Chapter 9

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"Y/N-AHHHH" I hear someone yell from outside my apartment I roll over and check my phone. "FREAKING 2AM REALLY COME ON?!" I yell. 



"SHUT UP IM TRYING TO SLEEP" I scream back. I'm not trying to mess up my first shoot. After I yell back the person stops, and instead I here a loud slump onto the floor.

"Why am I good person" I groan, and throw myself out of my bed, messily throwing on a light jacket. I slump my way to the door, rubbing my eyes and opening it.

Apparently, there was a guy sitting on the other side, resting on my door before I opened it. When I open the door, his head and torso fall into my apartment, and his legs are in the hallway. "Y/n-ahh" he groans and half smiles. 

"Yuto? 大丈夫ですか?( are you okay?)" I gasped pulling him inside and shutting my door. He doesn't reply and just stares at me for a bit, smiling. "You don't like him right?" He slurs. Of course he's drunk... 

"Come on now. You didn't come over cause you were drunk and in your feelings-"

"noOooOoooOo~" he whines tossing his head from side to side. "I wanted to know if you actually liked meee" he whines some more before pushing himself off the floor and onto his feet. 

"I thought you were a nice girl y/n...but I see that you like to play with multiple boys...THATS NOT FAIR!" He says taking my shoulders in his hands and shaking me around. "What boy?" I asked puzzled at who I could POSSIBLY have feelings for. 

"Wooseok-ahhh. I found out from him that you're doing a shoot together, and that you hugged him and I got jealous and hung up the phone then I saw you with him... かなしかった... (I was so sad)" Yuto blurts at me. Shaking my shoulders until he lets go and mumbles the last bit in Japanese. I sigh and walk into my apartment, dragging him with me.

"Yuto you know I don't like Wooseok" I confirm as I push him to sit down on the couch.

"まじで? (Really?)" Yuto says, taking my hands and looking up at me from my couch. I get the opportunity to look down at his eyes, which pleading that what he thinks isn't true. Owwww my heart.

"なじで (really)" I smile at him. Yuto smiles back at me and giggles, then pulls me to sit on his lap, and wraps me up in his big arms. "うれしい (I'm happy)" Yuto smiles as he speaks into my neck. 

We sit there for a bit, rocking back and forth on the couch. He's so comfortable.....and warm....and cute...and just....I'm so happy right now. I silently smile to myself. When he blinks, I feel the soft brush of his eyelashes on my neck, reminding me of how soft he really is on the inside. My smile slowly fades thinking of how he must've felt when he thought I liked Wooseok. Even though there's no way I could've known, I still feel bad. 

I turn back to face him and he's still wide awake, Yuto looks up from my neck to stare into my eyes before burying himself in his place in my neck. I place a soft kiss on his dark brown hair, and I feel him smile into my neck. I wrap my arms around him and semi-hug him before trying to pull myself away. Yuto tightens his grip on my waist and turns me around. 

"We can't just have 5 more minutes?" He pouts, and I can see the pink in face from being drunk. 

"Yuto...I have a shoot like 3 hours I'm gonna have to get up again. I need to sleep okay?" I slowly speak to him, as I pull his arms away. "Finnnne~~" he pouts and lays down on the couch. 

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