| RECAP | ~ with Hongseok

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A/N: Okay so! Welcome to the Recap! If you made it this far I applaud you for reading this much and thank you so so so so so much for enjoying my book!

This Recap is formatted to where Hongseok is just answer questions from the kid's that have to do with the story.

I tried to highlight the questions/ most essential parts for you to understand. Some of the explanations take longer, while others take maybe a few sentences. But that all depends on the question!

Anyway I hope this all makes sense~


"Alright kiddies," Hongseok adjusts his glasses and smacks a meter stick on the white board.

"Class is in session. I'll take any questions you have now" Hongseok says and looks around the room. Someone raises their hand, and Hongseok points to them.

"I don't understand Yuto's position in the whole mafia thingy?" A brown haired boy asks. "Also...how did he get started again?"

"Well," Hongseok starts.

"Yuto got started by making small deliveries with Bird's Eye, unaware of what was actually in the trucks that he was driving. Then, while conversing with Changgu, Hyunggu popped up and told them that they could finally know what was in those trucks if they followed him. So they essentially got their start thanks to Hyunggu" Hongseok explains, looking at the little boy sitting peacefully at his desk.

"Now about the positions. We're all in the same group, Pentagon right class?"

"Right!" The class echoes.

"Yuto and Changgu were co-leaders before Changgu died. Then Hui semi-stepped up in his place" Hongseok says, nodding to the class. The class bobs their heads up and down in reply.

"Since we've been in Bird's Eye for-" Hongseok stops mid sentence, realizing he could ask the kids a question.

"Who knows how many years we've been at Bird's Eye?" Hongseok coos, raising his hand. A little girl with blonde hair shoots her hand up in the air.

"5 years right?"

"Yeessss good job!" Hongseok smiles.

"Five years is a really long time. Before we killed Leader-him and took her place. We were one of the most respected groups in the company, and got first notice on any of the jobs" Hongseok explains, realizing that the author didn't actually write any of this in the book and probably should've.

"That's probably the reason why no one really asked any questions too, because we were well respected and very high up on the totem pole, that no one could really do anything about it. Plus, most people hated Leader-nim anyway" Hongseok puts his meter stick on the ground, as if it were a cane.

"But now that we're associated with Y/n, Yuta, and Wooseok, we're like an oligarchy, or a small group of leaders over both Bird's Eye and Inu Entertainment. Yuta and Wooseok are at the top, followed by Y/n, then the rest of us. Yuto, Hui, and I, can't really influence any official decisions dealing with the companies" Hongseok says, stopping his pacing around the room.

"But when it comes to things that just deal with the group. Meaning things that are just in our little circle, Hui and Yuto are the most leader-like in our group. We like to say that we "don't have a leader" but really those two call most of the shots" Hongseok explains as best as he can to the children.

The children look confused for a moment, but then nod their heads, notifying Hongseok that they understand what he's saying.

"So who really betrayed the group? Changgu or Hyunggu?"

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