Back To Gotham

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In Gotham City, Outlaw was in the living room on the couch with her laptop. She was looking through various websites from a bounty board to a video game website for upcoming video games in the fall.

"When the hell are the Devs going to give the release for the game already? I've been waiting for about a month," Outlaw thought as she kept surfing through the web.

While Outlaw focused on her laptop to notice Six coming into the apartment wearing Daniel's outfit, the Courier took this opportunity for a good scare. He goes behind while she was still looking at the laptop and yelled into her ear.


This got Outlaw to scream and almost fall off the couch, and she sees Six laughing and grinning.

"Hello would have been better than yelling into my ear, asshole," said Outlaw

"Sorry, didn't want to waste a good opportunity, Dorothy," said Six taking a chair to sit down, "and nice to you again,"

Dorothy sighs and collects her cool again "you too, how was Star City Six?"

"It was both fun and crazy, Dorothy. I work with two Justice League members,"


"Green Arrow and Black Canary,"

"Ah, those two I swear they have the most on and off again relationship I seen on the news and gossips sight,"

"From there, I met the Queen of Vlatava sweet kid, and I even gave her some of my sodas,"

"So, where's the crazy part of your retelling Six?"

"About now, when I blow up a couple of SUVs, shoot a couple of mercenaries and guy with a laser gun then I met Count Vertigo got into his vertigo, and I found out what Black Canary power was,"

"that her powers high ear-piercing scream,"

"Yep, and at the end of the day, I learn a little more about his world than in the wasteland,"

"What did you learn?"

"That in this world has electric cars while in the old word they use nuclear power cars,"

"That doesn't seem smart at all with the radiation and possible chance the car would cause a nuclear explosion,"

"Hey, they thought nuclear power was the way for the future at those times," Six then mumble "jackasses,"

"Well, I'm glad that you're safe and you got paid,"

"Tons of money to last for a few months," Six undigitized a bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla "Dorothy, how was Gotham while I'm gone,"

"More violent than usually with the Red hood fight against Black Mask seem to reach its boiling point,"


"Well, from what I got from the news and the police reports is that the Red Hood stole a bunch of high-value cocaine, a bunch of guns, and Black Mask personal car. He blew them up a dock with a bunch of C4. last, he spray-painted a message for Black Mask,"

"That guy is pushing his luck,"

"Word is Black Mask is going to round up every one of his goons and other mob bosses that work for him to tear the city apart to kill the Red Hood,"

"And seeing how Batman seem to have a history with the Red Hood that not going to happen only for the situation to get more complicated,"

"Exactly, I suggest you stay in Six so that you won't get in the middle of this,"

"I could, or maybe I'm not,"

"Are you serious? What about the fact that you stop the Red Hood from killing B-Ray he might want some payback for that,"

"Outlaw, I handle far worse things than a douchebag wearing a glorified red helmet," Six yawns. He gets from his chair and throws away his root beer "now excuse, I'm going to a take nap now. I'll see you later," Six heads to his room and closes the door behind him.

"Sometimes I don't get him," Outlaw thought.

At the Batcave, Bruce works on the Batmobile, changing the tires and adding some oil sleek. Then he notices someone behind him, and he knows who he is.

"Hello Dick," said Bruce

"How did you it was me," said Nightwing

"I saw your reflection off of the batmobile,"


"So, what are you doing here?"

"I thought you could use an extra hand with Jason and his war against Black Mask,"

"I actually would since tomorrow when all hell broke loose if I don't stop Jason plan,"

"What is his plan?"

"He is going to try to kill Black Mask and all his associate at a meeting point, but there is one flaw to his plan,"

"That would be?"

"He didn't account for Black Mask hiring Bane as extra muscle," Bruce put on his cowl.

"Yeah, hell would break loose with all that you say,"

"That it's important for tonight we find information about Black Mask meeting point so we can stop to Jason plan,"

"All right, let's get going; I need to get some practice in," Dick notices on the Batcomputer mugshots of every criminal in Gotham. "So whom the other person are you looking for Bruce besides the meeting point,"

"I'm looking for a new bounty hunter that goes by the name Six that recently got in a fight with Jason over one of the black mask goons,"

"What have you got so far?"

"From what I gather and some information Black Canary sent to me Six wore two clothing and one they including some armor and he wears a high-tech watch and about in his early 20's,"

"A high-tech watch? wait a minute," Dick remembers a crime scene in Colorado of a guy with a strange watch stopping a robbery in a diner. "Did the guy have a scar on his forehead and wore sunglasses?"

"Sunglasses and an old school military hat when he is in Star city, but the scar is not sure about that, but why?"

"Because he could be the same person from a case in Colorado that I check out,"

"If there is a connection to this guy, I'll find it, but for now, it's time to head out," Batman opens the top to Batmobile, and he gets in.

As Night wing gets into the Batmobile, he thought "This is going to be long two days,"

At Six and Outlaw, apartment Six was having another strange dream while he was napping.

Six Dream

Six was at the age of 15-year-old wearing leather armor, and he was running and gunning for his life as he ran from a pack of fire geckos. Six uses a Chinese pistol to keep a quick shot in on the geckos, but it wasn't enough with them still chasing him.

Six kept saying to himself, "shit-shit-shit,"

Six then heard, "hit the deck!"

Six does drop to the ground, and someone shoots at the geckos. And Six looks behind to see a bunch of now-dead geckos, and Six looks up to see the old NCR ranger who used to live near his village, and he got a grayer beard holding a sniper rifle.

"You gotta be wiser and more precise with you bullets, kid," said the ranger

"Well, I remember that next time I go to a cave that you say there was nothing but radroaches," said Six getting up from the ground.

"I guess the geckos took care of them. Come on, let's go before a bunch of raiders come out of nowhere,"


Back in the real world, Six wakes up from his dream with some sweat on his forehead.

"All right, another dream with that NCR ranger guy. I got to figure out where these dreams were coming from?" Six thoughts.

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