Breathe : skephalo

De Toiletowater

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(simply isn't gonna fix any spelling/grammar mistakes in this book, so heads up for that. Also, keep in mind... Mais

Another day. Chapter one
Captured. Chapter two
Unsteady breathing, and bad memories. Chapter three
Breathe, it's okay. Chapter four
Tough times. Chapter five
Repeat : chapter six
Popcorn : chapter seven
Ambien : chapter eight
Huges : cheaper nine
Chapter eleven : the moments
Chapter twelve : in awe
Chapter thirteen : eyes
Chapter fourteen : princess
Chapter fifteen : Michael
Chapter sixteen : pizza and dark green
Chapter seventeen : frozen
Chapter eighteen : beeping
Chapter nineteen : the fallen angle
Chapter twenty : the faint line
Chapter twenty-one : finally like normal
Chapter twenty-two : snow
Chapter twenty-three : shirtless
Chapter twenty-four : speeding
Chapter twenty-five: sirens
Chapter twenty-six : drugged up
Chapter twenty-seven : decorations
Chapter twenty-eight : golden
Chapter twenty-nine: one
Chapter thirty: the end

Red and black : chapter ten

830 32 81
De Toiletowater

Vincent is now removed from this book, he will be replaced by a new character, he is for the time being still gonna stay French tho, but I will prb change that in the future to come.


first-person pov (Zak)

I and Adam let go of each other and we all started making our way into the park, there was little to no people here except a few walking their dogs and an old man jogging.

As we got further in, about halfway from the playground we were heading too. this whole walk Adam kept looking around, he almost seemed scared, or paranoid of some sort. And with what happened back at the car I couldn't lie I was nervous and of course, worried.

Tyler and Michael didn't seem to notice, we'll it's not that weird when considering they are either on top of each other or play fighting whenever they're together. But Isaac seemed to notice, at least to an extent, he keeps looking at Adam, or even looking around himself.

The park is put together in the way that in the middle there's a playground with forest surrounding it, there's also a lake where there's always some teens throwing a party, which in this time and day means getting drunk or high for then to be driven home by the police at four am.

By where we are now we could just about see a few swings and other stuff at the playground, Michael and Tyler took off running when someone started yelling from in the forest.

I snapped my head in the direction of the yelling to see a group of people, about five or six people, one currently on the ground. And in under seconds, another person was down and this guy went on top of him, continually slamming his fist into the under face.

I could see the blood on his first from where im standing, but, his hair was covering his face, so I couldn't see who it is. but I just knew, have this feeling that I know exactly who he is.

Time felt like it slowed down, everybody stopped moving except him. But he just sped up, oh god he fucking sped up. You could feel his energy, and f0r a split second his hair revealed his eyes, but they weren't the green eyes I expect, the whites on his eyes were black? His cornea was red, glowing red, almost like flames.

Darryl, Darryl was the one beating the guy on the ground, he was the one sitting on top of a guy, who's face wasn't much other than a bloody mess by now.

And just like it happened, time went back to normal, the guys around Darryl and whoever was on the ground started speeding off, but before spending away tossed a bag of something on the ground, I couldn't see what was in the bag, but my gut is telling me it's definitely not legal.

I heard Issac cuss before speeding past me, and before I even knew my legs were taking me after him. My mind couldn't focus on anything else they what I saw, was what I saw even real? did his eyes really turn red and black? No! That's impossible, his eyes, they weren't real, they couldn't have been, my mind is just playing games like normal.

As I got closer Isaac had already grabbed Darryl from the back and was dragging him off the well-beaten boy underneath him, in the process Darryl leaned his head back revealing a blunt between his lips, as well as a cut lip, jaw and under his eye.

That most have snapped my mind back, and back into reality, and I quickly made my way over to them. for some reason, I didn't check on the boy first, even though he was definitely more injured than Darryl, my eyes didn't even spear him a second glance.

Isaac had managed to lay Darryl down, but not without struggle, it was like Darryl didn't even realize we were there, the only thing his mind was on was that boy.

I dropped down on my knees beside him despite Isaac telling me otherwise, I brought my hands up, without thinking I gently grabbed both sides of his face and started rubbing my thumb up and down his cheek shushing him quietly.

It seemed to break his trance and his green orbs looked right back at mine, his eyes widened, and again it felt like time completely stopped, just me and him, our eyes fixated on each other and just that.

Even with blood dripping down his face and a busted lip, he looked gorgeous, his face looked like it was sculpted by the gods, his skin was flawless and soft, and his eyes, those damned eyes. They looked almost unhuman, brighter than the stars, but still so mysterious.

