Royal Blood

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Three days later, in Star City, California, is a fancy hotel called "Atlantis Spring," the hotel is massive. It has many rooms, a parking garage, a dozen entertainment, and all day and night spa. Inside the hotel, the elevator is two superheroes known throughout the star city and most of the country. Green Arrow and Black Canary, who so happen to be in a long committed relationship for about two years and staying strong. The two heroes are on a mission from the Justice League of America to protect the Queen of Vlatava from a group of terrorists rumored to show up during the Queen U.S. visit.

"So arrow, what do you expect this mission going to be?" said Black Canary

"Either this going to be an uneventful night and the terrorist was just a rumor, or we have to fight a bunch of guys with tons of guns," said Green Arrow

"I think I may know why the terrorists would go after the queen of Vlatava,"

"Oh, do tell,"

"Remember, Count Vertigo?"

"How couldn't I the guy Vertigo powers give me headaches after our fights,"

"Well, Vertigo kept bragging that he has royal blood and he was not joking what found on him that ties him to this and he the uncle of the queen,"

Green Arrow had a shocked face. "Your kidding. He got the royal blood of Vlatava,"

"Yes, so he might pop up, so we have to be careful,"

"You don't have to tell me twice, my little birdy," Green Arrow smirked.

"Save that sweet talk after the mission," Black Canary smiles back.

The elevator stopped at the penthouse suite. The two heroes exited the elevator to see about four bodyguards in the Penthouse. One of the bodyguards sees the two heroes and lets them into the loft where the head bodyguards meet them.

"Black Canary and Green Arrow, wow, didn't expect you two to be here," said the head bodyguard

"Well, Star city is one of my homes," said Green Arrow

"And we're here to help protect the queen from the JLA," said Black Canary

"Great with you two and the other guy. The Queen is going to be safer," said the head bodyguard

"Other guy?"

"It would seem one of the consular members from Vlatava had hired a mercenary to help protect the princess,"

"Please don't be Deathstroke," Green Arrow thought and then said, "And where is this mercenary?"

"He supposes to be here any minute,"

Then another bodyguard comes up. The head bodyguard "sir, the mercenary is here,"

"Let him in,"

The three turns to see entering the Penthouse is Six wearing his NCR ranger combat armor with sunglasses and a Boomer hat who looks around the Penthouse and smiles.

"Men, this place is looked so expensive and fancy," Six thought

the head bodyguard goes up to Six "so you're the mercenary the Vlatava consular hired,"

"Yep, the name is Six, and I'm here to help,"

While the head bodyguard and Six talked to each other Black Canary and Green Arrow whispered, not letting anyone hear their conversation.

"Have you seen this guy before?" Green Arrow whisper

"No, but Barb did tell me that a bounty hunter has moved into Gotham, but," Black Canary whispered back.

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