Seeing more of the world

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The next night helping Nightwing with the Red Hood situation, Six was back in the apartment with Outlaw thinking on a few things until he came up with one thing he got to do. Six went to Outlaw, who was washing the dishes.

"Dorothy, we need to talk," said Six

"About what Six?" said Dorothy

"I'm going to be leaving Gotham in a couple of days, Dorothy,"

Dorothy was taken aback. "Why Six,"

"For two reason one I'm sure enough if I stay here long enough, Batman would should up in this apartment out of nowhere and find out the truth about me,"

"And the second reason?"

"I want to see more of this crazy superhero and supervillain filled world at it fullest and see what type of crazy of adventure I get myself into,"

"Okay, the first reason I understand, but the second is a bit crazy Six,"

Six shrugs his shoulder, "most of my life is crazy. Nothing new there,"

"But can you do me a favor, and I'll give you a few things in return,"

"Dorothy, you don't have to give me something we're friends. I'll do your favor,"

"But I want to Six it would help you,"

"Fine, what's the favor, Dorothy?"

"Can you teach me how to fight like you?"

"Really? I thought you would be more strategist,"

"Six I live in Gotham City, the most dangerous city to live on earth where you can either get killed or mugged in a dark alleyway on a Tuesday night,"

"Good point,"

"And in return, I got you some set of normal clothes to help you walk around more with any people looking at you funny and a new car,"

"First off, what's wrong with the clothes I got, and what's wrong about my car?"

"Yeah, most of your clothes that don't have some armor on it scream you're out of a place where ever you go Six, and your car has been spotted by too many people that would trace back to you,"

"All right, you got another good point,"

"So, do we have a deal?"

"Yes, we do," Six and Dorothy shake hands.

For the next couple of days, Six taught Dorothy a couple of things before he left Gotham Six taught Dorothy how to shoot with a gun and a one-hand weapon. Dorothy learns about talking a way out of a situation if she doesn't want to fight. Then came unarmed combat where Six brought a punching bag to the apartment.

"All right, I'll teach you three things from the wasteland that would do damage to a person in a fight the unstoppable force, piercing strike, and last Superslam," said Six

"So what do I do first?" said Dorothy

"For now, hit the punching bag as hard as you can,"

Dorothy punched the punching bag, making it swing, "how was that?"

"Not bad, but you can do better. I show you," Six made a couple of punches that made the punch bag swing around the room.


"Soon Dorothy, you'll be fighting like a scribe,"

"A what?"

"Sorry that my old friend Veronica said to me a long time ago,"

"Veronica, was she like an ex-girlfriend from your world?"

"No, she was gay, and heck, you kinda remind of her with your interest in advance technology expect you didn't ask for a dress,"

"Why would she want a dress?"

"Because she been wearing some crappy scribe clothes most of her life and a dress would be a great change of pace,"

"I would have like to met Veronica,"

"Yeah, she would have loved this world," Six let out a sad sigh "anyway, let's get back to work,"

Six trained Dorothy some more by helping her to make pierce and powerful punches. Six allowed Dorothy to hit him as hard as she can with Stimpak on standby in case. Six gets a nasty blow. By Friday, Six was ready to leave Gotham City, and Dorothy learned from Six training.

"Now you have to get up with this training almost every day when the next scumbag that tries to hurt you would be laying in a hospital bed for weeks," said Six

"Thanks, Six, and here you go," said Dorothy handing Six some set of clothes, even some shoes, and boots

"Woah, neat clothing all brand new and not a century old,"

"Well, try some of them on,"

"I will," Six goes to the bathroom and puts on some of the clothes he comes out wearing a blue and black letterman jacket, white t-shirt, blue jeans, brown leather belt, and black shoes.

"What do you think?"

"I can wear this,"

"Great, and one last thing," she hands him a set of car keys.

"I guess this is goodbye thanks for helping me out, Dorothy,"

"No problem if still want some jobs, I'll set you up and send it to you but promise me you come and visit,"

"I would," Dorothy gave Six a quick hug and told him his new car license plate number before he leaves the apartment.

Six get out of the apartment and find Dorothy's car in the back parking lot behind the apartment building. The vehicle is a custom Buick Grand national.

Six whistles "Outlaw sure knows her cars,"

Before he gets in the car, he feels someone watching him, and he turns around to see Batman a few feet away from him.

"Can I help you, mister?" said Six trying to sound innocent as he can

"I know it, you Six," said Batman

"No, my name is Ulysse Jericho. You must have got me confused with someone else,"

"Six, you still have your watch on you,"

Six looks down and sees how you can't exactly lie. He's way out of the situation; he decides to tell the truth, "all right, you got me. What do you want?"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving Gotham City," Six grins. "I want to expand my horizon, is that problem,"

"No, is it,"

"Well, good now if you don't have anything else to say, I'm going,"

"Before you go Six, just you know I'll be a close eye on you,"

"And why's that?"

"Because you seem to come out of nowhere in the last few months with strange weapons and a watch, you might be a treat,"

"Okay, but I'll give you one piece of advice: try to do anything behind my back that I don't like or even screw with me. Then you're going to have a major problem with me then you think,"

"I'll take that into consideration,"

"Whatever, pal," Six got into his new car and drove off from the parking lot, and he drove his way out of Gotham.

Batman thought to himself, "See you again, Six," and he grappled to the nearest building and went on his nightly patrol.

Somewhere else in Atlanta's city, two figures in a dark room talked to each other with a map of the city.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" said figure 1

"I'm sure if the plan works soon, we'll take over the whole country with a stoppable army," said figure 2

"with a big monster,"

"And no one is going to stop us," figure 1 stabs a picture of the Justice League with a dagger through it.

Courier Six Wild Adventures In The DC UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now