That's when they fell closed, and his head fell heavier, the blunt between his lips lost its support as they parted, falling down into the grass beside us.

Isaac hand came into view, helping me support his head as he fell unconscious. I looked back at the direction of the boy but to only find an empty spot with none in it, I looked further back to see Adam sprinting towards us with Michael and Tyler right behind him.

"hey hey Darryl don't fall asleep on us now," Isaac said worried, shifting my attention back to Darryl, he was paler, and his cuts were now bleeding more, by the looks of it he would probably need stitches.

"yo, what the fuck just happened?!" Tyler loudly said behind us, even though his attempt to sound calm his voice was shaken up,  "calm down and call 911" Isaac spoke through his teeth moving Darryl's head onto his lap. That's when I realized what is in that bag the guys dropped before printing off.

"he got fucking weed on him, Isaac!" I quickly said looking back at Tyler who already has his phone in his hand, clearly about to call. " if you call he's gonna get in more fucking trouble then he needs too! I mean look at him he's already fucked as for right now, we can't call 911 and get him involved with the police when he has this amount of weed on him!"

In silence I snapped my head back to Darryl, the others hadn't said a word and the silence just got ticker and uncomfortable by the second. I took a deep breath and looked up at Isaac, " we get him to our car, drive to our place and fix him up"

I shifted my attention back to Darryl, sighed, before adding, " with all the times I've hurt myself, and you coming come from a fight at the bar, this is easy"

"Yeah, you're right" Isaac added, also sighing before sighing for Tyler and Michael to come over.

Slowly they made their way over, Isaac carefully lifted Darryl's head from his lap, putting his left arm under his head; neck, his right under his legs. "Help me stand up and I'll take it from there," Isaac said to Tyler and Michael.

They both helped him up, and as I stood up I looked back at Adam who by the looks of it just snapped back into reality and realized the situation. I looked away and down at the bag of weed that was dropped where Darryl was just laying, without thinking, I picked it up.

I put it in the pocket of my hoodie and jogged up to the others who had started making their way back to our cars. The walk back was silent, we were by the looks of it all deep in thought, that was understandable though.

None of us had expected this to happen, and definitely not having such a serious thing on us, or, more like me, I have fucking weed on me. I was started to feel like all eyes were on me the more we walked like they knew I had something on me.

Is this what every person that smokes feel like walking out with this amount on them? It doesn't help that I'm also starting to sweat like crazy.

We finally made it to our cars, Adam without a word went over to our car and sat in the front passenger side, " drive to school, tell them I'm staying home with Zak and call me after school, I'll update you guys through the day" Isaac said, Darryl's weight was now clearly getting to Isaac so they both agreed and we went to our cars.

I opened the back seat behind Adams door and sat in, put on my seatbelt. Isaac opened the door on the other side and gently put Darryl down, I have to have Darryl's head in my lap with how small our car is, his cuts were still bleeding, resulting in me getting blood all over my lap, thank god my pants are black though.

" you okay Adam?" I hear Isaac ask from the driver seat as he started the car, Adam only nodded in response and the rest of the ride home was filled with that same silence walking to our cars.

The car came to a stop and Isaac got Darryl out, he threw me the keys to the door before picking Darryl up, the moment his head was off my lap and took off my seatbelt and opened the door.

Closing it behind me, I ran up to our front door, put the keys in and opened it. I didn't bother taking the keys out before rushing inside and up the stairs, up to the bathroom, under the sink were our med kit was.

This is really happening huh? I took a deep breath before taking the kit and walking down the stairs. I stepped into our living-room, Isaac was standing over out couch, wiping his forehead.

Adam was in the kitchen getting a glass of water, I couldn't help but feel bad for him, he was not taking this situation well. I walked the rest to the couch and put the kit down beside me as I sat down so that his head was in front of me.

" get a puppy pad, towel and some water Isaac," I asked, he hummed in response before hurrying off. I couldn't say how many times I've had to stitch both myself and Isaac up, like for example when Isaac comes home drunk off his ass, cuts everywhere, but this wasn't Isaac.

This was basically a complete stranger to me, I mean I just fucking met him! I know I have to stay calm but the more I thought through the situation, the more my hands started shaking

"zak!" Isaac snapped me back from my thoughts, I looked up at him, he was holding the puppy pad out for me. I took it and told Isaac to hold Darryl's head up for me so that I could put it under his head.

