~Made in Japan~

By taythebride

8.9K 515 3.4K

Y/N moves to become a model in Japan in order to escape her old life in the states. She wants to become a top... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
| RECAP | ~ with Hongseok
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 |finale|
|Final thoughts|

Chapter 29

142 11 109
By taythebride

A/N: nothing much to explain! I just want y'all to know it's been a week since the last two chapters (which happened on the same day)!!

Hui POV:

As I sit with a board of photographers and directors, I space out. It's almost been an entire month since I murdered Hyunggu.

Nobody blames me for it, since technically I didn't have any other choice. But how could I NOT feel like the worst person on earth right now?

I spent almost everyday with Y/n, making sure she was okay and safe. Surprisingly, she was handling this situation better than I thought. Normally, after being there for something like that, people wouldn't want anything to do with us, but Y/n stayed with me and the seok brothers everyday.

I think....I'm slowly getting better. My eyes still water whenever someone brings it up, but I'm not crying everyday now. I don't think I can ever forgive myself for my actions. I am the person who shot Hyunggu, the one who took his life. 

You know, Yuto may be there person who forced me to kill Hyunggu, but I don't blame him. Hyunggu first made Yuto kill Changgu, and we all know how much Yuto loved Changgu. Then, he got his girlfriend pregnant?!

Every time I start to think of Yuto poorly I put myself in his shoes. You'd go crazy if the guy who made you kill your friend AND got your girlfriend pregnant suddenly showed up. And on top of that, your friend believes he's innocent.

"HUI?!" Y/n shouts. Startled, I jump back in my chair. "S-sorry I was thinking about something else" I apologize to the photographers and directors, giving a 90 degree bow. They nod their heads and accept my quick apology.

I pull my chair in and Y/n slightly taps her hand on mine before taking it back, "please excuse my manager. Someone important to him died recently, so please try to understand" she says sweetly, making sure to smile and work her natural-born charm. And of course like everyone else, they eat it up.

"Oh of course Y/n! It's no problem at all. In fact, if you feel like you need to at all Hui, you can step out of the room for and take a second" the head director speaks. I smile and give another bow, but just a slight one this time.


After the meeting, I'm left with at least 20 different papers. I turn to look at Y/n and she's carefully analyzing the offers she's got. It makes me happy, how hard working and determined she is, it's admirable.

Soon, I'm staring too long and Y/n catches me. "Umm you okay Hui?" She asks, raising her left eyebrow.

"No yeah I'm fine. It just always makes me proud, how hardworking you are" I compliment her. Her face lights up as she puts the papers back into the new folder we bought to keep up with everything.

"Psshh. You're my manager, you're the one who's doing all the heavy lifting, I just execute the jobs you set up for me" she returns the compliment, her smile as bright as it always is.

"Finally I get a compliment from my client" I lean back into my chair, putting my hands behind my head and crossing my legs. Y/n laughs at me before shooting me an awfully ugly stare.

"Ya know for a person so beautiful you sure make some ugly faces sometimes" I joke, laughing as I speak. Y/n scoots her chair over a little and hits my on my arm. She giggles as she backs away from me, afraid that I'll return the hit. Instead I roll my eyes and smile at her.

"How about we go get some ice cream?" I suggest. Y/n has been dieting this entire time, she's looks great and is doing great, but everyone needs a break sometimes.

"Of course! Let's go let's go let's go" she bounces up and heads out the door. Y/n was around Wooseok's age, but sometimes I'd question whether she was really an overgrown child.

While we're walking down the hallway, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I look down at my pocket and take my phone out, then read the name on the caller ID. It's the CEO of our company, and no, he isn't with the mafia.

I pick up the phone, "Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Hui? Lee Hoetaek? This is CEO Moon here"

"Yes sir how may I help you?" I politely ask him. Usually he never calls anyone unless they've done something extremely wrong. My heart is beating out of my chest. I haven't done anything have I?

"Could you meet me in my office? It's important" Mr. Moon says, more of a statement than a question. I nod my head before realizing he can't see me, "Y-yes sir we're on our way." He hangs up and I turn my attention to Y/n.

She doesn't say anything, but her face says it all. "He said for us to meet him in his office. More specifically me" my eyes shift from the floor to Y/n's face. I can tell that she's just as nervous as I am. Y/n places a hand on my back and look into my eyes,

"Better to just rip of the band-aid then slowly take it off. Let's go" Y/n makes a determined face and pulls me along into the elevator.

