Checkmate: THE NEXT LEVEL (R)

By Love_Bri94

373K 21.8K 18.6K

Mya and Chris take on the married life. Will they be able to handle all of the obstacles that it brings Tim... More

Bonus Ch.1 - Breezy Knows Best
Bonus Ch.2 - Chatting With the Andersons
Bouns Ch 3. - Causing Trouble


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By Love_Bri94

Chapter Fourteen
Downtown Los Angeles - A Month Later

It was finally time for the Anderson family to sit down and hash out their issues. Mya had to pay Dr. Thompson for 5 hours and he ain't cheap. They also thought it would be best not to have this session at his office. So Mya used an open space in her warehouse. She had somebody to come set everything up and her dads restaurant catered.

Once everybody showed up they ate then took their seats. They were all spaced apart but in a semi circle and they made sure that the people with the strongest problems were furthest apart.

Chris was there and Lilia also.

The tension was thick as expected. Nobody really said much to each other except for the girls. Tim was contemplating on walking out because he knew he'd be the center of attention with everything that happened.

"Are we ready to get started?" Dr. Thompson asked.

They all nodded or said yes.

"Perfect, first I want to thank you all for meeting with me tonight. I spoke with mom and your parents and they all feel that this is extremely needed. Before we get started I want to make sure I have everyone's names right, so from youngest to oldest Mya, Timothy, Kayla, Mariah and Brian correct?"

"That's correct." Makayla said.

" I don't want to make things uneasy for anyone but I did ask for Syren to join us because I know from the bits and pieces that were given to me that she's a huge problem but she's carrying Tim's baby. Timothy, is she here?"

Tim sighed. "Outside."

"Can you get her please?"

Mya instantly tensed up. Chris pulled her closer to him, whispering in her ear telling her to take deep breathes and relax. He gently kissed her forehead and rubbed her arm.

Eventually Tim returned with Syren not too far behind. When they sat down he made sure to keep enough space between them.

"Thank you for coming Syren." Dr. Thompson said.

"Thanks for having me." She responded all cheery. She knew that her presence had the Anderson women bothered and she loved it.

"Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, how are you two feeling about all of this?"

"Disappointed." Makayla answered. "My children can't stand the sight of each other and it's just crazy to me and it breaks my heart. They were always raised to always have each other's backs no matter what and lately it's been everything but that. Even going back to when Mya and Kayla had their issues. I just want it all to stop."

"When I heard about the stuff that was going on I thought it would be something simple and then dirt under the rug but the I hear that it's way much more than that. I got my oldest son going after my baby girl. My baby boy against damn near everybody. It just doesn't make any sense to me and it all needs to be fixed tonight." Sam said.

Dr. Thompson nodded while writing in his notepad. "Brian, you're the oldest so I'm going to start with you. How are you feeling about everything?"

Brian shrugged. "I really feel nothing honestly. Everybody's mad at Tim because of who he got pregnant but at the end of the day he's a grown man."

"Okay but I was mainly referring to your issues with Mya. I've heard that you two seem to not really get a long and your main issue is who she married."

Sinking down in his seat, he folded his arms. "If she's happy I'm happy. Simple as that."

"Look, I need you to be vocal with me tonight. We're here for a while and we're here to fix any issues. What's going on with you and Mya? Better yet what's your issues with Chris?"

".........never really cared for him. Before my sister even got with him I thought he was a bad dude and everybody's like well you need to get to know him and you can't go based off what the media said at first I was like they're right but then he gets with Mya and he proves everybody right. Cheated on her with two women at once, when he thought she was on a date with somebody he publicly humiliated her. The only thing I haven't heard about is him hitting her but nobody knows what happens when we're not around. I'm not about to kiss his ass because he's famous. All I care about is my sisters well being, not just Mya but Kayla and Mariah. I hated Mariah's husband, I didn't want her to marry him and Kayla she's pregnant by one of Chris's friends that's not any better. If me being overprotective makes me a bad brother then I guess that's what I'll be."

"Can I ask a question?" Mariah asked.

