Blood, Snow, and tests part 2

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KGBeast fired a laser from his arm at Six, and he dodged the laser he took cover behind a corner. Doctor Young quickly uses this distraction to get in the elevator and heads down further the facility.

"Great we lost the doctor, you jackass," said Captain Boomerang

"We have done a greater risk to our mission," said KGBeast

Six shots back at KGBeast and Captain Boomerang, who ducks down from the buck shots

"You know KGBeast we got stop meeting like this," said Six

"Die," said KGBeast firing another laser at Six, destroying some of Six cover

Six undigitized two frag grenades and throws at the two of the villains, and the two get out of the blast of the grenades.

"Hey, no one throws grenades at me and gets away with it," said Captain Boomerang, taking out two Boomerang and throwing at Six.

Six quickly shoots the Boomerang, then suddenly Six dodges an ice blast that nearly hits his head. Six looks to see Killer Frost coming into the hallway.

"Oh, C'mon, this is just getting ridiculous," Six thought as he decides to take the fight somewhere.

Deadshot comes to the three villains "Where the doctor?"

"Russie here, let her slip," said Captain Boomerang arming himself with another Boomerang

"And who the hell are you three fighting?"

"A bounty hunter who goes by the name of Courier Six, and he's the reason why I'm in this squad," said KGBeast, clenching his fist. "I'll have my revenge,"

"Focus on the mission, then get your revenge," said Deadshot

"You think the Courier is after the doctor?" said Killer Frost

"Who knows, but if he tries to interfere, take him down,"

"Got it,"

"Right with you there," said Captain Boomerang

"Where is the clown, the spider, and the Olympics?"

"Dealing with the rest of the guards, now where is the doctor?" said Deadshot

"He went down in the elevator," said Captain Boomerang

"Alright, Frost, you stay here and wait for the others to come and tell them what's going on. KGBeast and Boomerang, we're heading down the facility to find the doctor,"

"Fine," said KGBeast, then he thought, "there no way I'm not letting this opportunity to go by,"

Back to Six, who finds the exit to the door to be blocked off by debris from the rooftop that seems to have collapsed by an explosion, and Six tries to rethink his plan.

"Great, now I have to find another way out of this place. I can't go back the way if KGBeast and his friends still might be there, so maybe If I find that doctor who went into the elevator, ask him if there is another exit. Better take the stairwell," Six thought.

Six go back to the stairwell and go down to find the doctor. But only to come across a big and chubby half man and half pig, wearing silver trunks and holding a large machine gun with a grenade launcher. It sees Six and fires a grenade at Six, who dodge an explosion that broke some part of the stairwell. Six changes from Dinnerbell to Tri-beam rifle and blows the arm off of the men-pig and head.

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