My heart is beating the entire time we make our way up to the office. Was I really about to get fired? But for what? I haven't done anything. I can't help but be nervous, this job is really special to me. I don't really have to take other jobs like Yuto does because of this one. If I wanted to, I could, but I just don't.

Y/n, being the angel she is, tries to calm me down as we walk down the hallway. Saying little things like: "you aren't in the wrong in anyway, so this is probably a good thing" or "if they fire you I'll go too." It warms my heart, the thought of Y/n leaving the company because I got fired. We reach the door and Y/n smiles and looks at me one last time,

"You ready?"


"Great let's go!" She opens the door, and walks inside, and I follow behind her. The office is modernly decorated, with big windows facing the skyline. I follow Y/n in front of his desk and sit down in the chair next to her.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

Mr. Moon was a tall, lanky man. With almost the same build as Wooseok except a little leaner, and older-looking. He was about 46, but he still looks relatively good for his age. His black hair is parted on his forehead, which probably contributes to him looking younger than he actually is.

"Yes Mr. Lee please take look at our company stock" Mr. Moon says, turning his computer monitor around to show me and Y/n the stock market prices.

The line is green and the arrow is slowly making it's way upwards. I look at the numbers on the graph, everything looks phenomenal as always! So why am I here....

"Yes sir I see the prices are going up" I nervously utter. I have to repeat myself so he can properly hear what I said.

"Do you want to know why they're going up?" Mr. Moon sings like a bird on a bright and sunny morning. I nod my head and gulp a little. I don't know why I'm still nervous.

Mr. Moon turn the monitor back towards him and clicks with his mouse for a little while before reading off the monitor. "May I set up a meeting with Y/n's manager? When is Y/n free this month? Does Y/n need another stylist? Would you like more help in Y/n's management?" He says reading off whatever he's looking at on his monitor.

"All of those are separate emails from people, and there's more like them too. Do you know what this means Mr. Lee?" Mr. Moon folds his hands and turns to look at me. I gulp nervously and set my hands on my lap, "that Y/n is a rising star?" I say, so nervous that it comes out as more of a question.

Mr. Moon chuckles and sits back in his chair. "You know Hui. You can lighten up now. I am not going to fire you, I wouldn't even consider it. Especially after Y/n's popularity has risen so much in such little time" he chuckles, his eyes traveling from me to Y/n and back.

I let out a sigh of relief and let my shoulders drop. Thank goodness I think to myself. I can tell Y/n is looking at me and giving me a 'see I told you so' smile. Me and Y/n have spent so much time together in the past few weeks, I know her like the back of my hand.

"With all due respect Mr. Moon. If that's not why you called me. Why did you?" I ask him, genuinely curious as to why he asked me to come all the way to his office. If we wanted to congratulate Y/n and I, he would've just called. Surely he didn't call us all the way up here just to tell us 'good job.'

"Well... Hui..."he starts, and slowly pulls out a paper from inside his drawer. Mr. Moon slides it across the table, allowing me and Y/n to read the title. Magazine cover options for Y/n it reads. Y/n's head shoots up and her hand lands on mine and gives it an extremely tight squeeze, letting me know she's excited for what's to come.

"These are cover options. And Hui, do you know what happens to managers when their client makes it on the cover?" He asks me, smiling while he leans over the desk on his elbows. Me, still being a little nervous, burbles,


"They get a raise Hui!" Mr. Moon excitedly stands up and claps his hands. "Congratulations Mr.Lee! I'm promoting you to Lead Model supervisor!" He shouts.

Y/n, who is more excited than I am, stands straight out of her chair and shakes me. "HUIIIII YOU'VE BEEN PROMOTED THIS IS A BIG THING!!" She shouts excitedly, still shaking me around. I sit there in the chair with my jaw on the floor. Then it finally hits me. "OMG Y/N Y/N I DID IT!!" I yell and jump up and down with her. She violently shakes her head in approval.

Right now, in this currently place in time. I am the happiest I have been in a while. My hard work has paid off, everything I've endured has paid off. I'm getting promoted! Lead model supervisor was a big thing. It meant that not only was I Y/n's manager, but I was also the manager to the other manager's of the top model's of our company.

"Wait," Y/n pauses and turns to face Mr. Moon. "Does that mean Hui can't be my manager anymore? Because I'm not a top model..."

