Courier Six Wild Adventures I...

By epicscott1

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Courier Six gets transported to the DC Universe by an experiment that went wrong from the Think Tank. Now Six... More

Old Courier Six
Wasteland No more
The scene of the crime
Come fly with me
Your A Dummy
New ID
A Red hood and A Bat
Royal Blood
Royal Blood Part 2
Back To Gotham
A chaotic night
Seeing more of the world
A Golden Hero
UFO and More Lizards
Relaxing in Texas
Blackbeard Sword
Red Hood vs. Courier Six Round 2
A New Job
Good cop and Bad cop
Magic and a whole lots of bullets
Magic and a whole lots of bullets part 2
Magic and a whole lots of bullets part 3
Happy 10th Anniversary Fallout New Vegas
Blood, Snow, and tests
Blood, Snow, and tests part 2
Final Author Note
It's here


2K 45 2
By epicscott1

At a mansion out of the city, the villa was large and built over a cliff. The mansion is full of armed thugs grounding the outdoors of the estate. Inside the mansion is an office room: a man named David Simpsons wearing bulletproof armor and holding a desert eagle. He was sweating from head to toe.

"I know the Lucky Hand Triad is going to send one of their own or hitmen to take me out," David thought. His phone started ringing, causing him to accidentally firing off his gun then answering his phone. "What is it?!"

"There no one coming near the mansion, boss," said one of the armed thugs guarding the mansion

"Good, anything else you like, tell me,"

"No boss,"

"Then bye," David hangs up and goes into his desk and pull out a ball of cocaine, a razor blade, and a rolled-up dollar bill "this could take the edge off,"

David started to snort up the coke and try to relax, then he heard a gun firing from outside, causing him to grab his gun and duck down to his desk, then he called the armed thug, and he picked up the call.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Some guy I think he with the police and is taking us out,"

"Shit, those bastards sent a hitman to get me," David thought, then said, "can any of you guys take him out?"

"We're trying-" then the call drops.

"Hello, hello dammit," David throws his phone against the wall.

David kept hearing the gunfire getting closer to his office. David grips his gun, and his trigger finger is getting itchy. Then when the door opens, David comes out of cover and fires blindly at the person who opens the door, and it turns out to be one of the thugs he hired is riddled with bullets and falls on his face.

"Shit," David said to himself.

"Nice shooting there, Tex," coming into the doorway is the Courier wearing his Joshua Graham's armor and sunglasses. Six is holding Ranger Sequoia.

"Who the hell are you?" said David, trying to shoot again, but his gun was empty.

"I'm Courier Six. I'm a bounty hunter, now there are two ways we can do this one the easy way is you, and I get into one of your sports cars quietly and head back to the LAPD, or the second is me shooting you in the leg, dragging you into a car. I knock your ass out and take you to the authority. What do you want to pick?"

Dave throws his gun at Six and tries to escape through the window, but Six shoots Dave's right leg and falls on the ground.

"Hard way it is," said Six, grabbing David's shirt collar and dragging him out of the house.

Six and David are going near the driveway. In the driveway were two sports cars, a silver Aston Martin and a yellow Porsche 911.

"Let's take this yellow car, now get up," said Six, getting David onto his feet.

"Damn, I love this car. Now there are going to be blood on the seat," said David

"Hey, you'll see it again in 25 years," Six open the passenger door.

Then out of nowhere, someone fired a gun, and Dave got a bullet to the head and dropped dead on the ground.

"Oh, C'mon," Six thought as he takes cover behind the Porsche and shouts, "I swear to god if it's Red hood, I'm going to turn you into ash,"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not that hellraising brat," said?

Six looked to see it wasn't Red Hood standing in front of the mansion, but Deathstroke held a recently fired sniper and put the gun over his shoulder.

"Then I might ask who are you then?" said Six

"You must be new to the mercenary business because everyone knows me," said Deathstroke

"Well, not me," Six shots at Deathstroke, who quickly deflect the bullets with his sword

"Then I'll tell you my name is Deathstroke,"

Deathstroke charges at Six with his sword and Six dodges Deathstroke blade and blocks the blade with his gun.

"Deathstroke, nice name for a jerkoff," said Six kicking Deathstroke back and ran back to the mansion

"C'mon now, stop running and face me like a man," said Deathstroke going after Six

Six undigitized a few frag mines and ran upstairs. He switched the Ranger Sequoia to Laser RCW. When Deathstroke goes into the mansion, he sees the frag mines and Six on the second floor with his laser gun.

"Not running playing smart," said Six firing Laser RCW at Deathstroke

Deathstroke quickly moves from the frag mines, but Six lands the shot at Deathstroke's side, and he switches to his pistol and fires back at Six.

"I defeated and bested some of the world's heroes and villains. What chance do you think you have against me?" said Deathstroke getting up the second floor and switching back to his sword blocking the courier laser, and managed to cut Six's left arm and knee him in the chin. "The answer is not a chance,"

"Wow, that ego," Six thought as he tries to avoid the sword and ducks under and throw one frag mine under him

They both move away from the mine before it explodes, and Six throws some flashbang and quickly hides into a bedroom.

"Alright, time to take things up a notch," Six thought as he quickly changes into his best armor, his Elite riot gear, and digitizes Laser RCW and undigitized YCS/186 "time to show this guy who he is dealing with,"

"Now where is that bastard," Deathstroke thought, looking for Six

Then comes out of the bedroom, surprising Deathstroke Six goes into VATS, and he finds a 75 percent chance on Deathstroke's shoulder and shoots him, causing Deathstroke to fly into the wall.

"Here is the thing, Deathstroke, you never face anyone like me," said Six as Deathstroke tried to pull out his gun, but Six quickly reshot Deathstroke making a large dent to his armor.

"I think my employer would be pleased with this, time to end this," Deathstroke thought, then he quickly gets up and said, "I give up,"

"You give up, then why did you kill my bounty then?"

"Because he scumbag but not the reason why I'm here,"

"What's the reason?"

"It was all a test for my employer, and I say you pass,"

"So someone hired you to test me? Who was it?"

"Can't tell you, but next time we meet," Deathstroke throws a smoke grenade of his own, "there would be a different outcome," when the smoke is clear, Deathstroke is gone.

"Dammit, he got away," then he looks to see another room was open and there in the room was a safe Six managed to open it and found a bunch of jewels and money in it "well at least this night is not a total loss,"

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