Being Fearless

By SunnyLD

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Elliot Stevens has been abused and hated her whole life by the person who is supposed to love you always. Ell... More

Note 😏🚨


6.1K 92 127
By SunnyLD

I woke up, expecting to be in pain from the cold hardwood floors but was pleasantly surprised when I woke up to be met with the warmth and softness of a fluffy duvet and a bed.

Opening my eyes and sitting up I stretched letting out a yawn, I scanned the room with my sleep ridden eyes. The room was covered with black and gold, it was quite plain but pretty nonetheless. The bed was a large bed with black bedding. The curtains were blackout curtains.

I swung my feet over the side of the bed, wiggling my toes when they touched the cold ground. I stood up and padded my way to the bathroom trying to find a tooth brush and to pee.

I opened the white door and saw the massive bathroom. The counter was black and white marble with gold accents. This house just loves black, white, and gold. The tub was huge, the size of a jacuzzi, the closer I looked the more I realized it had jacuzzi jets and a heater. So very fancy. The shower was huge and completely glass with rain shower heads. And to top it all off, the floor was heated.

I couldn't wait to use the shower and tub, they just looked so comfortable. I walked to the sink and opened all the drawers until I found an unused toothbrush and toothpaste. I scrubbed relentlessly on my teeth and tongue, ridding myself of morning breath.

I did my business and fixed my hair into a bun leaving the two strands down in the front. A soft knock sounded from the outside door catching my attention. Puzzled, I walked to the door and opened it. There stood Amelia in normal clothes.

"Hey?" I looked at her and asked. Her eyes lit up slightly and a wide smile fell upon her innocent face.

"Hey, I brought you some clothes." She said and handed my the clothes that I hadn't noticed before.

"Oh.." I said looking down at the clothing. "Thank you. Do you wanna come in?" Her smile got wider if that was even possible. I open the door to let her in.

"Woah, this room is amazing." She was looking around the room in amazement. "My room is light pink and white." It perfectly fits her personality. I closed the door and made my way to the bed, sitting my clothes down. She followed me to my bed and sat down.

"Amelia?" She looked at me and nodded yes. "How did you get intertwined with Kaden?" She paused and creased her eye brows.

"What do you mean?"

"You are so innocent and pure, and he's not." She nodded in understanding.

"Well uh." She looked like she was searching for an answer.

"We're you also in the gang?" Her eyes got wide. Hit the nail on the head.

"Kind of. The guy we worked for was a terrible guy. He wanted me to be a prostitute, of course I declined, then he threatened me. Kaden saved me from him." Tears started pooling at the corners of her eyes. I grabbed her face, talking to her gently.

"Hey hey, don't cry, as long as I'm around you don't need to fear anyone or anything okay? I'll never let anyone harm you." She nodded. A small smile forming on her face. I nodded back at her, removing my hands. I ruffled her hair a bit and went to change.

"So, Amelia, how old are you?" I asked her as I took off my shirt facing away from her. She blushed and turned away scratching her neck. I grabbed the black lace bra and hooked it behind my back.

"16." She said shyly, finally looking back at me. I light pink still covered her face.

"How old is Kaden?"

"17." I nodded at her answer. If he was any older I'd beat the fuck out of him. I slipped the black crop top on. It had two straps on the front that you tie behind your back.

"We should go shopping." Amelia said excitedly.

"You can, I'm not staying here." I stated as I pulled on fresh underwear that matched the bra and the black matching Cotton skirt. What is up with all of the black? Even Lia is wearing black, not a lot, but she's still wearing it.

"Oh." Her smile dropped

"Don't be sad, I'll come see you." I placed my hand on her shoulder and crouched down to meet her eye level. "Just think of me as your sister you never got to have, okay?" She smiled at me and gave me a hug which I replicated.

I may be a dick and heartless but I still have empathy for innocent people especially those as young as Lia. I don't know the full story of her boss but by the fear I saw in her eyes, I know he did a lot more than just threaten her.

I pulled away wiping away her few tears giving her the best smile I could muster. I could tell she saw it didn't meet my eyes but she still accepted it as me caring for her.

We stood up and made our way to the door. Luca wanted to speak to me this morning and I had a few choice words to tell him too.

Lia and I chatted as we walked, along the way, Kaden joined us. We made it to the door and heard yelling coming for inside. Confused, I walked to the door to see what was happening. Just as I was about to twist the handle, the door shot open revealing a very pissed off Alex. His face softened slightly when he saw me but my neutral expression changed to one of disgust and anger. Seeing his face slightly bruised from my punch last night made he smirk internally. I was grateful the neither Amelia nor Kaden had said anything about last night during our walk here but I'm sure Alex would.

