Blackbeard Sword

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Courier six took a flight to Seattle, Washington, for the next job, which is to deliver a sword to a woman who is giving the blade to her father as a birthday gift. Courier put on his Joshua Graham's armor and sunglasses, and he went to the antique sword shop in the west end of the city. The sun was setting, and Six arrived at the ancient shop with a colorful appreciation with Samurai and Knights armor in the display window. The store Neon sign "Lee Swords of The Century."

"All right, this is the place to do what I do best-delivering packages to strangers," Six thought as he entered the store.

Six see the inside of the store with many of the swords is on the wall and a couple of furniture. Six then saw an older man in a yellow and red tracksuit, wearing a Seattle seahawk hat. He is sitting behind the counter, looking at a magazine full of vacation spots in the Pacifica islands and Caribbean islands.

Six goes up to the counter and asks the old men, "Hey, are you the owner of the store?"

"Yes, I am, and are you the guy to pick up the sword,"


"Follow me in the back of the store, and I'll take you there,"

Six fellows the older men to the back of the store full of boxes and empty sword cases. The older man crabs a gift wrap sword case from the top shelf.

"So that sword?" said Six

"Yes, it's a special sword, and the daughter pays much good money for this,"

"What is so special about this sword?"

"This sword was owned by Edward Teach aka Blackbeard, the pirate,"

"Hm, but still there is another question why don't they use FedEx or other shipping company,"

"That what I say, but the client told me that another person wants this sword and do anything to get it,"


"Eh, don't worry about it. I'm sure she is just paranoid about this being that this sword is her father birthday gift," the older man hands Six the gift "the address on the bottom, and it's a bit long way there I suggest take the subway,"

"Thanks for the advice,"

Six leaves the sword shop and heads toward a stopped cab next to a coffee shop, and he knocks on the driver's side window, and the cab driver rolls down the window.

"Hey, are you on the clock?" said Six

"Yeah, just finish my coffee break; where do you want to go?"

"To the nearest subway,"

"All right, just get in the black..." then the taxi cab driver gets shot in the head.

Six looks to see many armed mercenaries on top of the rooftop, and then they begin to shoot at him, and the Courier ducks down against the cab.

"Seriously, why can't I deliver one god damn package without someone or people trying to kill me," Six undigitized Christine's CoS silencer rifle and shoots at the mercenaries on the rooftop, killing two of them.

Six then looked to see a door open in an alleyway, and Six took his chances; he ran toward the door and got inside the building.

Back to the mercenaries, one of them goes to his walkie-talkie and speaks into it "the men still has the sword,"

"Where is he now?" said the other person on the other end of the walkie-talkie

"He went into a.." the mercenary look at the building Six went into "he in a laundromat,"

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