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By abbeykat2053

176K 2.2K 1.2K

๐•๐•ฆ๐•ค๐•ฅ ๐•’ ๐•ƒ๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐•”๐•™ โ„‚๐•๐•ฆ๐•“ ๐•€๐•ž๐•’๐•˜๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•–๐•ค ๐•“๐• ๐• ๐•œ ๐”ผ๐•ฉ๐•ก๐•–๐•”๐•ฅ ๐•ฅ๐•  ๐•ค๐•–๐•–: โœจโ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ฃ๐•๐•š๐•–โœจ โœจ๐•Š๐•”๐•™๐•๏ฟฝ... More

โœจRivals Pt. 1 || Cooper x Readerโœจ
โœจRivals Pt. 2 || Cooper x Readerโœจ
โœจRivals Pt. 3 || Cooper x Readerโœจ
โœจRivals Pt. 4 || Cooper x Readerโœจ
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โ˜๏ธSix Feet Under || Charlie x Readerโ˜๏ธ
๐Ÿ’–Rainy Sundays || Travis x Female!Reader๐Ÿ’–
โ˜๏ธDo Me a Favor || Ted x Readerโ˜๏ธ
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โœจPrince Charming Pt. 2 || Noah x Female!Mute!Readerโœจ
๐Ÿ’–Catch Me || Cooper x Reader๐Ÿ’–
๐Ÿ’–Stars || Schlatt x Reader๐Ÿ’–
๐Ÿ’–Please Notice || Charlie x Reader๐Ÿ’–
โœจBreathe || Cooper x Female!Readerโœจ
โœจRunaways || Carson x Readerโœจ
โœจRunaways Pt. 2 || Carson x Readerโœจ
โœจRunaways Pt. 3 || Carson x Readerโœจ
โœจBroken Ties || Travis x Readerโœจ
๐ŸŒงMemories || Lunch Club x Reader๐ŸŒง
โœจInfluences || Josh x Male!Readerโœจ
๐Ÿ’–Sick || Cooper x Female!Reader๐Ÿ’–
๐Ÿ’–Master Bakers || Ted x Reader๐Ÿ’–
๐Ÿ’–Lazy Day || Carson x Female!Reader๐Ÿ’–
โœจNew Recruit Pt. 1 || Cooper x Male!Readerโœจ
โœจNew Recruit Pt. 2 || Cooper x Male!Readerโœจ
๐ŸŒงLost Trust || Noah x Female!Reader ๐ŸŒง
๐Ÿ’–One With Nature || Carson x Female!Reader๐Ÿ’–
โœจSo Long Ago || Mason x Female!Readerโœจ
โ˜๏ธStupid Love Song || Ted x Female!Readerโ˜๏ธ
โ˜๏ธStupid Love Song Pt. 2 || Ted x Female!Readerโ˜๏ธ
๐Ÿ’–Late Nights || Ted x Reader๐Ÿ’–
โ˜๏ธSorry Doesn't Cut it || Charlie x Male!Readerโ˜๏ธ
โœจThe Rajjelorette || Minx x Female!Readerโœจ
โœจHurts Like Hell || Cooper x Male!Readerโœจ
โœจHurts Like Hell Pt. 2 || Cooper x Male!Readerโœจ
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Hey Guys...!
The End

๐Ÿ’–The Rajjelorette Pt. 2 || Minx x Female!Reader๐Ÿ’–

2.3K 68 45
By abbeykat2053

Part two because a surprising amount of people were really happy to have a Minx chapter lmao. Thank you for the love from the last chapter, it means a lot to me :)

This is gonna be wholesome as fuck, just a warning hehe

~Third POV~

Minx walks with her suitcase dragging behind her and her carry-on bag on her shoulder, walking through the airport she'd spent so many hours longing to land at. She uses her free hand to grab her phone and texts Y/n to let her know the plane landed. Before she could read any reply from the h/c haired girl, she spots a sign with her name on it in cursive black, green, and purple lettering, with a beaming Y/n holding it up.

"Glad to see you made it," she greets the Irish streamer with a smile, and she pouts slightly when she realizes Minx really is 5'8". The face she makes causes Minx to laugh. She grabs the handle of her suitcase and holds up a hand so Minx can't protest. She starts walking and the taller of the two follows quickly behind her to catch up to her brisk pace. She keeps looking over and up at her, and Minx finds it very amusing.

"Yes, I know, I am really am a tall Irish lass," she looks down at the girl which makes her feel even smaller. "Don't worry, your height is adorable," she adds, which causes Y/n's cheeks to flare red as they walk through the exit.

"You know, usually I'd have a snarky comeback to something like that, but I honestly have none. I think it's because I'm still not fully believing that you're here," she unlocks her car and puts Minx's bag in the trunk along with her suitcase, before opening the passenger door for her. "M'lady," she gestures, which makes the brunette chuckle and get in. She starts the car and sees that it's about seven at night. "Alright, so I have a plan. I just need to know if you are willing to go out in the outfit you're wearing currently, and if you ate anything on the plane," she eyes the outfit the Irish streamer was wearing: a purple tank top with a leather jacket and black leggings with purple knee-high laced up boots, and a black ribbon choker. It was a comfortable but stylish outfit, and she definitely enjoyed the form-fitting clothing on her crush. Her eyes trailing her body makes Minx blush furiously.

