Skulduggery Pleasant gets Fac...

By nowblackarc

106K 4.4K 2.1K

This is just a funny story about what would happen if the Skulduggery Pleasant characters got facebook. All t... More

Welcome to Facebook Skul
Ghanith and Bonechina
Alice (& more Ghanith and BoneChina)
Cool Hair
Fletcher's new gf
Triple dates
Ghanith Oneshot
Training and the Competition
Fletcherie VS BoneChina
Fletcherie VS Ghanith
Author's Note
Ghanith VS BoneChina
Valduggery Oneshot
Tanguine Oneshot
Fletcher's Loyalty
Dead Men Stories
BoneChina Forgiveness
Scapegrace X Thrasher
Dead Men Stories Part 2
A naked skeleton- Valduggery
Boyfriends 2 (Sweet Revenge)
Overprotective Boyfriend (Bonechina)
Breakup 1 (Bonechina)
Break up 2 (Fletcherie)
Break Up 3 (Valduggery)
Break Up 4 (Ghanith)
I always waited for you (Ghanith)
Valduggery VS BoneChina
Fletcherie VS Valduggery
Drunk bae
Remnant Memories
Truth or Dare?
Secrets Part 1
Secrets Part 2
Fletcher X Tanith
YOLO unless you're Skulduggery
Missing Gordon
Drunken Nights
Relationship status
Shopping Days
Merry Christmas!
Books 2 (after reading Skulduggery Pleasant)
The Marriage
The Next Generation
Leather VS Suit
Wear a dress!
Camping!! 2 (Fletcher's Revenge)
Sexter is on
Monster Hunters
Alice the Twelvie
TV series
Sexter is On 2
Overseas Holiday & Important Notice


922 48 11
By nowblackarc

A/N: The idea for this chapter as well as the next couple are from @lynx18717
Valkyrie: Camping was amazing! We've definitely got to do it again sometime!

Tanith: Definitely xx

Valkyrie: What was everyone's favourite part?

Tanith: Me? Definitely when we were at the fireplace and confessing our feelings to each other

Ghastly: For me, it was when we were telling ghost stories to each other

Skulduggery: The look on Fletcher's face when we were telling that ghost story about that puppy

Fletcher: Not one of my proudest moments I must say

Fletcher: Also I am never sharing a text when Skul and Ghastly again. They had a conversation at 2 am in the morning. Seriously!

Skulduggery: It's not my fault.

Fletcher: Uh yeah it is. Just because you don't need sleep, don't wake everyone else up

Valkyrie: Naw guys Fletcher needs his beauty sleep

Fletcher: Not to mention those two jerks put mud in my hair and so when I woke up I had to spend like 2 hours on my hair

Skulduggery: Definitely one of our better pranks

Ghastly: Haha yes

Fletcher: Ugh I hate you guys

China: For your information sleeping with Tanith wasn't much better

Valkyrie: Oh it was bad

Tanith: I slept fine

China: Every hour or so Tanith kicked her leg and threw punches. She was seriously attacking someone in her sleep

Valkyrie: She punched me in the face a couple times

Tanith: Haha sorry

Fletcher: Next time, I'm bringing my own tent

Valkyrie: Do you even have the money to buy a tent?

Fletcher: No...

Valkyrie: I also loved the kayaking and canoeing

Fletcher: Well at least someone had fun

Ghastly: It was fun for the rest of us

Fletcher: Unfair,you guys ganged up on me

Skulduggery: Oh that was one of my favourite parts of the trip too! Drenching Fletcher with water was so fun!

Fletcher: Well it wasn't fun for me.

Valkyrie: And we made you capsize like 10times

Fletcher: Don't remind me. Just because I can't control water...

Valkyrie: Hey I can't either.

Tanith: Same here but I guess you're just the easy target Fletch :)

Fletcher: Whatever. One day I'll get you back

Valkyrie: Keep dreaming ;)

Fletcher: Can we go camping again next weekend so I can get my revenge?

Valkyrie: Bring it on Fletcher

Skulduggery: Sure, sounds great!

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