style on top of me and wrapping her arms and legs round me before putting her head in my neck.

"Someone a little bit keen" I smirked but she just humed before I heard snoring.

I chuckled at her before kissing her head then pulling the covers over us before wrapping my arms round her body before closing my eyes and slowly falling asleep.


Hope you enjoyed

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