When We Ached - Book Three

By authorhanawalker

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❬ Book Three Of The Untold Truths Series. ❭ {18+} ❴ Can't be read as a standalone. ❵ Hazel parted ways with t... More

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‖Author's Note‖
Character Aesthetics ♚♛


4.1K 138 245
By authorhanawalker

Six months ago.

I browsed through the low-budget venues in Montréal, desperately seeking out a suitable yet cheap place to organize the charity event. The key with charity events is to maintain quality and ensure the event is well attended, but cut out all unnecessary costs to ensure the majority of the money reaches those who need it most. With a limited budget, I was forced to be more creative and flexible for any new suggestions.

My fundraising internship program will be over in two months and I was asked to plan out at least one fundraising event and bring it to real life. My first thought was a charity event because I believed it was something each one of us should help with. If you were content and happy with your life, why not make other people smile too by donating as much as you could?

I had been applying for different jobs like crazy in the last few months and when this fundraising company called me for an interview, I just couldn't turn it down. Despite the fact that this internship was non-paid and I needed money. I had been surviving on my savings and minimizing the expenses as much as I could. I felt like I got an opportunity to do something good for the people in need so I didn't think twice. I was just hoping they would like my work.

My last job definitely gave them a push to consider giving me a chance. I believed I was okay with organizing multiples projects and paying attention to the details, I meant that's what I did best, I'm obsessed with having everything organized. I also had some decent writing, editing, and proofreading skills so it sort of added up to the whole thing.

There was one problem though and it was freaking marketing. I had always sucked big time when it came to business but Mr. Collins, my boss, informed me that the company's marketing mentor will be giving me some lessons on how to get a better insight into the short-term strategy and adapt to the financial transactions. 

The wooden door pushed open after two quick knocks. "Ms. Brooks, do you have a minute?"

A little startled, I stood up from my chair and straightened the material of my mini skirt. "Of course, Mr. Collins, please, come in."

He padded inside the office with some guy following suit. I let my eyes drink in his appearance for a moment, his ash-brown hair slanted a little to the side, highlighting his sharp jawline as a dark-blue shirt clung to his figure, emphasizing his toned body. "This is Mr. Knight, your marketing mentor. He will be helping you with building up the essentials, providing resources, and also pre fundraising exercises. I believe you'd get along well."

That's not exactly what I expected. Wasn't he supposed to be a middle-aged man with glasses and a stern facial expression? I didn't know, someone with experience? This guy barely looked in his mid-twenties.

He offered me a handshake and I couldn't help but notice the chartreuse green in his orbs sparkling a shade softer under the lighting — an almost hypnotizing color. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Brooks."

I grabbed his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Knight."

"Alright then, I must take a leave now that you both have so much work to do. Good luck!" Mr. Collins shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders ever so slightly before heading out.

"Thank you," I said, momentarily diverting my attention to the guy who was barely strolling to the middle of the office, as if unsure of taking a seat without my permission. I tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear and motioned for him to sit. "Please, take a seat, Mr. Knight."

He almost let out a barely audible groan, his tanned skin glowing under the sunlight seeping through the windowpane and somehow accentuating the three-day-stubble covering his jaw. The way I liked it on Ethan. "Please, let's skip the boring formalities. Call me Xander."

"Okay... But you weren't any less formal with me too barely two minutes ago."

"That's because our dearest boss was standing nearby. I'm not into protocols but I have to oblige sometimes. Besides, I believe this co-working will be more productive if we keep the formalities off the table."

"Umm... Sounds good to me," I shrugged.

"Cool." He leaned forward and placed his forearm atop my desk, a bunch of silvery rings cladding his fingers. "So, charity events are ultimately about striking the right balance between increasing attendance and keeping costs down. I'm going to guide you through the marketing basics, including relationship building since you're going to be in direct contact with the clients as well as the attendees. Are we good, ...?" He arched an eyebrow, subtly inquiring about my name.

"Hazel," I said.

"Nice name." He shot me an unreadable look. "So are we good, Hazel?"

"Absolutely but I can't really say I'm looking forward to it since business and I—" I sighed, "are an awful combo."

A rich chuckle escaped his lips. "It's not as bad as you think. A little practice and so much dedication can do the trick. You just have to believe in what you do."

"Okay, then. Let's see what I can do about it but do you think two months are enough? My internship program will end by then and I need to have the event ready."

"Of course, they're more than enough. Marketing doesn't take too much of your essential task. Most of it will be done online anyway and you won't have to overexert in it. You just make sure to pay attention in my class and apply what you've learned." The corners of his lip rose upwards into an amused grin.

I laughed. "Alright, professor. I'll be attentive."