"I'm nervous but sure." Dr. Thompson said.

"You're judging us but you and your wife are having issues that must be pretty bad because you're in California. What's up with that? What's going on in your perfect little life?"

"Him sitting here judging Chris for cheating is honestly funny as hell to me." Lilia said.

"Pot calls the kettle black huh?" Mya said.

"Chris how do you feel about what Brian said?" Dr. Thompson asked.

"I have absolutely no feelings towards whatever issues he got. He said that everybody should turn their cheek about Tim getting ol'girl pregnant but he don't have to do that with shit I did years ago. I'm not the same man I was and I made sure things was good before I married her. Now focus on yo issues and stop worrying about me my nigga." Chris said.

"It ain't you I'm worried about trust me. I could care less if anything happened to you." Brian said.

"The feeling is mutual, trust me."

"Okay, alright....this is not how things are going to go tonight." Dr. Thompson said while sitting up. 

"I really wanna know who this nigga think he is." Brian asked.

"Chris motherfuckin Brown bitch, that's who the fuck I am. Keep talking shit though."

"Chris, stop seriously." Mya said while holding his face and making him look at her.

"Say that shit to that nigga. I'm sick of his ass. I've said two words to him since we've been together and he got this whole issue with me. Shit is stupid."

"Can we move on please?" Mya asked Dr. Thompson.

He nodded and exhaled. "Everybody take a breather."

"Whew, we gone need some drinks child." Mariah said. "Shit and maybe some drugs."

"Chris?" Brian said and Chris just exploded. Mya tried to keep Chris in his seat but it was pointless so Sam and Tim had to get up.

"Chris I need you to relax son, it ain't worth it." Sam told him while pulling him back.

"Yeah just sit down man, he want you to be crazy so he can feel like he right about everything." Tim said.

It took a minute but they finally got him to settle down. Mya was shaking so bad that she had to step out.

"I need to go check up on my wife." Chris said trying to get people from around him. "Let me make sure she good."

"Everybody just take a second and regroup. But in separate areas please." Dr. Thompson said before getting out of his seat and heading to the bathroom. The session just started and it was already chaotic.

Chris went to find Mya. She was in her office, sitting in a chair rubbing her stomach and taking deep breaths. "Baby." He called.


"I'm sorry."

"You have no reason to apologize, that was all him."

"But I got you like this. You okay?" Chris started rubbing her stomach.

"Just a little cramping that's all. This was probably a bad idea huh? I'm pregnant, Kayla's pregnant that other bitch is pregnant. I don't need nobody losing their baby because nobody can control themselves."

"Maybe you should've waited but everybody is here now. Let's just hope things go differently after your stupid ass brothers. Besides we know the reason that Tim teaching Landon to say what he say, we kind of owe him an apology for thinking he was just trying to be irresponsible."

"Yeah, he still should've said something though."


Mya sighed. "Let's go get another plate of food then head back in there. I'm going to pray that things go better from here."

"Ima keep my cool. Hopefully I won't have to do or say anything else. I just wanna keep you cool and calm."

"Brian just needs to chill and the fact that he may be cheating while trying to criticize you is just hilarious to me! People are something else."

"Fuck him. I'm sorry Mya but I'll never try to have any type of relationship with that nigga."

"I'm not pressuring you too."

"You ready to go back?"

Mya nodded while standing up and grabbing his hand and led them back to where everybody was and they sat back in their seats. Chris honestly was over this night but was trying to stick it out for Mya.

Once Dr. Thompson came back from taking a minute, he was ready to get things rolling again and end this session. "Is every one okay?" He asked

They all nodded.

"Okay." He continued while taking a deep breath. "So next problem. Mya, Syren and Timothy.....Tim I'm going to start with you. Now I have talked to Mya about this situation before and she's really hurt. Why did you think starting a relationship with Syren was the best thing to do, knowing the history between your sister and your child's mother?"

Mya shifted in her seat, not really ready to discuss this but she had no choice.