"El-" I stopped him before he could even finish his word.

"Don't fucking talk to me Alex. I don't want to hear your voice or see your face." I stated harshly give bing him a glare.

"I'm sor-" I cut him off again.

"What the fuck do you not understand about I don't want to hear or see you?" His jaw clenched and his muscles tightened. He was mad and so was I but I wouldn't back down. His finally gave an angry puff and left, stomping the entire way down the hall. I rolled my eyes a mumbled 'child' under my breath. Lia chuckled shaking her head. I gave them a wave as I made my departure to Lucas office.

I walked in and he was twirling his wedding around his fingers. I saw a butterfly tattoo on his left middle finger that I hadn't noticed before.

"Luca." I addressed him and took a seat. I folded my legs over one another waiting patiently.

"Elliot." He addressed me back.

"I see you figured out my name." He nodded his head agreeing with me.

"I figured it was your name when you and Alex had that fight last night." I gave him a 'hmm'

"Let's get into it shall we."

"We shall. So as I'm sure you already know we are the mafia, the Italian one. Since you know about us and your very clear skill set, I've decided that you will work for me." He stated as if it was the smartest thing he's ever said.

"No." His face dropped, my face still neutral not giving away anything.

"What do you mean no?!" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't wanna work for you. I'm my own person and no one tells me what I can and cannot do." I said, putting my leg back down and sitting up straighter.

"It wasn't a request." He was a playful person but in this moment, he was angry.

"And no one tells me what to do." I was getting bored of this conversation. I stood up walked the door.

"Your mother isn't dead." Luca said, just as to door opened the slightest amount. I stood frozen for a moment before I closed the door and turned back towards him.


"Your mother, she's alive." He leaned back and put his feet on his desk.

"How do you know?" He just shrugged.

"I have my ways." None of this makes sense. How could she be alive. Dad told me that the day she died was the saddest day of his life. I saw her death certificate when I was searching for a picture of her. All of her things were in a box. She can't be alive.

"Even if she was alive, which she's not, why would I help you?" He put his feet down and propped his arms on his desk and set his chin in his palms.

"Revenge." He gestured to the seat I was once in and I sat down wanting to know more about the mother I never had. "I will cut you a deal."

"Okay. Let's here it." He smiled, his demeanor instantly lighting up. I could tell that he dislikes being angry and much prefers to be kind and funny.

"You do one mission for me and you never have to see my face ever again in exchange for your mother." That didn't seem too bad but I knew there was a catch.

"What's the catch Luca." I said in more of a statement than a question.

"The mission will take a year. Maybe even longer." He shrugged.

"What's the mission about?" I was curious but also frustrated.

"Calm down ghost, we are getting there. But first, do you accept?" I thought it over for a moment. Is it really worth it? I'd get answers and it's not like I have anything better to do with my life.

"Fuck it. Can I have a gun?" Luca laughed.

"Of course you can but not until the mission beings. Speaking of..." the door opened and in came Kaden, Amelia, and Alex. "Ah the group of misfits have arrived."

"Fuck off Luca." Alex grumbled. I glared at him and he glared back.

"Okay okay stop it you two." Luca said referring to me and Alex. "Now let's get started. As Alex and Elliot already know, you four amigos are going on a year long mission." Luca said, giving us jazz hands. Lia look startled and Kaden just looked bored.

"Don't look too excited cause some of you could die." He gave us a car sales man smile and we all just blinked at him. "Kidding... mostly." He gave the suspicious eyes and scratched the back of his neck.

"Anyway. What's the mission about?" I asked. Kaden nodded wanting to know too. He was a man of very few words.

"Picture this, you four, living your best lives. Just partying across the country." He looked out dreamily.

"That doesn't seem like much of a mission." Kaden commented.

"I haven't even gotten to best part yet." He gave us a smirk. "You guys get to do all sorts of things collect supplies, steal stuff, infiltrate our enemies, torture and kill people, all sorts of tasks that are required around the world for us. Now I know that seems like a lot for you four but do not fret, people of our team will be scattered around the places you guys go because a group of four looks a lot less suspicious than a group of 30 or more."

"I-I didn't agree to this." Lia said uneasily. She had a point and honestly I didn't want her to get hurt in this.

"You agreed when you stepped into my home child." I saw tears pricking to corner of Amelia's eyes. She shoved her face into Kaden's chest who started soothing her by patting her hair and whispering soft words to calm her down. He glared at Luca. I stood up, clenching my jaw, eyes dead set on Luca at his desk.

"I was being nice before, but you are pushing it Luca. Watch your fucking mouth." I hissed at him. He looked taken aback by my out burst but quickly shook it off.