The next few hours were spent discussing the strategy we'll go through during the upcoming months as well as the crucial points of marketing.

By the time I got home, Reem called and we face-timed for like an hour. She was soon-to-be a clinical biochemist and I couldn't be more proud. She had always been a bright science student and I was so delighted to see her achieving her goals. Due to the excessive lack of biochemists in some cities around the country, her superiors, apparently, will assemble a bunch of lists of the interns and classify them accordingly in order to get them transferred to different cities. I wondered how she will handle the long-distance relationship with Vincent. I guessed, no matter how understanding a couple might be of one another, it was still hard.

On a pleasant note, it was summertime here in Montréal and that meant, a bunch of festivals, booze, late-night parties, and a damned whole lot of fun. I honestly didn't remember the last time I had that mind-numbing kind of fun, except for the family celebrations and the rare clubbing nights with my co-workers — in which I had to take care of myself and refrain from overstepping the 'tipsy' phase because I didn't trust anyone.

After taking a long, hot shower to soothe my aching muscles, I started blow-drying my hair. I was seriously getting tired of public transport, working ten hours a day, and waiting for the metro or a cab on top of it; was extremely frustrating. Because all I wanted to do; was go home and relax. I'd passed the driving test but I couldn't drive at all, the thought of grabbing the steering wheel and pressing the gas pedal scared me to the core.

But I had to overcome the fear at some point, I couldn't spend my whole life like this.

I padded towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, taking a few vegetables out. I was in the mood for something salty and a little crispy... Maybe tortilla?

I put them on the countertop and reached out for a knife as I began chopping them as quickly as possible. I still sucked at cooking but my stomach was grumbling anyway. Two years and a half changed everything but my poor cooking skills. How ironic life can be.

I turned the stove on and poured some oil into the skillet, only to place the chopped vegetables on top afterward. The sudden vibration of my phone caught my attention and I reached out to grab it from atop the counter, answering immediately. "Hello?"

"How's my little girl doing?"

I smiled despite the unwanted surge of emotions filling up my chest. Even Kevin called from time to time and not my biological dad. "I'm good, Kevin. Currently cooking dinner. How are you and mum?"

"All's good, sweetheart. I just wanted to let you know that you've been given an appointment at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Is that alright with you?"

Shit, I almost forgot. Kevin arranged an appointment with the animal shelter manager based on my working schedule. Luckily, he happened to be a friend of his. I had been wanting to adopt a little kitty for a while now and I finally got the chance to. She would give me good company.

"Of course, tomorrow is my day off so I'll be there on time. Don't worry."

"I will drop by to pick you up then."

"Oh, you don't have to. I can go alone, don't bother yourself."

"Rubbish. There's nothing bothersome when it comes to my little girls. See you tomorrow."

I pouted. "Alright. Thanks, Kevin."

A few minutes later, my delicious tortilla was ready and enticingly calling out for me. It's so unfair to be a foody who doesn't cook well.

I shoved a forkful into my mouth and moaned at the heavenly mixture of flavors melting in my tongue. It was in moments like these, I wished I had my best friend here. Eating alone could be so depressive sometimes.

When I was done with my meal, I did the dishes and went to my bedroom to begin my hunt for my nail polishes. Girly time proved to be helpful for my mood swings lately so I thought why not?

I pulled the bottom drawer of my dressing table and rummaged for my cosmetic bag. My eyes landed on the pink fabric and I reached down to fish it out. Some accessory dropped down to the floor with a very soft ding and I whirled around to pick it up. The silver glimmered under the bright lighting, foregrounding the star-shaped item dangling from the shimmering silvers so gracefully and revealing two letters: E — H. Our initials.

Suddenly I was taken back to that Christmas Eve with my family and Ethan. When he gifted me this necklace with a dashing smile on his face and a frantically awkward heartbeat. When we were standing under the night sky and surrounded by snow and everything white.

I lowered myself on the bedside, letting my eyes absorb the glistening silvers as they reminded me of all the silvery lies he fed me. Rendering every sweet moment with a touch of brightness; sunk in the sea of dark greys. His way of tampering with my trust and playing his unforgiving game of cards.

There were moments when I wondered if he had the bracelet still, if he got the withdrawals of something long-forgotten and hopeless — something deeply extinguished that smoldered once. But then, I realized that he was incorrigible and perhaps, somethings weren't meant to change.

Strength came with persistence and an optimistic outlook on the future, with hope and the absolute truth and that's how I tried to live my life.

How I tried to mend what was once broken.

★ ★ ★ 

So... Xander, huh? 🙈


Our 'present time' span will start in the next chapter!

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