Chapter 21

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"Hyunggu meet Yuto! Yuto meet Hyunggu" I beam, my head turning from one side to another to look at them both.

Something about their expressions tell me that they've met before, and that what's going to happen, isn't going to be pretty.

Yuto pulls me behind him as Hyunggu jolts up from
his chair. "Y/n stay behind me" Yuto commands. I do as he says, waiting behind him and watching whatever is about to happen.

Yuto POV:

Right now I have two choices:

Choke him out right here right now in front of Y/n and this old lady. Pro: the threat will be eliminated. Con: witnesses.


Wait to kill him later. Pro: no witness. Con: I have no idea when later will be.

I look back at y/n, her face mixed with slight fear and confusion. I sigh and look at the ground. "Nice to meet you Hyunggu" I force between my teeth putting my hand out for a handshake.

He gives me his signature 'I'm so handsome and innocent' smile and takes my hand. "It's my pleasure, Yuto" Kino smiles, and I suppress the vomit that comes up to my throat.

The entire night, I am forced to be nice to this guy. I can't risk them knowing what he is, or what I am. At least Mrs. Ito, Y/n will have to know sooner or later. As we eat, Kino asks Y/n all sorts of questions about her company. How many managers she has, how many shoots she's done, how many shoots she has coming up, the dude is a mad man.

I don't say anything more to him the entire time I'm there, I just grit my teeth and eat the food Mrs. Ito prepared for us. Y/n notices that I'm grabbing my chopsticks a little too hard, and places a soft hand on top of mine. "You okay Yuto?" She looks in my eyes, searching for an answer. I just nod my head, worried that if I actually open my mouth, not so nice things will come out and blow my cover.

Right then and there, Y/n says something that saves my skin. "Ahhh shoot I left my purse in my apartment" she sucks her teeth and gets up from the table. "I'll go with you" Kino stands from the table and follows Y/n out the door, leaving me and Mrs. Ito in the apartment.

Once it's been a couple minutes. I pretend my phone is ringing, getting out of my seat and going into the hallway to 'answer the call'. I speedily run down the hallway and fly down the stairs, bursting through the door of Y/n's apartment.

The apartment is still dark, not a single light had been turned on. I pull the gun outta of my waistband and hold it in front of me, arms locked and ready to fire. Suddenly, the lights turn on and reveal Y/n and Kino walking out of the hallway into the kitchen/living area.

"Yuto baby...why do you have that?" Y/n's voice shakes as she slowly backs up into the hallway. I put the gun back on my waistband and bring my fists up.

"Let's dance Hyunggu. Since that's what you always liked to do"

"I do like dancing..." He jested, holding his fists up. "But I don't want to fight you" he says, dropping his arms down to his sides. He's trying to look nice in front of Y/ not let your guard down.

I leap from the ground and land a hard fist on Kino's face. He falls to the ground and holds his face. I'm so focused on him that I don't notice Y/n run out of the apartment and into the hallway of the building. Kino gets up and socks me right in my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. Once I'm bent over he wastes no time and kicks the back of my knees, making me fall to the ground.

"You were always a little slow" he snickers, and kicks the back of my head with his heel. I yell in pain as my forehead makes contact with the floor. My fingers wrap around his left ankle and pull him to the ground with me. Kino's head and his back land on the ground with a hard thud. I pull my body on top of his and begin to beat him senseless with my fists., his head moving left and right as my fists make contact with his face.

"YUTO 그만해!!!(STOPP!!!)" Wooseok yells, running to push me off of him. Hongseok immediately holds Kino by his arms so he won't move. I look around to see if Y/n is here, and she's being hugged and comforted by Hui. I don't know what he's saying to her but I'm assuming it's something along the lines of "it's okay, it'll all be okay."

"He's out cold" Hongseok states, pulling Kino up over his shoulder, he always was the muscle of the group.

"No duh" Wooseok pesters as paces around Y/n's apartment. Wooseok's hands are in his hair as he messes it up in distress.

"Look," Hui states, "Let's get him to Yuto and Wooseok's. We'll hold him there" Hui commands. We all look at each other in agreement and move to my apartment.


"WHAT THE ACTUAL TITS IS GOING ON HERE?!" Y/n yells, pulling her hair from her scalp.

"He's a bad dude" Wooseok says plainly.

"And we're the good dudes" Hui smiles.

"The good-ISH dudes" Hongseok says in a 'matter of fact' tone.

"I'm going to need more of an explanation" Y/n crosses her arms and taps her foot, annoyed.

"Basically Kino and Yuto have some old beef. Kino's company is also known for being in some drug situations, and last time Kino got in a lot of trouble because of that" Hui explains, trying to make it sound like it isn't a big deal.

"That's not the only thing though" Hongseok looks towards Hui, his words earning a sharp elbow from Wooseok Wooseok. Hongseok then quickly gives Wooseok a "what was that for" look and Wooseok returns the look with a "shut your mouth" one.

"Basically. He's in one mafia, we're in another" I finally explain, rubbing the back of head where he kicked me.

"Finally someone tells me" Y/n sighs in relief, and drops her crossed arms. "But Kino is-"

"He goes by two names, " Hui says and rubs her back. "Kino and Hyunggu. Hyunggu is his real name."

"Great. Fantastic" she smiles and claps her hands
semi-sarcastically. "So what do we do now?"

"We won't be doing anything" I say, walking over to her.

"You aren't apart of this."

"I am now"

"Nope" I finish the conversation and turn around to face the boys. "Where'd you put Kino-"

The lights turn off, and I'm in pitch black darkness again. I suddenly hear a yelp from Wooseok, and the lights then turn back on again.

Kino stole Hongseok's gun, and is now holding it to Wooseok's head. I look around to see where everyone is. Hui is on my left, and Hongseok on my right. But, I don't see Y/n anywhere.

"If you move, I shoot him. Got it?" Hyunggu threatens, and slowly creeps toward our door. "Put your hands in the sky" Hyunggu points the gun at each of us. We do what he says and raise our hands in the air. "Good good, now stay like that" he pulls Wooseok along with him as he backs up to the door. I helplessly watch as his hand slowly opens the door and his feet follow each other, one behind the other.



Kino falls to the floor, blood starting to form a pool around him. Wooseok gasps and moves to the side so we all can see. Y/n is still holding her position, gun in hand while her arm is making a muscle from hitting Kino in the back of his head. She puts her arm down and shakes it out.

"Am I in now?"

~Made in Japan~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें