Best Friend ✔ [Completed]

By ChinkiChilliChicken

258 107 11

Imagine you left your school for a year and when you come back, you find your best friends bullying a girl. W... More

About The Story
Character Description
The Change
Too Late
Ice Cream
The Dark Room
No, I'm Stacy
I can manage her
I 👀 u miss me
Hailey Vs Leah
What actually happened
Us, But Stronger
Fun Facts which are not even Fun
QnA Round
QnA Answers
Bonus Chapter


14 4 3
By ChinkiChilliChicken

Leah POV

Oh shit oh shit oh shittttt. First Hailey, now this? Deal with it bitch, I'm leaving. Wait no—

I get it I was desperate to get a hug from her a few minutes ago, but this position is too overwhelming.. Her leaning over me is definitely nothing that I ever imagined..

"Tell me the reason to everything." She demanded, which for some reason, I found hot. I'm falling, hard.

"I said it before. It's better if I don't and," I pushed her away from me before I did anything bad "you were too close. We are not best friends anymore, keep yourself in control." I said and got off the bench. Lia looked surprised at my sudden act. "But—"

"Go away Amelia, stay away from me! We lost out friendship and won't ever come back!" I said and stormed off, regretting every word I said.


Another normal day, except everything goes abnormally. Jennifer is coming back today and I don't wanna go to school. But then there's him..

You'll get rid of him soon. Awh, thanks for it but WHY THE HELL DID YOU LEAVE ME ALONE YESTERDAY?! Oops Aight' imma head out. Wait no not again—

I sighed and got out of my bed. I mean, I'd rather go to school than stay at home with him. At least today's Friday. He will not be here for the weekend.

I got dressed and headed off to the hell on Earth.


Standing in front of the gate, I wished I didn't meet that tail less monkey today and headed in. Aaaand I saw the tailless monkey. What a great day. Rip.

"Well well well, look who came to school today." "Oh, someone very important, your death." I replied slyly "Well, you won't be mine, but I will be yours. What would happen if I told dad?" And that hit me like a bitch.

"Know your place." "Above you? Sure." Hit her so hard that her nose falls off her ugly face. Heh.


Oops, the nose didn't fall off, but her teeth did. "I warned you before honey, you did this to yourself."

She fell on the ground, both her hands covering her mouth, a thin line of blood coming out of the gaps between her fingers. I smirked and walked to class. Thankfully, there was no one at the gate. Today's my lucky day, isn't it? Yep.


Ufff finally class ended. So, today..

"Leah Lewis, kindly report to the headmaster's office immediately. I repeat, Leah Lewis, kindly report to the headmaster's office immediately. Thank you."

Ahh never mind, today is not my lucky day. Should've stayed at home. Wait..didn't he say that he'd whip me this time? I gulped. You did this to yourself Leah, deal with it.

I walked to the headmaster's office, my palms sweaty, and knocked of the door. "Come in." I quietly entered the room and stood behind our headmaster, whose back was currently facing me.

"M-mrs. Kylie?" I stuttered. She turned around, and I wanted to run away, but I held my body still. "Ah Leah, are you having some problems with Jennifer?" She asked me.

"I-i don't know anymore. She just does things that anger me.." "I see, what is your excuse this time?" "She started it.." "She always does, what happened THIS time?"

"She told me that my standards are below her.." "And?" I remained quiet. "Nothing else?" I nodded.

"Look Leah, I get it that her words might get on your nerves, but that doesn't means that you'll get into violence. Violence is not a good practice. Yes, you might use it for self defence, but when you use violence first, it makes you the bad guy. This situation could have been tackled with words, but you decided to use violence. You know that this is against the school laws and I'll have to suspend you. But this is the last warning, if I notice this kind of behavior again, I'll have to expel you. And this time, Amelia won't be able to sav—"

She got cut off by a knock on the door. "Come in." She said and—
Amelia peeked in..Oo your saviour~ Shut up.

"Ah yes Amelia, I was expecting you since Leah us here. But not today Amelia, let me decide this time." "But Mrs. Ky—" "No Amelia, go and eat your lunch." "Bu—" "No buts, now go."

Amelia quietly nodded, and closed the door, leaving me once again hopeless. And I oops—

"So as I was saying.." And the lecture began again.


As expected, he came to pick me up. But today, he came in a car which I never saw before. Probably another illegal business.

"Get in the fucking car." He ordered coldly. "" I mumbled under my breath. "Did you say something?" He asked rudely. "No.."

I got in the backseat of the car, and we headed off to our house, a series of non stop cussing throughout the ride.

Just another great day back at the dark room. But this time, for a whole week and whips.


Pls don't kill me—

Don't worry I won't actually include any whipping, there will be a twist in the story. If you have read the other chapters carefully, you'll know what the twist is. Anyways,
Thanks for reading,
*blows kisses*

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