"It wasn't a relationship, it was sex and that's it and that's what it always been. At one point I used to think that she was somebody I wanted to be with and for some reason shit just kept us apart but the reality is that's not how shit laying at all. I admit that I'm very wrong for ever going back to her after everything she's done to my family. I asked her to not have this baby but she was persistent to keep it and I know it's not because she wants a baby with me or anything, it's because she knew that she'd piss Mya off. That's her ultimate goal in life, to make my sister mad all because she with CB and she jealous." Tim explained.

"Mya were you aware that Syren liked Chris or did you ever sense any jealousy from her?"

"No, everything blindsided me honestly. When I first got with Chris she mentioned having sex with him was on her bucket list but I never took it as a crush. When we were around them in Miami she never gave him much attention, she actually flirted with his cousin and then I always knew that she had her thing for Tim, proud side chick. So when her and my sister teamed up against me I was very confused." Mya said.

"Syren how do you feel about Mya?"

"She's very cocky for no reason. Think she's invincible because of who she's married to. She used to kill me with the act like she was never interested in the money and the diamonds but flaunted them every chance she got. This isn't the same girl that I grew up with."

"You don't have a real issue so that's how you know you're just jealous." Mariah's said.

"I know you want to take up for your sister Mariah but hold on just a second." Dr. Thompson jumped in. "But she's right. These are all thoughts that you're having there is no real issue between you and Mya and the fact that she was your best friend at one point in time makes this even worse."

"There's nothing to be jealous of. Yeah he's Chris Brown but he's also abusive, a cheater, a drug addict, a narcissist, and I'm sure there's more. Who would want that?" Syren asked.

Mya laughed. "You since your baby's father is also abusive, a cheater, a drug addict, poor, a free loader, childish, irresponsible, and I'm sure there's more."

"Throwing insults will not help solve anything. Let's act like mature adults here." Dr. Thompson said. "Syren besides the whole feeling that Mya wasn't humble enough was there any real issues?"

"I just felt like my best friend was no longer there. I've known Mya since we were kids and it hurt to see my friend push me to the side to chase behind something guy."

"Wait a minute you feel like Mya neglected you?"

Syren stared at Mya before nodding her head. "Yeah, unfortunately I do."

"Mya how do you feel about that?"

"That's shocking to main issue with Syren before everything else was her not being there when I needed her. She put Kayla before me, they were busy chasing behind Hoody. Chris and I both had busy schedules so we weren't even always together. And if me neglecting her was the issue, it should've been us having a conversation not you trying to paint me as a monster or bash me when you had the chance. So don't pull that stunt Syren. We came here to be honest, let's do that."

"I got closer with your sister because she was there. When I wanted to have a heart for heart, she was there. You were so in love and infatuated with your husband that's all you knew. I stopped helping because you'd run to Eva or EJ or Munchie and ask them for everything. His friends became number one to you Mya."

"If this is how you felt why couldn't you just say that?! You turned my sister against me! You stole money from my husband! You and my sister sat in my kitchen and talked Shìt about me to my face. When all you had to do was be a grown ass woman and say how you felt. I went to those people because you were NOT there! I had to move Mariah and her kids from Florida because the people I thought were here for me weren't! I didn't put them first, you put me last so I went with those who'd help. You said out of your own mouth that the issue was Chris choosing me and that I wasn't even his type. Can we please start being honest here, if we can't then this conversation is pointless."

"Okay hold on you two, take a breather. Kayla, you were apart of this problem. Syren said she confided on you. Do you believe what's she saying? And I don't want you to agree with Mya because you two are on better terms or because she's your sister. I want the truth." Dr. Thompson said.

Kayla shifted in her seat before looking at her sister then at Syren. "Honestly, the most Syren and I talked about when it came to Mya was how she felt that Mya changed and then she'd tell me the things that Mya has supposedly said. I'm not saying that the way she feels isn't true but it was just never discussed with me."

"Did you feel like your relationship with Syren was genuine?"

"At the beginning I felt like it was. I've known her just as long as Mya, then as time went on and I had other people trying to get me to see what was really going on she was just trying to come in between me and my sister."

"What was she telling you?"

