Chapter 6

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Wooseok POV: 

I fiddle with my thumbs a bit and look in the mirror in my pocket. "You look fine Wooseok-ah" my manager tells me. I nod my head and shut the mirror, slipping it into my pocket. "고마워 형. (Thanks hyung) I'm just a bit nervous" I reply back, wiping some of the sweat from my hands on the table.

I've never worked with a girl while modeling...I mean sure in a huge group setting...but never one on one like this. 

"I know you'll do fine Wooseok...just don't get too attached to her" Hongseok says and hits my arm with his elbow. I roll my eyes, "in her dreams" I smirk at him. Sure I had the tendency to get attached sometimes, but that never applies to anything job related. The door suddenly opens and I stand to my feet and bow. "こんにちは (hello)" I bow and look up. 



We shout at each other. She covers her face with her hands and pulls on the sleeve of Hui's jacket. Our mangers look at each other, and then look back and forth at each of us. "Okay...then...." Hui starts and walks toward the table we're sitting at. He sticks out his hand for me to shake and I take it. 

"nice to see you again Wooseok" he says

"Nice to see you too" I say blankly, still in shock. I reach for Y/n's hand and take it, her soft hands like plush in mine.

"Y/n...pleasure to work with you" 

"You too" she says back, and sits in the chair in front of me. 

"Right so" Hongseok says taking out pictures from a file he had. 

"I was thinking a flower concept. We shoot it in a field of flowers and have them look all cute and sweet!" Hongseok exclaims revealing more pictures from a file. 

"I don't know if Wooseok is capable of being sweet... or any form of nice" she sassed, rolling her neck while she talked. 

"I don't know if you are either...Ms. barging into peoples houses " I sneer. 

"Oh please Yuto wanted me there" 

"Just because he wanted you there doesn't mean he has feelings" 

"Just because you're tall doesn't mean I can't kick your behind 바보( stupid)" 

"You'd have to catch me first princess" I say leaning in.

"OKAAAAYYY!! How about a rich looking, snooty. fancy concept? Since you BOTH can play that part" Hui interjects, standing up and putting his hands on his hips. 

I look at her and she looks I at me. We both scoff and roll her eyes before looking each other up and down again. 



"GOOD! Meeting dismissed" Hongseok says and stands up, taking his files from the table. Hui leaves with Hongseok, and you can here the faint sound of them talking as they walk away. 

*ding ding* 

My phone goes off. Y/N looks at me and heads toward the door. I turn around on the swivel chair and take out my phone. 

| yutoda | 

>remember what you said

> you have to apologize today. DONT FORGET

I jolt up and head towards the door. I may be a bit mean but I keep my promises. My legs carry me as fast as they can down the hallway, desperately trying to catch up to her. I tap her on the shoulder and smile at her, panting from slight exhaustion.

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