New ID

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The next day in a Gotham high school classroom is Dorothy in her algebra 2 class finishing her class assignment. She is now waiting for the bell to ring for her to go to her fourth-period class. With nothing left to do as the teacher for the class was asleep at his desk. Her classmates either play video games on their phones or talking to each other. Dorothy gets on her phone to check her messages.

Dorothy thought of Six first bounty hunting jobs from last night. "I cannot believe he pulled it off so well, and he got paid. Six even got himself a car from that warehouse. Does he even have a driving license?" Dorothy realizes "he doesn't have one or even birth certificate, I gotta help him with that if he wants to buy things or even step in an airplane,"

Then Dorothy overhears her two of her classmates from behind her talking about the warehouse that Six was in last night.

"Have you seen the news," said classmate 1

"No, I haven't; why what happen this time in Gotham," said classmate 2

"Some guy with a laser gun took out some mobsters in a warehouse last night,"

"So, like an alien superhero?"

"Maybe it would be so cool to have an alien superhero in Gotham,"

"Dude, at all of the things does Gotham another superhero in town that would mean more bad guys show up,"

"Men, you are such a wimp,"


Then the fourth-period bell rings, ending the two classmate's conversation, and Dorothy gets up from her desk and heads out of the door.

"Six as a superhero, please; I see him more as a vigilante or Anti-hero," Dorothy without looking while in her thoughts, she walked into another blonde teen.

The girl had long blonde hair, blue eyes, she was a bit shorter than Dorothy she had on a black jacket, light purple shirt, blue jeans, white socks, and purple shoes. When Dorothy walks into her, the girl drops her books.

"Sorry about that," said Dorothy helping the other teen picking up her book

"That's okay, it's an accident," said the girl as she got her books; and Dorothy's hands one of them back to her, and she took a good look at her "have I seen you before?"

"Maybe this school has tons of students, and we pass by each other once,"

The girl snaps her finger "Dorothy Smith from Mrs.Johnson English class last year,"

"And I still don't know you?"

"Stephanie Brown,"

"Oh yeah, now I remember you're the girl who wrote an essay about the Great Gatsby," Dorothy.

"Yep, and I heard that you were a supergenius which now I think about it you never fail any of Mrs.Johnson English test,"

"It wasn't that hard,"

"Your joking, right Mrs.Johnson gives out the toughest test, and I pass the class with a low B,"

Dorothy shrugs her shoulder then the warning bell rings. "Looks we should head to class,"

"Okay, chat with you later," Stephanie goes to her class.

Dorothy walks to her class with one thought in her head "Stephanie is pretty cute, but I'm way out of her league and now about Six,"

Later on the day, Dorothy has gotten back to the apartment to find Six in the living room screwing in screws into his Pip-boy and next to an I-phone that is broken apart.

"Six, I'm home," said Dorothy

Six looks up from his Pip-boy, "Hey Outlaw, how was school?"

"Fine, what are you doing?"

"Upgrading my Pip-boy with the iPhone I bought from an electronics store makes it more useful," then Six put in the final screw the Pip-boy turns on, and Six puts the Pip-boy back on.

"Six, can you tell me where you came from now," Dorothy sit right across from Six

"Sure, I guess I can answer a few of your question,"

"All right, then is it like this world?"

"No, isn't anymore for the past millennium at least,"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, what I got from older people, terminals, and other things there was a great war between China and America for the remaining resources than when the war was over the nuclear bomb dropped ending most of the world and its nation,"

"Oh god, that horrible,"

"It is those bomb created the wasteland that used to be America,"

"Did you guys have any superheroes?"


", how did you get to our world then?"

"I was helping some crazy scientist with their teleporter, and it teleported me to your world and making young again,"

"Wait, how old were you,"

"I was in my sixties, and now I'm back in my 20s,"

"Wow, these scientists must be brilliant and wise?"

"Smart yes, but they bit crazier and moronic over the years with making some mad invention you see in movies,"


"Any more questions, Outlaw?"

"Yes, for you, is Six, your real name?"

"No, isn't,"

"Then what is it?"

"I don't remember my real name,"

"Why not?"

"Well, two bullets to the head would do that to you," Six said emotionless.

Dorothy was silent for the moment and said, "I'm sorry,"

"It's fine, and it is like you can give me a new name and past for me,"

"I can do that,"

For a few hours, Six was standing behind a blue screen with a camera putting him with Dorothy on the other side of it.

"What I'm I doing again?" said SIx

"Taking a few photos smile," said Dorothy, and Six smiles she takes the pictures "perfect,"

"What next,"

"I'm going to make you some fake ids, information, and birth certificate so that you actually exist in the world,"

"Huh, all right,"

"Now I can handle the rest of the harder stuff. Just give me a name you like, and I would put on your ids?"

Six thinks for a moment and comes with a perfect name "Ulysses Jericho,"

"Why that name?"

"It's from a friend who would love to see this world I thought to be good if he names live on,"

"Okay, then let me just work on your ID then you exist in this world,"

"by the way, since you know my name, what is your actual name, Outlaw?"


"I peg you more of a Lisa,"

"Blame my parents for my name,"

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