"That Mya was saying I was using her, that I had nothing going for myself."

"Why did you believe her?"

"At first I didn't then I started thinking that's my sisters best friend, what reason would she have to lie. As time went on and I talked to my mom and my siblings and that helped me see what was going on."

"Do you think Syren is jealous of Mya?"

Kayla instantly nodded. "I do and the things she does just proves it. She's holding too much hate in her heart and being too maliciously. She's not acting like someone who's hurt but more like someone who wants revenge."

"Agreed." Mariah said.

The room grew silent and Dr. Thompson wrote in his notepad his thoughts. As bad as Syren didn't want to admit it she was definitely jealous. Someone who was hurt because of someone distancing themselves wouldn't do everything to get that person angry or force themselves into that persons life. "I want to be able to find a way that you two can at least be cordial if you two are willing. But before I do that Mya, you told me that there's something you wanted to say to your brother."

She nodded. "Yeah, so Landon's teacher called Chris and I in for a meeting and she tells us that Landon had been saying mean things to the kids in his class and we found out that Tim taught him this just to be childish but Landon told us what was going on. His classmates were calling him niggers and monkeys. These young 5 year old babies were being racist towards my child and he ran and told his uncle because me and his father were busy and I wish we weren't but anyway. Tim, I wish you would've came to me as soon as he told you and even though your choice of words were crazy, they deserved every bit of it. So I'm sorry for accusing you of trying to teach Landon bad things. I don't understand why you didn't tell me though when I came to your house about it but that the past. I'm sorry, Chris and I both are sorry."

"Tim what do you have to say?"

Tim sighed. "I wanted to tell y'all but it was already a bunch of other shit going on. I should've said something though and I apologize for not doing so. With everything that has happened I'm really trying to learn how to think things through more. That's the reason that I do a lot of reckless shit because I don't think about it first. I can't move like that no more especially with a child on the way. I wanna apologize to everybody. I know I disappoint y'all with the decisions I make but that's just due to me being careless. You really have to sit and face reality when everybody around you that you counted on turns away. It's been hard but I'm managing. Mya I feel like I owe you the biggest apology you've looked out for me in every way possible, you and Chris. I know the trust with us is gone but I hope one day I can prove myself to you and we can get back to how we were of close to it. Syren...all the unnecessary drama that you keep trying to start with my family it stops tonight man. We have a baby on the way, this is my child's family. The people who always looked out for you when you was hungry, sad, mad, needed a place to stay, that was them and for you to be doing all of this over....nothing, it's crazy. The shit gotta stop. I saved you and spared you because I do care about you but you not about to keep playing with or disrespecting none of my sisters. If you mad about Chris, get over it. He didn't want you, he never approached you. If you really hurt about Mya abandoning you, shake that shit off and keep it pushing. Be mature and talk to her one day. But all that petty shit stops today. I'm over it and I'm sure everybody else is. Let's just live our lives man, that's why we here on this earth, to live.......that's all I gotta say."

Every body looked at time proud, yet surprised.

"Well said Tim." Dr. Thompson said. "Does anybody else have anything they want to say?"

Sam sat up and looked around the room. "You know I'd give anything to sit down in a room with my brothers and hash out our issues. Both of them left this earth before we could fix anything. Our beef was all over money and nobody was ever man enough to step up and say that enough was enough. I'm the only one left and I'm stuck hoping and wishing. Tim said it best, live your life. All this arguing and belittling each other isn't going to get anybody anywhere, it just keeps you bitter. All of y'all need to leave whatever problems you have right here. Im not saying be the best of friends but be adults and at least be cordial or pretend the person you can't tolerate doesn't exist. Im sick of the fights and the arguing. Stop acting like a bunch of kids. Stop it." After that Sam grabbed his keys got up and left the room.

"I think we're going to end tonight's session there."

Everybody else got up and grabbed their things to leave. Nobody said a word to each other, just went their separate ways.

That remained the mood for the rest of the night. They all just took in everything that happened and everything that was said. And now it's time to decide if they were ready to move on or keep the craziness going.

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