Royal Blood Part 2

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Six made it to the second floor of the parking garage to see the SUVs parking at the garage's exit.

"Hm, it seems they are blocking the exit in case the queen and the bodyguard are trying to leave," Six thought, then look at his Pip-boy and smirk. "I can take care of that,"

The mercenaries got out of the SUVs. They are armed with assault rifles and heavy-duty body armor. Then the standout person coming out of the SUV is a large mercenary with a massive gun for an arm. This is KGbeast, who puts on his mask, ready for his latest job.

"Easiest payday of my life," said one of the mercenary

"You say it all we have to do for this job is to block the exist no one gets in or out," said the other mercenary

"Do not be cocky, all of you. Sometimes a plan can go wrong," said KGbeast with a thick Russian voice, and then he thought, "too many men for this job in my opinion,"

"Whatever we take on anything with these guns,"

Six undigitized Thump-thump he goes into cover and pops out to fire a grenade into one of the SUVs that explodes, causing the men to be shaken up. He fires another one into the SUVs that are blocking the exit.

"Oh my god, what the hell is going on," said one of the mercenaries.

"Shut up and stay calm just anything that moves," said KGbeast

Then the Courier changes Thump-thump to Laser RCW. He fires a massive amount of laser down on the mercenaries before they can even fight where the laser is coming from and shoot at it. Six managed to seriously wound or half-dead after using one clip, except one KGbeast managed to take cover and found where Six was taking cover.

"I will show this punk what a true weapon is, not that puny gun," KGbeast said to himself as he fires a laser from his gun arm that blows a hole Six cover, and he moves to a parked car.

"Okay, this got more interesting," Six thought as he reloaded his laser gun.

Back to Green Arrow and Black Canary, who see smoke coming from the parking garage up in the Penthouse.

"What in the world is he doing down there," said Black Canary

"Seems like he taking care of the terrorist down below," said Green Arrow

"I should I take a look," said one of the bodyguard

"No, not yet,"

Then two massive harpoons come breaking into the Penthouse window with many mercenaries coming and railing down into the Penthouse.

"We got company!" said Green arrow taking out one of his arrows

As soon as the mercenary came to the apartment Black Canary and Green arrow, they took on the mercenary with the bodyguard's help, not allowing them near the main bedroom. Green arrow uses one of his trick arrows to stick two mercenaries. Then Black Canary knocks some of the mercs out.

Green Arrow looks around to see there are no more mercenaries to fight. "I think we're clear," then an arrow with a small explosive on it "or not,"

"Everyone gets down," Black Canary shouted.

But it was too late as the explosive knocked everyone back, and Black Canary hit her head on the bookcase. Green arrow looked to see his girlfriend hurt.

"Dinah!" said Green arrow.

Then coming into the Penthouse is Merlyn. The two archers grabbed an arrow and aimed their bows at one another.

"Merlyn," said Green arrow in a venoms tone

"Arrow let's how you do in this duel without your pesky bird by your side," said Merlyn, who grins

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