"I ate a bit on the plane, yeah. But I'm definitely hungry enough to eat more. A-as for the outfit, yes, I am willing to go out in this," she replies, and Y/n nods, smiling as she pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving back towards her favorite coffee shop. "Mind if I play some music?" she asks, gesturing to her female driver with the AUX cord. She takes the shake of the head as a no, she didn't mind, so she plugs in her phone and hits shuffle on her Spotify playlist. Girls by Girl in Red comes on, and the two very quickly realized they have a similar taste in music. Which happened to be a lot of TikTok audios that were actually parts of really good songs.

The entire drive there was filled with singing, shrieking, and laughing. Their voices weren't awful, truth be told, but they weren't trying to sing decently and it instantly made them feel more comfortable around each other. They both pout when Y/n turns off the car and cuts off the music abruptly in the parking lot in front of the coffee shop, but their lips quickly curl upwards at the sight of such a cute little shop. They both get out of the car and walk in, entranced by the aromas of coffee and baked goods immediately after opening the door. The small counter held a display of many delicious-looking treats.

"What can I get you two this fine evening?" The man behind the counter inquires, and the two girls smile and make their orders. Minx gets a simple caramel latte with a chocolate-chip muffin, and Y/n gets (drink of choice) and (sweet treat of choice). They are told to sit, and just as she'd hoped, Y/n spots an open table for two right next to the window that overlooks the bustling street of her town. The sunset could also be seen, as it was a corner-shop. They are served and spend the time chatting while enjoying their food and drink, learning more about each other, talking and laughing about random childhood events and embarrassing high school experiences. Y/n pays for their food and puts a hand on Minx's to prevent her from protesting.

"My date idea, my treat, you just enjoy your visit with me, okay?" she speaks softly, and the brunette with purple and blue ends feels her heart speed up as the feeling of being truly cared for settles over her. She smiles and nods, and the h/c haired girl does the same in reassurance. They leave the shop with rosy cheeks from being happy. Y/n helps her crush into her car once more, and the music resumes for the drive back to Y/n's apartment.

This time the song they were listening to ends just as she pulls up to her apartment complex, and the two get out with more pleasant facial expressions this time. Y/n grabs Minx's suitcase and doesn't fight Minx when she grabs her carry-on. They walk in and go up the elevator to the fourth floor, where the e/c eyed girl's apartment resides. She unlocks her door and opens it with a smile. Minx is instantly taken aback by the fairy lights that light up the room before her, stepping inside slowly as to drink in the sight.

"Your apartment is so, magical-looking," she gapes, and Y/n beams.

"Why thank you. I did it just for you," she winks up at the tall Irish girl, who blushes in turn. They both take their shoes off and Minx removes her jacket, placing it on the back of a nearby chair. She allows Y/n to take the bag and the suitcase to what she assumes is a guest bedroom and when she returns, she leads her into a room that is indeed absolutely covered with pillows and blankets.

"How does a girl who lives by herself own this many blankets and pillows?" Minx questions, her amusement evident in her voice.

"Honestly, that's a great question. I mean I do have a closet that I use specifically for storing extra blankets and pillows and I guess they kind of just, accumulated," Y/n shrugs and grabs the remote to her TV, sitting down, Minx alongside her. "So what do you want to watch?" she turns to face her brunette crush and her face heats up when she realizes how close they are.

"I actually loved the idea of watching a whole bunch of Disney movies. But I definitely want to start with Brave. I can do an amazing Merida impression," Minx replies, and Y/n snorts, not surprised, though the noise catches Minx off guard and she laughs. Her laugh brings the other girl such joy and she still is in disbelief that the streamer she has adored for so long is in her apartment. She shakes herself out of her head and pulls up Disney+, finding Brave and putting it on.

By the time Y/n looks at the clock to see it's almost three, Minx has passed out, the jet lag probably being too much at that point. But she isn't asleep just anywhere. She is asleep in Y/n's lap, having laid down and allowed the h/c haired girl to run her fingers through her soft, colored locks. Y/n smiles softly at the girl and turns off the TV. The silence paired with Minx's light sleep makes her wake up, and she looks up at the girl whose lap she is occupying, her face red but the fairy lights were dim and didn't give away her flush.

"What time is it?" She asks, her voice slightly groggy.

"Nearly three. You should go back to sleep, love. I can imagine the jet lag can't be fun," Y/n speaks in a hushed voice, and Minx nods.

"But you sleep too, with me," she compromises, and the two reposition themselves with pillows and blankets so they are laying down together. Y/n has Minx roll over and spoons her, despite being the shorter one.

"You may be taller, but I can assure you that I will be the dom in this relationship, sweetheart," she whispers in Minx's ear, and she can feel her heart speed up beneath her hand. She chuckles at the effect she has on her but her heart is beating just as fast being able to hold Minx in her arms.

"You say relationship as if we are dating," Minx whispers, and Y/n's eyes go wide at her comment.

"W-well I would hope to get to that point-" she stammers, but Minx's laugh stops her train of thought.

"If you won't make it official by the time I have to leave, I will have already done it. So it's safe to say that yes, you will keep that title in this relationship," she says, and Y/n sighs with relief before smiling.

"I'm glad to hear it. Now get some rest," she kisses the spot behind Minx's ear lightly before getting comfortable, and the two drift off thinking about the other, smiles on their faces all the while.

Would you look at that, two chapters within twenty-four hours of each other. A miracle, I know. A phenomenon. Lmao I hope you guys liked the date! I think this is really cute and I honestly really want a girlfriend now ughhh. Thank you again for the love and support, love you all!


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