"You might be big and bad out there, but in here, you are nothing."

"Don't underestimate me Luca." I said venom lacing my voice. He didn't know what I was capable of.

"You think you are this mighty person Elliot but behind that mask you are weak." The words my father had once said to me rang in my head. The way he'd beat me and call me weak every time I fell. He way he'd relentlessly beat me and make me fight him knowing I would lose. He made me a monster. Sure I could still be hurt but my pain tolerance was higher, the punches harder, my reflexes quicker. He made me do so many terrible things to make me suffer, things you couldn't even dream of.

"Luca calm down." Alex said. I didn't even realize he had stood up until I felt his hand on my back. I grabbed his hand and pushed him off of me.

"No Luca, don't calm down. I'll show you just how bad I can be."

On the way into the house I had seen people shirtless or wearing workout gear heading to a room. I stomped my way to said room with everyone trailing behind me.

I burst through the gym style metal doors to see a multitude of people working out or sparring. I made my way to the ring, kicking off my shoes and pushing the two people sparring out of it.

"Your lovely boss is doubting my abilities, so, whoever can beat me can have my car, my entire life savings, my motorcycle, and my house in California." I clapped my hands together after I finished "Who's first?" Multiple people raised their hands. Now you may be thinking 'Elliot, that's your entire life what if you lose!?'

Baby, I never lose.

The group I came in with were standing around the ring looking solemn. Lucas motioned for one of the guys to come into the ring. He was about 6'6, blonde, and a wall of muscle. He got into stance in front of me and I just stood there, stupid I know.

This is the mafia so there are no rules. No protection. Pure brute force.

The guy swung at me with his right fist, I dodged it easily. He had predicted I'd dodge it and swung his left fist towards my face. I dropped to the floor and kicked his legs from underneath him. He thumped to the floor and I jumped back to my feet. I let him stand which made him mad. He swung at me harder narrowly missing me but his other hand hit me in the face making my head turn to the side busting my lip in the process. I could taste blood in my mouth from his hit.

Cheers sounded through the room from the other members. During fighting you could rely on anger alone because then you get sloppy, BUT having anger and great skills at reading peoples body language and eyes makes you unstoppable during a fight.

Before he could land another hit, I caught his fist mid air catching him off guard. I twisted him over my back and landed on top of him, relentlessly hitting him in the face. After a few hits I stopped and stood. Turning to the crowed I smiled, blood covering my teeth. "Who's next?"


The moment I had gotten a taste of blood, I craved more. The only thing circling my mind were things my father made me endure. It fueled my rage and bloodlust it didn't help that Luca egged me on after I found out about my mother.

Punch. Thud. I sent my final blow the last person who thought they could beat me. 27 men and women later, I'd only been hit once. All of them either knocked out our tapped out. The people who didn't fight me cheered for me. Lia, Alex, Luca, and Kaden were sat gobsmacked at me. Lia looked frightened, Alex looked turned on pig, Kaden looked impressed, and Luca looked.... proud..?

"Anyone else!?" I yelled at the people around the ring. No one said anything just looked around to see if anyone would raise their hands. When no one did, they looked back at me. "That's what I thought."

"You did well ghost. You will do great things. Everyone in this room needs to step up their game. I want you all to train harder and to be better." Luca said to me and everyone in the room. Everyone here respected him and I did too in my own way. What he said caught me off guard though.

"Did you really set me up?" He nodded. "You fooled me."

"I wanted to see what you were made of and clearly I was correct in thinking you were a strong fighter." I gave me a grin making me shake my head and smirk. Luca pissed me off but he did it in a sneaky way which I admire. I walked out of the ring and grabbed a towel and water to wipe off the remains of my fighting. I wiped my face and drank half the bottle of water as I walked up to him.

He held up his hand for a high five. I looked at his hand then his face and shook my head. I caved and gave him a high five.

"Good job El." I heard Lea say. I turned to look at her to see her smiling brightly at me.

"Thanks blondy." I ruffled her hair laughing at her distaste at messing up her hair.

"Yeah, good job." Alex said. My mood instantly died. My sense heightened and I became on edge.

"Don't talk to me." I didn't even look at him. Instead I just walked toward the doors.

"Why are you still so mad about it?" I heard him say angrily.

"I'm not mad per say. I just don't like you." I pushed the doors open and strutted out hearing the wolf whistles of the guys in the room making me smirk.

I made my way to my room to shower. Entering the room I saw my phone sitting on the nightstand. I picked it up and turned it on. It was fully charged and I had missed calls from David and some other people at the track. I sent a quick text to David telling him I'm fine and I'll tell him what happened in a bit.