"OH YES YOU ARE!" Mr. Moon yells and pulls out another paper from the same drawer. You can tell the paper is thicker from the way he grabs it. He swiftly hands the paper over to Y/n and she eagerly grabs it from his hands and reads it. "HUI I'M A TOP MODEL AND YOU'RE A SUPERVISOR" she screams, jumping up and down higher than she was before.

I'm extremely proud of Y/n and I. We make and excellent team. She usually chooses what photo shoots she thinks she may like and I get in contact with the company or the photo shoot director. The communication between me and Y/n is great too, and I think our teamwork has greatly improved since I'm basically living with her nowadays.

"Exactly the reaction I was hoping for" Mr. Moon smiles harder. The lines and wrinkles in his face becoming prominent, revealing his age.

"We have to celebrate Hui contact all the guy right now!" Y/n beams, still holding my hands from when we were excitedly jumping around. I nod my head and text the group chat I made with the guys:

                        |Dummies & Hongseok|

                                                  Guys! Meet me and y/n<
                                                  at Shinwon Shack in
                                                  about an hour! We have
                                                  some special news!

>I'll be there!

>me too!

>same! Coming!

I forgot Yuto was in this chat. But, it's about time me and Y/n see him again right? It's been a month... I guess we don't necessarily don't have to talk to him, but I think it'd be good for us to see each other, it might lessen some tensions.

But on the other hand, is Y/n ready? I don't really care about if I'm okay or not, I really want to make sure she's fine with this before I officially invite him to our celebration.

When me and Y/n reach the car, I open her door and run around to the other side. Y/n buckles in and faces me, "Gosh that was amazing!" Her eyes shine brighter than a thousand diamonds. I smirk at her and start the car.

"It was wasn't it" I smile, and back out of the parking space. The entire drive, Y/n talks about the different magazine titles she saw on the paper Mr. Moon slid over too us. Y/n gets really excited when she talks about her work, especially when it was about magazines.

She does other shoots too. But to her, there was no other type of photo shoot than a magazine photo shoot. They were her favorite. Even if they weren't glamorous or fancy, she still loved them.

"Oh Hui?"

"Yes Y/n?"

"Did the guys respond yet?" She asks. My heart drops,  I forgot to ask her about Yuto...

I don't answer her for a second. The car grows quiet and I can feel Y/n's eyes burning a whole into me. I gulp as I quickly look at her and back onto the road. Soon we come to a red light, and I decide now is the time to tell her.

I face her and rest my elbows on the console, letting a deep breath fill my cheeks and then blow it back out. "Y/n how would you feel if Yuto came?" I ask her outright. Y/n's eyes grow wide and she blankly blinks at me a couple times.

She looks out the window ahead of her and takes a deep breath. I try to follow her eyes out the window to see what she's looking at, but then realize she's just spacing out.

"He can come" she says, but her heart isn't in it. "You've probably already told him that it was something special haven't you?" Y/n smirks, lightening the mood a little bit.

I smile, turning back to face the steering wheel. "You know me too well Y/n" I shake my head while grabbing the steering wheel. Y/n scoffs a little bit, "I hope so. You've been practically living in my house rent free for a month" she jokes. My mouth upturns into a slight smile and my nose lets out a puff of air.

"But you're really okay with him coming Y/n?" I check again, making sure she was really okay with him coming.

"I'm fine with it if you are"

"Y/n that's not answering my question"

"It is answering your question. Figure out what you feel and then we'll go from there" she says nonchalantly. I roll my eyes and focus on the road. "I've been getting better, I think I can handle seeing him again" I say, concentrating on the road ahead of me.

Suddenly a driver swerves ahead of me, and I'm forced to hit on breaks. " AAYYYEE WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING I GOT PRECIOUS CARGO IN HERE!!" I scream and bonk my horn at least 5 times. Y/n laughs and covers her mouth with her hand.

"What's so funny?" I shoot her a 'really' look. Her laughing stifles as she composes herself. "You getting angry" she jests, almost starting another laughing fit. I roll my eyes and proceed with driving.

"No but seriously. I think we can do it" Y/n agrees, nodding her head as she looks at the road ahead of her. My eyes quickly shift over to her again and then back at the road. I lift my right hand up from the steering wheel, balling it into the fist and gesturing it towards Y/n.

"We're in this together!" I exclaim. Y/n gives me a fist bump and shouts with me.


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