I laid it out over the soft couch cushion, also putting the towel over that again. Issac laid his head gently back and put the water I asked for plus an extra towel behind me.

" you can do this Zak" Issac reassured me, but it's not like Im in doubt I can do this, because I can, it's just that I don't know this person, and not only that, he's been out for a really concerning amount of time.

" he's been out for way too long," I said opening-up the medkit, " I know" Isaac responded, " but I'm not too worried, he tends to when he first gets into a fight and gets knocked out, be out for some time. I would take advantage of the situation and get the stitching over with now that he's out"

I signed and nodded, he was right, get yourself together and get this over with.

I grabbed needle driver, forceps, needle, thread and some extra things like gloves and alcohol wipes. I need to get better supplies but this will work for now.

I put on the gloves, sterilised them and my tools. I looked up at his cuts, they aren't super big, just deep. One of the cuts were under his left eye to the left, the second was on his jaw. His lip would only need some fixing.

I dipped the towel in water before bringing it up to his face, and gently wash some of the blood away. I held the towel to his head as I got the glass of water and poured it over the cut on his jaw, not to fill up the cut with water but it wash it.

I really didn't want to use anything that could ruin his tissue in any way.

I grabbed the thread and opened the packet with the needle. Putting the thread though the needle I grabbed the needed driver and held the needle in a 90° angle and got the forceps, before bringing my hands up to the wound.

I took a deep breath and started suturing his cut.

Finishing it up I moved to the wound under his eye, these were definitely gonna leave scars, not that two scars we're gonna ruin anything, he would still look amazing, but I couldn't help but feel bad still.

Finishing that one too, I moved down to his lip, this was the smallest only needing two stitches.

"Okay I'm done," I said finishing up with the bandage/plaster under his eye, I looked over into the kitchen where Isaac had started cooking, Adam head snapped up from the counter, his face was pale, worry was plastered all over his face.

I gave him a small smile as he started making his way over here, I took off my gloves and laid them on the coffee table behind me.

" damn they really fucked him up' Adam said looking down at Darryl, " yeah, whatever they used to cut him, cut him good, and deep. But I think the other guy had it worse, this dude Is strong"

" yeah definitely" Adam agreed, " I know Isaac said he usually is out for a long time, but I'm still worried," Adam said, almost like a whisper, it wasn't like I couldn't see he was worried, the poor boy was paler than ever, but this must really be eating at him.

"come here," I said opening my arms for him, he almost immediately came over and into my arms, even though I was smaller and the position was a bit weird I held him and started rubbing his back.

We stayed like that till Isaac called out that food was ready, that seemed to snap Adam back to his normal self like for real he was in the kitchen before tomato had even made it halfway there.

I smiled and stood up when I was about to walk a hand grabbed my arm, pulling me backwards. I jumped at the sudden touch and snapped my head in Darryl's direction.

He was already sitting up and was about to stand up, " hey hey don't move to sudden Darryl!" I rushed to his side and made sure he didn't fall as he stood up, "where am I?" Darryl questioned rubbing the back of his head.

" you're at our place, you got in a fight remember?" I said, loosening my grip around his arm, but not letting go. " oh yeah, fuck those guys. How bad is my face?" Darryl asked

" had to stitch you up" I answered, for some reason I was nervous about his answer. " fuck, that bad huh"

I hummed and let go of his arm, he didn't seem to have any trouble standing and moving so. " Isaac made some food, how about we go eat and I'll get you some pain meds?"

"yeah okay"

We b0th sheared a slight smile and started making our way over to the kitchen, I walked in first Darryl not far behind me. Adam was still head down on the counter while Isaac was putting the rest of the food on the last plate.

"thank god you're awake!" Adams voice snapped, breaking the silence.

" what's up" Darryl answered, his tone calm and almost a little confused, it was like nothing had happened, "what the fuck Darryl I was so worried!" adam said making his way over to Darryl, pulling him into an embrace.

" I have to admit you scared me this time," Issac said honestly, facing us. Darryl mouthed a sorry as he scratched the back of his head.

" fuck, pills!"

I quickly made my way over to the medicine drawer and pulled out a pill container of aspirin and gave one to Darryl, as well as a glass of water to get it down.

"thank you" Darryl replied, giving me a slight smile before taking it down. " I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry, left eat" Isaac joked handing us our plates and we made our way back to our living room.


Sorry for the awful end, but I think y'all can see where this story is heading right? But like I do in every chapter here's what I managed to fuck up this week, might have a broken neck atm but at least that means no school right? Ahhahhahaahahahah, goodnight

Also guess what

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