Relaxing in Texas

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Filler chapter

After getting out, Atlanta Courier six drove to Waco, Texas, and kept a low profile. Six rented a hotel room and went out on the town to relax for a moment.

"Ah, this is Texas is like without the Raiders or mutants popping out of nowhere to kill someone," Six thought.

Then the Courier comes across a county fair full of rides, food vendors, attractions, and tons of people coming in and out of the festival. Six decides to check out the fair for himself with nothing else to do, plus there's no danger around the town, making it pretty safe. Six goes into the fair and takes a look around.

Six looks at a rollercoaster going around, "huh, that's what an actual roller coaster works and looks like," Six thought as he remembered the one in Primm.

Nex the Courier goes to a game area with many children or adults playing carny games like Whack-A-Mole, Skee ball, balloon dart, and ring toss. Six then sees a kid around twelve years old having trouble with the shooting gallery. The kid kept missing ducks and not getting any tickets, so Six decided to help him out.

"Let me show you how's it done, kid," said Six as the kid gives Six the Daisy BB gun

Six starts to shoot down the ducks with ease, not using his VATs and making a new record in the shooting gallery.

"Woah, mister, that was awesome. You were like a cowboy using that BB gun," said Kid

"It's no problem, kid. I had much practice, and now you can get your prizes," said Six putting the gun down and walks with the kid picked the prize he wanted

Then Six tried some carny food, and he tried his first corndog, cotton candy, popcorn that wasn't 1000 years old, caramel apple, and chile fries. Six sat down on a bench to let his stomach digest all of the food he just had eaten and looked up at the night sky for a moment, not before someone sat beside him. He looks to see a blonde woman in her year 40's wearing a police uniform and cowboy hat.

"Can I help you, officer," said Six

"Oh, it's nothing, young men. I" m just resting after walking all-day plus taking duty for this excellent fair. You can see why," said the cop

"Yeah, I can see that the fair is pretty good,"

"Is this your first time coming to the fair?"

"Yeah, where I'm from, there is nothing like this,"

"Glad you're enjoying this town fair. I'm just glad there no crazy villains or any invasion happening right now lords now people in this country or this world can take,"

"But at least there superpower people to protect us,"

"I guess, but where do you come from?"

"Las Vegas,"

"Ah, Sin city. I've been to Vegas before got so drunk that I end up sleeping in the hotel lobby coach in the middle of the night,"

"That what happens most in Vegas many crazy things can happen to one person, and all it takes is one gamble,"

"Sounds like you have had that experience,"

"You could say that,"

The cop gets up "well. I got to get back to my duty. It's has been nice chatting you kid,"

"Yeah, you too, officer,"

Six then goes back to the hotel and heads for the night. When Six gets back to his room, he turns on the Tv, and undigitized Sunset Sarsaparilla pours it into a cup and puts some ice in it, and watch Tv. Six flips through some channels until he stops at the news on the lizardmen's attack in Atlanta.

"The attack was caused by an ex-scientist who controlled the aliens into attacking the city but luckily Justice League members Booster Gold and Vixen took care of the mad scientists and his compliance Codename Assassin," said the News anchor

"At least those two didn't put out my name for the news," Six thought as he sipped his soda.

"In other news, the presidential election is coming, and a very controversial candidate is Lex Luther who promises that he change his way and hold no grudge to the man of steel anymore, but let's see how long it lasts,"

"Huh, Lex reminds of Mr. House expect he's not in some machine that keeps him alive, and I get the feeling Luther going to do something outrageous just hope for his sake he doesn't run into me with a golf club in my hand,"

After he finishes watching Tv and his soda, Six turns in for the night and goes to bed. The next morning Six gets up and get's a message from Outlaw on his phone, and he checks out the message. "Six. I found a job that you might want to look at. It pays a lot. Just text me if you like to look at it and where it is,"

"I might as well. I haven't done any paying job since leaving Gotham, and who says you can't have enough money," Six thought as he texts Outlaw back about the job.

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