With my phone in tow I walked into the large bathroom and found a fluffy black towel and a brand new blue loofa.

I walked to the tub wanting to relax for a bit and to release the tension in my muscles. My adrenaline was wearing off and the pain was starting to set in. It wasn't a harsh pain, merely a slight ache.

I plugged the drain and turned the water on as hot as I could stand. I spotted a bottle of strawberry scented bubbles and poured some in. I turned on some music to pass the time so I went to my Spotify playlist called 'My favorite songs' for obvious reasons.

The first song was Parents by YUNGBLUD. Turning the volume up as loud as I could get it, I sat it on the counter. I sang and danced around the bathroom waiting for the tub to fill up. The next song came on as it was almost filled so I stripped my clothes off and stepped into the hot bubbly water. The song wasn't as up beat, it was Feeling Whitney by Post Malone. I settled into the water letting out a content sigh. The music drowning out behind me.

I clicked the jacuzzi button and the jets instantly shot out agitating the water.

I closed my eyes and let out a pleasant sigh all of the tension leaving my body. Just as I was about to fall into a slight sleep, someone came into the bathroom.

"Why are you in my bathroom?" I looked to see where the voice came from to be met by none other than Alex.

"Your room? Last time I checked this is my room." I said annoyed.

"No, I let you sleep here last night. Did you not see the clothes that are very clearly mine in the closet?" His said in a duh tone.

"I didn't have time to look around" I closed my eyes back and sighed. I shifted my body a bit to get more comfortable.

Terrible idea.

One of the jets was angled directly between my legs. My eyes shot open and I gripped the side of the tub.

"You are an A plus idiot." Alex was stood with one hand on his hip staring at me. I bit my lip trying to suppress a moan. My eyes fighting to roll back.

"Can you just fuck can you just get out?!" There is no way I can hold back my moans for much longer. Alex realized what's happening and smirked. I squeezed my eyes shut and threw my head back letting out a gasp. Now I know what you are all thinking, 'Elliot just move off of the jet' well I was hoping he'd leave and it feels way too good.

"Fine fine but I will need my room back tonight" he gave me a wink and left, closing the door behind him. I finally moaned not even caring if he could hear me or not. I turned the jets faster. The sensation of the water pelting my sensitive bud was sending me into over drive. My vision was clouded by the pleasure. My moans echoed throughout the bathroom drowning out the music.

"Fuck that feels so good!" I screamed in ecstasy. I don't know how much longer I can last.

"I can hear you." I heard Alex yell from behind the door. I smirked, deciding to give him a show. I crept my hand to my aching bud. And started gently rubbing. My moans became louder. I stuck two fingers in and started making the 'come here' motion.

"Ughhh fuck. That feels so fucking good!" I moaned out, throwing my head back.

My climax was approaching and the tightness in my stomach was becoming increasingly more hard to tame.

My moans became louder and my legs were starting to shake. My climax finally reached its peak and I was a quivering mess. The jet on my overly sensitive bud was becoming too much stimulation so I moved off of it.

My breathing was raspy and labored as I tried to catch my breath. Once I was recuperated I cleaned the remains of my orgasm off and scrubbed the rest of my body clean.

Unplugging the drain I stood up on shaky legs and grabbed the towel off of the rack. I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped from the tub. I walked to the sink to bruh my teeth and to get my phone that was still playing music. Once I was done I exited the bathroom to see a very underdressed Alex lying in his bed.

He had on only a pair of black boxers that were too tight and showed everything he had to offer. He had a very clear boner and let me tell you, he was large.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said with a smirk. I pulled my phone out and did just that. He laughed throwing his head back. I shrugged him off and walked to his closet to grab some clothes because I'm nude.

"Ya know, you aren't that bad when you aren't rushing all the time." Alex said from behind me.

"Thanks I guess." I was standing on my tippy toes trying to reach a t-shirt I had spotted at the top. I'm not short but I'm not super tall.

"Here let me help you." He grabbed my hips and moved me move letting me glare at him as he grabbed the shirt and handed to me.

He didn't leave, instead he just stood there staring at me.

"Are you gonna get out or....?"

"I was hopping to get a show." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and hit him with the shirt.

"Ah ow you psycho. Alright alright stop abusing me I'm gone." He held his hands up in surrender and left. I put on the plain black shirt and grey cotton sweatpants I had already found. I walked out drying my hair and closing the closet door.

I walked past Alex, threw my used towel at him, and left the room without another thought.

My room was next door to his. They were set up in the same fashion so I settled into the bed and fell into another dreamless sleep, not knowing what was to come.


Just needed to share this with you guys. Anyway toodles 😩☝️

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