Come fly with me

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While asleep, Six started to dream about being back in the wasteland, but it was different from the rest of his dreams he used to have even when he was old.

Six Dream

Somewhere in the south part of Arizona, a young boy around twelve is walking down a ruined road. He looked like a young version of Six, but he wore a mixture of tribal clothes and black shorts and red shoes. The boy also had a gun holster with a 10mm pistol in the holster and a bowie knife in his right short pocket. The boy was carrying a medium box under his left arm and looking at an old map of the ancient world.

"Now it says turn left and the customer we'll be at a house with a red door," said the boy who then see the direction were to and found a house with a red door

The boy came up to the home and knocked on the red door. In a few seconds, the door opened up to show what looked like an old NCR ranger with a long white beard and a dusty cowboy hat, and he looked at the boy.

"Who are you kid, and what are you doing at my front porch?" said the NCR ranger

"I'm the delivery boy from the Gulf tribe. I got your package of corns," said the boy

"What happened to the guy who delivered stuff from your tribe?"

"He got killed by a bunch of radscorpion two days ago,"

"Oh," then the ranger goes into his pocket and pulls out a bunch of bottles caps "the same amount as usual,"

"Yep, 25 caps," the ranger hands the boy the bottle caps "thank you for doing business with my tribe,"

"No problem, kid, but you should be careful on your way back to your tribe. Some feral ghouls had come out of the vault near the highway they pain the ass,"

"I will, mister,"

The boy started to head back to his tribe with the payment from the package he delivered; he began to think to himself.

"I wonder if dad would touch me to lockpick now since I'm old enough for that I'm dying to see what is in that safe in that creepy old house by the lake," the boy thought.

The boy then heard a noise in front of him to see two feral ghouls in vaults jumpsuits in front of a ruin semi-truck aimlessly walking around it. The boy quickly pulled out his gun and started walking around the ghouls.

"I got to be careful," the boy thought, then he steps on a dead branch that got the attention of the feral ghouls "oh crap basket,"

The feral ghouls run at the boy, and he aims his gun at the ghouls. He managed to shoot one in the head and the other in the throat, killing them both.

"Woah, I kill two ghouls," the kid thought.

Back to reality

Six wakes up from his dream, and he looks around to see that he is still in the new world in the motel room he rented for the night.

"What that dream about," the Courier thought as he got out of bed, "I never had that dream before. What did it mean?" Six looks at his pip-boy to see the time was 9:35 am. "I think a walk around town could clear my head,"

Six walked out of the motel and started to walk around the town. A few people around looked at him funny because of his outfit. He didn't care for the looks; then, he looked at his pipe-boy to see that he was near a bar/restaurant. He walks to a restaurant called "the old west."

"I hope this place doesn't get robbed like the diner," Six thought.

Six walked into the place to see the whole thing had a western theme with cow skins on the world, pictures of cowboys, stuffed heads of deer, and a western-style cinderella. Six walked to the bar part of the place and sat down on a barstool next to the bar.

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